Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

PoliticalChic, post: 16149500.
Well, let's let her testify:

RODRIGUEZ: So if I vote, ......

You know what she said I see. Why do you keep lying about setting up your whacky imaginary scenario?

If it was a scenario - she had to definitely say "they" not "I". So quit lying.

She said "I" and Obama responded to her. When "you" vote "you" are a citizen. There is no scenario bs. Straight question - Straight answer. The remainder of the interview confirms don't vote if you are not a legal voting citizen.
Why would I be upset to find that on election day the 'nation' of bitter, butthurt, sore-loser snowflakes all across this nation continues to show its collective ass in a massive display of hatred and division rather than accept and rally around - if not at least just accept - the newly elected President?

When Trump accepts that he lost the actual nationwide vote by nearly three million legal votes I will think about accepting him. Then he must reveal his taxes the past twenty years. I'm curious to know if there are
financial/business ties tomRussian Oligarchs close to Putin.
peach174, post: 1598284
What will you say if Trumps plans for inner cities starts working?

What plan, let alone plans?

It was detailed at his campaign web site.
Why do you think kanye and others met with him to discuss it.
It might be part of why so many blacks who were paying attention voted for him.:)
Trump’s Marshall Plan for Inner-City Kids
Even Canada recognizes failed policiies.

From the campaign web site.
Child Care
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Why would I be upset to find that on election day the 'nation' of bitter, butthurt, sore-loser snowflakes all across this nation continues to show its collective ass in a massive display of hatred and division rather than accept and rally around - if not at least just accept - the newly elected President?

When Trump accepts that he lost the actual nationwide vote by nearly three million legal votes I will think about accepting him. Then he must reveal his taxes the past twenty years. I'm curious to know if there are
financial/business ties tomRussian Oligarchs close to Putin.
How's that 'popular vote win', working out, snowflake?

Trump doesn't give a damn if you accept him or not. You mean NOTHING.
PoliticalChic, post: 15983485
You don't really doubt that illegal aliens and dead folks voted for Bill's you.
You just don't want to admit how many were given a wink and a nod and a ballot.[/QUOTE

Who gave illegal aliens and dead folks a
wink and a nod and a ballot? I want to know who gave all three. Wink,nod,ballot.
Why would I be upset to find that on election day the 'nation' of bitter, butthurt, sore-loser snowflakes all across this nation continues to show its collective ass in a massive display of hatred and division rather than accept and rally around - if not at least just accept - the newly elected President?

When Trump accepts that he lost the actual nationwide vote by nearly three million legal votes I will think about accepting him. Then he must reveal his taxes the past twenty years. I'm curious to know if there are
financial/business ties tomRussian Oligarchs close to Putin.
Irrelevant. Our president is chosen by the electoral college. I'm almost sure that Trump could care less of you accept him.
Then Obama must release his college records. I'm curious to know if "The Blamer" was a foreign exchange student.
Why would I be upset to find that on election day the 'nation' of bitter, butthurt, sore-loser snowflakes all across this nation continues to show its collective ass in a massive display of hatred and division rather than accept and rally around - if not at least just accept - the newly elected President?

When Trump accepts that he lost the actual nationwide vote by nearly three million legal votes I will think about accepting him. Then he must reveal his taxes the past twenty years. I'm curious to know if there are
financial/business ties tomRussian Oligarchs close to Putin.

He would have won if the game had been played by popular votes
Gotta change that pesky constitution first though.
I don't know why you would like the future campaigns being pretty much conducted in Californa and New York and say to heck with the rest of americans in the country.
easyt65, post: 16151557
Trump doesn't give a damn if you accept him or not. You mean NOTHING.

So you are Trump's spokesperson now too? You calling Kellyanne a liar?

I don't know for sure but I doubt very much that Trump gives a damn about anybody but himself and his close family including his current. Maybe he cares about the pussies he bragged about grabbing, maybe not.

You are proud about electing a self-admitted pussy grabber without consent because he is a celebrity. That is sick and you think he cares about you. Wake up dude.
peach174, post: 16151579
He would have won if the game had been played by popular votes

You know that is not true and you explain why right here.

peach174, post: 16151579
I don't know why you would like the future campaigns being pretty much conducted in Californa and New York and say to heck with the rest of americans in the country.

To heck with flyover Republican country right. If New York and California decide elections the consensus certainly is that Democrats would win.

Do you always argue both sides of an argument in one and the post?
peach174, post: 1598284
What will you say if Trumps plans for inner cities starts working?

What plan, let alone plans?

It was detailed at his campaign web site.
Why do you think kanye and others met with him to discuss it.
It might be part of why so many blacks who were paying attention voted for him.:)
Trump’s Marshall Plan for Inner-City Kids
Even Canada recognizes failed policiies.

From the campaign web site.
Child Care
I see you're in favor of paying for Muslims to attend Islamic schools. Good for you.
peach174, post: 16151579
He would have won if the game had been played by popular votes

You know that is not true and you explain why right here.

peach174, post: 16151579
I don't know why you would like the future campaigns being pretty much conducted in Californa and New York and say to heck with the rest of americans in the country.

To heck with flyover Republican country right. If New York and California decide elections the consensus certainly is that Democrats would win.

Do you always argue both sides of an argument in one and the post?

Not always.:)
Keeps you guessing though. :)
I see several differnt ways of looking at things.
peach174, post: 1598284
What will you say if Trumps plans for inner cities starts working?

What plan, let alone plans?

It was detailed at his campaign web site.
Why do you think kanye and others met with him to discuss it.
It might be part of why so many blacks who were paying attention voted for him.:)
Trump’s Marshall Plan for Inner-City Kids
Even Canada recognizes failed policiies.

From the campaign web site.
Child Care
I see you're in favor of paying for Muslims to attend Islamic schools. Good for you.

Freedom, what makes everone happy.
peach174, post: 1598284
What will you say if Trumps plans for inner cities starts working?

What plan, let alone plans?

It was detailed at his campaign web site.
Why do you think kanye and others met with him to discuss it.
It might be part of why so many blacks who were paying attention voted for him.:)
Trump’s Marshall Plan for Inner-City Kids
Even Canada recognizes failed policiies.

From the campaign web site.
Child Care
I see you're in favor of paying for Muslims to attend Islamic schools. Good for you.

Freedom, what makes everone happy.
That's a rather odd position for you to assume given some of your comments about Muslims. :
peach174, post: 16151533
It was detailed at his campaign web site.

$20 billion Fed Dollars for school vouchers from who knows where plus $110 billion from the states. Don't think so - DOA.

The Trumpster fooled you and somebody in Canada. Don't hear much about it since it sounded good on the campaign trail as a device to appeal to black voters.

Trump's too cozy with white nationalists in his administration to be taken seriously that he wants to help inner city kids get a great education.

Nothing said about improving lives in the inner cities. So there is no plan for that. The voucher plan if enacted would take a generation to have a noticable effect. Trump's not popular enough to take that long.


Lindsay Johnson/NPR
President-elect Donald Trump said on the campaign trail that school choice is "the new civil rights issue of our time." But to many Americans, talk of school choice isn't liberating; it's just plain confusing.

Exhibit A: Vouchers.

Politicians love to use this buzzword in perpetual second reference, assuming vouchers are like Superman: Everyone knows where they came from and what they can do. They're wrong. And, as Trump has tapped an outspoken champion of vouchers, Betsy DeVos, to be his next education secretary, it's time for a quick origin story.

What are they?

Think of traditional vouchers as coupons, backed by state dollars, that parents can use to send their kids to the school of their choice, even private, religiously affiliated schools. The money is all or some of what the state would have otherwise spent to educate the child in a public school.

Often called scholarships, vouchers are most often reserved for low-income students, children with disabilities or for families zoned to a failing public school.

Where are they?

Fourteen states offer traditional student vouchers, according to EdChoice, a school choice advocacy group based in Indianapolis: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, Vermont and Wisconsin, plus Washington, D.C.

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Blaine Amendments, which prohibit spending public dollars on religious schools. That's one reason the majority of states still don't offer traditional vouchers.

What does the research say?

"Most studies find modestly positive or neutral impact on student scores, and that's generally limited to African-American students in large urban centers," says Micah Ann Wixom, a policy analyst with the Education Commission of the States.

This 2007 Rand review of research found, as Wixom says, slight gains among students of color, but that the research "has a number of weaknesses that preclude comprehensive and definitive answers."

Can A President Trump Get Rid Of Common Core?

"Do voucher students perform better than they would have in their neighborhood school?" asks Josh Cunningham, a senior education policy specialist with the National Conference of State Legislatures. "At the most I can say, 'Maybe, a little bit.' But there's not a lot of evidence that they'll have any substantial academic gains."

What is Trump's plan?

In a nutshell: Trump has pitched repurposing $20 billion in federal education dollars, distributing them to states as block grants. States can then pass the money on, as vouchers, to the nation's 11 million students who live in poverty.

Trump has said he wants parents to be able to use these vouchers at the school of their choice, even if that school is private and/or religiously affiliated.

What are the obstacles to Trump's plan?

We already mentioned the fact that many state constitutions still have Blaine Amendments. That's Obstacle No. 1. It's not prohibitive, but a problem.

No. 2: It's possible that many of those repurposed federal dollars would come from Title I, a long-standing federal program meant to send additional money to school districts that serve at-risk students. The problem there is, just a year ago Congress finally rewrote the big education law that sets the ground rules for Title I. It's hard to imagine the White House tapping this money without Congress cracking open the law and reworking the rules. And it's not clear there's enough appetite in Congress to do that.

No. 3: In Trump's speech unveiling his ambitious choice plan, the then-candidate said this about its price tag:

"If the states collectively contribute another $110 billion of their own education budgets toward school choice, on top of the $20 billion in federal dollars, that could provide $12,000 in school choice funds to every K-12 student who today lives in poverty."

Translation: Even if the Trump administration can scrape together $20 billion to pay for its voucher plan, that wouldn't begin to cover the full cost. Trump's plan would require states to kick in far more of their own money. And that will be tough, considering that as of 2014 35 states were still spending less overall per student than they were in 2008. The Great Recession put many state education budgets in a vise grip that has yet to loosen.

No. 4: Finally, and perhaps most important of all: Vouchers are not universally popular, even among conservative voters. They may make a certain amount of sense in a large school district or a city where there are enough students — and established private schools — to support multiple choices. But schools in many small towns are closing or consolidating. They don't have enough students to support choice. For lots of rural parents, vouchers are more abstraction than alternative.

School Vouchers 101: What They Are, How They Work — And Do They Work?

Canadian opinion is fine. For Canadians. If interested in more than opinion from foreign countries, such as actual research here in the states, you can read the NPR report in full.

Twenty billion is nothing for the inner cities and Trump does not say where the money comes from.
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peach174, post: 1598284
What will you say if Trumps plans for inner cities starts working?

What plan, let alone plans?

It was detailed at his campaign web site.
Why do you think kanye and others met with him to discuss it.
It might be part of why so many blacks who were paying attention voted for him.:)
Trump’s Marshall Plan for Inner-City Kids
Even Canada recognizes failed policiies.

From the campaign web site.
Child Care
I see you're in favor of paying for Muslims to attend Islamic schools. Good for you.

Freedom, what makes everone happy.
That's a rather odd position for you to assume given some of your comments about Muslims. :

I am against jihadists and Muslims who want Sharia Law.
Not Muslims.
It was detailed at his campaign web site.

$20 billion Fed Dollars for school vouchers from who knows where plus $110 billion from the states. Don't think so - DOA.

The Trumpster fooled you and somebody in Canada. Don't hear much about it since it sounded good on the campaign trail as a device to appeal to black voters.

Trump's to cozy with white nationalists in his administration to be taken seriously that he wants to help inner city kids get a great education.

Nothing said about improving lives in the inner cities. So there is no plan for that. The voucher plan if enacted would take a generation to have a noticable effect. Trump's not popular enough to take that long.

I guess we'll see in the future if it works.
If not ,we vote for somebody else.
peach174, post: 16151579
He would have won if the game had been played by popular votes

You know that is not true and you explain why right here.

peach174, post: 16151579
I don't know why you would like the future campaigns being pretty much conducted in Californa and New York and say to heck with the rest of americans in the country.

To heck with flyover Republican country right. If New York and California decide elections the consensus certainly is that Democrats would win.

Do you always argue both sides of an argument in one and the post?

Not always.:)
Keeps you guessing though. :)
I see several differnt ways of looking at things.

I noticed you ignored the constitution commit though, that tied the commits altogether.

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