Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
It doesn't matter. Under no circumstance can Trump break solicit a foreign national to investigate a political rival. Even if Trump suspected Biden committed a crime, he should have had his own Justice Department investigate Biden, not a foreign national. It involved a political rival. It's illegal and a threat to national security to delegate that job to a foreign nation.
We've already told you, the DOJ is a next of deep state vipers. Trump gave the job to someone he could trust, not someone who was going to try to get him impeached or leak classified secrets to the press. That's not illegal.

You're also wrong in claiming that a foreign government to investigate American crooks in their country. The treaty we signed with Ukraine proves that theory is bogus from the starting gate.

You're inventing legal theories out of thin air.

You're such a lying fucking moron. :lmao:

Lying fucking moron, Trump doesn't get to violate the law just because lying fucking morons like you are conspiracy nuts. And if he can't trust Barr, then he should have appointed someone he can trust.
Does cursing at your computer screen help?

It seems that despite all the personal indults the libs here are getting worse not better
It's not only my screen where my words appear.
To serve justice

Biden is dirty and all for the sake of providing for his deadbeat son
Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
The accusations need to be credible. You don’t get to make up accusations as a false pretense.

Like you on the left did with Carter Page? Is that what you mean, Colfax? (eye roll)
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?

Who's going to jail? You liberals claim nothing untoward happened, Colfax! That the spying on Page was justified! That the FISA applications weren't deliberate attempts to deceive a judge.

Should people go to jail for what they did? At the very least they should be barred from ever holding a position of power in our government. To this moment nobody has paid for the mockery they made of our FISA courts!
And then followed up in court to force testimony, but they did not do that. This is what happens when you try to unseat a president this close to an election. He can use the clock.

Why hold up the process for a year (and place it smack middle of election) when the bare fact of this Obstruction of Congressional Investigation is itself an impeachment Article and evidence of guilt??

To do this is to basically give a roadmap to future President crooks - avoid Congressional oversight by running out the clock.

Because there are legal remedies to resolve the issue.

Yes there are - file Articles for Abuse of Power and Obstruction to impeach a president who is shamelessly engaging in a wholesale cover up.

It took 8 months to get a ruling on McGhan testimony(surprise! he has to testify)...and now it will take god knows how long for appeal. It’s never ending.

It can be fast tracked to the SC. Remember the 2000 election? IOW, there are ways to make it happen legally. Not even trying, then complaining about it and demanding the Senate do it isn't one of them.
But Tramp will NOT fast track it!
He is hiding his GUILT!
Who's Tramp? We're talking about President Trump. And he doesn't have to agree to fast track it if the judge agrees to expedite it. Trump can only request a delay and answer as to why.
Of course it does.

He asked a foreign national to investigate a political rival who's also campaigning for the office of president. An investigation is something of value that benefits his campaign.
You have summed up the democrst complaint

but I and most other people do not accept that claim
How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
It doesn't matter. Under no circumstance can Trump break the law by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival. Even if Trump suspected Biden committed a crime, he should have had his own Justice Department investigate Biden, not a foreign national. It involved a political rival. It's illegal and a threat to national security to delegate that job to a foreign nation.

Threat to national security? Really, Faun? You folks keep trotting that out like it's going to give your pathetic impeachment some gravitas and all it does is make me laugh at you! An investigation into apparent corruption between the Biden family and numerous foreign entities isn't going to bring down America any more than an investigation into Trump did! It sure as hell isn't a threat to national security...what it a threat to Joe Biden because it looks like his family cashed in on his position as Vice President in a huge way!
As for what Trump should have done? We don't have jurisdiction to investigate crimes in other countries on a whim...we have to ask them to allow us to do so. Trump asking the President of the Ukraine to look into possible Quid Pro Quo between Biden and Burismo and into whether anyone in the Ukraine interfered in our election is EXACTLY as it should have been handled. The Ukraine is a sovereign nation. They're not our lap dog! (Although you'd be hard pressed to believe that from the way that the Obama Administration treated them! Six hours to fire someone or we're cutting off a billion in foreign aid?) Who was the REAL threat to national security...
Of course it's a threat to our national security. That's why it's illegal. Do you think foreign countries have our best interest in mind or their own?
Your hollow claims that Biden is dirty are unproven.

And even if he was, that doesn't give a private attorney the legal authority to subvert the law to solicit a foreign leader to investigate his client's political rivals.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
A president cannot violate one law to enforce another.
Its a judgement call and most Americans dont see it the way you do
Most Americans think he should be impeached.

He will be, just not removed from office. Then we'll have an energized and vindictive Trump with no fear and a list of people who ticked him off. Circular during squad there, democrats.
And then he'll break the law some more.
The House could have compelled the testimony. It's not on the Senate to make up for their failings.

The House would get their testimony in a few years. The Senate has an obligation to seek the truth. They’re going to help cover for Trump instead.

Remember 2000? Things can be fast tracked in the courts. And the Senate's job is to judge the House's case, not look for ways to get guilty.
Only when both parties agree to fast track it. Do you think Trump will agree to fast track this case?
Why do both parties have to agree? A judge can decide to hear a case if he wants to. He's in control of his court. The SC, which is where it would end up anywhere, is perfectly capable of hearing it quickly. Trump could delay only as long as the judge or justices agree he could.

a judge in an impeachment trial ------

yeah buddy .... right beside the jury.

Uh, you do realize, don't you, that the judiciary branch decides these cases, right? Read a civics book that's not written in crayon.
they accusations of wrongdoing

thats how all criminal prosecutions begin
A president cannot violate one law to enforce another.
Its a judgement call and most Americans dont see it the way you do
Most Americans think he should be impeached.

He will be, just not removed from office. Then we'll have an energized and vindictive Trump with no fear and a list of people who ticked him off. Circular during squad there, democrats.
And then he'll break the law some more.
KeyStone Kops chasing the bad guy and getting laughed at. Seriously, they stepped in it big time.
The witnesses from the Democrat investigation and no new witnesses
Who says the House has to call every witness they wan for the Trial??
Who says the Senate has to call any witnesses?
Because it's supposed to be a trial. Witnesses are generally called in trials.

It's not a criminal trial, moron. Why would you need to call a witness when his testimony has already been observed?
Because that's the purpose of a trial. For the Senate to mull over evidence; some of which may not have been presented during the hearing.
Yes it is which does not include the jury doing further investigations for the house.
The House could have compelled the testimony. It's not on the Senate to make up for their failings.

The House would get their testimony in a few years. The Senate has an obligation to seek the truth. They’re going to help cover for Trump instead.

Remember 2000? Things can be fast tracked in the courts. And the Senate's job is to judge the House's case, not look for ways to get guilty.
Only when both parties agree to fast track it. Do you think Trump will agree to fast track this case?
Why do both parties have to agree? A judge can decide to hear a case if he wants to. He's in control of his court. The SC, which is where it would end up anywhere, is perfectly capable of hearing it quickly. Trump could delay only as long as the judge or justices agree he could.

a judge in an impeachment trial ------

yeah buddy .... right beside the jury.

In an impeachment of the president, the Chief Justice presides over the impeachment while the Senate is the jury.
I believe we should hear from the involved officials themselves. A genuine trial would welcome it.

It has nothing to do with the strength of the case. There is plenty of evidence already.

The House could have compelled the testimony. It's not on the Senate to make up for their failings.

The House would get their testimony in a few years. The Senate has an obligation to seek the truth. They’re going to help cover for Trump instead.

Remember 2000? Things can be fast tracked in the courts. And the Senate's job is to judge the House's case, not look for ways to get guilty.
Only when both parties agree to fast track it. Do you think Trump will agree to fast track this case?
Why do both parties have to agree? A judge can decide to hear a case if he wants to. He's in control of his court. The SC, which is where it would end up anywhere, is perfectly capable of hearing it quickly. Trump could delay only as long as the judge or justices agree he could.
Because if one side wants to make it a long and painful process, it’s really not that hard. Just file motion after motion after motion. All of which needs responses, considerations and decisions.
You have summed up the democrst complaint

but I and most other people do not accept that claim
How is a president soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival not violating that law?
You only see biden as a political candidate rather than a former VP who abused his office
It doesn't matter. Under no circumstance can Trump break the law by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival. Even if Trump suspected Biden committed a crime, he should have had his own Justice Department investigate Biden, not a foreign national. It involved a political rival. It's illegal and a threat to national security to delegate that job to a foreign nation.

Threat to national security? Really, Faun? You folks keep trotting that out like it's going to give your pathetic impeachment some gravitas and all it does is make me laugh at you! An investigation into apparent corruption between the Biden family and numerous foreign entities isn't going to bring down America any more than an investigation into Trump did! It sure as hell isn't a threat to national security...what it a threat to Joe Biden because it looks like his family cashed in on his position as Vice President in a huge way!
As for what Trump should have done? We don't have jurisdiction to investigate crimes in other countries on a whim...we have to ask them to allow us to do so. Trump asking the President of the Ukraine to look into possible Quid Pro Quo between Biden and Burismo and into whether anyone in the Ukraine interfered in our election is EXACTLY as it should have been handled. The Ukraine is a sovereign nation. They're not our lap dog! (Although you'd be hard pressed to believe that from the way that the Obama Administration treated them! Six hours to fire someone or we're cutting off a billion in foreign aid?) Who was the REAL threat to national security...
Of course it's a threat to our national security. That's why it's illegal. Do you think foreign countries have our best interest in mind or their own?

How is shining a light on how Joe Biden's family have been raking in millions from foreign entities somehow a threat to national security? That's laughable! Hunter Biden not being able to cash in on his family name somehow weakens the US? Really?

The Ukraine has the interests of the Ukraine in well they should! IT'S THEIR COUNTRY!!! We don't have any more right to fly the FBI into the Ukraine and start questioning people then we do to have the IRS start doing audits on Ukrainian citizens!
Yes, exactly! People are likely going to jail because of what happened to Carter Page. There’s accountability. Where’s the accountability for Trump?
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020

Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

But it’s not the only option available to the country.
Your only other option is about to go down in the senate before your eyes

Then you will have no recourse

The Senate is about to place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to the country.
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020

Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

But it’s not the only option available to the country.
Your only other option is about to go down in the senate before your eyes

Then you will have no recourse

The Senate is about to place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to the country.
Actually it's the Democrats who have disregarded their loyalty to the country for a Schiff Sham.
Y'all actually present a weak case for impeachment
The House could have compelled the testimony. It's not on the Senate to make up for their failings.

The House would get their testimony in a few years. The Senate has an obligation to seek the truth. They’re going to help cover for Trump instead.

Remember 2000? Things can be fast tracked in the courts. And the Senate's job is to judge the House's case, not look for ways to get guilty.
Only when both parties agree to fast track it. Do you think Trump will agree to fast track this case?
Why do both parties have to agree? A judge can decide to hear a case if he wants to. He's in control of his court. The SC, which is where it would end up anywhere, is perfectly capable of hearing it quickly. Trump could delay only as long as the judge or justices agree he could.
Because if one side wants to make it a long and painful process, it’s really not that hard. Just file motion after motion after motion. All of which needs responses, considerations and decisions.
They didn't even try.
If you dont agree with trump you can vote against him in 2020

Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

But it’s not the only option available to the country.
Your only other option is about to go down in the senate before your eyes

Then you will have no recourse

The Senate is about to place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to the country.
More accurately place loyalty to the rule of law above partisan politics.
Nice attempt to cherry pick and distort the Weismann-Mueller report that stated NO collusion with the Russians was found ...
That wasn't the conclusion that lifelong Republican fixer Bob Mueller came to: he said he found no proof of collusion between elements of the Russian government and the Trump campaign. Possibly he reached this conclusion because he didn't investigate Trump's financial history with rich FSU gangsters?

"For Donald Trump, there was the purchase of the $12.6 million Scottish estate and the $79.7 million for golf courses in the United Kingdom, not to mention the $16.2 million for the Northern Virginia Winery. All in cash.

"For Michael Cohen, it was the lucrative day in 2014 when he sold four Manhattan buildings for $32 million—three times what he’d paid for them less than three years before."

If Trump Is Laundering Russian Money, Here’s How It Works
The Impeachment Trial is a farce beyond description.
Last edited:
Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

But it’s not the only option available to the country.
Your only other option is about to go down in the senate before your eyes

Then you will have no recourse

The Senate is about to place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to the country.
Actually it's the Democrats who have disregarded their loyalty to the country for a Schiff Sham.
Y'all actually present a weak case for impeachment

How are they disregarding their loyalty to country?
Justice is not out up for a vote.
Unfortunately for you voting is the only option you have

But it’s not the only option available to the country.
Your only other option is about to go down in the senate before your eyes

Then you will have no recourse

The Senate is about to place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to the country.
More accurately place loyalty to the rule of law above partisan politics.

You think they’re standing up for the rule of law?

They’re covering for Trump. Nothing more.

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