Scalise Withdraws From House Speaker Race

Our country is being held hostage by the Clown Caucus of the GOP.

It is far past time for the 209 other Republican members to bring the hammer down on them. Take away their committee assignments, cut off the heating and air conditioning to their offices, refuse to engage in conversation with them, publicly humiliate them, and start heavily funding their primary challengers.
The government will shut down on November 17 if they don't get their shit together.

Our military and border patrol will be going unpaid. Social Security checks won't be mailed.

The economy will implode, and our credit rating will be downgraded.


Social Security checks are still sent out.
BREAKING: Civil war erupts in the Republican Party again as MAGA lunatic Marjorie Taylor Greene launches a frothing attack on Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace for her "disgusting attack" on Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Let them fight!

It all started with Mace saying that she would not support Scalise for the Speakership because he "attended a white supremacist conference and compared himself to David Duke."

Mace's attack is well-founded but cynical. She doesn't care about morality really, since she's supporting Congressman Jim Jordan for the job, a monster who ignored rampant sexual abuse at Ohio State University. This is partisan intraparty bickering.

Greene lashed out over Mace's accurate characterization of Scalise's character.

"I’m supporting Jim Jordan for Speaker. I’m not supporting Scalise," said Greene. "I like Steve Scalise, and as I said, I want him to beat cancer, and he should be focused on that.”

"What I do think is an unfair and quite frankly disgusting attack is members of our conference using Democratic talking points, using the same lines of attack that Democrats use against every single Republican, every single election, every single day, in these halls of Congress to attack Steve," she went on.

Really getting worked up now, Greene went on to whine that you can "support who you want" but that Mace is "using Democrat BLM lines" to attack Scalise who is supported by "more than 100 of our own conference."

She complained that Mace is saying that "half" of the Republican conference "supports a white supremacist," an assessment that is objectively true despite what Greene says.

"I want a party that’s not always splintered into five factions. I want a party that’s a single fist so we can knock out the Democrats and save this country," concluded Greene.

Good luck with that.

The Republican Party is so fractured because it stands for nothing. It has no real principles other than a thirst for power and a desire to further enrich corporations. Of course these sociopaths are at each others' throats.

May be an image of 2 people

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., has withdrawn from the House speaker race after he failed to unite the Republican conference around his candidacy.

"I just shared with my colleagues that I'm withdrawing my name as a candidate for the speaker designate," the Louisiana Republican told reporters on Thursday night, just one day after he narrowly won the support of his conference over Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the Trump-endorsed pick for speaker and the House Judiciary Committee.

But as the hours wore on, it became clearer and clearer that Scalise could not win over his detractors. At least 19 House Republicans opposed his candidacy as of Thursday evening, according to a Spectrum News tally.

"Our conference still has to come together and is not there," he added. "There are still some people that have their own agendas, and I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs.”

"This House of Representatives needs a speaker and we need to open up the house again," he said. "But clearly, not everybody is there. And they're still schisms, that has to get resolved."

Scalise has been the No. 2-ranking House Republican since 2019 and part of Republican House leadership since 2014. The Louisiana Republican, who turned 58 last week, was nearly killed in 2017 when a left-wing extremist opened fire on lawmakers during a practice for the annual congressional baseball game, wounding Scalise and three others.

This is a developing story. Check back later for updates.

Scalise withdraws from House speaker race - NY1

Well, that's a fine mess! What will they do now? What do you think?
These idiots could not even agree to a House Speaker but they want to rule the country. :lol:
Our country is being held hostage by the Clown Caucus of the GOP.

It is far past time for the 209 other Republican members to bring the hammer down on them. Take away their committee assignments, cut off the heating and air conditioning to their offices, refuse to engage in conversation with them, publicly humiliate them, and start heavily funding their primary challengers.
Its way out of left field--saw it on TikTok but apparently according to the video I saw; they are talking about expelling Gaetz or whatever his name is.
BREAKING: Civil war erupts in the Republican Party again as MAGA lunatic Marjorie Taylor Greene launches a frothing attack on Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace for her "disgusting attack" on Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Let them fight!

It all started with Mace saying that she would not support Scalise for the Speakership because he "attended a white supremacist conference and compared himself to David Duke."

Mace's attack is well-founded but cynical. She doesn't care about morality really, since she's supporting Congressman Jim Jordan for the job, a monster who ignored rampant sexual abuse at Ohio State University. This is partisan intraparty bickering.

Greene lashed out over Mace's accurate characterization of Scalise's character.

"I’m supporting Jim Jordan for Speaker. I’m not supporting Scalise," said Greene. "I like Steve Scalise, and as I said, I want him to beat cancer, and he should be focused on that.”

"What I do think is an unfair and quite frankly disgusting attack is members of our conference using Democratic talking points, using the same lines of attack that Democrats use against every single Republican, every single election, every single day, in these halls of Congress to attack Steve," she went on.

Really getting worked up now, Greene went on to whine that you can "support who you want" but that Mace is "using Democrat BLM lines" to attack Scalise who is supported by "more than 100 of our own conference."

She complained that Mace is saying that "half" of the Republican conference "supports a white supremacist," an assessment that is objectively true despite what Greene says.

"I want a party that’s not always splintered into five factions. I want a party that’s a single fist so we can knock out the Democrats and save this country," concluded Greene.

Good luck with that.

The Republican Party is so fractured because it stands for nothing. It has no real principles other than a thirst for power and a desire to further enrich corporations. Of course these sociopaths are at each others' throats.

May be an image of 2 people
Is there ever a time when she isn't "frothing"?
I guess that leaves Jim Jordan
You mean THE Jim Jordan who voted against certifying the election in deference to traitor Trump? THE Jim Jordan who claimed he couldn't remember whether or not he talked to his Master the morning on Jan. 6 & who ignored a Congressional supoena?

THAT Jim Jordan?

Can't the Trump Party find another bottom feeder at least one notch higher then Jordan on the Trump food chain to become SOTH?
Not Jeffries but a moderate Republican that Democrats can work with
That would seem like the obvious solution. But is there one?
The problem is that there are always more than five pubbies that don't want to work across the isle on some issue or other, so until someone comes forward with a promise to dems that they will have concessions it becomes a very high hurdle.

But I'd like to hear who you might think fills the bill.
The only problem with that "solution" is Jeffries would need 5 Republican votes for every single bill that comes up.

This is not realistic at all.
Oh, come on. There must be 5 sane republicans who understand each issue.
They don't have to be the same ones.

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