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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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The Fourth Geneva Convention grants basic human rights to those living under Occupation and that includes freedom of movement within the occupied territories. Restrictions imposed by the Occupier that prevent Samer from traveling inside the occupied territories, that includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank violate The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Israel needs to abide by intl law, charge Samer with a new offense that constitutes a proper crime punishable under intl law standards, or release him.

I think we need UN sanctions against Israel over this, over these continuing wilful war crimes of unlawfully detaining Palestinian prisoners, I noticed that video I posted today , that in it, human rights experts were suggesting sanctions as a course of action the intl community needs to pursue. I expect they are at work on drafting a UN Resolution about these Israeli continuing intl war crimes right now.

That ain't gonna happen until we stop using our UNSC veto to protect them after they commit crimes against humanity.

I myself, am doing my part, by writing my elected representatives and letting them know, I have no intention of voting for anyone giving Israel unconditional support.
Let me get this straight. You are writing to members of ZOG to complain about Israel? I've heard everything now. Bwaaaaaaahahahahahah!
IOW, that exchange had the UNSC 'seal of approval'? Whatever conditions were involved were approved of by the UNSC?

It was praised and embraced. All terms were discussed and digested. There is no way of getting around the terms or adding terms after there was an agreement.

Indeed a variety situations and responses were discussed., "LYNN PASCOE, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, recounted the 18 October start of a prisoner exchange agreement between Israel and Hamas, in which Israeli Sergeant Gilad Shalit, held without international access since 2006, was released and 447 Palestinian prisoners, many of whom had been jailed for attacks on Israelis, were released, mostly to Gaza, but also to the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the occupied Syrian Golan and Israel proper. Forty-two prisoners were released to Turkey, Qatar, Syria and Jordan. In all, 205 were transferred to locations other than their previous residence.

Unfortunately, he said, Hamas officials and some released prisoners lauded violent resistance in public statements following the agreement."

Sammi was one of the lucky ones to be released pursuant to the agreement between Israel and Palestine.


The Fourth Geneva Convention grants basic human rights to those living under Occupation and that includes freedom of movement within the occupied territories. Restrictions imposed by the Occupier that prevent Samer from traveling inside the occupied territories, that includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank violate The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Israel needs to abide by intl law, charge Samer with a new offense that constitutes a proper crime punishable under intl law standards, or release him.

I think we need UN sanctions against Israel over this, over these continuing wilful war crimes of unlawfully detaining Palestinian prisoners, I noticed that video I posted today , that in it, human rights experts were suggesting sanctions as a course of action the intl community needs to pursue. I expect they are at work on drafting a UN Resolution about these Israeli continuing intl war crimes right now.


I want to address where these rights of movement are addressed in intl law. It is not just The Fourth Geneva Convention, but also other intl treaties.

The right of residents of the Occupied Territories to move about freely in the occupied territory is recognized by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Also, this right is addressed by Article 12 Of The International Covenant on Civil And Political Rights. And, under The Fourth Geneva Convention, as occupier, Israel is required to ensure the safety and well being of the local residents and to maintain normal living conditions for them. Freedom of movement is also important because it is a prerequsite for the exercise of other rights, which are set forth in the International Covenant On Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. The rights infringed upon by restrictions on movement are the right to work (Article 6), the right to an adequate standard of living (article 11), the right to health (Article 12), the right to education (article 13), and the right to protection of family life (Article 10).
sherri yet struggles in her quest for the attainment of perfection
in the skill of obscene Sophistry in the name of isa and the rapist.

I feel so sorry for you, for your hate of Gentiles, pathetic to be old and dying soon and consumed with all that hate! And, sadly, I do not expect all that hate is going to bode well for you in the afterlife. But there is still time to let go of it and repent of your sin of hate of Gentiles and turn to God, act now, please do not wait, the time to act is running out!
sherri yet struggles in her quest for the attainment of perfection
in the skill of obscene Sophistry in the name of isa and the rapist.

I feel so sorry for you, for your hate of Gentiles, pathetic to be old and dying soon and consumed with all that hate! And, sadly, I do not expect all that hate is going to bode well for you in the afterlife. But there is still time to let go of it and repent of your sin of hate of Gentiles and turn to God, act now, please do not wait, the time to act is running out!

thanks for the giggle sherri----LONGEVITY is an inherited trait----My mother is 93
and her mother lived to 97. Interestingly enough---physiologically
all three of us are virtually clones. Your insistence that there is a concept
HATRED OF GENTILES ----is another risible notion How does "HATRED OF
GENTILES" manifest? Did you find the concept of "HATRED OF GENTILES"
in the words of Jesus? well--someone claimed he did use the adage
"cast not your pearls before swine..... " which I considered a bit crass
if the report is true-------it would have been nicer if the editors had
edited it out. Hatred of....this or that group.... has manifested with violence
and blood shed since the apes encountered each other at the water-hole.

In human history----the overwhelming bulk of genocidal blood shed
has been at the hands of ----the two ISA RESPECTING groups ----
the ass lickers of the rapist and the spawn of constantine. In general--
he spawn of constantine progresses to extinction---but there are living
fossils -----like you.. No one should be surprised that the remaining
spawn of constantine----seek out the ass lickers of the rapist. Even
ADOLF ABU ALI had to seek friends in that shit hole. At home he
had to watch his back constantly as ----his countrymen began to
repudiate the filth he and you so adore----the legacy of constantine
Last edited:
sherri yet struggles in her quest for the attainment of perfection
in the skill of obscene Sophistry in the name of isa and the rapist.

I feel so sorry for you, for your hate of Gentiles, pathetic to be old and dying soon and consumed with all that hate! And, sadly, I do not expect all that hate is going to bode well for you in the afterlife. But there is still time to let go of it and repent of your sin of hate of Gentiles and turn to God, act now, please do not wait, the time to act is running out!

thanks for the giggle sherri----LONGEVITY is an inherited trait----My mother is 93
and her mother lived to 97. Interestingly enough---physiologically
all three of us are virtually clones. Your insistence that there is a concept
HATRED OF GENTILES ----is another risible notion How does "HATRED OF
GENTILES" manifest? Did you find the concept of "HATRED OF GENTILES"
in the words of Jesus? well--someone claimed he did use the adage
"cast not your pearls before swine..... " which I considered a bit crass
if the report is true-------it would have been nicer if the editors had
edited it out. Hatred of....this or that group.... has manifested with violence
and blood shed since the apes encountered each other at the water-hole.

In human history----the overwhelming bulk of genocidal blood shed
has been at the hands of ----the two ISA RESPECTING groups ----
the ass lickers of the rapist and the spawn of constantine. In general--
he spawn of constantine progresses to extinction---but there are living
fossils -----like you.. No one should be surprised that the remaining
spawn of constantine----seek out the ass lickers of the rapist. Even
ADOLF ABU ALI had to seek friends in that shit hole. At home he
had to watch his back constantly as ----his countrymen began to
repudiate the filth he and you so adore----the legacy of constantine


I speak of hate of Gentiles because you blame the world's problems on Christians and Muslims, all the time you do this in your posts.

Why don't you look a little closer at history? The hate and killing was always there, it was there before Jesus and Mohammed lived, it was there before Constantine. It was not their fault or their teachings that caused it. It is the sin/evil in man, that any man can choose to act upon, in any place and time, that men have been acting upon since the beginning of time of mankind here on earth. Look at the ethnic cleansing in The Old Testament, it was not of God. Christians did bad things, too, once they were no longer a minority they more and more adopted the ways of the world, turning away from the pacifism of the early church. We struggle against forces of good and forces of evil within ourselves, our entire lives are struggles between these forces in us. Blaming bad things on certain people or hating certain people only poisons our own minds, it certainly does not hurt those we feel those feelings about.

I hate war and all that is a part of it. Hurting and hating, seeing the victims and seeing what the hurting and hating do to those killing, too. And my own ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, am I supposed to be proud of that? The world tells me that. And it would have been hard to avoid the fighting, I think a battle was fought on their land, it was 6 brothers, I think 2 or more of them died in the war. I guess you see them as the legacy of Constantine. But if that is so, anyone fighting in a war in any place or time is part of that the same warmonger legacy.

Hypocrisy is seeing that bad things in history are all another group's fault, not one's own people's fault. And being blind to one's own people's faults. Closing one's eyes to the Injustices of one's own people!

Open your eyes and look at the Injustices in the Occupation, like the prisoner abuses, confront them, these Injustices are not good for the Occupiers or those occupied. The Injustices do not give Israel peace and security, they insure conflict that has no end until that conflict destroys Israel.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP7qa23M1H4&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Tribute to a Jerusalem Son - YouTube[/ame]
Let me get this straight. You are writing to members of ZOG to complain about Israel? I've heard everything now. Bwaaaaaaahahahahahah!
No stupid! I write to my state senators and the congressman in my district. That's what you do here in America. That's one of the ways American's solve problems in this country. We don't do Islamic or Jewish jihad. We address our grievances to our elected officials and if that doesn't work, we deal with them in the voting booth.
STOP being verbally abusive, Loinie: it only makes you look like a failing bully. Oh, and that includes your snarky false innuendos as well.
And you don't think constantly repeating bullshit sarcasms, like the Pals should be thankful for security fences, is not verbally abusive to others?

I bet you think genocide is okay, as long as you're polite about it?

I was discussing your addresses to me: if you want to broaden the scope - then you should be also addressing the issue of someone claiming others are serving the Devil/ being paid to post here.

Since you've never done that: I figure the above was simply a further attempt by you to evade discussing your continuing unwarranted rudeness to me.

  • Samer Issawi of Issawiyeh, Jerusalem was arrested in April 2002 and sentenced to 26 years for attempted murder, belonging to an unrecognized (terror) organization, military training, and possession of weapons, arms and explosive materials.
  • Sammi was a third party beneficiary of an agreement between Israel and Hamas to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners, he was then released during the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.
  • The UN Security Council gave it's overwhelming approval of the Israeli/Palastinian agreement for prisoner exchange.
  • In July 2012 Sammi reportedly violated the terms of his release by leaving Jerusalem and crossing into the nearby neighborhood of A-Ram, and was therefore rearrested.
  • According to Israeli and Palestinian officials Sammi eats periodically although it is claimed that Sammi is a on a hunger strike.

    Amended: see post 2297.....http://www.usmessageboard.com/6864022-post2297.html
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I am curious Connery----did Samer---in his trial provide an explanation as to his "peaceful" reasons for harboring weapons and explosives?, Do
you have any information on the "attempted murder charge" ----was it a planned terrorist action and what was the evidence like?

in the US---the crime you described would probably be a life sentence
I am curious Connery----did Samer---in his trial provide an explanation as to his "peaceful" reasons for harboring weapons and explosives?, Do
you have any information on the "attempted murder charge" ----was it a planned terrorist action and what was the evidence like?

in the US---the crime you described would probably be a life sentence

Rosie I am so glad you asked. I will amend my post to include your question...


  • Samer Issawi of Issawiyeh, Jerusalem was arrested in April 2002 and sentenced to 26 years for attempted murder, belonging to an unrecognized (terror) organization, military training, and possession of weapons, arms and explosive materials.
  • Sammi was a third party beneficiary of an agreement between Israel and Hamas to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners, he was then released during the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.
  • The UN Security Council gave it's overwhelming approval of the Israeli/Palastinian agreement for prisoner exchange.
  • In July 2012 Sammi reportedly violated the terms of his release by leaving Jerusalem and crossing into the nearby neighborhood of A-Ram, and was therefore rearrested.
  • According to Israeli and Palestinian officials Sammi eats periodically although it is claimed that Sammi is a on a hunger strike.


"Capt. Eytan Buchman, an IDF spokesman, has provided additional details about Issawi's terror activities. He writes that Issawi was convicted of severe crimes, which including five attempts of intentional death. This included four shootings, between July 2001 and February 2002, in which Isawi and his partners fired on police cars and buses travelling between Ma'ale Adumim and Jerusalem. In one attack, a policeman was injured and required surgery. On October 30, 2001, Isawi, together with an accomplice, fired at two students walking from the Hebrew University campus to their car in a nearby parking lot. In another case, Isawi provided guns and explosive devices to a squad, who fired on a bus. Finally, in December 2001, Isawi ordered an attack on security personnel at Hebrew University, providing a squad with a pistol and a pipebomb. Two of the squad members tracked security personnel but opted not to execute the attack."
Actually, there is no such intl law that says Arab terrorism is unlawful. We do not even have a definition of terrorism under intl law. So, you should refrain from discussing intl law, when you so obviously know nothing about it.

I know no gay leaders dying of aids, I guess it takes a gay dude like you to know about things like that!
I guess Frau Sherri is behind the time that she doesn't know Arafat was Gay. I wonder what Frau Sherri thinks about the Iranians hanging Gays, or that there are Muslim clerics calling for the death of all Gays.

I think you are simply revealing to all of us you are gay, with all this obsession over gays! And I could really care less what your sexual preference is or that of Toddy boy or that of any dead dudes, either! No idea why you think Arafat means anything to me!

Arafat doesn't mean anything to you?
But he invented your favorite nationality.
I guess Frau Sherri is behind the time that she doesn't know Arafat was Gay. I wonder what Frau Sherri thinks about the Iranians hanging Gays, or that there are Muslim clerics calling for the death of all Gays.

I think you are simply revealing to all of us you are gay, with all this obsession over gays! And I could really care less what your sexual preference is or that of Toddy boy or that of any dead dudes, either! No idea why you think Arafat means anything to me!

Arafat doesn't mean anything to you?
But he invented your favorite nationality.

Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!
Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!

A totally meaningless fact, if true.

You are attempting to derail your own thread.

Sammi is a terrorist that has been jailed, given a change at freedom and violated the terms of his release.
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I am curious Connery----did Samer---in his trial provide an explanation as to his "peaceful" reasons for harboring weapons and explosives?, Do
you have any information on the "attempted murder charge" ----was it a planned terrorist action and what was the evidence like?

in the US---the crime you described would probably be a life sentence

Amnesty reports 8000 Palestinians were arrested in 2002 and subjected to crimes against humanity, arbitrary detentions and torture and unfair trials. I provided the link to their report. I hope you do not suggest these kangaroo courts that were documented to be in violation of intl law have any credibilty. They have none.
I think you are simply revealing to all of us you are gay, with all this obsession over gays! And I could really care less what your sexual preference is or that of Toddy boy or that of any dead dudes, either! No idea why you think Arafat means anything to me!

Arafat doesn't mean anything to you?
But he invented your favorite nationality.

Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!

You are wrong, the opposite of right.
Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!

A totally meaningless fact, if true.

You are attempting to derail your own thread.

Sammi is a terrorist that has been jailed, given a change at freedom and violated the terms of his release.

Samer is a Martyr for God, a Palestinian Gandhi, and his detention violates intl law and is a war crime. Zionists like you always hunted down and persecuted and killed men like Samer. We know who you follow! You disgust me and your lies I will never stop speaking out against them.
I was discussing your addresses to me...
And I was addressing that by making the point you're not exactly a "beacon of cordiality", yourself.

If it seems I am being an asshole, that's only because I'm better at it than you are. And the majority of the times when I am, it's because I'm reacting to someone's post to me. Ergo, if you're not a dick to me, chances are, I won't be a dick to you. But if you're gonna make sarcastic, bullshit comments, that you seem to repeat a lot, that's being just as rude as me. The point is, the rudeness started with you. And it was only after a dozen times of putting up with that rudeness, did I decide to let you have it back.

And now, I don't cut you anymore slack. When you're a dick, I'm a dick. You get what you give. If you're respectful to me, I'll reciprocate. But if you think you can get away with being rude to me and have me not be rude to you in return, that's when I start seeing "red". Because I detest hypocrites. And I make it a point to go after them whenever I run into one.
Palestine is the name for the land that goes back thousands of years, before the name Israel was even uttered!

A totally meaningless fact, if true.

You are attempting to derail your own thread.

Sammi is a terrorist that has been jailed, given a change at freedom and violated the terms of his release.

Samer is a Martyr for God, a Palestinian Gandhi, and his detention violates intl law and is a war crime. Zionists like you always hunted down and persecuted and killed men like Samer. We know who you follow! You disgust me and your lies I will never stop speaking out against them.

No sherri this is Sammi......


  • Samer Issawi of Issawiyeh, Jerusalem was arrested in April 2002 and sentenced to 26 years for attempted murder, belonging to an unrecognized (terror) organization, military training, and possession of weapons, arms and explosive materials.
  • Sammi was a third party beneficiary of an agreement between Israel and Hamas to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners, he was then released during the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.
  • The UN Security Council gave it's overwhelming approval of the Israeli/Palastinian agreement for prisoner exchange.
  • In July 2012 Sammi reportedly violated the terms of his release by leaving Jerusalem and crossing into the nearby neighborhood of A-Ram, and was therefore rearrested.
  • According to Israeli and Palestinian officials Sammi eats periodically although it is claimed that Sammi is a on a hunger strike.


"Capt. Eytan Buchman, an IDF spokesman, has provided additional details about Issawi's terror activities. He writes that Issawi was convicted of severe crimes, which including five attempts of intentional death. This included four shootings, between July 2001 and February 2002, in which Isawi and his partners fired on police cars and buses travelling between Ma'ale Adumim and Jerusalem. In one attack, a policeman was injured and required surgery. On October 30, 2001, Isawi, together with an accomplice, fired at two students walking from the Hebrew University campus to their car in a nearby parking lot. In another case, Isawi provided guns and explosive devices to a squad, who fired on a bus. Finally, in December 2001, Isawi ordered an attack on security personnel at Hebrew University, providing a squad with a pistol and a pipebomb. Two of the squad members tracked security personnel but opted not to execute the attack."
sherri yet struggles in her quest for the attainment of perfection
in the skill of obscene Sophistry in the name of isa and the rapist.

I feel so sorry for you, for your hate of Gentiles, pathetic to be old and dying soon and consumed with all that hate! And, sadly, I do not expect all that hate is going to bode well for you in the afterlife. But there is still time to let go of it and repent of your sin of hate of Gentiles and turn to God, act now, please do not wait, the time to act is running out!
The funny thing about all this is that IRosie probably has more Gentile friends than Frau Sherri has Jewish or even Hindus friends. I think the haters like Frau Sherri think they are insulting people by mentioning their age. How would Frau Sherri like people to say that she could cross the street and a car could hit her and her life would over even though she is still young or that she could get an incurable disease. One never knows when their time is up, and Frau Sherri might think that she is a sorcerer and can tell the future. but that isn't so. Or posters can be insulting to Frau Sherri and ask her when does she ever find the time to keep her family company since she is on the Internet day and night. Maybe Frau Sherri should act fast now herself because if there is a Devil, she might be down there helping him shovel coal. Don't forget to take a bikini, Frau Sherri. It probably is very, very hot down there.
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