Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Your argument makes absolutely NO DAMN SENSE:

Legal American citizens who are registered voters already KNOW they have nothing to fear from exercising their legal right to vote, so why the f* would they need Barry to reassure them that no one was going to punish them for exercising that right?

When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

The fact is that Barry has violated the Constitution and the Rule of law, protected illegals from the law, protected human traffickers, engaged in Human Trafficking, has been found in Contempt for refusing court orders, and more to support, supply, defend, and protect illegals - criminals.

The whole reason liberals have supported bringing in millions of illegals and then addicting them to government handouts is the same reason LBJ created economic slavery for blacks after civil rights passed - to get their votes. In regards to illegals, libs don't care if those votes are legal or not!

(LBJ: "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something but not enough to make a difference. I will have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years!")
Moron, you don't speak for everyone. Not everyone knows that and some citizens with undocumented family/friends do fear that. What makes no sense is to think Obama is encouraging illegals to vote when he's telling them they can't vote and promoting a website which states voters must be a U.S. citizen.

So I'll ask you the question PoliticalHack doesn't possess the courage to answer...

Obama said, "what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

... how is telling illegals they can't vote encouraging them to vote?
It seems that a lot of cherry picking is going on here
Since you highlighted it, I can't help but notice the word, "legally". Aren't the people we're talking about already here illegally? So it would seem that the president is saying, with a wink and a nod, "You can't vote LEGALLY, but nothing will happen to you if you vote illegally".

See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.
If you saw a wink and a nod, you're imagining it. Not only is Obama reaching out to Latino citizens to vote because they're the voice for undocumented family/friends who have no such voice, he twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.

That's some encouragement, huh?
Please look at what you are really saying. He is literally saying that illegal aliens should have a voice in our presidential election. I do not think they should have such. Indeed, why should they?

Obama was doing nothing to discourage illegal voting. The "undocumented" aka illegal aliens, are already breaking the law simply by being here. Now he expects them to respect election law when they're already violating immigration law with impunity and he wants them to have a voice in our election? That is not a logical conclusion to draw.
He is not saying they should have a voice by voting, and that is the salient point here.

And yes, he was discouraging illegals from voting. I can only drag you to the trough, I can't make you drink.

Telling illegal aliens they can't legally vote is discouraging them from voting.

Directing them to a website which tells them they can't vote is discouraging them from voting.

If you want to be as dishonest as PoliticalHack, you can ignore that too, but in that interview, he does not encourage illegal aliens to vote.
What voice should illegal aliens have in our election?
The ones their U.S. citizen family members want them to have.
Since such a large percentage of eligible voters don't vote then complain a lot, the president should be talking about CITIZENS making their voice heard.
Poor, unhinged, PoliticalHack can't post without lying.

She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....
No, she did not ask that. Stop lying. What she actually asked was...
"so if I vote, will immigration know where I live?"
And of course, Gina Rodriguez is a U.S. citizen.

Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!
No, he did not answer that. Stop lying. What he actually said was...
"Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself..."
... and Gina Rodriguez, who asked the question about if she herself votes, is a citizen.

If truth and reality was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

True, Gina Rodriguez is a US citizen. True, she asked "so if I vote, will immigration know where I live".

First of, US citizen have no reason to ask that question for themselves. Why would immigration care about US citizen exercising their constitutional right? Nope, she's asking that question for all those who she's identifying as citizens, like herself.

She also said that undocumented, and dreamers etc are citizens, because they "contribute" to the country, which is not true. They're not citizens, they have no right to vote. She said they're "fearful of voting". Why would citizen be fearful of voting? Only those who have no right to vote, but they vote, should fear, and if you're citizen, why would you fear to cast the vote?

The premise of her question is pointing to "should illegals be afraid of immigration if they vote". Yes, she did say "if I vote" but she as a citizen have nothing to worry about, because she has right to vote. She isn't asking for herself, she's asking for all those who she's calling "citizens", while they're not, should they worry if they vote.

They should worry, since they shouldn't even be in my country, let alone to vote.

Throw them all out. Every single illegal Juan.
If a U.S. citizen heard somewhere that voting could lead to immigration coming after one's family, they certainly could be fearful of that unless they know the reality, as Obama articulated, there is nothing to fear.
I blame TV and government schools. There's no good reason for a citizen to fear INS if they vote. Now, when a president says illegal aliens should have a voice in our elections, there is a problem.

Well, let's not forget that not only is he the most destructive of Presidents....but he is also the most corrupt.
"You didn't build that!"
The most corrupt? Name the president with fewer convictions within their administration...
PoliticalChic, post: 16122899
We won't let them forget how they lost every metric....even with the lying President telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote.

Now you have fellow liars that sink to what amounts to a racist attack telling us that Obama reassured illegal voters that they could vote without repercussion.

easyt65, post: 16122844
When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

This is how the right wing fake news propaganda machine works. It edits the president's very own words which are clear to mean the exact opposite of what was said.

Then it is repeat repeat repeat ad infinitum.

The exponential success of this right wing fake news machine must be due in part to a high degree of racial bias and prejudice of having a black man elected to the highest office in the land. Many right wingers throw their morality out the window by easily accepting fake news and having a thirst for it as HADIT, CHIC, and EASY and Stuart Varney and Neal Cavuto do.

Still no response to this:

PoliticalChic, post: 16117526
So now you're running from your 'deceptively edited' claim with your tail between you legs????

No I'm not. Here is the deceptively edited FBN News Clip.

Are you denying Varney aired this on his program?

Why no response to this actually deceptively edited clip? By none of you .

This question goes as well to:

hadit, post: 16123239.
See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.

You see HADIT goes for less gusto than CHIC and EASY when it comes to lying about our first black president. There is a bitch about not taking the opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections. HADIT suggests the President did not say something where CHIC and EASY put false words in the President's mouth. But HADIT by this dimwitted and preposterous demand feeds the fake news machine and repeat repeat repeat until it becomes true to all the deplorables on the right.

What is clear, in the fake Varney clip above, is that Stuart Varney under Cavuto's watch and three days after the actual Obama/Rodreguez interview aired, stated CLEARLY that Rodreguez implied that she was illegal and Obama told an illegal directly that she had nothing to fear by voting illegally.

HADIT demands the black President must say something that goes without saying or be damned, but had no demand that a right wing economist on a nationally seen TV broadcast be clear at all when he edits the words of the president and flat out lies about Gina's citizenship to make a fake news story get a rise out of the deplorables.

Varney and Cavuto are white. They are excused for purposely being unclear to the point of falsehood. Obama is damned by HADIT because he supposedly left something out - which Obama actually did not do as Faun has pointed out by mentioning the website where it's clear that you must be a citizen to vote.

He "mentioned a website". Excuse me while I faint from the excitement.

The website he promoted informs readers they must be U.S. citizens to vote. How is that encouraging illegal aliens to vote?

"Mentioning a website" is possibly the most tepid discouragement I can imagine.
38% of nitwit pubs think dump won the pop vote
Irrelevant. There's a bunch of people who think we never went to the moon and others who think holograms projected images of airliners onto the WTC on 9/11. IOW, so what?
What's your point in comparing delusional conspiracy nuts with 38% of Republicans?
That you can get a large number of people to believe virtually anything. Heck, look at how many poor deluded people voted for Hillary.

...and actually believe Bill's wife won the popular vote!!!!

What a bunch of maroons!!!!
Is your head that far up republican butts that you actually believe that BS that dump won pop vote??
he did. He won 30 out of 50 states. how is that not the majority of votes?
Moron, you don't speak for everyone. Not everyone knows that and some citizens with undocumented family/friends do fear that. What makes no sense is to think Obama is encouraging illegals to vote when he's telling them they can't vote and promoting a website which states voters must be a U.S. citizen.

So I'll ask you the question PoliticalHack doesn't possess the courage to answer...

Obama said, "what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

... how is telling illegals they can't vote encouraging them to vote?
It seems that a lot of cherry picking is going on here
If you saw a wink and a nod, you're imagining it. Not only is Obama reaching out to Latino citizens to vote because they're the voice for undocumented family/friends who have no such voice, he twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.

That's some encouragement, huh?
Please look at what you are really saying. He is literally saying that illegal aliens should have a voice in our presidential election. I do not think they should have such. Indeed, why should they?

Obama was doing nothing to discourage illegal voting. The "undocumented" aka illegal aliens, are already breaking the law simply by being here. Now he expects them to respect election law when they're already violating immigration law with impunity and he wants them to have a voice in our election? That is not a logical conclusion to draw.
He is not saying they should have a voice by voting, and that is the salient point here.

And yes, he was discouraging illegals from voting. I can only drag you to the trough, I can't make you drink.

Telling illegal aliens they can't legally vote is discouraging them from voting.

Directing them to a website which tells them they can't vote is discouraging them from voting.

If you want to be as dishonest as PoliticalHack, you can ignore that too, but in that interview, he does not encourage illegal aliens to vote.
What voice should illegal aliens have in our election?
The ones their U.S. citizen family members want them to have.
Since such a large percentage of eligible voters don't vote then complain a lot, the president should be talking about CITIZENS making their voice heard.
Had he been asked about that, he could have answered that. But he wasn't. He was asked by a U.S. citizen if she needs to fear immigration coming after her family if she votes.
Irrelevant. There's a bunch of people who think we never went to the moon and others who think holograms projected images of airliners onto the WTC on 9/11. IOW, so what?
What's your point in comparing delusional conspiracy nuts with 38% of Republicans?
That you can get a large number of people to believe virtually anything. Heck, look at how many poor deluded people voted for Hillary.

...and actually believe Bill's wife won the popular vote!!!!

What a bunch of maroons!!!!
Is your head that far up republican butts that you actually believe that BS that dump won pop vote??
he did. He won 30 out of 50 states. how is that not the majority of votes?
Presidents aren't elected by a majority of states either.
What's your point in comparing delusional conspiracy nuts with 38% of Republicans?
That you can get a large number of people to believe virtually anything. Heck, look at how many poor deluded people voted for Hillary.

...and actually believe Bill's wife won the popular vote!!!!

What a bunch of maroons!!!!
Is your head that far up republican butts that you actually believe that BS that dump won pop vote??
he did. He won 30 out of 50 states. how is that not the majority of votes?
Presidents aren't elected by a majority of states either.

These homeschooled imbeciles only studied the history and civics that's in the Bible.
The most corrupt? Name the president with fewer convictions within their administration...
The jackass violated the FOIA (BROKE THE LAW) 73% of the time.

He ILLEGALLY spied on citizens, reporters, the media, & CONGRESS.

He was only the 2nd US President to ever use the IRS as a weapon against the American people.

He by-passed the Judicial process to act as judge ,jury, and executioner for people - to include Americans abroad - executing his own personal drone assassination program.

He owned a corrupt 'all-in' DOJ, multiple corrupt / CRIMINAL Attorney Generals, and prevented numerous Cabinet Members and Democrats from being indicted and going to jail.

Hard for anyone to get a conviction when the guy and his party doing all the crimes owns the local sheriff!
Irrelevant. There's a bunch of people who think we never went to the moon and others who think holograms projected images of airliners onto the WTC on 9/11. IOW, so what?
What's your point in comparing delusional conspiracy nuts with 38% of Republicans?
That you can get a large number of people to believe virtually anything. Heck, look at how many poor deluded people voted for Hillary.

...and actually believe Bill's wife won the popular vote!!!!

What a bunch of maroons!!!!
Is your head that far up republican butts that you actually believe that BS that dump won pop vote??
he did. He won 30 out of 50 states. how is that not the majority of votes?

States are not voters you homeschool dropout.
The most corrupt? Name the president with fewer convictions within their administration...
The jackass violated the FOIA (BROKE THE LAW) 73% of the time.

He ILLEGALLY spied on citizens, reporters, the media, & CONGRESS.

He was only the 2nd US President to ever use the IRS as a weapon against the American people.

He by-passed the Judicial process to act as judge ,jury, and executioner for people - to include Americans abroad - executing his own personal drone assassination program.

He owned a corrupt 'all-in' DOJ, multiple corrupt / CRIMINAL Attorney Generals, and prevented numerous Cabinet Members and Democrats from being indicted and going to jail.

Hard for anyone to get a conviction when the guy and his party doing all the crimes owns the local sheriff!

lol. Try something other than the fake news once in awhile.
lol. Try something other than the fake news once in awhile.
'Fake News' is a term created by the media that were exposed for pushing lies and for being completely 'All-In' for Hillary, a tool created by the snowflakes who lost and can't come to grips with Hillary's defeat, so that whenever they are confronted with any facts/figures/reports that reminds them of the painful loss and just how badly the DNC got exposed as cheaters, racists, sexists, anti-Catholics, homophobes, and anti-Semites or how Hillary is the worst candidate to ever run for President they would have something to parrot as seeming justification or denial.

It's a 'Snowflake Crutch'!

What's your point in comparing delusional conspiracy nuts with 38% of Republicans?
That you can get a large number of people to believe virtually anything. Heck, look at how many poor deluded people voted for Hillary.

...and actually believe Bill's wife won the popular vote!!!!

What a bunch of maroons!!!!
Is your head that far up republican butts that you actually believe that BS that dump won pop vote??
he did. He won 30 out of 50 states. how is that not the majority of votes?

States are not voters you homeschool dropout.
they aren't? then how does the EC counts get decided? oh yeah the popular vote in the state. and she lost 30 of them. wow butthurt to the max bubba.
PoliticalChic, post: 16122899
We won't let them forget how they lost every metric....even with the lying President telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote.

Now you have fellow liars that sink to what amounts to a racist attack telling us that Obama reassured illegal voters that they could vote without repercussion.

easyt65, post: 16122844
When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

This is how the right wing fake news propaganda machine works. It edits the president's very own words which are clear to mean the exact opposite of what was said.

Then it is repeat repeat repeat ad infinitum.

The exponential success of this right wing fake news machine must be due in part to a high degree of racial bias and prejudice of having a black man elected to the highest office in the land. Many right wingers throw their morality out the window by easily accepting fake news and having a thirst for it as HADIT, CHIC, and EASY and Stuart Varney and Neal Cavuto do.

Still no response to this:

PoliticalChic, post: 16117526
So now you're running from your 'deceptively edited' claim with your tail between you legs????

No I'm not. Here is the deceptively edited FBN News Clip.

Are you denying Varney aired this on his program?

Why no response to this actually deceptively edited clip? By none of you .

This question goes as well to:

hadit, post: 16123239.
See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.

You see HADIT goes for less gusto than CHIC and EASY when it comes to lying about our first black president. There is a bitch about not taking the opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections. HADIT suggests the President did not say something where CHIC and EASY put false words in the President's mouth. But HADIT by this dimwitted and preposterous demand feeds the fake news machine and repeat repeat repeat until it becomes true to all the deplorables on the right.

What is clear, in the fake Varney clip above, is that Stuart Varney under Cavuto's watch and three days after the actual Obama/Rodreguez interview aired, stated CLEARLY that Rodreguez implied that she was illegal and Obama told an illegal directly that she had nothing to fear by voting illegally.

HADIT demands the black President must say something that goes without saying or be damned, but had no demand that a right wing economist on a nationally seen TV broadcast be clear at all when he edits the words of the president and flat out lies about Gina's citizenship to make a fake news story get a rise out of the deplorables.

Varney and Cavuto are white. They are excused for purposely being unclear to the point of falsehood. Obama is damned by HADIT because he supposedly left something out - which Obama actually did not do as Faun has pointed out by mentioning the website where it's clear that you must be a citizen to vote.

He "mentioned a website". Excuse me while I faint from the excitement.

The website he promoted informs readers they must be U.S. citizens to vote. How is that encouraging illegal aliens to vote?

"Mentioning a website" is possibly the most tepid discouragement I can imagine.

Even if that's the case, it's still discouragement. He did not encourage illegals to vote. He clearly said they can't vote. He clearly said their family members who are U.S. citizens speak for them with their vote since they cannot vote. And he clearly encouraged people to visit a website for voting information which says voters must be U.S. citizens. Short of also using sign language to tell illegals they can't vote, how else could he have conveyed that message?

Rightwing nuts, being the crazy wackadoos they are, think ^^^ that ^^^ is encouraging illegals to vote. :cuckoo:
Your obsession with the hindparts of animals is fascinating.
OUCH! I am mortally wounded by that vicious retort.


How's that 'Popular Vote' thing going for you, NYC? ready for HILLARY'S coronation? :p

While the majority of the Country watches Trump take the oath of office in Washington DC, are snowflakes going to hold their own Hillary 'Popular Vote win' swearing in ceremony at the local Waffle House?
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