Schitt Gives Up

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

What was TRUMP obstructing?
The Mueller investigation. Have you read the report? Do you know he tried to get people to change their story? Do you know that he tried to get Lewandowski to convince Sessions to end the investigation? Do you care? If Obama had done that, would you have cared?
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.
Lol, classic libtardism, refuses to tell us his evidence.
I'm guessing you haven't read the report.

It gives examples of Trump trying to get people to change their stories, to convince Sessions to kill the investigation, etc.

But of course, if you did read it, you'd call it fake news.

As I just told another Trump sycophant, I'm sure that if Obama had done those things, you wouldn't give it a second thought.

So if I watched the news, I would know when Schiff realized that collusion wasn't going to fly?

Has he provided the date and time of this revelation? And if he had, why in the world would I care?

How bizarre.

Then why did you even bother to post something on the topic when you admittedly have no clue about its relevancy.

Shiff-for-brains has been the loudest voice in the House for impeachment for 2 years.

When did the scum sucking piece of fucking shit first realize the Senate would never convict?

If he knew it from the beginning, like every other human on the planet, then why did he run his fucking diseased mouth abut it for so long??

Wouldn't you call that something bad? I dunno..... Rabble-rousing...... Riotous, Lying....... Whatevr.

If he KNEW there was never a chance for Trump to be convicted in the Senate, why did he bother with all the shouting about impeachment in the House?

And where's his sooper-secret evidence that Trump worked for the Russians??

Schiff: ‘Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight’
Schiff: Evidence of collusion is 'in plain sight'
Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'
Schiff: Trump-Russia Evidence ‘More Than Circumstantial’

The man is a 24 carat, 100% pure lying pile of dimocrap shit. Pardon the redundancy

He has no place in civilized politics. Not even in a civilized society.

You complain about 'partisanship' all the time..... Schiff isn't a partisan -- He is a lying dimocrap scumbag piece of fucking shit.

If you can't tell the difference, maybe you should stick to something else.
I just answered a question.

Thank you for your objective analysis.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
WHile calling the GOP party a cult.
And that is why he is a piece of garbage.
It is beyond - beyond time for the partisan ranting/finger pointing/useless stage performances on CSPAN and start doing what they are supposed to do.
Bobble heads like him need to be the first to go.

I don't like when people complain about partisanship. Like it's some kind of bad thing.

There ain't no partisanship in China. Or Venezuela. Or Cuba.

You'll only find it in Free Societies.

I don't mind partisanship.

But I DESPISE lying scum. dimocraps are lying scum

ALL of them. Every last fucking one of them.
People can disagree and work towards an agenda without engaging in tribalism, intellectual myopia, lies, spin, distortion, deflection, narcissism, hate, denial, hyperbole, willful ignorance, personal insults, name calling, straw man arguments and hypocrisy.

Those are counter-productive behaviors in which some people choose to engage. They help nothing. They advance nothing. It's childish behavior best left to children.

You mean like your condescension and denial in this post?

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

The AG and former AAG disagree.

Of course.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
WHile calling the GOP party a cult.
And that is why he is a piece of garbage.
It is beyond - beyond time for the partisan ranting/finger pointing/useless stage performances on CSPAN and start doing what they are supposed to do.
Bobble heads like him need to be the first to go.

I don't like when people complain about partisanship. Like it's some kind of bad thing.

There ain't no partisanship in China. Or Venezuela. Or Cuba.

You'll only find it in Free Societies.

I don't mind partisanship.

But I DESPISE lying scum. dimocraps are lying scum

ALL of them. Every last fucking one of them.
People can disagree and work towards an agenda without engaging in tribalism, intellectual myopia, lies, spin, distortion, deflection, narcissism, hate, denial, hyperbole, willful ignorance, personal insults, name calling, straw man arguments and hypocrisy.

Those are counter-productive behaviors in which some people choose to engage. They help nothing. They advance nothing. It's childish behavior best left to children.

You mean like your condescension and denial in this post?

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

The AG and former AAG disagree.

Of course.
"Of course" is condescension and denial?

Okay, whatever you'd like.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

Crep, with all due respect, Schiff is an asshole.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.

And for good reason, the commies got nothing.

No, because the drones in the Senate will not act without approval.
Don't attribute Dim behavior traits to Republicans.
Lol, dont believe everything your masters tell you.
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

They won't do it because the left lowered the bar so much and finally playing their game..

Don't you wish the left took the high road 20 years ago?
Lol, you are comparing a blow job to conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Do you realize how silly that is?
You keep lying like all you scum do. It was perjury not a bj you filthy liar.
BULLSHIT. It was a blow job. I suspect the republicans were most angry because they weren't getting any.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.

And for good reason, the commies got nothing.

No, because the drones in the Senate will not act without approval.
Don't attribute Dim behavior traits to Republicans.
Lol, dont believe everything your masters tell you.
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

They won't do it because the left lowered the bar so much and finally playing their game..

Don't you wish the left took the high road 20 years ago?
Lol, you are comparing a blow job to conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Do you realize how silly that is?

Funny, those are the same charges willie faced.

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.
Still nothing but bullshit out of your mouth.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.
Still nothing but bullshit out of your mouth.
Okie dokie!
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.
Still nothing but bullshit out of your mouth.
Okie dokie!
And that's all there will ever be.
The AG and former AAG disagree.


Should be interesting to see if Rosenstein escapes the noose by switching sides and agreeing with
Barr there was no "obstruction". In my book he's as dirty as the rest of them but Barr will probably let him slide.

Thought he already did that? The summary was Joint & supposedly the Mule team was in on it also.
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
Lets all sing it "He's got Peter Lorre's Eyes"
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

What was TRUMP obstructing?
The Mueller investigation. Have you read the report? Do you know he tried to get people to change their story? Do you know that he tried to get Lewandowski to convince Sessions to end the investigation? Do you care? If Obama had done that, would you have cared?

The things is no one really cares if TRUMP did any of those things because the investigation was a hoax with the purpose of hiding previous corruption by the intelligence communities under Obama.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.

And for good reason, the commies got nothing.

No, because the drones in the Senate will not act without approval.
Don't attribute Dim behavior traits to Republicans.
Lol, dont believe everything your masters tell you.
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

They won't do it because the left lowered the bar so much and finally playing their game..

Don't you wish the left took the high road 20 years ago?
Lol, you are comparing a blow job to conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Do you realize how silly that is?

You're already on the list. Stop embarrassing your lame self.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

What was TRUMP obstructing?
The Mueller investigation. Have you read the report? Do you know he tried to get people to change their story? Do you know that he tried to get Lewandowski to convince Sessions to end the investigation? Do you care? If Obama had done that, would you have cared?

All heresay. He said she said. Zero proof. What would you say to protect your kids? Get out of here tomato balls.
In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
WHile calling the GOP party a cult.
And that is why he is a piece of garbage.
It is beyond - beyond time for the partisan ranting/finger pointing/useless stage performances on CSPAN and start doing what they are supposed to do.
Bobble heads like him need to be the first to go.

I don't like when people complain about partisanship. Like it's some kind of bad thing.

There ain't no partisanship in China. Or Venezuela. Or Cuba.

You'll only find it in Free Societies.

I don't mind partisanship.

But I DESPISE lying scum. dimocraps are lying scum

ALL of them. Every last fucking one of them.
People can disagree and work towards an agenda without engaging in tribalism, intellectual myopia, lies, spin, distortion, deflection, narcissism, hate, denial, hyperbole, willful ignorance, personal insults, name calling, straw man arguments and hypocrisy.

Those are counter-productive behaviors in which some people choose to engage. They help nothing. They advance nothing. It's childish behavior best left to children.

You mean like your condescension and denial in this post?

Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

The AG and former AAG disagree.

Of course.
"Of course" is condescension and denial?

Okay, whatever you'd like.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

And you're succeeding with great efficiency.

In the interview, he simply pointed out the obvious - that it wouldn't get past the Senate.
Show us the proof. We'll wait, but we'll never see it because there is none.
You already know what the Dems would try to prove, and that's obstruction. You know that, right?

If you read the report, you know what I'm talking about.

The validity of the charge would be debatable, but to say there is nothing is intellectually dishonest.

What was TRUMP obstructing?
The Mueller investigation. Have you read the report? Do you know he tried to get people to change their story? Do you know that he tried to get Lewandowski to convince Sessions to end the investigation? Do you care? If Obama had done that, would you have cared?

All heresay. He said she said. Zero proof. What would you say to protect your kids? Get out of here tomato balls.
I know, I know, "fake news".
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

Well then Adam Ant needs to provide his proof there was collusion! He says he has it, has had it for months. Where is it?

Are you telling us, that YOU believe someone who lied to your face, to get you to hate someone-)

Say it isn't so! You have a CULT OF PERSONALITY, for Adam Ain't got nothin, and you talk about us, lolololol.

Maybe you like "Fat man DO," aka Nadler-) That is one smart piece of Porky Da Pig! He is the head of "fattys united," AKA FU! And that is what he did, FUed!

You know, you have a BIG problem, and it is called credibility. Your peeps can't say 5 sentences, without lying in 4 of them, lol. And you dummies suck it up-) Your an embarrassment to thinking human beings, and are even dumber than a reptile, but that is ok, we are going to love watching your clowns get hosed in 2020. You and yours keep up the good work. Watching you writhe around with no clue, is almost worth the price of a movie ticket-)
Adam Ant, despite having secret evidence that Trump "colluded with Russia" for over two years without showing it to anybody, has thrown in the towel. He and Nadler can't even convince the sane democrats in the House to try it, and know it would be laughed out of the Senate. It's not like he wants to quit, his fantasies are still quite vivid...especially concerning Comey: :lol:


Schiff says impeachment 'is destined for failure,' calls GOP 'cult of the president's personality'
He's only saying what I've been telling you for months. There is no way the the wholly owned republicans in the Senate will vote to impeach tRump. They aren't allowed to think in their own and neither tRump nor McConnell will let them even consider it.

Well then Adam Ant needs to provide his proof there was collusion! He says he has it, has had it for months. Where is it?

Are you telling us, that YOU believe someone who lied to your face, to get you to hate someone-)

Say it isn't so! You have a CULT OF PERSONALITY, for Adam Ain't got nothin, and you talk about us, lolololol.

Maybe you like "Fat man DO," aka Nadler-) That is one smart piece of Porky Da Pig! He is the head of "fattys united," AKA FU! And that is what he did, FUed!

You know, you have a BIG problem, and it is called credibility. Your peeps can't say 5 sentences, without lying in 4 of them, lol. And you dummies suck it up-) Your an embarrassment to thinking human beings, and are even dumber than a reptile, but that is ok, we are going to love watching your clowns get hosed in 2020. You and yours keep up the good work. Watching you writhe around with no clue, is almost worth the price of a movie ticket-)
Lol, a 5 paragraph post and all it says is "I know you are but what am I"!

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