Schools scan Iris (eye) without parental Consent or notification!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
So they can shoot your kids with drugs without consent, and monitor them like criminals without consent and Common Core will be a Marxist re-education program.

Get your kids out of PUBLIC (Government) school. Cut your electric use in half, cut food by 25%, cancel showtime, w/e the fuck you need to do to save money to get yoru KIDS OUT OF COMMUNIST SCHOOL.

Parents in Polk County, Florida are outraged after learning that students in area schools had their irises scanned as part of a new security program without obtaining proper permission.

Students at three facilities — an elementary school, a grade school and a high school — had their eyeballs scanned earlier this month as part of a ‘student safety’ pilot program being carried out by Stanley Convergent Security Solutions.

“It simply takes a picture of the iris, which is unique to every individual,” Rob Davis, the school board’s senior director of support services, wrote home to parents in a letter dated May 23. “With this program, we will be able to identify when and where a student gets on the bus, when they arrive at their school location, when and what bus the student boards and disembarks in the afternoon. This is an effort to further enhance the safety of our students.The EyeSwipe-Nano is an ideal replacement for the card based system since your child will not have to be responsible for carrying an identification card,” he added.

Parents at Daniel Jenkins Academy, Bephune Academy and the Davenport School of the Arts received the letter from the school board on May 24 informing them of the EyeSwipe-Nano program and that their child’s principal should be notified if they don’t want their son or daughter to participate.

But elsewhere in the letter, the board explained that the program would begin last Monday, May 20. By the time the letter was received on Friday, iris scans had already been completed at the three area schools without a single student opting out, Angel Clark wrote for The Examiner this week.

Because Memorial Day landed on May 27, parents were unable to receive confirmation from the school until this Tuesday, nearly one week after the scans began.

In the letter, Davis described the scanning as a safe and noninvasive way of collecting students’ biometric data as a way of ensuring the safety of pupils in the Polk County school district. Parents are appalled that they weren’t informed of the program ahead of time, though, and are calling it an invasion of privacy.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

“It seems like they are mostly focused on this program, like the program was the problem. It’s not, it’s the invasion of my family’s Constitutional right to privacy that is the problem, as well as the school allowing a private company access to my child without my consent or permission,” one concerned parent wrote in a Facebook post that has since been shared hundreds of times. “This is stolen information, and we cannot retrieve it.”

When the parent reached the school on Tuesday, she was told that the program was suspended.

Reporter Michelle Malkin caught up with Davis on Wednesday and he apologized for the board’s actions and confirmed that the data had been destroyed.

“Davis told me that ‘it is a mistake on our part’ that a notification letter to parents did not go out on May 17,” she wrote. “He blamed a secretary who had a ‘medical emergency.’”

Polks planned to install EyeSwipe-Nano units on 17 local school busses starting next year. The scandal comes just months after a high school student in Texas was suspended for refusing to wear an identification card to class.
Gee Whiz..

And the SCotUS just ruled the Government can take your DNA whenever it wants just by simply "arresting" you.

The people who work in the Government, at all levels, will do whatever they want with the rest of us to further their own agendas.

They no longer work for us, they act as if we are their serfs.
Gee Whiz..

And the SCotUS just ruled the Government can take your DNA whenever it wants just by simply "arresting" you.

The people who work in the Government, at all levels, will do whatever they want with the rest of us to further their own agendas.

They no longer work for us, they act as if we are their serfs.

I've been saying for years the judicial branch is just as corrupt as the legislative and executive. The judiciary stopped defending our rights years ago and started defending the government instead.
Gee Whiz..

And the SCotUS just ruled the Government can take your DNA whenever it wants just by simply "arresting" you.

The people who work in the Government, at all levels, will do whatever they want with the rest of us to further their own agendas.

They no longer work for us, they act as if we are their serfs.

Speaking of serfs, to quote an excerpt of my own writings:
Our investigation begins with a man named John Milton and the concept of the Divine Right of Kings. The theory of Divine Right asserts that God divides men by certain distinctions, Kings and Subjects, just as God divides the human species into male and female. The King is Sovereign, exercising supreme authority in all spheres of government, in all places subject to his jurisdiction; therefore, under this doctrine, the King is endowed by the Creator with unlimited rights, for all decisions made by the King are in fact the will of God.

The Subject is inferior to the King, and must accept any edict from the King without question. The Subject only has those rights which the King permits. Those rights may be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Some Subjects will enjoy being in a privileged class (so long as they remain in favor with the King), elevating their status in both government and society, for if God can create the Distinction of King and Subject among Men, then the King, who rules by the will of God, can create the Distinction of Nobility and Commoner among the Subjects.

Central to the doctrine of Divine Right, was that no Subject may question the King, for questioning any edict of the King was equivalent to challenging the will of God. The King being Sovereign over his Subjects, both Noble and Common, can only be judged by God, or another King, as other Kings rule by the will of God. Thus the Subjects have no power, on heaven or earth, to depose of their King.

However, during the middle of the 17th Century, a man named John Milton came to challenge the legitimacy of the Divine Right doctrine itself. Milton argued that the King's authority was derived from the people, and thus the King's power is only granted to him by Popular Sovereignty. Most important is that the people derive this sovereignty from God, and that these Sovereigns have both the right and the obligation to overthrow a tyrannical King. Here the roles of King and Subject are reversed, the Subjects are Sovereign over the King; the King only rules as a privilege extended to him by the people, a privilege that can be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Overall, the King is a Servant to the Public, hence the term public servant.

The theory presented by John Milton was only rudimentary at best. It was from this idea that great philosophers and other writers would build upon, paving the way towards republican form of government, social contract and natural rights (the most important of the aforementioned). The first of these philosophers to whom we pay homage is John Locke, the most influential of all the Enlightenment thinkers upon the Constitution of the United States.

In the year 1689, John Locke published Two Treatises on Government, in direct response to Sir Robert Filmer's Patriarcha, a book that declared that all government is absolute monarchy, and that no man is born free. In the very beginning of Filmer's book, he states:

'Mankind is naturally endowed and born with freedom from all subjection, and at liberty to choose what form of government it please, and that the power which any one man hath over others was at first bestowed according to the discretion of the multitude' …

But howsoever this vulgar opinion [above paragraph] hath of late obtained a great reputation, yet it is not to be found in the ancient fathers and doctors of the primitive Church. It contradicts the doctrine and history of the Holy Scriptures, the constant practice of all ancient monarchies, and the very principles of the law of nature. It is hard to say whether it be more erroneous in divinity or dangerous in policy …

This desperate assertion whereby kings are made subject to the censures and deprivations of their subjects follows — as the authors of it conceive — as a necessary consequence of that former position of the supposed natural equality and freedom of mankind, and liberty to choose what form of government it please …

Secondly, I am not to question or quarrel at the rights or liberties of this or any other nation; my task is chiefly to inquire from whom these first came, not to dispute what or how many these are, but whether they were derived from the laws of natural liberty or from the grace and bounty of princes. My desire and hope is that the people of England may and do enjoy as ample privileges as any nation under heaven; the greatest liberty in the world — if it be duly considered — is for a people to live under a monarch. It is the Magna Charta of this kingdom; all other shows or pretexts of liberty are but several degrees of slavery, and a liberty only to destroy liberty.

Notice the text in bold, Sir Robert would have his readers believe that we have no rights, only privileges which are extended by the grace and goodwill of the King. Herein exists the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings, where the King is Sovereign, and the Subjects are no more than serfs. In the words of John Locke, from the first chapter of his Treatise:

...that in a book [Patriarcha], which was to provide chains for all mankind, I should find nothing but a rope of sand, useful perhaps to such, whose skill and business it is to raise a dust, and would blind the people, the better to mislead them; but in truth not of any force to draw those into bondage, who have their eyes open, and so much sense about them, as to consider, that chains are but an ill wearing, how much care soever hath been taken to file and polish them.

The ancient strife between Classical Liberalism and Statism had been ever going, and continues to this very day. Either we are born with certain unalienable rights, bestowed upon us by the Creator, or we are born as Subjects, a distinction chosen for us by the Creator, and we exist at the mercy and grace of Kings. For the meantime, we will examine the former, and abandon the latter — until Part 2 of this article.

Skipping to Part 2:
Now we will return to Sir Robert's Patriarcha, and cast aside the involvement of religion (God) in doctrine of Divine Right. When we have removed religion, we are left with the raw embodiment of Statism, which decrees that the State is Sovereign over the people, and that the people exist at the mercy and grace of the State, thus these people are Subjects, and their rulers are Kings.

People living under this doctrine, willingly or unwillingly, possess no rights, for the State is sovereign over all things, and thus the State has unlimited rights, infinite in its power. The State will usually delegate most of its powers to the Subjects, as it would be both inconvenient and impractical to administer the entirety of its infinite power in finite Time. Thus the State must prioritize which powers it exercises, because it only has limited Time and resources to execute its authority.

The first among these priorities will be to exercise the powers required to preserve its authority. Any time the Subjects of the State use their delegated privileges to challenge the State, the State will hastily disparage that privilege among those who are resisting them, and sometimes deny the privilege completely. In times of great peril to the Kings who administer the State, they will revoke the privilege entirely among all their Subjects. Once revoked, it will never be regained by the Subjects; the State does not forgive, it does not forget, it will never relinquish that privilege again.

In order to make sure that the people no longer continue to exercise that privilege, it will perpetually police its Subjects, for the failure to police the Subjects will result in a challenge to the authority of the State, which must not be questioned. Herein is the guiding principle behind the Police State. A government founded on the doctrine of Statism cannot guarantee its infinite sovereignty by doctrine alone, it must rely upon a compliant police or military, a Privileged class of Subjects, granted innumerable benefits and privileges that no ordinary Subject may possess (in short, a Nobility).

Recalling that the State must prioritize which powers to invoke, because the State is limited by Time, we must pay heed to the innovations of modern technology. Technology is a neutral entity; it can be used for both good and ill. The most important feature of technology, is that it allows a person or party (government) to use its Time more efficiently, allowing the person or party to accomplish more tasks in a given measure of time than previously before. As a consequence, as technology improves, the State is able to exercise additional powers, because it can use its Time more efficiently, and thus can Police its citizens even more than ever before, further reducing any perceived threats. Remember, that any government operating under the Doctrine of Statism only delegates those privileges to its Subjects that it cannot reasonable exercise in respect to its other priorities. However, once the Government has the ability to Police that right without diminishing other priorities, it will immediately revoke that privilege among its Subjects and reserve that right exclusively to itself.


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Gee Whiz..

And the SCotUS just ruled the Government can take your DNA whenever it wants just by simply "arresting" you.

The people who work in the Government, at all levels, will do whatever they want with the rest of us to further their own agendas.

They no longer work for us, they act as if we are their serfs.

As the Lord and Master wouldn't you want to know where your serfs were at all times and what they were doing?
Well, I'm for it.

People who are privacy addicts always are doing something wrong, or WANT to do something wrong: hello, what other reason would they have to want all this privacy???

So these machines can figure out where the kids are or aren't, whether they go on the bus or didn't, are in school or aren't, and why is that a problem? Unless you are in favor of truancy and the kids getting to run around freely.......but they are kids, they aren't supposed to run around freely.

It's better than them having to carry ID cards, which they lose 50% of the time.

The only privacy issue I'm concerned with is harassment. Stores scanning your retinas and pitching clothes your size to you because they know who you are, like in Minority Report. Or stalkers getting hold of the data. There is already so much scattershot harassment like email spam and junk mail and evil-bad phone call scams that privacy harassment would be just another challenge.
I don't know, Circe. I have bad feeling about all of this. Everything seems to be happening at once. Anyone noticing that? - Jeri
Microchip implants--why are they insisting on low tech when they can have the best ?

Believe me, the microchip implants are coming, possibly in our lifetime. At first, they will be voluntary, and will be well accepted by the people. Afterall, there would be no need for credit cards, debit cards, or even cash. You scan your arm, or your forehead, and the computer will determine your financial status, make the transaction for you, and even make the entries in your bookkeeping system. What a timesaver.

Later, the microchip will become required, and implants will be placed at birth, or upon entry into the country. Paper money and coins will disappear, and all financial transactions will be the interaction between the chips and the computers. What a great system. No more bank robberies, and few personal robberies, since there would be little to gain. No more black market, and few other illegal transactions.

However, there is a real cost, and a real danger. Whoever controls the computers would have control of everyone's finances. And, when you have full control of their finances, you have full control of their ability to survive. Give a bureaucrat a rough time, and perhaps the computer will fail to recognize your chip, or perhaps your bank account will get lost in the system.
I don't know, Circe. I have bad feeling about all of this. Everything seems to be happening at once. Anyone noticing that? - Jeri

The collapsed rate of change is amazing and confusing, but I don't think it means there's a plot.

I think it's a characteristic of the wired-in world. I can remember when hardly anything changed, or so it seemed!

Now, wow.
Microchip implants--why are they insisting on low tech when they can have the best ?

Believe me, the microchip implants are coming, possibly in our lifetime. At first, they will be voluntary, and will be well accepted by the people. Afterall, there would be no need for credit cards, debit cards, or even cash. You scan your arm, or your forehead, and the computer will determine your financial status, make the transaction for you, and even make the entries in your bookkeeping system. What a timesaver.

Later, the microchip will become required, and implants will be placed at birth, or upon entry into the country. Paper money and coins will disappear, and all financial transactions will be the interaction between the chips and the computers. What a great system. No more bank robberies, and few personal robberies, since there would be little to gain. No more black market, and few other illegal transactions.

However, there is a real cost, and a real danger. Whoever controls the computers would have control of everyone's finances. And, when you have full control of their finances, you have full control of their ability to survive. Give a bureaucrat a rough time, and perhaps the computer will fail to recognize your chip, or perhaps your bank account will get lost in the system.

Sure, I give it ten years, max. There has already been experimental chipping of humans --- elderly who wander, for instance. Children.

I don't think that's the worst thing I ever heard of, either.

However, I don't think it would at all be for financial control. I think it would be for identification, which is the real need. Where ARE the criminals? What are they up to?

No, it's all about identification, MUCH modern technology. Big Data. Drones --- mostly used for reconnaissance, after all. CCTV, security video. That's where it's at, and if more criminals get caught and go to jail or worse I am definitely for that.
Well, I'm for it.

People who are privacy addicts always are doing something wrong, or WANT to do something wrong: hello, what other reason would they have to want all this privacy???

So these machines can figure out where the kids are or aren't, whether they go on the bus or didn't, are in school or aren't, and why is that a problem? Unless you are in favor of truancy and the kids getting to run around freely.......but they are kids, they aren't supposed to run around freely.

It's better than them having to carry ID cards, which they lose 50% of the time.

The only privacy issue I'm concerned with is harassment. Stores scanning your retinas and pitching clothes your size to you because they know who you are, like in Minority Report. Or stalkers getting hold of the data. There is already so much scattershot harassment like email spam and junk mail and evil-bad phone call scams that privacy harassment would be just another challenge.


You don't think this will be used to target and eventually round up political dissidents against the Communist state?

You don't think they'll plant evidence on political dissidents, then search them without a warrant and discover their planted evidence, and lock you for all eternity [NDAA]?

You don't think some law enforcement officers and government officials will PERSONALLY attack people for personal reasons? Like to see if their wife is cheating on them, or some other stupid shit?

I don't know, Circe. I have bad feeling about all of this. Everything seems to be happening at once. Anyone noticing that? - Jeri


I have spoken with many old (60+years old) members of the Libertarian party in Suffolk County (long island, new york). They've never seen such a rapid collapse of our Liberties happening from all levels of government (federal, state and local). The entire Bill of Rights, including the Third Amendment (drones) is under siege.

You don't think this will be used to target and eventually round up political dissidents against the Communist state?

You don't think they'll plant evidence on political dissidents, then search them without a warrant and discover their planted evidence, and lock you for all eternity [NDAA]?

You don't think some law enforcement officers and government officials will PERSONALLY attack people for personal reasons? Like to see if their wife is cheating on them, or some other stupid shit?


Wow, neat questions, and good ones, and important issues. I admired your post and was planning on answering it till the last line in all caps...........

As it is, I think I'll just say Eat Shit And Die to you and put you on Ignore, fool.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh, these denizens of the Great Unwashed that come here! This guy is a waste of good air.
I don't know, Circe. I have bad feeling about all of this. Everything seems to be happening at once. Anyone noticing that? - Jeri

The collapsed rate of change is amazing and confusing, but I don't think it means there's a plot.

I think it's a characteristic of the wired-in world. I can remember when hardly anything changed, or so it seemed!

Now, wow.

It's also characteristic of the Mark of the Beast in Revelation.
Most Christians will never accept this....I wouldn't. Signs of the times, all foretold in the Bible. Very interesting.......
It's also characteristic of the Mark of the Beast in Revelation.
Most Christians will never accept this....I wouldn't. Signs of the times, all foretold in the Bible. Very interesting.......

I remember decades ago when older women would say matter-of-factly, "We're in the Latter Days, you know."

Maybe some still do.

You don't think this will be used to target and eventually round up political dissidents against the Communist state?

You don't think they'll plant evidence on political dissidents, then search them without a warrant and discover their planted evidence, and lock you for all eternity [NDAA]?

You don't think some law enforcement officers and government officials will PERSONALLY attack people for personal reasons? Like to see if their wife is cheating on them, or some other stupid shit?


Wow, neat questions, and good ones, and important issues. I admired your post and was planning on answering it till the last line in all caps...........

As it is, I think I'll just say Eat Shit And Die to you and put you on Ignore, fool.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh, these denizens of the Great Unwashed that come here! This guy is a waste of good air.

You were never going to answer it, because any answer would defeat your own position, yuo'd have to admit that Government can act maliciously, which would violate the foundation of your argument to begin with.

Why don't you just advocate the repeal of the Fourth Amendment?

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