School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Yes. You went in circles. Ignore our suggestions and the goat is a hate America and Washington wetback troll.

Good learning here. Was great
Once again, I already said that I’m fine with just about any of your suggestions.

I know reading is hard for you. What else would you like for me to repeat?
Once again, I already said that I’m fine with just about any of your suggestions.

I know reading is hard for you. What else would you like for me to repeat?
Well I want simple solutions and self defence taught to teachers. And those who qualify and are trained armed.

New laws will not stop the next attack. I want them to stop being sitting ducks and learn how to fight back.
Swamp has to go. Then those i9 forms and fake SSNs could be your worst nightmare. You love the swamp because they let you in
I was born here you moron. You want to know something even funnier? I was conceived in Jamaica. Born here as a citizen. Then my daughter was born in Jamaica but because I'm a citizen she is automatically a citizen too. Your leaders were fucking morons. 😂😂😂
Not end well for you. Even if you shored up the boarder and ended all legal immigration you still wouldn't be able to stop your demographic replacement. 😄
The left rabid position on abortion would kill any support by the Catholics coming from the south. And why would anyone fleeing a tyrannical country support a political party that's made up of a bunch of tyrant's?
I was born here you moron. You want to know something even funnier? I was conceived in Jamaica. Born here as a citizen. Then my daughter was born in Jamaica but because I'm a citizen she is automatically a citizen too. Your leaders were fucking morons. 😂😂😂
We know that. But they have an agenda. That agenda is bad for both of us
The left rabid position on abortion would kill any support by the Catholics coming from the south. And why would anyone fleeing a tyrannical country support a political party that's made up of a bunch of tyrant's?
There are countries in South America with legal abortion you nitwit. They aren't a monolith.
Well I want simple solutions and self defence taught to teachers. And those who qualify and are trained armed.

New laws will not stop the next attack. I want them to stop being sitting ducks and learn how to fight back.
Fine with me. When/if that fails, we can move on to the next idea.
It's the parents, not the government that's responsible.

Bull. The schools are a MAJOR PLAYER in these kid's lives. The parents, sure. But the schools now try to RUN these kid's lives, even telling them to HIDE stuff from their parents. Ultimately, when at SCHOOL, it is the SCHOOL most responsible for keeping them safe.
Bull. The schools are a MAJOR PLAYER in these kid's lives. The parents, sure. But the schools now try to RUN these kid's lives, even telling them to HIDE stuff from their parents. Ultimately, when at SCHOOL, it is the SCHOOL most responsible for keeping them safe.

Because you are LYING
Can schools be "hardened" by modern designs to stop potential shooters from entering the schools?

The short answer is "yes".

So why aren't all schools secure from crazies with guns? I blame school boards. I do not accept any excuses.
Just get the money and do it.

That said, are security systems perfect?
The short answer is "no".
The Sandy Hook school had security doors, but the shooter was let in, carrying his AR.
Whoever opened that security door should have been prosecuted.

Any support for holding School boards, and security personnel legally responsible for school security?

"Just get the money and do it"?

Teachers are already having to spend their own money on supplies for their classrooms. But you say "Just get the money" for major construction on the school buildings? How about we use federal funding? Or is that against your ideology?

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