Save the date: “Trans Day of Vengeance” March 31-April 1st

Freedom to be a sexually confused loon ends when people start dying because of it
She was nice once means shit. When she was nice she was not killing children.
I would need context for the "biff"

Whack, blow?
Screw up, make a mistake?
Or Brief, informative, friendly, firm?

You have to be able to read between the lines with him, everything he posts is filled with 'sarcasm'.

Think of it this way, whatever he posts, just think of the opposite, and you'll begin to connect the dots.
I would need context for the "biff"

Whack, blow?
Screw up, make a mistake?
Or Brief, informative, friendly, firm?

Here's a very typical example. Read his OP, and then realize he isn't serious about any of it.

As a kid, probably raised right and sent to a Christian School. I have not heard the 28-year-old lived at home with her mother, as the shooter was a graphic designer of talent, and I figured, probably living at (his/her/it's) own place. I don't have enough info to fault the mother.
it's early in the game but I noticed her mother was an avid anti-gunner, pushing Jesus on her and into that school.
Made me think we may have mommy/God issues. Claims bought weapons while in treatment for mental issues.

Homosexuals have a long history of being mentally unstable and violent.

”Trans” are even more unstable and dangerous than “normal homosexuals“.

Having the highest suicide rate is proof of that. Suicide is violence against one self.

And now, thanks to psychiatry, homosexuality has been normalized, and now so has transgenderism; and they're fast-tracking pedophilia.
And now, thanks to psychiatry, homosexuality has been normalized, and now so has transgenderism; and they're fast-tracking pedophilia.
Been in the works several years ago in Europe. Now it's being normalized. I forget the new woke term for it, something like 'attracted to little children'.....makes it so much nicer.....
Been in the works several years ago in Europe. Now it's being normalized. I forget the new woke term for it, something like 'attracted to little children'.....makes it so much nicer.....
It’s us meanies that want to deny them their special love
Lib 101
Been in the works several years ago in Europe. Now it's being normalized. I forget the new woke term for it, something like 'attracted to little children'.....makes it so much nicer.....

MAP - Minor-attracted person.
MAP - Minor-attracted person.
I know it’s been a while but in 2008 I was permanently banned from a site run by bunch of nerds for stating that a movement to allow adults ther “special love” of children was underway. It was in fact an abhorrent statement back then, now come true
I know with conservative posters there is always rapid repercussions when anyone puts a pedophile declaration on a lib loon.
Let’s see if reverse applies.
The only problem you have is no one was called a pedophile.
To say this person did this because she identifies as a man simply doesn't hold up.

There's a lot to say about the sense of entitlement which observably develops as the niche becomes more widely helicoptered/protected.

Have you ever seen the way an adult responds who doesn't get their way or who feels slighted in some way because as a child they were helicoptered by their parents their entire lives? They become reactionary narcissists as adults. Their adult tantrums are worse than any child.

It's the same basic concept when government and elements of a decaying society try to normalize and prop them up which likely make them feel justified in their actions if they feel that their wants/indulgences aren't being nurtured enough. They tend to totally lose their shit when their sense of entitlement is challenged in some way. Or when they just don't get their way in general. Or if resentment builds on their part whenever they reach the point when they must demonstrate that they're capable of responsibility for themselves, yet simply are incapable as a consequence of always being placated their entire lives.

There's a lot to say about it, really. To contend that it doesn't hold up or play a part in it is just dependent on how deeply one is interested in discussing it.
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There's a lot to say about the sense of entitlement which observably develops as the niche becomes more widely helicoptered/protected.

Have you ever seen the way an adult responds who doesn't get their way or who feels slighted in some way because as a child they were helicoptered by their parents their entire lives?

It's the same basic concept when government and elements of a decaying society try to normalize and prop them up which likely make them feel justified. But they totally lose their shit when their sense of entitlement is challenged in some way. Or when they just don't get their way.

There's a lot to say about it, really. To contend that it doesn't hold up or play a part in it is just dependent on how deeply one is interested in discussing it.
I’m seeing conservatives/republicans already downplaying what is going on…along with the media. They are still too weak to take on democrats. Maybe someday…but I doubt it.

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