Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Bernie won the Popular vote in many states, yet the corrupt DNC gave the Super Delegates to Hillary Anyways.
WTF kinda rigged system is that?

Yet Liberals who apparently are too phucked in the head to understand our political system want to complain about The Electoral System where Trump won the popular vote in 37 states, vs. Clinton with just 13 wins?

We are a Union of States, and in a National Election, we run 50 separate elections giving each state a voice in to who they want as their president.

It's arguably the most fair system for conducting a national election in the world. It is also fairly fraud proof except for the fact you can flood some states with illegal votes, but that you would have to rig elections in 3,700 counties to win like that.

Liberals should just crawl back in to the pit of Hell from where they came from, but they are hell bent on spreading their disease across the planet.
Best just to battle them until the day you die, and give them no quarter.

They will always be sore losers. Always be subversive, and always be seeking to do evil, and to destroy freedom wherever they find it.

They are a friend to Felons, Perverts, and Terrorists, and an Enemy to God, What Is Good, and What is Right.

Never underestimate the pervasive and infectious influence of these Minions From Hell.
Last edited:
Hillary still won the popular vote.
no, no she didn't. Trump won the popular vote by winning 30 states popular votes. That is much more than 20 states. funny you still don't understand it.

That is the dumbest thing ever written.

Although I love having you post and reveal what a know-nothing you are, watch how this one short post will silence you:

a. Do you know how many illegal aliens there are in the country?

b. Did any illegal aliens vote?

Wait for it........

c. How many?
PoliticalChic, post: 16122899 You have not shown one fact or quote or full statement by Obama where he told or suggested or inferred that illegals could vote.

Now you have fellow liars that sink to what amounts to a racist attack telling us that Obama reassured illegal voters that they could vote without repercussion.

easyt65, post: 16122844 This is how the right wing fake news propaganda machine works. It edits the president's very own words which are clear to mean the exact opposite of what was said.

Then it is repeat repeat repeat ad infinitum.

The exponential success of this right wing fake news machine must be due in part to a high degree of racial bias and prejudice of having a black man elected to the highest office in the land. Many right wingers throw their morality out the window by easily accepting fake news and having a thirst for it as HADIT, CHIC, and EASY and Stuart Varney and Neal Cavuto do.

Still no response to this:

Why no response to this actually deceptively edited clip? By none of you .

This question goes as well to:

hadit, post: 16123239. You see HADIT goes for less gusto than CHIC and EASY when it comes to lying about our first black president. There is a bitch about not taking the opportunity to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT supposed to vote in our elections. HADIT suggests the President did not say something where CHIC and EASY put false words in the President's mouth. But HADIT by this dimwitted and preposterous demand feeds the fake news machine and repeat repeat repeat until it becomes true to all the deplorables on the right.

What is clear, in the fake Varney clip above, is that Stuart Varney under Cavuto's watch and three days after the actual Obama/Rodreguez interview aired, stated CLEARLY that Rodreguez implied that she was illegal and Obama told an illegal directly that she had nothing to fear by voting illegally.

HADIT demands the black President must say something that goes without saying or be damned, but had no demand that a right wing economist on a nationally seen TV broadcast be clear at all when he edits the words of the president and flat out lies about Gina's citizenship to make a fake news story get a rise out of the deplorables.

Varney and Cavuto are white. They are excused for purposely being unclear to the point of falsehood. Obama is damned by HADIT because he supposedly left something out - which Obama actually did not do as Faun has pointed out by mentioning the website where it's clear that you must be a citizen to vote.
He "mentioned a website". Excuse me while I faint from the excitement.
The website he promoted informs readers they must be U.S. citizens to vote. How is that encouraging illegal aliens to vote?
We're arguing in circles. "He mentioned a website" is NOT a strong or clear way to communicate. If the president really wanted to make it clear that illegal aliens are NOT allowed to vote and that they would be prosecuted if they were caught doing so, he would have simply said something along the lines of, "It's you are an illegal alien and you are caught voting in this election, you will be prosecuted". Mentioning a website is a very poor way of communicating that idea, which violates the thought that this president is really good at communicating, and stuff. When you want to communicate an idea, you don't mention a website that contains that idea, you clearly state the idea, then you can mention the site if people want further information.

He clearly stated they cannot legally vote. That he didn't redundantly state they could face prosecution is merely partisan nitpicking.

That in itself is sufficient to squash any bizarre notion that he encouraged illegals to vote.

The bottom line is that Obama was not really interested in making the point that illegal aliens would face prosecution if they were caught voting. He bent over backward assuring them that they should have a voice in our election.
No, that's not the bottom line. That's a byline. The discussion is about whether or not Obama encouraged illegal aliens to vote.

How is telling them they can't vote encouraging them to vote?
You can use "He mentioned a website" as a cover, but it's not clear communication. Of bigger concern should be why a citizen would fear INS prosecution in the first place. I blame government schools for the shocking ignorance.
You're devolving into utter nonsense now. Show where public schools teach how immigration goes after undocumented family members of voting citizens.

As far as Obama's clarity, he clearly states illegals can't legally vote. The props he gave to were in addition to that. So how is that encouraging illegals to vote?
Hillary still won the popular vote.
no, no she didn't. Trump won the popular vote by winning 30 states popular votes. That is much more than 20 states. funny you still don't understand it.

That is the dumbest thing ever written.
what isn't true about it? who won 30 states? how is it one wins the state? popular vote in the state. what is dumb about it. It is more accurate than anything posted by a libturd in here.
Bernie won the Popular vote in many states, yet the corrupt DNC gave the Super Delegates to Hillary Anyways.
WTF kinda rigged system is that?

Yet Liberals who apparently are too phucked in the head to understand our political system want to complain about The Electoral System where Trump won the popular vote in 37 states, vs. Clinton with just 13 wins?

We are a Union of States, and in a National Election, we run 50 separate elections giving each state a voice in to who they want as their president.

It's arguably the most fair system for conducting a national election in the world. It is also fairly fraud proof except for the fact you can flood some states with illegal votes, but that you would have to rig elections in 3,700 counties to win like that.

Liberals should just crawl back in to the pit of Hell from where they came from, but they are hell bent on spreading their disease across the planet.
Best just to battle them until the day you die, and give them no quarter.

Hillary won the popular vote.

Fraud proof—hmmm You’re on the wrong thread. The OP is a total fraud.
Hillary still won the popular vote.
no, no she didn't. Trump won the popular vote by winning 30 states popular votes. That is much more than 20 states. funny you still don't understand it.

That is the dumbest thing ever written.
what isn't true about it? who won 30 states? how is it one wins the state? popular vote in the state. what is dumb about it. It is more accurate than anything posted by a libturd in here.

That you can’t figure out your error in logic reflects an even greater error in judgement to highlight the former.
Bernie won the Popular vote in many states, yet the corrupt DNC gave the Super Delegates to Hillary Anyways.
WTF kinda rigged system is that?

Yet Liberals who apparently are too phucked in the head to understand our political system want to complain about The Electoral System where Trump won the popular vote in 37 states, vs. Clinton with just 13 wins?

We are a Union of States, and in a National Election, we run 50 separate elections giving each state a voice in to who they want as their president.

It's arguably the most fair system for conducting a national election in the world. It is also fairly fraud proof except for the fact you can flood some states with illegal votes, but that you would have to rig elections in 3,700 counties to win like that.

Liberals should just crawl back in to the pit of Hell from where they came from, but they are hell bent on spreading their disease across the planet.
Best just to battle them until the day you die, and give them no quarter.

I fully appreciate the truth of your post, Oak-guy....

....but I love rubbing in the fact that it is only with illegal aliens and dead folks voting for them, did Bill's wife accrue the number of popular votes that she did.
Bernie won the Popular vote in many states, yet the corrupt DNC gave the Super Delegates to Hillary Anyways.
WTF kinda rigged system is that?

Yet Liberals who apparently are too phucked in the head to understand our political system want to complain about The Electoral System where Trump won the popular vote in 37 states, vs. Clinton with just 13 wins?

We are a Union of States, and in a National Election, we run 50 separate elections giving each state a voice in to who they want as their president.

It's arguably the most fair system for conducting a national election in the world. It is also fairly fraud proof except for the fact you can flood some states with illegal votes, but that you would have to rig elections in 3,700 counties to win like that.

Liberals should just crawl back in to the pit of Hell from where they came from, but they are hell bent on spreading their disease across the planet.
Best just to battle them until the day you die, and give them no quarter.

Hillary won the popular vote.

Fraud proof—hmmm You’re on the wrong thread. The OP is a total fraud.
she did not.
Hillary still won the popular vote.
no, no she didn't. Trump won the popular vote by winning 30 states popular votes. That is much more than 20 states. funny you still don't understand it.

That is the dumbest thing ever written.
what isn't true about it? who won 30 states? how is it one wins the state? popular vote in the state. what is dumb about it. It is more accurate than anything posted by a libturd in here.

That you can’t figure out your error in logic reflects an even greater error in judgement to highlight the former.
explain what you mean then. how does one win the presidency? EC correct? who had the highest number of EC votes? Trump right? you aren't making any sense junior.
Hillary Clinton won this election, three states gave the presidency to a draft dodger, adulterer, who pays no taxes, a rich white boy who inherited his wealth and played the white supremacist card and the white resentment card very well. Nothing to brag about when the KKK is cheering your election choice and a racist is our president and his close staff includes an anti-Semite. Let's be honest here. It was a fake election as Donnie cares not an iota for the working class, check all the lawsuits. But he played the whities like a banjo and now big money is where it always was in control.

"There was not one rational reason for a white person not in the upper classes to vote for Trump. In the last quarter, the economy was growing at nearly 3 percent, and not only was job growth solid but also wages are finally rising. But none of these economic facts could be appreciated because a candidate was pouring the crudest fuel on an old American flame, white supremacy."

Dear hard-working white people: Congratulations, you played yourself

"Over the next few months, pundits and scholars will dissect this election. Many will find fault with Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Some will blame James Comey and the FBI. Others will hold the third-party candidacies of Jill Stein and Gary Johnson responsible for her defeat. But most will talk about the discontent of working-class white Americans, how elites dismissed them with scorn and treated them with condescension, and how they, in the end, rejected the status quo and the economic philosophy that has left them behind. These are the folks Donald Trump called “the forgotten men and women of our country,” and this election will be read as their revenge.

But that is a lie. To be sure, non-college-educated, working-class white men overwhelmingly voted for Trump. But what the early exit-poll data, with all of its flaws, reveal is a much more complicated picture.
The fact, and it is one this country must confront, is that the majority of White America voted for Trump to be the 45th President of the United States. According to the results of the Edison Research’s national election poll, 53% of white women voted for him and 48% of young white people supported him. Large numbers of college-educated white women (45%) and men (54%) voted for him. What is becoming increasingly clear is that White America, writ large, supported the candidate who wants to ban Muslims, build a wall on our southern border and deport undocumented workers; who calls himself the candidate of law and order; and who degrades and demeans women. This isn’t the revenge of working-class white men alone. White America—and I mean those who see themselves as white people, not as those who happen to be white—has struck back." Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. Nov. 9, 2016, Time Magazine

Ohhhh, nooooo.....

You're upset because the career criminal and congenital liar didn't become President????

You poor thing.

As far back as Arkansas she was the baglady to collect Bill's bribe money:

1. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

Remember the story she told about studying The Wall Street Journal to explain her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading? We now know that was a lie told to turn aside accusations that as the Governor's wife she profited corruptly, her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests through a disreputable broker.

She lied for good reason: To admit otherwise would be to confess taking, and paying taxes on, what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe."
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

2. Cattlegate...."... computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.
The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account,...."

a. "....guided through the risky trades by James Blair, a friend and top lawyer for one of Arkansas' most powerful companies, Tyson Foods Inc." Business | Hillary Clinton Invested $1,000, Netted $100,000 Through Trading | Seattle Times Newspaper

b. "....Tyson was everything shed been taught to despise at Wellesley and Yale, a greedy capitalist who hated labor unions and had no compunction about polluting Mother Earth for financial gain. Yet she allowed Blair, Big Daddys right-hand man, to manage her financial affairs. Second, assuming the speculation in Marshalls Magazine is correct, she was the conduit for a bribe." Democrook: Hillary Clinton

3. Back when Bill Clinton was in the White House, Hillary received $100,000 in bribes in return for putting $1,000 into the cattle futures market. The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion. That was small potatoes compared to the deals Bill and Hillary appear to have cut with foreign governments. Enormous sums went directly into Bill’s pockets for doing speeches or to the scammy Clinton Foundation and next thing you know, the State Department was doing favors for those shady deep pocketed donors. Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department
5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit To Be President

The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion.
Hey...look....the same odds that she won the popular vote without illegal alien and dead people votes!

Did I mention that she is a career criminal as well as a congenital liar??/

Hillary won the popular vote Jumbo. Have another chicken wing or 20 and shut the fuck up.

Hillary didn't win shit. The few areas that she did win the county were the same ones that allow noncitizen to vote. Her popular vote is due to fraud. Imagine if there was a recount and investigation into the voting in Southern California. Get off your bullshit that she won. Once Voter ID is national law, the Democrats are done. No cheating, no winning for you asshats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hillary still won the popular vote.
no, no she didn't. Trump won the popular vote by winning 30 states popular votes. That is much more than 20 states. funny you still don't understand it.

That is the dumbest thing ever written.

Although I love having you post and reveal what a know-nothing you are, watch how this one short post will silence you:

a. Do you know how many illegal aliens there are in the country?

b. Did any illegal aliens vote?

Wait for it........

c. How many?
All Illegal Aliens who were illegally given Driver's Licenses and Illegally Registered To Vote and attempted to vote, successfully voted.
Estimates are between 5-7 Million Illegal Votes were cast.

This is because Motor Voter Registration legitimizes ILLEGAL VOTES and makes it impossible to differentiate between a Legal Vote and an Illegal Casting an Illegal Vote after the fact.

Slick System Designed by Corrupt and Evil People who hate America and Democracy and who want to Disenfranchise Legal Citizen Voters.

Therefore, I say Motor Voter Registration Systems need to be banned, and they are illegal, because They Violate US code by aiding and abetting illegal aliens.
PoliticalChic, post: 16153845h
@3:25 she actually says "Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting.

Of course undocumented parents and relatives are fearful of their millenials voting. Republican voter intimidation gets to them. But they fear family members voting not that they have any intention in voting themselves.

You just can't comprehend basic simple English.

"Of course undocumented parents and relatives are fearful of their millenials voting."

Your claim is that anyone voting legally would be fearful????

In a constellation of stupid and insipid attempts....this one may be your most stupid and insipid, FOOL.
21st time... Obama said, [illegals], "who can't legally vote." How does telling illegals they can't vote, encourage them to vote?
Hillary Clinton won this election, three states gave the presidency to a draft dodger, adulterer, who pays no taxes, a rich white boy who inherited his wealth and played the white supremacist card and the white resentment card very well. Nothing to brag about when the KKK is cheering your election choice and a racist is our president and his close staff includes an anti-Semite. Let's be honest here. It was a fake election as Donnie cares not an iota for the working class, check all the lawsuits. But he played the whities like a banjo and now big money is where it always was in control.

"There was not one rational reason for a white person not in the upper classes to vote for Trump. In the last quarter, the economy was growing at nearly 3 percent, and not only was job growth solid but also wages are finally rising. But none of these economic facts could be appreciated because a candidate was pouring the crudest fuel on an old American flame, white supremacy."

Dear hard-working white people: Congratulations, you played yourself

"Over the next few months, pundits and scholars will dissect this election. Many will find fault with Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Some will blame James Comey and the FBI. Others will hold the third-party candidacies of Jill Stein and Gary Johnson responsible for her defeat. But most will talk about the discontent of working-class white Americans, how elites dismissed them with scorn and treated them with condescension, and how they, in the end, rejected the status quo and the economic philosophy that has left them behind. These are the folks Donald Trump called “the forgotten men and women of our country,” and this election will be read as their revenge.

But that is a lie. To be sure, non-college-educated, working-class white men overwhelmingly voted for Trump. But what the early exit-poll data, with all of its flaws, reveal is a much more complicated picture.
The fact, and it is one this country must confront, is that the majority of White America voted for Trump to be the 45th President of the United States. According to the results of the Edison Research’s national election poll, 53% of white women voted for him and 48% of young white people supported him. Large numbers of college-educated white women (45%) and men (54%) voted for him. What is becoming increasingly clear is that White America, writ large, supported the candidate who wants to ban Muslims, build a wall on our southern border and deport undocumented workers; who calls himself the candidate of law and order; and who degrades and demeans women. This isn’t the revenge of working-class white men alone. White America—and I mean those who see themselves as white people, not as those who happen to be white—has struck back." Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. Nov. 9, 2016, Time Magazine

Ohhhh, nooooo.....

You're upset because the career criminal and congenital liar didn't become President????

You poor thing.

As far back as Arkansas she was the baglady to collect Bill's bribe money:

1. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

Remember the story she told about studying The Wall Street Journal to explain her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading? We now know that was a lie told to turn aside accusations that as the Governor's wife she profited corruptly, her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests through a disreputable broker.

She lied for good reason: To admit otherwise would be to confess taking, and paying taxes on, what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe."
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

2. Cattlegate...."... computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.
The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account,...."

a. "....guided through the risky trades by James Blair, a friend and top lawyer for one of Arkansas' most powerful companies, Tyson Foods Inc." Business | Hillary Clinton Invested $1,000, Netted $100,000 Through Trading | Seattle Times Newspaper

b. "....Tyson was everything shed been taught to despise at Wellesley and Yale, a greedy capitalist who hated labor unions and had no compunction about polluting Mother Earth for financial gain. Yet she allowed Blair, Big Daddys right-hand man, to manage her financial affairs. Second, assuming the speculation in Marshalls Magazine is correct, she was the conduit for a bribe." Democrook: Hillary Clinton

3. Back when Bill Clinton was in the White House, Hillary received $100,000 in bribes in return for putting $1,000 into the cattle futures market. The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion. That was small potatoes compared to the deals Bill and Hillary appear to have cut with foreign governments. Enormous sums went directly into Bill’s pockets for doing speeches or to the scammy Clinton Foundation and next thing you know, the State Department was doing favors for those shady deep pocketed donors. Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department
5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit To Be President

The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion.
Hey...look....the same odds that she won the popular vote without illegal alien and dead people votes!

Did I mention that she is a career criminal as well as a congenital liar??/

Hillary won the popular vote Jumbo. Have another chicken wing or 20 and shut the fuck up.

Hillary didn't win shit. The few areas that she did win the county were the same ones that allow noncitizen to vote. Her popular vote is due to fraud. Imagine if there was a recount and investigation into the voting in Southern California. Get off your bullshit that she won. Once Voter ID is national law, the Democrats are done. No cheating, no winning for you asshats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dude the evidence of fraud is already exposed thanks to the recount challenge in Michigan. Detroit had 40 precincts that had too many votes for ballots handed out. Guess who got the extra count? that's just one fking city. I'd love to have a recount across the country and see where else that double counting happened.

also, in Florida, a democrat election judge was caught with 30k absentee ballots in a back room. guess who those would have gone to? dems have been figured out and they brought the evidence out themselves. I laugh at how sloppy they are.
Hillary Clinton won this election, three states gave the presidency to a draft dodger, adulterer, who pays no taxes, a rich white boy who inherited his wealth and played the white supremacist card and the white resentment card very well. Nothing to brag about when the KKK is cheering your election choice and a racist is our president and his close staff includes an anti-Semite. Let's be honest here. It was a fake election as Donnie cares not an iota for the working class, check all the lawsuits. But he played the whities like a banjo and now big money is where it always was in control.

"There was not one rational reason for a white person not in the upper classes to vote for Trump. In the last quarter, the economy was growing at nearly 3 percent, and not only was job growth solid but also wages are finally rising. But none of these economic facts could be appreciated because a candidate was pouring the crudest fuel on an old American flame, white supremacy."

Dear hard-working white people: Congratulations, you played yourself

"Over the next few months, pundits and scholars will dissect this election. Many will find fault with Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Some will blame James Comey and the FBI. Others will hold the third-party candidacies of Jill Stein and Gary Johnson responsible for her defeat. But most will talk about the discontent of working-class white Americans, how elites dismissed them with scorn and treated them with condescension, and how they, in the end, rejected the status quo and the economic philosophy that has left them behind. These are the folks Donald Trump called “the forgotten men and women of our country,” and this election will be read as their revenge.

But that is a lie. To be sure, non-college-educated, working-class white men overwhelmingly voted for Trump. But what the early exit-poll data, with all of its flaws, reveal is a much more complicated picture.
The fact, and it is one this country must confront, is that the majority of White America voted for Trump to be the 45th President of the United States. According to the results of the Edison Research’s national election poll, 53% of white women voted for him and 48% of young white people supported him. Large numbers of college-educated white women (45%) and men (54%) voted for him. What is becoming increasingly clear is that White America, writ large, supported the candidate who wants to ban Muslims, build a wall on our southern border and deport undocumented workers; who calls himself the candidate of law and order; and who degrades and demeans women. This isn’t the revenge of working-class white men alone. White America—and I mean those who see themselves as white people, not as those who happen to be white—has struck back." Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. Nov. 9, 2016, Time Magazine

Ohhhh, nooooo.....

You're upset because the career criminal and congenital liar didn't become President????

You poor thing.

As far back as Arkansas she was the baglady to collect Bill's bribe money:

1. "Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

Remember the story she told about studying The Wall Street Journal to explain her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading? We now know that was a lie told to turn aside accusations that as the Governor's wife she profited corruptly, her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests through a disreputable broker.

She lied for good reason: To admit otherwise would be to confess taking, and paying taxes on, what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe."
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

2. Cattlegate...."... computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.
The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account,...."

a. "....guided through the risky trades by James Blair, a friend and top lawyer for one of Arkansas' most powerful companies, Tyson Foods Inc." Business | Hillary Clinton Invested $1,000, Netted $100,000 Through Trading | Seattle Times Newspaper

b. "....Tyson was everything shed been taught to despise at Wellesley and Yale, a greedy capitalist who hated labor unions and had no compunction about polluting Mother Earth for financial gain. Yet she allowed Blair, Big Daddys right-hand man, to manage her financial affairs. Second, assuming the speculation in Marshalls Magazine is correct, she was the conduit for a bribe." Democrook: Hillary Clinton

3. Back when Bill Clinton was in the White House, Hillary received $100,000 in bribes in return for putting $1,000 into the cattle futures market. The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion. That was small potatoes compared to the deals Bill and Hillary appear to have cut with foreign governments. Enormous sums went directly into Bill’s pockets for doing speeches or to the scammy Clinton Foundation and next thing you know, the State Department was doing favors for those shady deep pocketed donors. Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department
5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit To Be President

The odds that Hillary did that honestly have been computed at 1 in 31 trillion.
Hey...look....the same odds that she won the popular vote without illegal alien and dead people votes!

Did I mention that she is a career criminal as well as a congenital liar??/

Hillary won the popular vote Jumbo. Have another chicken wing or 20 and shut the fuck up.

Hillary didn't win shit. The few areas that she did win the county were the same ones that allow noncitizen to vote. Her popular vote is due to fraud. Imagine if there was a recount and investigation into the voting in Southern California. Get off your bullshit that she won. Once Voter ID is national law, the Democrats are done. No cheating, no winning for you asshats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PoliticalChic, post: 16153845h
@3:25 she actually says "Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting.

Of course undocumented parents and relatives are fearful of their millenials voting. Republican voter intimidation gets to them. But they fear family members voting not that they have any intention in voting themselves.

You just can't comprehend basic simple English.

"Of course undocumented parents and relatives are fearful of their millenials voting."

Your claim is that anyone voting legally would be fearful????

In a constellation of stupid and insipid attempts....this one may be your most stupid and insipid, FOOL.
21st time... Obama said, [illegals], "who can't legally vote." How does telling illegals they can't vote, encourage them to vote?

Here's how:

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.
Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.

In simple English, 'cause I know you're a fool.....
She sets up the scenario of illegals wanting to vote, but fear the consequences.

Obama says....'don't one will investigate!

And over 3 million of 'em did.....and your side still lost!

Isn't that true?
PoliticalChic, post: 16153845
The 30 seconds that I've shown is the only part of the interview that counts.
It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote...
...and the part FOOLs use to try to hid the lie the snake is selling.

I notice you have no direct response to my point.

You can't come back with a material fact. All you bring is more imagineering. You now can read millions of undocumented non-voting citizen's minds, knowing how they hear things.

"It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote..."

There is nothing in this entire interview that 'allows' them to vote or hear that they can, - absolutely nothing. You give us no direct quote that any undocumented immigrant can 'hear' what would make them think they could vote.

They are fearful if their Dreamer kids legally vote and that could lead to deportation. Why in the hell do you think that many of them living here for decades without breaking more than the law they broke when entering or overstaying, they would mangle what Gina and Obama discussed, and then think they can vote illegally and commit a major federal crime. Committing a crime that would cause separation from their children. That is what they fear. Separation from their children.

You being so stupid you project you own ignorance onto undocumented citizens and Dreamers.

Youve got three fingers pointing back at you when you think undocumented immigrants hear something that exists only in your mind and like-minded right wing haters that seem to create and accept fake news every moment they are awake. And perhaps some even dream fake news when they sleep.

Such an ignorant factless argument, and it makes no sense, universally.

"It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote..."
PoliticalChic, post: 16153845
The 30 seconds that I've shown is the only part of the interview that counts.
It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote...
...and the part FOOLs use to try to hid the lie the snake is selling.

I notice you have no direct response to my point.

You can't come back with a material fact. All you bring is more imagineering. You now can read millions of undocumented non-voting citizen's minds, knowing how they hear things.

"It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote..."

There is nothing in this entire interview that 'allows' them to vote or hear that they can, - absolutely nothing. You give us no direct quote that any undocumented immigrant can 'hear' what would make them think they could vote.

They are fearful if their Dreamer kids legally vote and that could lead to deportation. Why in the hell do you think that many of them living here for decades without breaking more than the law they broke when entering or overstaying, they would mangle what Gina and Obama discussed, and then think they can vote illegally and commit a major federal crime. Committing a crime that would cause separation from their children. That is what they fear. Separation from their children.

You being so stupid you project you own ignorance onto undocumented citizens and Dreamers.

Youve got three fingers pointing back at you when you think undocumented immigrants hear something that exists only in your mind and like-minded right wing haters that seem to create and accept fake news every moment they are awake. And perhaps some even dream fake news when they sleep.

Such an ignorant factless argument, and it makes no sense, universally.

"It's the part illegal hear that 'allows' them to vote..."

"I notice you have no direct response to my point. "

Don't worry.....

....your hat covers it.
PoliticalChic, post: 16153845h
@3:25 she actually says "Many of the millennials, dreamers, UNDOCUMENTED citizens....and I call them citizens because they contribute to the country....are fearful of voting.

Of course undocumented parents and relatives are fearful of their millenials voting. Republican voter intimidation gets to them. But they fear family members voting not that they have any intention in voting themselves.

You just can't comprehend basic simple English.

"Of course undocumented parents and relatives are fearful of their millenials voting."

Your claim is that anyone voting legally would be fearful????

In a constellation of stupid and insipid attempts....this one may be your most stupid and insipid, FOOL.
21st time... Obama said, [illegals], "who can't legally vote." How does telling illegals they can't vote, encourage them to vote?

Here's how:

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.
Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.

In simple English, 'cause I know you're a fool.....
She sets up the scenario of illegals wanting to vote, but fear the consequences.

Obama says....'don't one will investigate!

And over 3 million of 'em did.....and your side still lost!

Isn't that true?

This is why they give ILLEGALs DRIVER'S LICENSES ILLEGALLY. Because in these Liberal Strongholds, they also ILLEGALLY REGISTER ILLEGAL ALIENS TO VOTE, legitimizing their ILLEGAL VOTES and making it impossible to differentiate between a LEGAL VOTE and an ILLEGAL VOTE.

Motor Voter Registration is Illegal.

Again 5-7 Million Illegal Votes were cast in this election in Sanctuary Cities, and it is near impossible to differentiate them from Legal Votes due to THE ILLEGAL MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEM which is illegally registering illegal criminal aliens to vote.
View attachment 100847

As deeply flawed a candidate as Hillary was, she still beat trump black & blue in the popular vote. More than 2 million votes ahead of trump the last I heard. Thus denying trump a mandate.

Getting sick and tired of the whiners claiming that Bill's wife won the popular vote?'s true....but only if you use the time honored Liberal method of claiming to be unable to connect the dots.... other words, refuse to include reality

"But....but proof!!!! No proof!!!"
Of course there is no need for proof when they claim 'racism.'

The spoiled brats have one set of requirements for themselves, and a different one for the other side.

1. “If there is a recount in Michigan and Trump loses by a few votes, then it’s very plausible that noncitizen voting made a big difference. Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.”

Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Richman applied those numbers to 2016:

The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted, and that of the noncitizens who voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for Trump. … 6.4 percent turnout among the roughly 20.3 million noncitizen adults in the U.S. would add only 834,318 votes to Clinton’s popular vote margin. This is little more than a third of the total margin. … Is it plausible that noncitizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that noncitizen votes account for the entire nationwide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.

“An issue of concern is that so many have voted that are not legally supposed to,” Miller told reporters in a conference call Monday.

Beyond the noncitizens voting study from Old Dominion, Miller pointed to the Pew study from 2012 that found 24 million voter registration records in the United States, or about 1 in 8, were “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.”

The Pew study further found “1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters,” that “12 million records contain an incorrect address,” and that “2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.”

“If 10 percent of noncitizens voted, it would likely make a popular vote difference,” Camarota told The Daily Signal. “It’s not the Electoral College [Trump] is upset about. It’s the popular vote. I wish he wouldn’t focus on it. Bill Clinton got just 43 percent of the vote in 1992. How many states did he win more than 50 percent of the vote in?”

Trump could be correct about the number of illegal votes, but there is no way to know, said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow with The Heritage Foundation who focuses on voter integrity issues."
Impact of Noncitizen Voters on the 2016 Election

2. "Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

. How many of the absentee ballots are from the military....and who do you imagine (I almost said 'think') they voted for?

3. "Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race"
Claims of votes by the dead, felons cloud North Carolina governor race

4. Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

5. "Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’
Law firm uncovers illegal immigrants, convicted felons on rolls — and some have voted in crucial swing state
He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Illegal Voters Uncovered in Philly Are ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Beat Trump black and blue. Lol. She beat him up and down and took a shot to the mug. Trump destroyed the invincible Clinton juggernaut.

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