Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Newsweek is wrong. by blocking Obama's nomination and by lowering the standard to allow a 50% + 1 majority to confirm a SC justice, the Senate already destroyed that notion.
Doncha hate when stupid Dem policies come back to bite them in the buttocks?

Nuclear option - Wikipedia
In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid (D, NV) used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations...

You've been told a lie if you believe Reid did that. Reid changed the rules that effected the lower court judge process. That didn't include SC nominees. Mitch dropped that nuke.
Even you must know that once you break the seal you'll be making return b-room visits often. Reid put the Senate on the path when he busted the super-majority Senate rule.

What goes around comes around. The only nuke left to drop will be the 60 vote Cloture rule on Legislation.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
A mob of conservatives should gather outside of Schmucky's home and shout demands that he resign immediately.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level

The question is why did schmukey pick on only these two justices, it takes 5 to get a ruling either way.

I would think he would only have to threaten roberts who along with the 4 liberals would be enough

but who knows what is going on in schumers retarded brain?
Well you managed to quote Schumer's threat... Why can't you quote Trump's threat?

No problem... there is a plethora of Trump making an ass out of himself on any subject just a google search away.

In His Own Words: The President's Attacks on the Courts
Not a single threat.

Nothing wrong with disagreeing with court rulings.
And of course... YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.

Remember Trent Lot? He made a JOKE when Strom Thurman retired and he was GONE, for FAR, FAR LESS... HE WAS GONE.


You ATTEMPTING to downplay this is just another GLARING example of you DEMOCRATS HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARD. Had a REPUBLICAN just did what Chuckie Cheese did aimed at LEFTIST JUSTICES, THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING would be in TOTAL SCORCHED EARTH MELT DOWN MODE, and you know DAMN WELL that's the TRUTH.
trump screams at the the judges when he doesn't like the ruling. very true. but i've not heard him make what could be considered a threat to their personal well being.

but what happens is that goes unchecked and sooner or later someone does the "hold my beer" schtick and takes it up a notch. schumer did in fact do just that and needs to be called out for it by all sides. anyone saying he was right in doing this is wrong.

trump isn't right in what he does either but again - i've not seen him directly threaten the health of a SCOTUS as of yet.
Bull shit. Trump has NEVER come CLOSE to doing ANYTHING even REMOTELY resembling what Schumer did towards the SC.

Get freakin' real. You democrats excuses are absolutely PATHETIC as you try and SPIN this.
Excuses?! What excuses. I said what Schumer said was unacceptable, I called Waters a douche and yes Trump has been the ring leader is disgusting rhetoric for most his life and has brought new lows into our politics. You need to get real man. I’m not breaking news here
I do think he's out of place telling a SCOTUS how to vote "or else"

I'd be mad regardless of who did it as it's a continued sign our division of powers continues to fade.
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?
Why is the SC hearing a case so similar to one that was decided in Texas a couple years ago? In that one, the SC said no, they couldn't require that, but by the time the decision was made, most of the clinics offering abortion services had closed because the legislation was in limbo.

Isn't precedent worth anything any more? Are those opposed to legal abortion challenging the Court with laws that clearly refute its recent decisions? Doesn't the federal law superceed state law if the two contradict? States doing this should be fined, don't you think? It's not like they don't know what the law is. They are simply ignoring it. Man, they fight dirty. Or am I understanding this wrong?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level

The question is why did schmukey pick on only these two justices, it takes 5 to get a ruling either way.

He sees them as political and bias appointees that he doesn't think should have been approved by congress. Unfortunately for chuck, that’s how the pendulum of power swings in our system. He needs to do better and not make outbursts like that. To his credit, he did apologize and correct the record
SC justices don't "vote," as I'm sure you know. I think ALL of them, including Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, call 'em as they see 'em and do their best to keep their opinions out of it. That's their job.

I just think the reaction here is the typical "let's punish the lefties" attitude that comes at every opportunity. No sensible person would consider what he said as a viable threat. No one.
Kavenaugh Thomas and Alito all form their opinions on Roe by virtue of their religion. I mean why would they find a religious exemption to people getting FREE HC via an employer as a basis to challenge covering IUDs. Or employers complaining that the govt mandates all HC plans cover them? If THAT's a right, how come abortion is a right that State's can pass laws making them unattainable unless docs have admitting privileges to hospitals that will NEVER grant the privilege to a doc who openly performs abortions?
Why is the SC hearing a case so similar to one that was decided in Texas a couple years ago? In that one, the SC said no, they couldn't require that, but by the time the decision was made, most of the clinics offering abortion services had closed because the legislation was in limbo.

Isn't precedent worth anything any more? Are those opposed to legal abortion challenging the Court with laws that clearly refute its recent decisions? Doesn't the federal law superceed state law if the two contradict? States doing this should be fined, don't you think? It's not like they don't know what the law is. They are simply ignoring it. Man, they fight dirty. Or am I understanding this wrong?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?
it depends on the issue being argued. why is there so many differences in murder? manslaughter, 1st degree, 2nd degree, what's the difference if someone presents new evidence to how abortion is administered?
No problem... there is a plethora of Trump making an ass out of himself on any subject just a google search away.

In His Own Words: The President's Attacks on the Courts
Not a single threat.

Nothing wrong with disagreeing with court rulings.
And of course... YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.

Remember Trent Lot? He made a JOKE when Strom Thurman retired and he was GONE, for FAR, FAR LESS... HE WAS GONE.


You ATTEMPTING to downplay this is just another GLARING example of you DEMOCRATS HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARD. Had a REPUBLICAN just did what Chuckie Cheese did aimed at LEFTIST JUSTICES, THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING would be in TOTAL SCORCHED EARTH MELT DOWN MODE, and you know DAMN WELL that's the TRUTH.
trump screams at the the judges when he doesn't like the ruling. very true. but i've not heard him make what could be considered a threat to their personal well being.

but what happens is that goes unchecked and sooner or later someone does the "hold my beer" schtick and takes it up a notch. schumer did in fact do just that and needs to be called out for it by all sides. anyone saying he was right in doing this is wrong.

trump isn't right in what he does either but again - i've not seen him directly threaten the health of a SCOTUS as of yet.
Bull shit. Trump has NEVER come CLOSE to doing ANYTHING even REMOTELY resembling what Schumer did towards the SC.

Get freakin' real. You democrats excuses are absolutely PATHETIC as you try and SPIN this.
Excuses?! What excuses. I said what Schumer said was unacceptable, I called Waters a douche and yes Trump has been the ring leader is disgusting rhetoric for most his life and has brought new lows into our politics. You need to get real man. I’m not breaking news here
How unacceptable?

censure and demotion from minority leader?

or expulsion?
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
Agreed, I never said what chuck did was appropriate discourse. It’s looking now like a PR stunt to get attention to the issue. Either way, he needs to do better
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level

The question is why did schmukey pick on only these two justices, it takes 5 to get a ruling either way.

He sees them as political and bias appointees that he doesn't think should have been approved by congress. Unfortunately for chuck, that’s how the pendulum of power swings in our system. He needs to do better and not make outbursts like that. To his credit, he did apologize and correct the record
apologized? hahaahahahahahaha that wasn't even close.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level

The question is why did schmukey pick on only these two justices, it takes 5 to get a ruling either way.

I would think he would only have to threaten roberts who along with the 4 liberals would be enough

but who knows what is going on in schumers retarded brain?
Who knows? Everybody who listened to his apology and explanation
Why should he be censored?
For threatening a supreme court judge and violating the separation of powers between the congressional and judicial branches of government

But your orange whore has already violated the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government. Your orange whore has already demanded recusal of members of the judicial branch of government.
Go play your Whut Aboutism game with someone else

schumer is the issue here, not trump

Bullshit. The accusation of violating the separation of powers was already made when I responded to it. Schumer's statement actually does not violate the separation of powers. Your whore has done it constantly. You right-wingers are perfectly content to throw female Americans under the bus to appease your cult friends. You think that it is okay to force female Americans to live under the yoke of right-wing "religious" fascism so that you can get what you want.

Hey snowflake. Don't try that denial shit with me.

Tell it to the Senators who are already moving to censure him.

Censuring him for what? You right-wingers have already laid down the rule that anything goes. We Americans can say anything we like, disobey any laws and rules that we don't like, claim anything to be a "sincerely held belief" that excuses us. We are now living by right-wing rules. BTW: Your orange whore already has demanded the recusal of Supreme Court justices.
Isnt judge intimidation a crime? Chuckles is entitled to an ignorant opinion, but not threats

Schumer always gets close to but doesn't cross that threshold. It's time to censure Schumer at the least or impeach him at most.

Censure would be drop dead easy and may even garner a vote or two from the Democrat side but expulsion takes many more votes to pull off.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
For as long as I can remember liberals were getting their way in the courts and demanded that supreme court rulings were infallible and must never be questioned

according to lefties if the demigods in black robes say abortion, or gay marriage are constitutionally protected then no one can disagree

but now schumer is saying he knows more about the Constitution than the black robes

and making threats against them if they dont follow his orders
Schumer is publicly flighting for a policy he believes in, that’s what politicians do. I don’t like that he went Trump style with his rhetoric.... we need to be better than that and not stoop to that level
The SC is not supposed to be a legislative body

its been one in the past when the unelected lib judges discovered constitutional rights that congress didnt know about

but schumer has no business lobbying for any particular ruling by the judicial branch

not to mention make threats if they dont comply
Agreed, I never said what chuck did was appropriate discourse. It’s looking now like a PR stunt to get attention to the issue. Either way, he needs to do better
he needs to be disciplined. I think arrested for threatening a sitting judge. but that's just me. Fk Roger Stone told a guy he send his dog, and he got four years. too fking hypocritical. of the leftists fks.
For threatening a supreme court judge and violating the separation of powers between the congressional and judicial branches of government

But your orange whore has already violated the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government. Your orange whore has already demanded recusal of members of the judicial branch of government.
Go play your Whut Aboutism game with someone else

schumer is the issue here, not trump

Bullshit. The accusation of violating the separation of powers was already made when I responded to it. Schumer's statement actually does not violate the separation of powers. Your whore has done it constantly. You right-wingers are perfectly content to throw female Americans under the bus to appease your cult friends. You think that it is okay to force female Americans to live under the yoke of right-wing "religious" fascism so that you can get what you want.

Hey snowflake. Don't try that denial shit with me.

Tell it to the Senators who are already moving to censure him.

Censuring him for what? You right-wingers have already laid down the rule that anything goes. We Americans can say anything we like, disobey any laws and rules that we don't like, claim anything to be a "sincerely held belief" that excuses us. We are now living by right-wing rules. BTW: Your orange whore already has demanded the recusal of Supreme Court justices.

Isn't it about time you came up for air by pulling your head out of your ass?

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