Schiff: Trump Thinking He Can Declassify Without a Process Shows How Dangerous He Is

Please tell us exactly what is in these documents that would threaten our National Security.

And be very, very specific.

Oh wait, you don't know and are just playing the sucker for the Deep State that's been trying to get rid of Trump since day one for 7 friggin' years.


I see you are new, so I will clue you in.

The cult NEVER answers in specifics. I ask for specifics all the time. They wont give specifics because they are lying and they know it.
The latest on this board is the assertion that Trump never did accuse the FBI of planting documents. That is, at least the claim has been made by one of the Trump crazies!

Was that just another attempt to revive a dead dog with blowing smoke up it's ass?
you should mention the wackos of the anti-AMERICA, shit stain, SCUM demonRATS---oh wait, that would then include you
The idea that Trump declassified all these documents is worse than if he had stolen them in the first place.

I don’t see how you guys can’t understand that. These are secrets vital to national security. They’re classified for a reason.
hit-lerys server---trading AMERICAN service members lives for weapons---hit-lerys server

Pretty weak doc.

What do you think it means to declassify something? I means that it becomes public information. You mean to tell me you're fine with Trump making these documents public?
so much better than the lying propaganda by the anti-AMERICA, SCUM demonRATS
they are DE-classified

adam--dick sucker--shitts---lying piece of shit that hates AMERICA
all SCUM demonRAT traitors need to die a slow painful death
as opposed to Emperor Xi who single-handedly killed 1 Million Americans.

let's recap. Trump: dangerous, killing 1 Million of your fellow citizens: not dangerous
Declassified means non-secret, mental midget!!
It does!

But Trump was still keeping them secret, wasn't he. He didn't tell anyone they were declassified. These documents weren't made public.

Trump kept them secret and to this day no one is willing to say what was on them.
Then tell me why Trump kept these classified documents a secret?

He didn't. He'd been negotiating with the FBI for months.

Meanwhile for 2 years you sickos told us he was a Russian asset, and it completely collapsed under tax payer funded scrutiny that turned out to be an utter waste of time.

And now I'm supposed to sit here and listen to this nonsense, when you have ZERO proof for a single assertion you make?

I don't theenk so.
He didn't. He'd been negotiating with the FBI for months.

Meanwhile for 2 years you sickos told us he was a Russian asset, and it completely collapsed under tax payer funded scrutiny that turned out to be an utter waste of time.

And now I'm supposed to sit here and listen to this nonsense, when you have ZERO proof for a single assertion you make?

I don't theenk so.
Of course he kept them secret.

We don't know what is on them, do we. That's proof.
Of course he kept them secret.

We don't know what is on them, do we. That's proof.

He didn't keep it a secret.The FBI knew he had them.

And yet, per your own admission, no one seems to know what is in these documents that he declassified so dangerously.

If he's trying to leak secrets, he ain't doing a very good job.

Kinda like you and your debate technique.

The latest on this board is the assertion that Trump never did accuse the FBI of planting documents. That is, at least the claim has been made by one of the Trump crazies!

Was that just another attempt to revive a dead dog with blowing smoke up it's ass?
Like the flamboyant metrosexual they adore, they are conditioned to just keep flinging the bullshit for the sake of chaos. When it fails, they just fling the next one.

Another blazingly obvious example would be the 60+ farcical “rigged election” cases they lost. Just keep going, file the next farce.

And this shit STILL doesn’t sink into their skulls.
It does!

But Trump was still keeping them secret, wasn't he. He didn't tell anyone they were declassified. These documents weren't made public.

Trump kept them secret and to this day no one is willing to say what was on them.

Prove it! :abgg2q.jpg:
Schiff shows how dangerous the FBI has become by spouting off about the documents the Bureau stole from the former president. You gotta be crazy to trust the FBI after they leaked documents to the NYT for years and created a fake document to commit treason by undermining the President of the United States
He didn't keep it a secret.The FBI knew he had them.

And yet, per your own admission, no one seems to know what is in these documents that he declassified so dangerously.

If he's trying to leak secrets, he ain't doing a very good job.

Kinda like you and your debate technique.

NARA was aware because they're in charge of figuring out where documents (including classified documents) are stored.

The documents were kept secret from the public as was his determination that they were all declassified.

I don't have any idea if he is trying to leak secrets or not, but if we accept that he declassified them, then they're not secrets any longer.

He says he declassified the documents even though he was still treating them as secret. It makes no sense.

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