Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Ame®icano, post: 16141945,
Now you're mind reader and explaining what she actually meant to say. Nope, that's not what she said, Watch the video. For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise.

You say, "For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens...."

Your argument is as idiotic as it is false. If Gina Rodriguez actually believed as you claim, that undocumented and dreamers are truly legal voting citizens and she is truly a citizen too, then according to you all those citizens have nothing to fear if they vote. They do not need Obama's reassurance. There is no need to ask a redundant question of Obama.

Your problem is that you're arguing for yourself and for me. I don't care what you think I said, I know what I said and it's written above.

There is no argument, I posted exactly what she said: "Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting."

Illegals are not citizens. Illegals should not be here. Illegals should not vote. They do not contribute to society. Simple as that.

I am fearful of robing the bank. Why? Because it's illegal and wrong. If I do it, I will be thrown in jail. But if there is no jail time, and president assure me that "if I rob the bank, I am not a thief myself and nobody will come for me", I would probably do it. Multiple times.

The length of this thread alone indicates the depth of fear the brain-numbed Leftists have of having been dismissed.

Rubbing it in is my guilty pleasure.
PoliticalChic, post: 16142990.
They are a drain on society, and contribute only to the Democrat vote totals.

More idiocy. Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton which remains a lie by the way. Nothing you claim is based upon and factual or material data or on the record as fact. It's all opinion or flawed analysis.

They are not a drain on society. That is a hate message promoted by white nationalists. It's a dog whistle blown by Trump to get elected.

Trump said incorrectly at one point that illegals don't pay taxes.

(Even undocumented immigrants pay taxes
Immigrants—even the undocumented—pay a significant amount of money in taxes each year. A 2011 study by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy found that undocumented immigrants paid $11.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2010 alone, adding a significant amount of money to help state and local finances. It is important to note that immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot receive.)

Immigrants Are Makers, Not Takers – Center for American Progress

They also help keep Social Security viable by paying payroll taxes while potentially never getting retirement benefits from the service they pay into.

Here's your uninformed Trump in action:

“Excuse me, excuse me. Do you know how few pay in taxes. Don’t be naive,” Trump shot back. “Do you think an illegal immigrant getting money is going to be paying taxes? OK, sure. Some probably do. But only because the employers are insisting on it.”

“But, percentage wise, there is very little,” he continued. “Probably five percent, 10 percent. It’s a very small amount that pay taxes. Look, they are here illegally. They are not paying taxes. I’ve heard this one before too. I hear them all.”

CNN Host Tells Donald Trump Illegal Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes — Watch His Fiery Response

Trump was such a shitty businessman he had to take nearly a billion dollar loss and brags how smart he is to avoid paying taxes for twenty years.

Failure rewarded Trump hugely.
PoliticalChic, post: 16142990.
They are a drain on society, and contribute only to the Democrat vote totals.

More idiocy. Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton which remains a lie by the way. Nothing you claim is based upon and factual or material data or on the record as fact. It's all opinion or flawed analysis.

They are not a drain on society. That is a hate message promoted by white nationalists. It's a dog whistle blown by Trump to get elected.

Trump said incorrectly at one point that illegals don't pay taxes.

(Even undocumented immigrants pay taxes
Immigrants—even the undocumented—pay a significant amount of money in taxes each year. A 2011 study by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy found that undocumented immigrants paid $11.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2010 alone, adding a significant amount of money to help state and local finances. It is important to note that immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot receive.)

Immigrants Are Makers, Not Takers – Center for American Progress

They also help keep Social Security viable by paying payroll taxes while potentially never getting retirement benefits from the service they pay into.

Here's your uninformed Trump in action:

“Excuse me, excuse me. Do you know how few pay in taxes. Don’t be naive,” Trump shot back. “Do you think an illegal immigrant getting money is going to be paying taxes? OK, sure. Some probably do. But only because the employers are insisting on it.”

“But, percentage wise, there is very little,” he continued. “Probably five percent, 10 percent. It’s a very small amount that pay taxes. Look, they are here illegally. They are not paying taxes. I’ve heard this one before too. I hear them all.”

CNN Host Tells Donald Trump Illegal Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes — Watch His Fiery Response

Trump was such a shitty businessman he had to take nearly a billion dollar loss and brags how smart he is to avoid paying taxes for twenty years.

Failure rewarded Trump hugely.

"Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton...."

That's not my claim.

But....that's why you're recognized as a FOOL.\
PoliticalChic, post: 16142990.
They are a drain on society, and contribute only to the Democrat vote totals.

More idiocy. Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton which remains a lie by the way. Nothing you claim is based upon any factual or material data or on the record as fact. It's all opinion or flawed analysis.

They are not a drain on society. That is a hate message promoted by white nationalists. It's a dog whistle blown by Trump to get elected.

Trump said that illegals don't pay taxes yet

Even undocumented immigrants pay taxes
Immigrants—even the undocumented—pay a significant amount of money in taxes each year. A 2011 study by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy found that undocumented immigrants paid $11.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2010 alone, adding a significant amount of money to help state and local finances. It is important to note that immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot receive.

PoliticalChic, post: 16142990
The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy

The CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation has been proven to be a fraud.

Here one simple example:
  1. In addition to not being an estimate of the cost of “amnesty,” the $6.3 trillion number does not measure the cost of illegal immigrants, either. The study includes a number calculated from looking at 12.7 million people, then labels that the cost of “illegal immigrants.” Contained within those 12.7 million people are 4.5 million children born in the U.S. to at least one parent here illegally. These children are U.S. citizens. Heritage is inflating the population of “illegal immigrants” measured by 55% = (4.5 / (12.7 – 4.5)).
Eight problems with the Heritage immigration cost estimate - Keith Hennessey

Why must you always rely on flawed and biased analysis.
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PoliticalChic, post: 16143996,
"Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton...."

That's not my claim.

Even on Christmas Day you lie on the anniversary of the birth of baby Jesus.

PoliticalChic, post: 16137451.
"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha

Does CHIC LIE? You betcha!
PoliticalChic, post: 16142990.
They are a drain on society, and contribute only to the Democrat vote totals.

More idiocy. Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton which remains a lie by the way. Nothing you claim is based upon any factual or material data or on the record as fact. It's all opinion or flawed analysis.

They are not a drain on society. That is a hate message promoted by white nationalists. It's a dog whistle blown by Trump to get elected.

Trump said that illegals don't pay taxes yet

Even undocumented immigrants pay taxes
Immigrants—even the undocumented—pay a significant amount of money in taxes each year. A 2011 study by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy found that undocumented immigrants paid $11.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2010 alone, adding a significant amount of money to help state and local finances. It is important to note that immigrants—even legal immigrants—are barred from most social services, meaning that they pay to support benefits they cannot receive.

PoliticalChic, post: 16142990
The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy

The CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation has been proven to be a fraud.

Here one simple example:
  1. In addition to not being an estimate of the cost of “amnesty,” the $6.3 trillion number does not measure the cost of illegal immigrants, either. The study includes a number calculated from looking at 12.7 million people, then labels that the cost of “illegal immigrants.” Contained within those 12.7 million people are 4.5 million children born in the U.S. to at least one parent here illegally. These children are U.S. citizens. Heritage is inflating the population of “illegal immigrants” measured by 55% = (4.5 / (12.7 – 4.5)).
Eight problems with the Heritage immigration cost estimate - Keith Hennessey

Why must you always rely on flawed and biased analysis.

You posted this lie...
"Your claim is that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton...."

But you had to run from it with you tail between your legs, didn't you, FOOL?

I never said that, did I.
PoliticalChic, post: 16144820,
I never said that, did I.

I never said you said it.

PoliticalChic, post: 16137451
"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha !!!!

Are you claiming in the above post that

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California"

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters?????? You betcha !!!!

How does that differ from claiming that three million undocumented immigrants in California swung the popular vote to Clinton.

Is it exactly 2, 878,243 not 3,000,000?

Ame®icano, post: 16143725,
There is no argument, I posted exactly what she said: "Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting."

But then you falsely argue that there is absolutely no difference between (1) Gina plus Dreamers (legal citizens and voters) and (2) undocumented citizens that contribute to society.

There is your lie.

Dreamers are fearful of voting because they fear an undocumented parent or relative may be deported if they legally vote.

Undocumented citizens fear voting by someone they know or are related to for the same reason Dreamers do.

How do you defend your argument that there is no difference between 1) Gina / Dreamers (and (2) undocumented citizens?

Do you deny that legal voting Dreamers could possibly have fear about voting?
Ame®icano, post: 16143725,
There is no argument, I posted exactly what she said: "Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting."

But then you falsely argue that there is absolutely no difference between (1) Gina plus Dreamers (legal citizens and voters) and (2) undocumented citizens that contribute to society.

There is your lie.

Dreamers are fearful of voting because they fear an undocumented parent or relative may be deported if they legally vote.

Undocumented citizens fear voting by someone they know or are related to for the same reason Dreamers do.

How do you defend your argument that there is no difference between 1) Gina / Dreamers (and (2) undocumented citizens?

Do you deny that legal voting Dreamers could possibly have fear about voting?


Where have I said there is no difference between Gina and illegals that she calls citizens? Quote it. You can try to spin is any way you want, but that's not what I said, but my whole argument is completely opposite of what you just said, loser.

One last time - Illegals and undocumented are not citizens, but she calls them citizens because "they contribute to society". Gina is citizen and illegals are not. Gina can vote, illegals cannot. See the difference? Now, quote where have I said there is no difference in between them.
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Where have I said there is no difference between Gina and illegals that she calls citizens? Quote it.

That is the summary of your argument. Cite my explanation as to why that is your argument and try to refute it or deny it.

If you deny it you have no argument. Obama in no way told legal Gina, legal Dreamers and all undocumented citizens that she mentioned to vote. Obama differentiated Dreamers and Gina from undocumented citizens when said when you (Gina) vote you are a citizen. That is because the question asked was based upon "I" not "they". And he replied to Gina - when you vote you are a citizen yourself. Likewise when legally voting Dreamers vote "they" would be citizens themselves.

Undocumented citizens do not vote, but they fear their dreamers voting because that type of fearmongering voter suppression goes on.

Once again, Obama was directly asked if she herself votes, and Obama responded absolutely correctly and as he should have, that in her case if she votes the process does not share voting records with immigration authorities.
Did you write this, Americano?

Ame®icano, post: 16141945.
. They're not citizens, and they do not contribute to this country.

Where do you differentiate between Legal voting Dreamers, legal millenials, legal Gina, and not legal voting undocumented citizens?

Ame®icano, post: 16141945
Watch the video. For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise.

Where do you differentiate between legal voting Dreamers, legal millenials, legal Gina, and not legal voting undocumented citizens?

You are injecting 'for her' undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens. There is no difference. In your obsessed mind, undocumented citizens become exactly the same as Dreamers and Gina and others who are legally voting citizens.

Ame®icano, post: 16141945
I care that citizen, and only citizen vote. Whom they know is not my concern, and neither is government's.

Your argument is that there is no difference between a legal voting Dreamer who knows an undocumented citizen and an undocumented non-voting citizen who knows a Dreamer whom is related in some way. That is your argument because you said, "For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise."

There is no difference between a legally voting citizen and and what she refers to as undocumented citizens. You erased an important adjective from what you falsely call her premise.

Why do you think you can remove an adjective from a Latino who is asking the President a question? And then change her question from "I" to "they"?
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Bassman007, post: 16128894
Help Donald Trump make America great again, or shut up and get the f out.

America has long been great. We don't need Trump's bad ideas overall of what greatness - 50's whiteness - should be.

"We don't need Trump's bad ideas overall of what greatness - 50's whiteness - should be."

Seems you missed this, too.

1. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

2. ( – The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

3. "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated,.... black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline,.... mostly black areas have lost health clinics, social service agencies and other areas of support..." Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

Is stupidity a requirement to be a Liberal???
What PoliticalHack hides from those reading her posts is that black unemployment has always been roughly double that of whites for as long as the BLS tracked such statistics.

What she also doesn't reveal is that black unemployment under Obama went from 12.7% when he was inaugurated, to its post recession high of 16.8% to its current ... 8.1%. Which is only one point higher than its all time low.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

7.1 is not the lowest unemployment rate ever. You are a nerd and a dumb one at that. 4.2 percent is a lot closer to the lowest unemployment rate ever. You want to try again stupid?
Nah, no reason to try again. You were too stupid to understand my post the first time. No reason to believe I will get a different result if I tried again.

You may, however, want to look at the link I provided in that post. See if a brainiac like you can find a rate lower than 7%...
PoliticalChic, post: 16122899
We won't let them forget how they lost every metric....even with the lying President telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote.

Now you have fellow liars that sink to what amounts to a racist attack telling us that Obama reassured illegal voters that they could vote without repercussion.

easyt65, post: 16122844
When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

This is how the right wing fake news propaganda machine works. It edits the president's very own words which are clear to mean the exact opposite of what was said.

Then it is repeat repeat repeat ad infinitum.

The exponential success of this right wing fake news machine must be due in part to a high degree of racial bias and prejudice of having a black man elected to the highest office in the land. Many right wingers throw their morality out the window by easily accepting fake news and having a thirst for it as HADIT, CHIC, and EASY and Stuart Varney and Neal Cavuto do.

Still no response to this:

PoliticalChic, post: 16117526
So now you're running from your 'deceptively edited' claim with your tail between you legs????

No I'm not. Here is the deceptively edited FBN News Clip.

Are you denying Varney aired this on his program?

Why no response to this actually deceptively edited clip? By none of you .

This question goes as well to:

hadit, post: 16123239.
See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.

You see HADIT goes for less gusto than CHIC and EASY when it comes to lying about our first black president. There is a bitch about not taking the opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections. HADIT suggests the President did not say something where CHIC and EASY put false words in the President's mouth. But HADIT by this dimwitted and preposterous demand feeds the fake news machine and repeat repeat repeat until it becomes true to all the deplorables on the right.

What is clear, in the fake Varney clip above, is that Stuart Varney under Cavuto's watch and three days after the actual Obama/Rodreguez interview aired, stated CLEARLY that Rodreguez implied that she was illegal and Obama told an illegal directly that she had nothing to fear by voting illegally.

HADIT demands the black President must say something that goes without saying or be damned, but had no demand that a right wing economist on a nationally seen TV broadcast be clear at all when he edits the words of the president and flat out lies about Gina's citizenship to make a fake news story get a rise out of the deplorables.

Varney and Cavuto are white. They are excused for purposely being unclear to the point of falsehood. Obama is damned by HADIT because he supposedly left something out - which Obama actually did not do as Faun has pointed out by mentioning the website where it's clear that you must be a citizen to vote.

"You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote."

I know how cruel this is....but it is sooooo much fun. saves time to show readers what a true FOOL you are. goes:

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.
Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.

In simple English, 'cause I know you're a fool.....
She sets up the scenario of illegals wanting to vote, but fear the consequences.

Obama says....'don't one will investigate!

And over 3 million of 'em did.....and your side still lost!

Now....write soon, FOOL.


A rightard linking to rightard websites for corroboration. I'm tellin' ya folks, you can't make this shit up.


We'd link to The NY Times and CNN if they only told both sides of the story.

There aren't two sides to the story. Obama gave an interview where he said illegal aliens can't vote.

The brain-dead right thinks that's encouraging them to vote.
Bassman007, post: 16128894 America has long been great. We don't need Trump's bad ideas overall of what greatness - 50's whiteness - should be.

"We don't need Trump's bad ideas overall of what greatness - 50's whiteness - should be."

Seems you missed this, too.

1. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

2. ( – The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

3. "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated,.... black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline,.... mostly black areas have lost health clinics, social service agencies and other areas of support..." Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

Is stupidity a requirement to be a Liberal???
What PoliticalHack hides from those reading her posts is that black unemployment has always been roughly double that of whites for as long as the BLS tracked such statistics.

What she also doesn't reveal is that black unemployment under Obama went from 12.7% when he was inaugurated, to its post recession high of 16.8% to its current ... 8.1%. Which is only one point higher than its all time low.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

7.1 is not the lowest unemployment rate ever. You are a nerd and a dumb one at that. 4.2 percent is a lot closer to the lowest unemployment rate ever. You want to try again stupid?
You do realize the post was referring to the BLACK unemployment rate?

Since all Americans are equal in my view, and ALL Americans deserve a job and equal treatment, there is no unemployment rate by color.

That said, the above post has been edited to refer to the black unemployment rate.


PS. What would the African American unemployment rate be without 12 million scavenging Mexicans?

Go jump.
You sad thing, bless your heart.

An imbecile from your side of the aisle injected black unemployment into this thread. I merely peppered it with perspective.
Poor, unhinged, PoliticalHack can't post without lying.

She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....
No, she did not ask that. Stop lying. What she actually asked was...
"so if I vote, will immigration know where I live?"
And of course, Gina Rodriguez is a U.S. citizen.

Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!
No, he did not answer that. Stop lying. What he actually said was...
"Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself..."
... and Gina Rodriguez, who asked the question about if she herself votes, is a citizen.

If truth and reality was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

True, Gina Rodriguez is a US citizen. True, she asked "so if I vote, will immigration know where I live".

First of, US citizen have no reason to ask that question for themselves. Why would immigration care about US citizen exercising their constitutional right? Nope, she's asking that question for all those who she's identifying as citizens, like herself.

She also said that undocumented, and dreamers etc are citizens, because they "contribute" to the country, which is not true. They're not citizens, they have no right to vote. She said they're "fearful of voting". Why would citizen be fearful of voting? Only those who have no right to vote, but they vote, should fear, and if you're citizen, why would you fear to cast the vote?

The premise of her question is pointing to "should illegals be afraid of immigration if they vote". Yes, she did say "if I vote" but she as a citizen have nothing to worry about, because she has right to vote. She isn't asking for herself, she's asking for all those who she's calling "citizens", while they're not, should they worry if they vote.

They should worry, since they shouldn't even be in my country, let alone to vote.

Throw them all out. Every single illegal Juan.
If a U.S. citizen heard somewhere that voting could lead to immigration coming after one's family, they certainly could be fearful of that unless they know the reality, as Obama articulated, there is nothing to fear.
Ame®icano, post: 16135944
The premise of her question is pointing to "should illegals be afraid of immigration if they vote". Yes, she did say "if I vote" but she as a citizen have nothing to worry about, because she has right to vote.

You don't get to change what she said from "I" to "they" and then call it a premise.

premise: a statement that is assumed to be true for the purpose of an argument from which a conclusion is drawn.

Her statement was "If I vote". Which you have just argued must be assumed to be true. You can't say that legal voters have nothing to worry about because you obviously are not in their situation.

So, you obviously have no undocumented relatives or friends involved in your life. You would rat them out. Your own mother and father, aunt or uncle or child born here from undocumented parents.

Ame®icano, post: 16135944
they shouldn't even be in my country, let alone to vote.

Throw them all out. Every single illegal Juan.

You understand nothing about the question as it was asked.

Stop lying and making things up about our President.

It's either that you missed the premise, or you don't understand what premise is.

Premise to "if I vote" was "I call them citizens".

She assumes that is the truth, and it's not. She identifies her citizenship with their assumed "citizenship".

By saying "if I vote" (as citizen), would immigration come for me (they would not), she's asking "if they vote" (as "citizens", which they're not), would immigration come for them? Why would they come for them if they are real citizens? Why would any citizen be "fearful of voting"? Now I assume you do know answer to that question.

Making things up about president? Nope, the leftist illusion of Barry somehow being honest and great is proven wrong. He openly was inviting illegals to vote by saying, "if you vote, you are citizen yourself". That is, as everything else he does and says completely skewed.

In less than a month, he's out. Good riddance.
Umm... She didn't ask, "will they come for me?" She asked, "will they come for my family and deport us?"

Obama also never said, "if you vote, you are a citizen yourself." He said, "when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," and went on to say illegals can't legally vote and promote a website stipulating voters must be U.S. citizens.

Had Obama actually encouraged illegals to vote, you morons wouldn't have to keep altering their words.
Getting sick and tired of the whiners claiming that Bill's wife won the popular vote?'s true....but only if you use the time honored Liberal method of claiming to be unable to connect the dots.... other words, refuse to include reality

"But....but proof!!!! No proof!!!"
Of course there is no need for proof when they claim 'racism.'

The spoiled brats have one set of requirements for themselves, and a different one for the other side.

1. “If there is a recount in Michigan and Trump loses by a few votes, then it’s very plausible that noncitizen voting made a big difference. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.”

Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Richman applied those numbers to 2016:

The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted, and that of the noncitizens who voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for Trump. … 6.4 percent turnout among the roughly 20.3 million noncitizen adults in the U.S. would add only 834,318 votes to Clinton’s popular vote margin. This is little more than a third of the total margin. … Is it plausible that noncitizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that noncitizen votes account for the entire nationwide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.

“An issue of concern is that so many have voted that are not legally supposed to,” Miller told reporters in a conference call Monday.

Beyond the noncitizens voting study from Old Dominion, Miller pointed to the Pew study from 2012 that found 24 million voter registration records in the United States, or about 1 in 8, were “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.”

The Pew study further found “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters,” that “12 million records contain an incorrect address,” and that “2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote. I wish he wouldn’t focus on it. Bill Clinton got just 43 percent of the vote in 1992. How many states did he win more than 50 percent of the vote in?”

Trump could be correct about the number of illegal votes, but there is no way to know, said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation who focuses on voter integrity issues."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

2. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

3. "Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race"
Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race

4. Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

5. "Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state
He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Sore Loser, eh?

Fyi, since 2002...federal law dictates that States MUST issue different drivers licence to immigrants than US citizen....which btw, does NOT automatically register the immigrants to vote....and that all US citizen must show proof of citizenship.....when my license came up for renewal, I was forced to go to the DMV with proof...of citizenship.

You don't really doubt that illegal aliens and dead folks voted for Bill's you.
You just don't want to admit how many were given a wink and a nod and a ballot.

Let me prove that:

Wanna deny this from the LATimes?
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


Maine isn't one of the 12 states and DC that give illegal aliens drivers licenses.

Did you fall and hit your head? What is wrong with you? I read your link the first time around, and there is NOTHING in there about the undocumented immigrants being registered to vote. Nada, Zip, Zilch, Nothing, Niente.

Do some homework girl....stop being lazy.

the undocumented allowed to get driver's licenses in California have to go through a separate process and have to set up an appointment in order to get a license and do not go through the regular lines at DMV's for citizens getting licenses,

And most importantly, AB-60 applicants ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED to vote when they apply for a license.

so your article about citizens being registered as independents if they don't follow a 2 step process, MEANS NOTHING.

Good to see that you didn't deny that you ignored Obama's support for infanticide when you voted.Takes a certain sort of human being to ignore that, huh?

Enough chit chat....let's get to the facts:

1. "Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."

Now....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now
a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

....ya' think maybe 13.2%....or 17.6%.....or more of 'em voted??????

You betcha'!!!!!!!

Now that that has been about why you're afraid to answer this?

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

How many?

You based that on Jesse Richman?? Lemme guess ... you read about this on ... breitbart...?


That hoser was thoroughly debunked in the 2014 for spouting this nonsense...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.

Since PoliticalHack is too retarded to comprehend the implication of the highlighted text, I will explain ...

Richman relied on unscientific, non-probability online Internet polling and nutjobs like PoliticalHack propagate his nonsensical blog because they like what he says despite its dubious origins.

But wait, there's more... on top of it being based upon unscientific, non-probability online Internet polling, it turns out that many of the respondents erroneously identified themselves as citizens in 2010 but then as non-citizens in 2012...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

Since it's opt-in online polling, who knows how many of the respondents were merely lying hacks like PoliticalHack who lied in 2012 to make it appear as though non-citizen voting is far more prevalent than it actually is.

I'm embarrassed for ya, PoliticalHack


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

YOU would think that you'd do a little homework on your claim....

If you had, then you would know that illegals that can get driver's licenses in certain states, are required by federal law since 2002 to be issued different Driver's Licenses than American citizens, with a space on it that says it's not an ID for Federal use and benefits and they can't vote is part of it.

Also you would know, they have to set up an appointment with drivers license bureau in most if not all of these states and can not just stand in line with citizens and can not be automatically registered to vote as American citizens getting or renewing drivers licenses.

You would also know that the REAL ID Act requires all states to have their citizens getting drivers licenses to show proof of citizenship, or when renewing, they are required now to show proof of citizenship then.

me thinks your laziness and unwillingness to do a little research on your own, has allowed you to believe and spread.... a bunch of HOGWASH.

Pleeeeezzzz....don't be a dunce.

Why do you suppose Democrats give out the 'driver's licenses'????

Wanna see the folks 'checking' for valid documentation?

They close their eyes to the bogus documentation the same way you closed your eyes to the fact that Obama supports infanticide.

You linked to this:
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

C'mon......try to answer it.
PoliticalHack lies again.

States like California provide driver's licenses with special designations to indicate undocumented folks; which can't be used to obtain a voter's registration ID...

Driver License (DL) and Identification Card (ID) Information

PoliticalHack lies as she already knows this.

So you say.

I say Democrat's who work the polls ignore that blue bar and simply look at the name on the driver's license.

And guess what?
"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!
No, not say I ... says California law.

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