Schools scan Iris (eye) without parental Consent or notification!

Microchip implants--why are they insisting on low tech when they can have the best ?

Believe me, the microchip implants are coming, possibly in our lifetime. At first, they will be voluntary, and will be well accepted by the people. Afterall, there would be no need for credit cards, debit cards, or even cash. You scan your arm, or your forehead, and the computer will determine your financial status, make the transaction for you, and even make the entries in your bookkeeping system. What a timesaver.

Later, the microchip will become required, and implants will be placed at birth, or upon entry into the country. Paper money and coins will disappear, and all financial transactions will be the interaction between the chips and the computers. What a great system. No more bank robberies, and few personal robberies, since there would be little to gain. No more black market, and few other illegal transactions.

However, there is a real cost, and a real danger. Whoever controls the computers would have control of everyone's finances. And, when you have full control of their finances, you have full control of their ability to survive. Give a bureaucrat a rough time, and perhaps the computer will fail to recognize your chip, or perhaps your bank account will get lost in the system.

Sure, I give it ten years, max. There has already been experimental chipping of humans --- elderly who wander, for instance. Children.

I don't think that's the worst thing I ever heard of, either.

However, I don't think it would at all be for financial control. I think it would be for identification, which is the real need. Where ARE the criminals? What are they up to?

No, it's all about identification, MUCH modern technology. Big Data. Drones --- mostly used for reconnaissance, after all. CCTV, security video. That's where it's at, and if more criminals get caught and go to jail or worse I am definitely for that.

Identification is the key to every credit card or debit card in the world. Pin numbers are used to establish identification, and the card numbers provide the direction for the financial transaction. Once positive identification is established, computers can and will do the rest.

Once the chip implant establishes a positive ID, you don't need any paper or plastic to conduct your business. Computers are marvelous machines that can do anything they are programmed to do. And, that makes them the most dangerous machine around.
Identification is the key to every credit card or debit card in the world. Pin numbers are used to establish identification, and the card numbers provide the direction for the financial transaction. Once positive identification is established, computers can and will do the rest.

Once the chip implant establishes a positive ID, you don't need any paper or plastic to conduct your business. Computers are marvelous machines that can do anything they are programmed to do. And, that makes them the most dangerous machine around.

Well, you do make very good points here.

I suppose you are probably right -- we are perhaps both right. Microchips, DNA cataloging, retinal scanning, CCTV, etc. is all going to have multiple uses for identification, which is a major issue in an overpopulated world.

I'll have to watch for increased use of better ID technologies for financial purposes.

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