Scalise Withdraws From House Speaker Race

he was shot by a LW lunatic. He goes to the phony inauguration of the Corpse with Donna Lefyist Marxist Brazille. After the massive 2020 Election Fraud. Is that really the best they got? Another turncoat Mike Pence POS?
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., has withdrawn from the House speaker race after he failed to unite the Republican conference around his candidacy.

"I just shared with my colleagues that I'm withdrawing my name as a candidate for the speaker designate," the Louisiana Republican told reporters on Thursday night, just one day after he narrowly won the support of his conference over Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the Trump-endorsed pick for speaker and the House Judiciary Committee.

But as the hours wore on, it became clearer and clearer that Scalise could not win over his detractors. At least 19 House Republicans opposed his candidacy as of Thursday evening, according to a Spectrum News tally.

"Our conference still has to come together and is not there," he added. "There are still some people that have their own agendas, and I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs.”

"This House of Representatives needs a speaker and we need to open up the house again," he said. "But clearly, not everybody is there. And they're still schisms, that has to get resolved."

Scalise has been the No. 2-ranking House Republican since 2019 and part of Republican House leadership since 2014. The Louisiana Republican, who turned 58 last week, was nearly killed in 2017 when a left-wing extremist opened fire on lawmakers during a practice for the annual congressional baseball game, wounding Scalise and three others.

This is a developing story. Check back later for updates.

Scalise withdraws from House speaker race - NY1

Well, that's a fine mess! What will they do now? What do you think?
A shitshow in a clown car inside a dumpster fire.
If Scalise is indeed out, that is one step closer to a Dem minority alliance with a GOP rump dissident faction to make Jeffries Speaker.

Jordan does not have a Swede's chance in Norway.

Not Jeffries but a moderate Republican that Democrats can work with
I'm not sure why anyone is upset. They can't get anything done. Not a bad thing necessarily.
The government will shut down on November 17 if they don't get their shit together.

Our military and border patrol will be going unpaid. Social Security checks won't be mailed.

The economy will implode, and our credit rating will be downgraded.


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