Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

peach174, post: 16151930
I guess we'll see in the future if it works.
If not ,we vote for somebody else.

And the Trump Clan are billions wealthier. Putin has his man in the White House for four years. Probably enough.

Putin Trump number one and two wealthiest men in the world. Putin / Trump family if the old pussy grabber dies of boredom living in the White House.
peach174, post: 16151579
He would have won if the game had been played by popular votes

You know that is not true and you explain why right here.

peach174, post: 16151579
I don't know why you would like the future campaigns being pretty much conducted in Californa and New York and say to heck with the rest of americans in the country.

To heck with flyover Republican country right. If New York and California decide elections the consensus certainly is that Democrats would win.

Do you always argue both sides of an argument in one and the post?

Thats exactly why the Dems are pushing for it.
peach174, post: 16151991
I noticed you ignored the constitution commit though, that tied the commits altogether.

Didn't ignore it. I don't see how changing the Constitution ties your two opposing arguments together.

You said Trump would have won this year if the Constitution was changed to a popular vote. You then said if the Constitution were changed NY and California would essentially deliver the White House to Democrats.
dannyboys, post: 16148510
Are you aware that over 50% of ALL employees don't pay a fucking dime in Federal income tax because they aren't making enough money?

Blind are ya? State and Local and sales tax.

I believe also that half the Households with one or more illegal immigrant pays Federal Payroll Taxes just like everyone else, except they can't get any thing back unless they become a citizen.

You replied to a thread containing this in my post:

(Economic Policy found that undocumented immigrants paid $11.2 billion in state and local taxes in 2010 alone, adding a significant amount of money to help state and local finances.)

(They also help keep Social Security viable by paying payroll taxes while potentially never getting retirement benefits from the service they pay into.)

Now who is calling an informed poster an asshole and an idiot?
Where have I said there is no difference between Gina and illegals that she calls citizens? Quote it.

That is the summary of your argument. Cite my explanation as to why that is your argument and try to refute it or deny it.

If you deny it you have no argument. Obama in no way told legal Gina, legal Dreamers and all undocumented citizens that she mentioned to vote. Obama differentiated Dreamers and Gina from undocumented citizens when said when you (Gina) vote you are a citizen. That is because the question asked was based upon "I" not "they". And he replied to Gina - when you vote you are a citizen yourself. Likewise when legally voting Dreamers vote "they" would be citizens themselves.

Undocumented citizens do not vote, but they fear their dreamers voting because that type of fearmongering voter suppression goes on.

Once again, Obama was directly asked if she herself votes, and Obama responded absolutely correctly and as he should have, that in her case if she votes the process does not share voting records with immigration authorities.

That is your fucked up understanding of my argument. Quote where I said there is no difference between Gina and illegals that she calls citizens.
Did you write this, Americano?

Ame®icano, post: 16141945.
. They're not citizens, and they do not contribute to this country.

Where do you differentiate between Legal voting Dreamers, legal millenials, legal Gina, and not legal voting undocumented citizens?

First of, undocumented aliens are not citizens.
Second, it's clear what I was answering to, meaning illegals are not citizens and they do not contribute to the country.

Watch the video. For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise.

Where do you differentiate between legal voting Dreamers, legal millenials, legal Gina, and not legal voting undocumented citizens?

You are injecting 'for her' undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens. There is no difference. In your obsessed mind, undocumented citizens become exactly the same as Dreamers and Gina and others who are legally voting citizens.

I'm not injecting anything, By any norm, undocumented are not citizens. dreamers are not citizens. Illegals are not citizens. They do not have right to vote.

I care that citizen, and only citizen vote. Whom they know is not my concern, and neither is government's.

Your argument is that there is no difference between a legal voting Dreamer who knows an undocumented citizen and an undocumented non-voting citizen who knows a Dreamer whom is related in some way. That is your argument because you said, "For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise."

My argument is not what you "think" is my argument, but what I wrote above. What I said is clear and doesn't need your interpretation.

She said dreamers are undocumented and illegals are citizens because they contribute to this country. They're not citizens and they do not contribute to this country.

There is no difference between a legally voting citizen and and what she refers to as undocumented citizens. You erased an important adjective from what you falsely call her premise.

She says there is no difference. I say there is. Only citizens can vote. Just because she calls them citizens, doesn't make them citizens.

Why do you think you can remove an adjective from a Latino who is asking the President a question? And then change her question from "I" to "they"?

She is talking about those who she calls citizens. She is stating that they're the same as she is - citizens. Thus "I" and "they" in her sentence is the same. That's her premise.

Tell me, why would anyone citizen be afraid to vote?
If a U.S. citizen heard somewhere that voting could lead to immigration coming after one's family, they certainly could be fearful of that unless they know the reality, as Obama articulated, there is nothing to fear.

Except, she wasn't asking in the name of US citizens, but in the name of those who "she calls citizens".
Ame®icano, post: 16135944
The premise of her question is pointing to "should illegals be afraid of immigration if they vote". Yes, she did say "if I vote" but she as a citizen have nothing to worry about, because she has right to vote.

You don't get to change what she said from "I" to "they" and then call it a premise.

premise: a statement that is assumed to be true for the purpose of an argument from which a conclusion is drawn.

Her statement was "If I vote". Which you have just argued must be assumed to be true. You can't say that legal voters have nothing to worry about because you obviously are not in their situation.

So, you obviously have no undocumented relatives or friends involved in your life. You would rat them out. Your own mother and father, aunt or uncle or child born here from undocumented parents.

Ame®icano, post: 16135944
they shouldn't even be in my country, let alone to vote.

Throw them all out. Every single illegal Juan.

You understand nothing about the question as it was asked.

Stop lying and making things up about our President.

It's either that you missed the premise, or you don't understand what premise is.

Premise to "if I vote" was "I call them citizens".

She assumes that is the truth, and it's not. She identifies her citizenship with their assumed "citizenship".

By saying "if I vote" (as citizen), would immigration come for me (they would not), she's asking "if they vote" (as "citizens", which they're not), would immigration come for them? Why would they come for them if they are real citizens? Why would any citizen be "fearful of voting"? Now I assume you do know answer to that question.

Making things up about president? Nope, the leftist illusion of Barry somehow being honest and great is proven wrong. He openly was inviting illegals to vote by saying, "if you vote, you are citizen yourself". That is, as everything else he does and says completely skewed.

In less than a month, he's out. Good riddance.
Umm... She didn't ask, "will they come for me?" She asked, "will they come for my family and deport us?"

Obama also never said, "if you vote, you are a citizen yourself." He said, "when you vote, you are a citizen yourself," and went on to say illegals can't legally vote and promote a website stipulating voters must be U.S. citizens.

Had Obama actually encouraged illegals to vote, you morons wouldn't have to keep altering their words.

In the introduction to her question she's talking about those who she calls "citizens", not about herself.

Second, voting doesn't makes a citizen, regardless of saying "if you vote" or "when you vote".

Illegals can't vote. We all know that. Even Barry knows that. Barry is just ensuring them that, if they vote, nobody will come for them or their family.
20th time... in that full unedited video, Obama said, [illegals], "who can't legally vote." How does telling illegals they can't vote, encourage them to vote?

By telling them, you know, you can't really vote, but if you do... don't worry, nobody will come after you and your family. Of course, as long you vote democrat. :D
Did you write this, Americano?

Ame®icano, post: 16141945.
. They're not citizens, and they do not contribute to this country.

Where do you differentiate between Legal voting Dreamers, legal millenials, legal Gina, and not legal voting undocumented citizens?

First of, undocumented aliens are not citizens.
Second, it's clear what I was answering to, meaning illegals are not citizens and they do not contribute to the country.

Watch the video. For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise.

Where do you differentiate between legal voting Dreamers, legal millenials, legal Gina, and not legal voting undocumented citizens?

You are injecting 'for her' undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens. There is no difference. In your obsessed mind, undocumented citizens become exactly the same as Dreamers and Gina and others who are legally voting citizens.

I'm not injecting anything, By any norm, undocumented are not citizens. dreamers are not citizens. Illegals are not citizens. They do not have right to vote.

I care that citizen, and only citizen vote. Whom they know is not my concern, and neither is government's.

Your argument is that there is no difference between a legal voting Dreamer who knows an undocumented citizen and an undocumented non-voting citizen who knows a Dreamer whom is related in some way. That is your argument because you said, "For her, undocumented and dreamers and others are citizens, and everything she asked after that is based on that premise."

My argument is not what you "think" is my argument, but what I wrote above. What I said is clear and doesn't need your interpretation.

She said dreamers are undocumented and illegals are citizens because they contribute to this country. They're not citizens and they do not contribute to this country.

There is no difference between a legally voting citizen and and what she refers to as undocumented citizens. You erased an important adjective from what you falsely call her premise.

She says there is no difference. I say there is. Only citizens can vote. Just because she calls them citizens, doesn't make them citizens.

Why do you think you can remove an adjective from a Latino who is asking the President a question? And then change her question from "I" to "they"?

She is talking about those who she calls citizens. She is stating that they're the same as she is - citizens. Thus "I" and "they" in her sentence is the same. That's her premise.

Obama understood she was asking about herself even though you can't. That's why he pointed out, as a voter, she is a citizen; and has nothing to fear. It makes no sense to tell illegals they're citizens if they vote, but that it's illegal for them to do so. Certainly, Obama knows they can't vote just as certainly he knows they can't obtain a voter's registration card.

And of course, there's Obama telling illegals they can't legally vote...

And of course, there's Obama twice encouraging folks to visit -- a website which informs readers that voters must be U.S. citizens.

To the brain-dead right, that's encouraging illegals to vote. :cuckoo:

Tell me, why would anyone citizen be afraid to vote?
Asked and answered.
PoliticalChic, post: 15982346
Tired of the whiners claiming that Bill's wife won the popular vote?'s true....but only if you use the time honored Liberal method of claiming to be unable to connect the dots.... other words, refuse to include reality

Your use of the term reality is absurd.

The reality is you cannot find one single case of voting by a non-citizen in the last election. Not one. And you are telling us that in an interview where Obama says it is illegal to vote if you are not a citizen, he is telling non-citizens to vote.

Absurd ignorance and lies have nothing to do with reality.

Connecting dots by lying and making up dots - fake news does not get any better than what you do.
PoliticalChic, post: 16149500.
Well, let's let her testify:

RODRIGUEZ: So if I vote, ......

You know what she said I see. Why do you keep lying about setting up your whacky imaginary scenario?

If it was a scenario - she had to definitely say "they" not "I". So quit lying.

She said "I" and Obama responded to her. When "you" vote "you" are a citizen. There is no scenario bs. Straight question - Straight answer. The remainder of the interview confirms don't vote if you are not a legal voting citizen.

The 30 seconds that I've shown is the only part of the interview that counts.
It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote...
...and the part FOOLs use to try to hid the lie the snake is selling.

@3:25 she actually says "Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family and deport us? ..."
Without missing a beat, Obama the liar resonds "not true. "(@3:38)
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

Contiunuing @ 3:42, Obama lies: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

Ooooo,,,,you poor, sad, ugly thing.....look how you just proved exactly what I've said!
And I did it with your video!!!!

Continuing, @3:46 Obama says "there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over, and people start investigating...."
Hey....any 'cutting of the video'????

30 seconds.....exactly what I've posted and your 'original video' proves!!!!!'ve been lying all along, huh?
She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!
And not a smidgen of 'cutting' of the video!!!!!

Oh.....and the video you claimed "cut"????

Here it is....same 30 seconds:
The 30 seconds that I've shown is the only part of the interview that counts.


Translation: ignore the parts where Obama says illegals can't legally vote and promotes a website stating voters must be U.S. citizens.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
He's telling a U.S. citizen as a U.S. citizen, she has nothing to fear about being investigated if she votes.

Your argument makes absolutely NO DAMN SENSE:

Legal American citizens who are registered voters already KNOW they have nothing to fear from exercising their legal right to vote, so why the f* would they need Barry to reassure them that no one was going to punish them for exercising that right?

When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

The fact is that Barry has violated the Constitution and the Rule of law, protected illegals from the law, protected human traffickers, engaged in Human Trafficking, has been found in Contempt for refusing court orders, and more to support, supply, defend, and protect illegals - criminals.

The whole reason liberals have supported bringing in millions of illegals and then addicting them to government handouts is the same reason LBJ created economic slavery for blacks after civil rights passed - to get their votes. In regards to illegals, libs don't care if those votes are legal or not!

(LBJ: "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something but not enough to make a difference. I will have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years!")
Moron, you don't speak for everyone. Not everyone knows that and some citizens with undocumented family/friends do fear that. What makes no sense is to think Obama is encouraging illegals to vote when he's telling them they can't vote and promoting a website which states voters must be a U.S. citizen.

So I'll ask you the question PoliticalHack doesn't possess the courage to answer...

Obama said, "what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

... how is telling illegals they can't vote encouraging them to vote?
It seems that a lot of cherry picking is going on here
"To which Obama said, illegals can't vote."

No he didn't, Ugly.

He said the very opposite.

In the video that I provided, Neil Cavuoto is amazed that the President of the United States encourages such illegality:
CAVUTO: I cant believe I heard what I heard. It’s very clear the question is about illegals who may vote and afraid they might be reported to border security. You’re illegal, you cannot vote. And the President of the United States is saying ‘don’t worry no one will be spying on you or catching you.’

Whether you’re for the President or against the President… whether you’re pro immigration reform or anti-immigration reform, you’re ignoring the fact you’ve been questioned about illegal voting which you cant do. Why? because you’re not a citizen of this country.

This is the uncut 30 second segment clearly meant to encourage illegality.

That's because Obama is as corrupt as you are ugly.

Get it?

How unfortunate for you, you can't lie your way out of this. Despite your lie that Obama did not say illegals can't vote, his actual words prove you're lying...

"People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard."

Since you highlighted it, I can't help but notice the word, "legally". Aren't the people we're talking about already here illegally? So it would seem that the president is saying, with a wink and a nod, "You can't vote LEGALLY, but nothing will happen to you if you vote illegally".

See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.

If you saw a wink and a nod, you're imagining it. Not only is Obama reaching out to Latino citizens to vote because they're the voice for undocumented family/friends who have no such voice, he twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.

That's some encouragement, huh?

Please look at what you are really saying. He is literally saying that illegal aliens should have a voice in our presidential election. I do not think they should have such. Indeed, why should they?

Obama was doing nothing to discourage illegal voting. The "undocumented" aka illegal aliens, are already breaking the law simply by being here. Now he expects them to respect election law when they're already violating immigration law with impunity and he wants them to have a voice in our election? That is not a logical conclusion to draw.

He is not saying they should have a voice by voting, and that is the salient point here.

And yes, he was discouraging illegals from voting. I can only drag you to the trough, I can't make you drink.

Telling illegal aliens they can't legally vote is discouraging them from voting.

Directing them to a website which tells them they can't vote is discouraging them from voting.

If you want to be as dishonest as PoliticalHack, you can ignore that too, but in that interview, he does not encourage illegal aliens to vote.

What voice should illegal aliens have in our election?
PoliticalChic, post: 16122899
We won't let them forget how they lost every metric....even with the lying President telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote.

Now you have fellow liars that sink to what amounts to a racist attack telling us that Obama reassured illegal voters that they could vote without repercussion.

easyt65, post: 16122844
When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

This is how the right wing fake news propaganda machine works. It edits the president's very own words which are clear to mean the exact opposite of what was said.

Then it is repeat repeat repeat ad infinitum.

The exponential success of this right wing fake news machine must be due in part to a high degree of racial bias and prejudice of having a black man elected to the highest office in the land. Many right wingers throw their morality out the window by easily accepting fake news and having a thirst for it as HADIT, CHIC, and EASY and Stuart Varney and Neal Cavuto do.

Still no response to this:

PoliticalChic, post: 16117526
So now you're running from your 'deceptively edited' claim with your tail between you legs????

No I'm not. Here is the deceptively edited FBN News Clip.

Are you denying Varney aired this on his program?

Why no response to this actually deceptively edited clip? By none of you .

This question goes as well to:

hadit, post: 16123239.
See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.

You see HADIT goes for less gusto than CHIC and EASY when it comes to lying about our first black president. There is a bitch about not taking the opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections. HADIT suggests the President did not say something where CHIC and EASY put false words in the President's mouth. But HADIT by this dimwitted and preposterous demand feeds the fake news machine and repeat repeat repeat until it becomes true to all the deplorables on the right.

What is clear, in the fake Varney clip above, is that Stuart Varney under Cavuto's watch and three days after the actual Obama/Rodreguez interview aired, stated CLEARLY that Rodreguez implied that she was illegal and Obama told an illegal directly that she had nothing to fear by voting illegally.

HADIT demands the black President must say something that goes without saying or be damned, but had no demand that a right wing economist on a nationally seen TV broadcast be clear at all when he edits the words of the president and flat out lies about Gina's citizenship to make a fake news story get a rise out of the deplorables.

Varney and Cavuto are white. They are excused for purposely being unclear to the point of falsehood. Obama is damned by HADIT because he supposedly left something out - which Obama actually did not do as Faun has pointed out by mentioning the website where it's clear that you must be a citizen to vote.

He "mentioned a website". Excuse me while I faint from the excitement.
Poor, unhinged, PoliticalHack can't post without lying.

She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....
No, she did not ask that. Stop lying. What she actually asked was...
"so if I vote, will immigration know where I live?"
And of course, Gina Rodriguez is a U.S. citizen.

Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!
No, he did not answer that. Stop lying. What he actually said was...
"Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself..."
... and Gina Rodriguez, who asked the question about if she herself votes, is a citizen.

If truth and reality was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

True, Gina Rodriguez is a US citizen. True, she asked "so if I vote, will immigration know where I live".

First of, US citizen have no reason to ask that question for themselves. Why would immigration care about US citizen exercising their constitutional right? Nope, she's asking that question for all those who she's identifying as citizens, like herself.

She also said that undocumented, and dreamers etc are citizens, because they "contribute" to the country, which is not true. They're not citizens, they have no right to vote. She said they're "fearful of voting". Why would citizen be fearful of voting? Only those who have no right to vote, but they vote, should fear, and if you're citizen, why would you fear to cast the vote?

The premise of her question is pointing to "should illegals be afraid of immigration if they vote". Yes, she did say "if I vote" but she as a citizen have nothing to worry about, because she has right to vote. She isn't asking for herself, she's asking for all those who she's calling "citizens", while they're not, should they worry if they vote.

They should worry, since they shouldn't even be in my country, let alone to vote.

Throw them all out. Every single illegal Juan.
If a U.S. citizen heard somewhere that voting could lead to immigration coming after one's family, they certainly could be fearful of that unless they know the reality, as Obama articulated, there is nothing to fear.
I blame TV and government schools. There's no good reason for a citizen to fear INS if they vote. Now, when a president says illegal aliens should have a voice in our elections, there is a problem.
Poor, unhinged, PoliticalHack can't post without lying.

She asks if UNDOCUMENTED aliens can vote...will they be caught and deported....
No, she did not ask that. Stop lying. What she actually asked was...
"so if I vote, will immigration know where I live?"
And of course, Gina Rodriguez is a U.S. citizen.

Obama says 'no way''re a citizen if if you're illegal!!!!
No, he did not answer that. Stop lying. What he actually said was...
"Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself..."
... and Gina Rodriguez, who asked the question about if she herself votes, is a citizen.

If truth and reality was on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

True, Gina Rodriguez is a US citizen. True, she asked "so if I vote, will immigration know where I live".

First of, US citizen have no reason to ask that question for themselves. Why would immigration care about US citizen exercising their constitutional right? Nope, she's asking that question for all those who she's identifying as citizens, like herself.

She also said that undocumented, and dreamers etc are citizens, because they "contribute" to the country, which is not true. They're not citizens, they have no right to vote. She said they're "fearful of voting". Why would citizen be fearful of voting? Only those who have no right to vote, but they vote, should fear, and if you're citizen, why would you fear to cast the vote?

The premise of her question is pointing to "should illegals be afraid of immigration if they vote". Yes, she did say "if I vote" but she as a citizen have nothing to worry about, because she has right to vote. She isn't asking for herself, she's asking for all those who she's calling "citizens", while they're not, should they worry if they vote.

They should worry, since they shouldn't even be in my country, let alone to vote.

Throw them all out. Every single illegal Juan.
If a U.S. citizen heard somewhere that voting could lead to immigration coming after one's family, they certainly could be fearful of that unless they know the reality, as Obama articulated, there is nothing to fear.
I blame TV and government schools. There's no good reason for a citizen to fear INS if they vote. Now, when a president says illegal aliens should have a voice in our elections, there is a problem.

Well, let's not forget that not only is he the most destructive of Presidents....but he is also the most corrupt.
"You didn't build that!"
He's telling a U.S. citizen as a U.S. citizen, she has nothing to fear about being investigated if she votes.

Your argument makes absolutely NO DAMN SENSE:

Legal American citizens who are registered voters already KNOW they have nothing to fear from exercising their legal right to vote, so why the f* would they need Barry to reassure them that no one was going to punish them for exercising that right?

When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

The fact is that Barry has violated the Constitution and the Rule of law, protected illegals from the law, protected human traffickers, engaged in Human Trafficking, has been found in Contempt for refusing court orders, and more to support, supply, defend, and protect illegals - criminals.

The whole reason liberals have supported bringing in millions of illegals and then addicting them to government handouts is the same reason LBJ created economic slavery for blacks after civil rights passed - to get their votes. In regards to illegals, libs don't care if those votes are legal or not!

(LBJ: "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something but not enough to make a difference. I will have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years!")
Moron, you don't speak for everyone. Not everyone knows that and some citizens with undocumented family/friends do fear that. What makes no sense is to think Obama is encouraging illegals to vote when he's telling them they can't vote and promoting a website which states voters must be a U.S. citizen.

So I'll ask you the question PoliticalHack doesn't possess the courage to answer...

Obama said, "what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

... how is telling illegals they can't vote encouraging them to vote?
It seems that a lot of cherry picking is going on here
How unfortunate for you, you can't lie your way out of this. Despite your lie that Obama did not say illegals can't vote, his actual words prove you're lying...

"People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard."
Since you highlighted it, I can't help but notice the word, "legally". Aren't the people we're talking about already here illegally? So it would seem that the president is saying, with a wink and a nod, "You can't vote LEGALLY, but nothing will happen to you if you vote illegally".

See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.
If you saw a wink and a nod, you're imagining it. Not only is Obama reaching out to Latino citizens to vote because they're the voice for undocumented family/friends who have no such voice, he twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.

That's some encouragement, huh?
Please look at what you are really saying. He is literally saying that illegal aliens should have a voice in our presidential election. I do not think they should have such. Indeed, why should they?

Obama was doing nothing to discourage illegal voting. The "undocumented" aka illegal aliens, are already breaking the law simply by being here. Now he expects them to respect election law when they're already violating immigration law with impunity and he wants them to have a voice in our election? That is not a logical conclusion to draw.
He is not saying they should have a voice by voting, and that is the salient point here.

And yes, he was discouraging illegals from voting. I can only drag you to the trough, I can't make you drink.

Telling illegal aliens they can't legally vote is discouraging them from voting.

Directing them to a website which tells them they can't vote is discouraging them from voting.

If you want to be as dishonest as PoliticalHack, you can ignore that too, but in that interview, he does not encourage illegal aliens to vote.
What voice should illegal aliens have in our election?
The ones their U.S. citizen family members want them to have.
PoliticalChic, post: 16122899
We won't let them forget how they lost every metric....even with the lying President telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote.

Now you have fellow liars that sink to what amounts to a racist attack telling us that Obama reassured illegal voters that they could vote without repercussion.

easyt65, post: 16122844
When asked ... It is obviously clear to everyone - even Liberals in denial - that Barry was re-assuring illegals there would be no repercussions if they were caught illegally voting.

This is how the right wing fake news propaganda machine works. It edits the president's very own words which are clear to mean the exact opposite of what was said.

Then it is repeat repeat repeat ad infinitum.

The exponential success of this right wing fake news machine must be due in part to a high degree of racial bias and prejudice of having a black man elected to the highest office in the land. Many right wingers throw their morality out the window by easily accepting fake news and having a thirst for it as HADIT, CHIC, and EASY and Stuart Varney and Neal Cavuto do.

Still no response to this:

PoliticalChic, post: 16117526
So now you're running from your 'deceptively edited' claim with your tail between you legs????

No I'm not. Here is the deceptively edited FBN News Clip.

Are you denying Varney aired this on his program?

Why no response to this actually deceptively edited clip? By none of you .

This question goes as well to:

hadit, post: 16123239.
See, the president had an opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections, that we have laws against them doing so, and that we will prosecute any who do. He did not make that clear, however, instead saying precisely zero about taking action against illegal votes from illegal voters. When questioned (by someone who should know better) about what might happen to her if she voted, he could have (and in my mind should have), made it clear that citizens have nothing to fear when they vote but non-citizens do.

You see HADIT goes for less gusto than CHIC and EASY when it comes to lying about our first black president. There is a bitch about not taking the opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections. HADIT suggests the President did not say something where CHIC and EASY put false words in the President's mouth. But HADIT by this dimwitted and preposterous demand feeds the fake news machine and repeat repeat repeat until it becomes true to all the deplorables on the right.

What is clear, in the fake Varney clip above, is that Stuart Varney under Cavuto's watch and three days after the actual Obama/Rodreguez interview aired, stated CLEARLY that Rodreguez implied that she was illegal and Obama told an illegal directly that she had nothing to fear by voting illegally.

HADIT demands the black President must say something that goes without saying or be damned, but had no demand that a right wing economist on a nationally seen TV broadcast be clear at all when he edits the words of the president and flat out lies about Gina's citizenship to make a fake news story get a rise out of the deplorables.

Varney and Cavuto are white. They are excused for purposely being unclear to the point of falsehood. Obama is damned by HADIT because he supposedly left something out - which Obama actually did not do as Faun has pointed out by mentioning the website where it's clear that you must be a citizen to vote.

He "mentioned a website". Excuse me while I faint from the excitement.

The website he promoted informs readers they must be U.S. citizens to vote. How is that encouraging illegal aliens to vote?

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