Scientist express horror as they see a 2.5 C increase in earth's temperature

Darn those fossil fuel companies, selling us cheap reliable energy.

Solar/wind is unreliable ... but the energy itself is free ...

If you want to amortize the solar/wind installation over five years, then amortize the fossil fuel infrastructure over five years ...

How much should we pay for all this, and more importantly, how long did it take to build this:

It’s not just the leaders. It’s the economic influence of fossil fuel companies that are buying more time to make profits off their wears.
If trump is elected, we will see reusable fuels back decades. He has spoken of outlawing electric vehicles.

China will be the EV leader in the world while trump pushes more oil exploration.
If you want to amortize the solar/wind installation over five years, then amortize the fossil fuel infrastructure over five years ..
They did... two different ways; tax basis and financial reporting basis (i.e. DD&A / book value).

But that's not really the issue. The issue is which one is more efficient and effective. The high energy density of fossil fuels makes it more efficient and effective than solar or wind. Water is a different story and nuclear is an all together different story.

The way I see it is that wind, solar and water all have a niche, but that niche won't base load the country's energy needs. I think renewables/green energy has a role. So does conservation. EV's and ICE vehicles will coexist and each will serve a purpose.

But that's not how those idiots are messaging it. What they are messaging will never and can never happen. It's idiotic. I can't believe how many idiots believe it.
Ok, the 1930s.
If trump is elected, we will see reusable fuels back decades. He has spoken of outlawing electric vehicles.

China will be the EV leader in the world while trump pushes more oil exploration.
Is Trump going to outlaw electric lawn mowers ? He’s an idiot. At some point, the EV will be the preferred vehicle over fossil fuel. Hybrids already are.
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They did... two different ways; tax basis and financial reporting basis (i.e. DD&A / book value).

But that's not really the issue. The issue is which one is more efficient and effective. The high energy density of fossil fuels makes it more efficient and effective than solar or wind. Water is a different story and nuclear is an all together different story.

The way I see it is that wind, solar and water all have a niche, but that niche won't base load the country's energy needs. I think renewables/green energy has a role. So does conservation. EV's and ICE vehicles will coexist and each will serve a purpose.

But that's not how those idiots are messaging it. What they are messaging will never and can never happen. It's idiotic. I can't believe how many idiots believe it.

My point was a kilowatt-hour from a solar panel is free ... it's produced right there on the roof-top ... we'd be amortizing the mounting hardware and inverter ... also the panels themselves wear out after exposure to sunlight ... and remember, none of this is explosive ...

Compare to just one oil well ... or fracking operation ... pffft ... and all you get is reliability ... and reliability is for girls ... plus explosions ... fossil fuels, not girls ... girls explode differently ...
If trump is elected, we will see reusable fuels back decades. He has spoken of outlawing electric vehicles.

China will be the EV leader in the world while trump pushes more oil exploration.
Trump….he’s promising oil executives any thing they want if he gets a billion dollars in donations for his campaign. Seeing he has a history of using it for his legal funds and other personal uses, it makes sense to him to just bribe anyone.
My point was a kilowatt-hour from a solar panel is free ... it's produced right there on the roof-top ... we'd be amortizing the mounting hardware and inverter ... also the panels themselves wear out after exposure to sunlight ... and remember, none of this is explosive ...

Compare to just one oil well ... or fracking operation ... pffft ... and all you get is reliability ... and reliability is for girls ... plus explosions ... fossil fuels, not girls ... girls explode differently ...
Ignoring the cost of installation and maintenance is just lying to yourself.

As a Realtor for more than 45 years, I sold several homes with solar power. None were able to recoup the cost of the solar system they had installed. The benefactor was the customer who bought the home, not the seller who was out of pocket for the original purchase.

The most common objections were they made the house look ugly and they didn't want a "hobby" to use the AC.
Ignoring the cost of installation and maintenance is just lying to yourself.

As a Realtor for more than 45 years, I sold several homes with solar power. None were able to recoup the cost of the solar system they had installed. The benefactor was the customer who bought the home, not the seller who was out of pocket for the original purchase.

The most common objections were they made the house look ugly and they didn't want a "hobby" to use the AC.

I understand realtors don't understand amortization ... I said the cost of production was zero, you look silly arguing with a strawman ... and I have friends all over the South who say their systems have been paid off with enough left over to replace their old panels ... I've seen their utility bills ... albeit not every one of them ... one good hail storm and it's tits up ...

If solar isn't economical where you live, don't bother ... don't put solar panels on top of coal seams ... and smelt aluminum where it rains every day all day long ... and air conditioning is a carbon-intensive luxury (unless you're a woman in labor) ... if you don't care don't bother ...
I understand realtors don't understand amortization ... I said the cost of production was zero, you look silly arguing with a strawman ... and I have friends all over the South who say their systems have been paid off with enough left over to replace their old panels ... I've seen their utility bills ... albeit not every one of them ... one good hail storm and it's tits up ...

If solar isn't economical where you live, don't bother ... don't put solar panels on top of coal seams ... and smelt aluminum where it rains every day all day long ... and air conditioning is a carbon-intensive luxury (unless you're a woman in labor) ... if you don't care don't bother ...

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