Schitt Gives Up

The AG and former AAG disagree.


Should be interesting to see if Rosenstein escapes the noose by switching sides and agreeing with
Barr there was no "obstruction". In my book he's as dirty as the rest of them but Barr will probably let him slide.
The AG and former AAG disagree.


Should be interesting to see if Rosenstein escapes the noose by switching sides and agreeing with
Barr there was no "obstruction". In my book he's as dirty as the rest of them but Barr will probably let him slide.

Comey may go down but that's about it. The Deep State protects their own. Always.

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking abouzxt.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

No, what's dishonest is your failure to admit this HOAX was anything more than revenge for whipping Hillary's fat ass.....and is the most disgraceful attempted overthrow of a sitting president in our history. Trump could have fired every one of them but didn't....stick your "obstruction" jive where the sun don't shine, boy.
Deflection noted.

Standard talk radio remarks.
Classic libtard response.

Comey may go down but that's about it. The Deep State protects their own. Always.


I think it's more likely to be Brennan...he got England and Australia involved and hatched the plot to turn Papadopoulis into a mole....they'll flip Comey.....gutless pussy wouldn't last a day in the Big House.
Don't attribute Dim behavior traits to Republicans.
There are many similarities.
Like what, they both speak English?
Here you go:

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.

And it shouldn’t either. Other then being a dick head Trump didn’t do anything. This is coming to an end as it should. Now, why. I would like to see is a list of all the republicans who were in on this with the democrats.
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

Former President Bill Clinton
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
WHile calling the GOP party a cult.
And that is why he is a piece of garbage.
It is beyond - beyond time for the partisan ranting/finger pointing/useless stage performances on CSPAN and start doing what they are supposed to do.
Bobble heads like him need to be the first to go.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
And it shouldn’t either. Other then being a dick head Trump didn’t do anything. This is coming to an end as it should. Now, why. I would like to see is a list of all the republicans who were in on this with the democrats.
The report says that Trump tried to get people to change their story. Depending on how he did that, that could easily be construed as obstruction.

It's not "nothing". It just depends on the details.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
And it shouldn’t either. Other then being a dick head Trump didn’t do anything. This is coming to an end as it should. Now, why. I would like to see is a list of all the republicans who were in on this with the democrats.
The report says that Trump tried to get people to change their story. Depending on how he did that, that could easily be construed as obstruction.

It's not "nothing". It just depends on the details.
Not unless he tells them to do it under oath.
Don't attribute Dim behavior traits to Republicans.
There are many similarities.
Like what, they both speak English?
Here you go:

Those traits are shared by every human on the planet.
Maybe in your world.

Wingers do all of it as naturally as they breathe.
So does every other human on the planet.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
When did the scumbag first realize this??
He was asked a question and responded to it.

And I asked you a question and you ducked it.

When did the scumbag first realize an Impeachment wouldn't get past the Republican dominated Senate?

Just now??
How in the world would I know?

Are you drunk?

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