Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??


These are Obama's exact words.

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."
And SHE is a citizen, and she asked "if I vote" not your LIE that she asked "if THEY vote."
And you admit Obama said "you" and not "they" in his answer.
No, you liar....she clearly states that she is speaking as an illegal alien.
"I" means nothing else but the person speaking.
Learn the English language.

Well....let's check.

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

7. Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.
Are you?

Only a lame-brain like you would deny what is clear and evident.
The good news is that your reputation couldn't fall any lower than it is now.

Soooo......not only have we proven that I never lie, but you have given evidence of a mental disorder, denying what is right in the video.
Your LIES have been explained to by more than just me.
Repeating your LIES does not make them any less a LIE and you any less a LIAR.
But just calling them lies doesn't prove they're lies.....unless you're a liberal.

A con has to prove his point.
A lib simply has say it is so and it must be accepted....or you are a racist.
Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."
@0:19 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

When you vote, you are a citizen yourself.
Your LIE would be true ONLY if "they" is spelled "I"

These are Obama's exact words.

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."
And SHE is a citizen, and she asked "if I vote" not your LIE that she asked "if THEY vote."
And you admit Obama said "you" and not "they" in his answer.
No, you liar....she clearly states that she is speaking as an illegal alien.
"I" means nothing else but the person speaking.
Learn the English language.

You changed her question to Obama from, "if I vote..."
... to ...
"if they (illegally) vote..."

Well....let's check.

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

7. Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.
Are you?

Only a lame-brain like you would deny what is clear and evident.
The good news is that your reputation couldn't fall any lower than it is now.

These are Obama's exact words.

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."
And SHE is a citizen, and she asked "if I vote" not your LIE that she asked "if THEY vote."
And you admit Obama said "you" and not "they" in his answer.
No, you liar....she clearly states that she is speaking as an illegal alien.
"I" means nothing else but the person speaking.
Learn the English language.

Well....let's check.

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

7. Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.
Are you?

Only a lame-brain like you would deny what is clear and evident.
The good news is that your reputation couldn't fall any lower than it is now.

Soooo......not only have we proven that I never lie, but you have given evidence of a mental disorder, denying what is right in the video.
Your LIES have been explained to by more than just me.
Repeating your LIES does not make them any less a LIE and you any less a LIAR.

While I never lie....I have proven that you do.

1. The premise that Bill's wife did not win the popular vote, but merely inflated her numbers by counting the illegal aliens who voted after being urged to vote by the corrupt ingrate in the white house.

2. I provided the video proving, via Obama's own words, that illegals should vote and there would be no repercussions.

3. I gave the data provided by intensive study of the last presidential election, where 6.4% of illegals voted, and logic dictates that far more would vote as Trump has threatened to deport them.

QED.....Bill's wife lost both the popular vote, and the electoral college.

Now....go lick your wounds elsewhere.
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country. These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
That's right, it's in the "original intent" of the Constitution. When the founders wrote "We the people" their original intent was "We the square miles." :cuckoo:
Oh, sorry... it seems you're using the "original intent" to back your argument. But somehow the same "original intent" is not good enough when you leftists are talking about popular vote.
Fucking hypocrites.
Hey pinhead, I'm MOCKING the use of original intent!!!!!
Fucking morons.
While I never lie....I have proven that you do.
By lying!!!

Soooo.....where is any such 'lie'?

Did Obama implore illegal aliens to vote to save his party, and to save their illegally obtained spot in the country?

You betcha'!!!

The video catches him telling illegals that not only are they "citizens" and entitled to vote...but that no one will investigate them for voting!

And every word I posted is true, accurate and correct.

Don't you agree?
While I never lie....I have proven that you do.
By lying!!!

Soooo.....where is any such 'lie'?

Did Obama implore illegal aliens to vote to save his party, and to save their illegally obtained spot in the country?

You betcha'!!!

The video catches him telling illegals that not only are they "citizens" and entitled to vote...but that no one will investigate them for voting!

And every word I posted is true, accurate and correct.

Don't you agree?
Details aren't important.
Only the seriousness of the accusation.
Getting sick and tired of the whiners claiming that Bill's wife won the popular vote?'s true....but only if you use the time honored Liberal method of claiming to be unable to connect the dots.... other words, refuse to include reality

"But....but proof!!!! No proof!!!"
Of course there is no need for proof when they claim 'racism.'

The spoiled brats have one set of requirements for themselves, and a different one for the other side.

1. “If there is a recount in Michigan and Trump loses by a few votes, then it’s very plausible that noncitizen voting made a big difference. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.”

Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Richman applied those numbers to 2016:

The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted, and that of the noncitizens who voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for Trump. … 6.4 percent turnout among the roughly 20.3 million noncitizen adults in the U.S. would add only 834,318 votes to Clinton’s popular vote margin. This is little more than a third of the total margin. … Is it plausible that noncitizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that noncitizen votes account for the entire nationwide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.

“An issue of concern is that so many have voted that are not legally supposed to,” Miller told reporters in a conference call Monday.

Beyond the noncitizens voting study from Old Dominion, Miller pointed to the Pew study from 2012 that found 24 million voter registration records in the United States, or about 1 in 8, were “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.”

The Pew study further found “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters,” that “12 million records contain an incorrect address,” and that “2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote. I wish he wouldn’t focus on it. Bill Clinton got just 43 percent of the vote in 1992. How many states did he win more than 50 percent of the vote in?”

Trump could be correct about the number of illegal votes, but there is no way to know, said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation who focuses on voter integrity issues."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

2. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

3. "Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race"
Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race

4. Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

5. "Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state
He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

As usual w/ you PoliSpice, tl;dr

AND I was in the Anybody but hiLIARy camp so you got to be pretty bad for me to dismiss your tinfoil hat wearing self :tinfoil:
This just in…

Hillary still won the popular vote.
Says you.

Trump was winning it when she conceded, and I figure most of the 2.7 million (so far) manufactered votes you Snowflakes claim she's winning by supposedly proving that people like her is fake. Problem is, we saw the lack of interest witnessed by the lack of followers that showed up for her events. The fact that 70% of the paid protesters didn't even vote is illustrative of the total lack of grassroots support for her candidacy. If it was Bernie Sanders, yes, I would believe it. Not Hillary. The lying, spastic, old crook who never told a lie in her entire life.
This just in…

Hillary still won the popular vote.
Says you.

Trump was winning it when she conceded, and I figure most of the 2.7 million (so far) manufactered votes you Snowflakes claim she's winning by supposedly proving that people like her is fake. Problem is, we saw the lack of interest witnessed by the lack of followers that showed up for her events. The fact that 70% of the paid protesters didn't even vote is illustrative of the total lack of grassroots support for her candidacy. If it was Bernie Sanders, yes, I would believe it. Not Hillary. The lying, spastic, old crook who never told a lie in her entire life.

Says everyone who matters dear. i.e. not you.
While I never lie....I have proven that you do.
By lying!!!
Soooo.....where is any such 'lie'?
Did Obama implore illegal aliens to vote to save his party, and to save their illegally obtained spot in the country?
You betcha'!!!
The video catches him telling illegals that not only are they "citizens" and entitled to vote...but that no one will investigate them for voting!
And every word I posted is true, accurate and correct.
Don't you agree?
You just can't stop yourself from LYING.
You need professional help.
While I never lie....I have proven that you do.
By lying!!!

Soooo.....where is any such 'lie'?

Did Obama implore illegal aliens to vote to save his party, and to save their illegally obtained spot in the country?

You betcha'!!!

The video catches him telling illegals that not only are they "citizens" and entitled to vote...but that no one will investigate them for voting!

And every word I posted is true, accurate and correct.

Don't you agree?
Details aren't important.
Only the seriousness of the accusation.
Parroting your MessiahRushie like a typical mindless DittoTard.
This just in…

Hillary still won the popular vote.
Says you.

Trump was winning it when she conceded, and I figure most of the 2.7 million (so far) manufactered votes you Snowflakes claim she's winning by supposedly proving that people like her is fake. Problem is, we saw the lack of interest witnessed by the lack of followers that showed up for her events. The fact that 70% of the paid protesters didn't even vote is illustrative of the total lack of grassroots support for her candidacy. If it was Bernie Sanders, yes, I would believe it. Not Hillary. The lying, spastic, old crook who never told a lie in her entire life.

Says everyone who matters dear. i.e. not you.

I rely on facts, truth, logic and experience.

1. “If there is a recount in Michigan and Trump loses by a few votes, then it’s very plausible that noncitizen voting made a big difference. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.”

Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Richman applied those numbers to 2016:

The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted, and that of the noncitizens who voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for Trump. … 6.4 percent turnout among the roughly 20.3 million noncitizen adults in the U.S. would add only 834,318 votes to Clinton’s popular vote margin. This is little more than a third of the total margin. … Is it plausible that noncitizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that noncitizen votes account for the entire nationwide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.

“An issue of concern is that so many have voted that are not legally supposed to,” Miller told reporters in a conference call Monday.

Beyond the noncitizens voting study from Old Dominion, Miller pointed to the Pew study from 2012 that found 24 million voter registration records in the United States, or about 1 in 8, were “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.”

The Pew study further found “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters,” that “12 million records contain an incorrect address,” and that “2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote. I wish he wouldn’t focus on it. Bill Clinton got just 43 percent of the vote in 1992. How many states did he win more than 50 percent of the vote in?”

Trump could be correct about the number of illegal votes, but there is no way to know, said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation who focuses on voter integrity issues."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

2. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

3. "Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race"
Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race

4. Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

5. "Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state
He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

While I never lie....I have proven that you do.
By lying!!!
Soooo.....where is any such 'lie'?
Did Obama implore illegal aliens to vote to save his party, and to save their illegally obtained spot in the country?
You betcha'!!!
The video catches him telling illegals that not only are they "citizens" and entitled to vote...but that no one will investigate them for voting!
And every word I posted is true, accurate and correct.
Don't you agree?
You just can't stop yourself from LYING.
You need professional help.


You're begging for another chance?


Well....let's check.

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."

Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?


Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???
Your LIE would be true ONLY if "they" is spelled "I"

These are Obama's exact words.

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."
And SHE is a citizen, and she asked "if I vote" not your LIE that she asked "if THEY vote."
And you admit Obama said "you" and not "they" in his answer.
No, you liar....she clearly states that she is speaking as an illegal alien.
"I" means nothing else but the person speaking.
Learn the English language.

You changed her question to Obama from, "if I vote..."
... to ...
"if they (illegally) vote..."

Well....let's check.

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

7. Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.
Are you?

Only a lame-brain like you would deny what is clear and evident.
The good news is that your reputation couldn't fall any lower than it is now.

Faux Newz? It must be true PoliSpice :rolleyes-41:
While I never lie....I have proven that you do.
By lying!!!

Soooo.....where is any such 'lie'?

Did Obama implore illegal aliens to vote to save his party, and to save their illegally obtained spot in the country?

You betcha'!!!

The video catches him telling illegals that not only are they "citizens" and entitled to vote...but that no one will investigate them for voting!

And every word I posted is true, accurate and correct.

Don't you agree?
Details aren't important.
Only the seriousness of the accusation.
Parroting your MessiahRushie like a typical mindless DittoTard.

Actually, I'm taking you apart, step, by step.

And, merely using Obama's words and logic.

1. Referring to illegal aliens, she begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."

Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?


Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???
View attachment 100847

As deeply flawed a candidate as Hillary was, she still beat trump black & blue in the popular vote. More than 2 million votes ahead of trump the last I heard. Thus denying trump a mandate.

Getting sick and tired of the whiners claiming that Bill's wife won the popular vote?'s true....but only if you use the time honored Liberal method of claiming to be unable to connect the dots.... other words, refuse to include reality

"But....but proof!!!! No proof!!!"
Of course there is no need for proof when they claim 'racism.'

The spoiled brats have one set of requirements for themselves, and a different one for the other side.

1. “If there is a recount in Michigan and Trump loses by a few votes, then it’s very plausible that noncitizen voting made a big difference. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.”

Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Richman applied those numbers to 2016:

The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted, and that of the noncitizens who voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for Trump. … 6.4 percent turnout among the roughly 20.3 million noncitizen adults in the U.S. would add only 834,318 votes to Clinton’s popular vote margin. This is little more than a third of the total margin. … Is it plausible that noncitizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that noncitizen votes account for the entire nationwide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.

“An issue of concern is that so many have voted that are not legally supposed to,” Miller told reporters in a conference call Monday.

Beyond the noncitizens voting study from Old Dominion, Miller pointed to the Pew study from 2012 that found 24 million voter registration records in the United States, or about 1 in 8, were “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.”

The Pew study further found “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters,” that “12 million records contain an incorrect address,” and that “2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote. I wish he wouldn’t focus on it. Bill Clinton got just 43 percent of the vote in 1992. How many states did he win more than 50 percent of the vote in?”

Trump could be correct about the number of illegal votes, but there is no way to know, said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation who focuses on voter integrity issues."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

2. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

. How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

3. "Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race"
Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race

4. Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

5. "Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state
He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

You'll soon witness what a real 'mandate' looks like when Trump becomes President, the Senate and Congress are majority REPs.
Go ahead and scream your head off about Hillary getting more popular votes in Cal. and NY.
It means fuck all.
The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'
She was speaking in her own voice and she IS a legal citizen, no matter how many times you LIE to the contrary. Clearly some in her FAMILY might not be legal who she is worried about.

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