SCIENTISTS CRINGE as Hillary claims hurricanes are caused by PEOPLE... she can stop them

Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

Spot on post!!! Thank you.

Another far left drone chimes in and shows they believe in their religious dogma over reality!

It is in the links provided, if you choose to remain ignorant like all far left drones, then so be it!

Define "far left" or prove you're nothing more than an echo of partisan bullshit and a first class hypocrite.

Belief in the scientific community does not make one far left, it is a phrase used by fools to describe anyone who has opinions which challenge their own; it's used as a pejorative by those who have no clue.

Have done that already several times after you asked, if you can not remember that, then that is your problem!

Yet you post another set irony impaired comments like all far left drones..

Obama is far left, the far left controls the DNC.

Only a far left drone would deny such things!

Just like you far left drones were anti-war until 2009!
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

Spot on post!!! Thank you.

Another far left drone chimes in and shows they believe in their religious dogma over reality!

It is in the links provided, if you choose to remain ignorant like all far left drones, then so be it!

Define "far left" or prove you're nothing more than an echo of partisan bullshit and a first class hypocrite.

Belief in the scientific community does not make one far left, it is a phrase used by fools to describe anyone who has opinions which challenge their own; it's used as a pejorative by those who have no clue.
Doesnt science by nature have to challenge currently held or considered opinions?
If science just accepted every opinion as the correct and final answer, we would be nowhere right now.
Still living in huts without electricity. We would be Kenyans.
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

Spot on post!!! Thank you.

Another far left drone chimes in and shows they believe in their religious dogma over reality!

It is in the links provided, if you choose to remain ignorant like all far left drones, then so be it!

Define "far left" or prove you're nothing more than an echo of partisan bullshit and a first class hypocrite.

Belief in the scientific community does not make one far left, it is a phrase used by fools to describe anyone who has opinions which challenge their own; it's used as a pejorative by those who have no clue.
Doesnt science by nature have to challenge currently held or considered opinions?
If science just accepted every opinion as the correct and final answer, we would be nowhere right now.
Still living in huts without electricity. We would be Kenyans.

But AGW is not science! It is a religion based on zero science!
There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years.

So? That has nothing to do with the success or failure of climate science, being climate science does not say more hurricanes will form, or that more hurricanes will strike the USA. It only says hurricanes will start getting stronger, which has been verified to be happening. Whether those stronger hurricanes hit the USA is just a crapshoot each year.

Here are Hillary's statements

And nowhere in those statements did she say or imply she could stop hurricanes. You lied about that, and you're still lying about it.

If you're not lying, show us the exact quote where she says such a thing.

If you are lying, keep doing what you're doing. Paste a couple paragraphs that don't say what you claim, then lie and pretend your claim was in there.
There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years

2005 is 11 years ago, and the streak since Algore promised "this is just the beginning" and there would be "more and bigger canes" in our immediate future...

Then reality set in, and not even the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" can FUDGE their way out of it...

No Major Hurricane Has Made Landfall In the U.S. In More Than 9 Years -- and That's a New Record

"The U.S. is in new record territory, as the nation passes the nine and a half year mark without the landfall of a major hurricane. "

That was May of 2015, and the streak is still going, as Matthew "missed..."

The WARMERS promised more and bigger. We got NUTTIN in reality...

The WARMERS and reality, 180 degrees apart as usual...
There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years

2005 is 11 years ago, and the streak since Algore promised "this is just the beginning" and there would be "more and bigger canes" in our immediate future...

Then reality set in, and not even the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists" can FUDGE their way out of it...

No Major Hurricane Has Made Landfall In the U.S. In More Than 9 Years -- and That's a New Record

"The U.S. is in new record territory, as the nation passes the nine and a half year mark without the landfall of a major hurricane. "

That was May of 2015, and the streak is still going, as Matthew "missed..."

The WARMERS promised more and bigger. We got NUTTIN in reality...

The WARMERS and reality, 180 degrees apart as usual...

If what I am seeing in our parts is GW then i say bring it on.
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years. That is with all the GW so far. You post BS and I see all the other trolls line up in agreement.

Here are Hillary's statements. The OP was a link to an article that said that Hillary claimed Trump could not stop hurricanes and by default she could.

Here are her quotes:

TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says, “When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified”.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump 'totally unfit' to protect USA from 'the threat of climate change'

Now it is up to you or your legion of like mined weasels to tell us she didn't really say what is quoted, not just saying cause weasels say just about anything, but PROVE IT, as I have.


There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The issues are numerous:
  • Does Coal and Oil pollute the environment
  • Did leaded gas create acid rain
  • Are the seas rising
  • Is fracking causing earthquakes
  • Are solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and tide viable sources of energy
  • Do we invest in green and renewable sources of energy
  • Can nuclear plants be made safe
  • Are the Ocean's warming
  • Are the glaciers melting
  • Does anyone give a damn
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years. That is with all the GW so far. You post BS and I see all the other trolls line up in agreement.

Here are Hillary's statements. The OP was a link to an article that said that Hillary claimed Trump could not stop hurricanes and by default she could.

Here are her quotes:

TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says, “When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified”.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump 'totally unfit' to protect USA from 'the threat of climate change'

Now it is up to you or your legion of like mined weasels to tell us she didn't really say what is quoted, not just saying cause weasels say just about anything, but PROVE IT, as I have.


There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The issues are numerous:
  • Does Coal and Oil pollute the environment
  • Did leaded gas create acid rain
  • Are the seas rising
  • Is fracking causing earthquakes
  • Are solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and tide viable sources of energy
  • Do we invest in green and renewable sources of energy
  • Can nuclear plants be made safe
  • Are the Ocean's warming
  • Are the glaciers melting
  • Does anyone give a damn

Did a democrat or republican president start the EPA and sign the first clean water act?
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years. That is with all the GW so far. You post BS and I see all the other trolls line up in agreement.

Here are Hillary's statements. The OP was a link to an article that said that Hillary claimed Trump could not stop hurricanes and by default she could.

Here are her quotes:

TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says, “When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified”.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump 'totally unfit' to protect USA from 'the threat of climate change'

Now it is up to you or your legion of like mined weasels to tell us she didn't really say what is quoted, not just saying cause weasels say just about anything, but PROVE IT, as I have.


There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The issues are numerous:
  • Does Coal and Oil pollute the environment
  • Did leaded gas create acid rain
  • Are the seas rising
  • Is fracking causing earthquakes
  • Are solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and tide viable sources of energy
  • Do we invest in green and renewable sources of energy
  • Can nuclear plants be made safe
  • Are the Ocean's warming
  • Are the glaciers melting
  • Does anyone give a damn

Yes we get the far left/AGW cult talking points, but pollution does not equal climate change.

Zero evidence to that effect!

Climate Change will happen with or without humans on the planet.

Silly far left drone!
There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years.

So? That has nothing to do with the success or failure of climate science, being climate science does not say more hurricanes will form, or that more hurricanes will strike the USA. It only says hurricanes will start getting stronger, which has been verified to be happening. Whether those stronger hurricanes hit the USA is just a crapshoot each year.

Here are Hillary's statements

And nowhere in those statements did she say or imply she could stop hurricanes. You lied about that, and you're still lying about it.

If you're not lying, show us the exact quote where she says such a thing.

If you are lying, keep doing what you're doing. Paste a couple paragraphs that don't say what you claim, then lie and pretend your claim was in there.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

What you talking about Willis? You and the others need to either learn to read or learn what implied means.,
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years. That is with all the GW so far. You post BS and I see all the other trolls line up in agreement.

Here are Hillary's statements. The OP was a link to an article that said that Hillary claimed Trump could not stop hurricanes and by default she could.

Here are her quotes:

TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says, “When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified”.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump 'totally unfit' to protect USA from 'the threat of climate change'

Now it is up to you or your legion of like mined weasels to tell us she didn't really say what is quoted, not just saying cause weasels say just about anything, but PROVE IT, as I have.


There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The issues are numerous:
  • Does Coal and Oil pollute the environment
  • Did leaded gas create acid rain
  • Are the seas rising
  • Is fracking causing earthquakes
  • Are solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and tide viable sources of energy
  • Do we invest in green and renewable sources of energy
  • Can nuclear plants be made safe
  • Are the Ocean's warming
  • Are the glaciers melting
  • Does anyone give a damn

Did a democrat or republican president start the EPA and sign the first clean water act?

Now, Now do not defeat their religious dogma with facts!

Just like it was the Republicans in Congress that passed the civil rights bill..
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

Spot on post!!! Thank you.

Another far left drone chimes in and shows they believe in their religious dogma over reality!

It is in the links provided, if you choose to remain ignorant like all far left drones, then so be it!

Define "far left" or prove you're nothing more than an echo of partisan bullshit and a first class hypocrite.

Belief in the scientific community does not make one far left, it is a phrase used by fools to describe anyone who has opinions which challenge their own; it's used as a pejorative by those who have no clue.

Have done that already several times after you asked, if you can not remember that, then that is your problem!

Yet you post another set irony impaired comments like all far left drones..

Obama is far left, the far left controls the DNC.

Only a far left drone would deny such things!

Just like you far left drones were anti-war until 2009!

You have never defined far left as anything specific, you use it as a pejorative (do you even know the meaning of that word?) and make it all inclusive of every Democrat, liberal and progressive.
Clinton never said such things. The OP is just lying.

All Clinton-haters do that, lie about everything. Every Clinton-hater is a pathologically dishonest in every aspect of their lives. It's their defining characteristic. That, and their squealing wussdom, they way they cry so hard whenever they get called out on lying.

Like this: Freeweill, if you're not lying, post the exact quote where Clinton says she can stop hurricanes. If you'd like to claim that you didn't lie deliberately, that you just did your usual thing where you brainlessly parrot someone else's lies, you can use that excuse, as it's totally believable.

And needless to say, every scientist is laughing hard at the global warming deniers, being how their kook cult "science" is contradicted by reality on every level.

There has not been a land fall of a hurricane in Florida in 14 years. That is with all the GW so far. You post BS and I see all the other trolls line up in agreement.

Here are Hillary's statements. The OP was a link to an article that said that Hillary claimed Trump could not stop hurricanes and by default she could.

Here are her quotes:

TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says, “When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified”.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump 'totally unfit' to protect USA from 'the threat of climate change'

Now it is up to you or your legion of like mined weasels to tell us she didn't really say what is quoted, not just saying cause weasels say just about anything, but PROVE IT, as I have.


There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The issues are numerous:
  • Does Coal and Oil pollute the environment
  • Did leaded gas create acid rain
  • Are the seas rising
  • Is fracking causing earthquakes
  • Are solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and tide viable sources of energy
  • Do we invest in green and renewable sources of energy
  • Can nuclear plants be made safe
  • Are the Ocean's warming
  • Are the glaciers melting
  • Does anyone give a damn

Did a democrat or republican president start the EPA and sign the first clean water act?

The history is posted below, it is a bit more complicated than a simple one word answer (Ike, JFK, Nixon)

CLEAN WATER ACT: Vetoes by Eisenhower, Nixon presaged today's partisan divide
HILLARY CLINTON: When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

So you're really that desperate? You're actually, with a straight face, trying to pass off the huge lie about how that sentence is Clinton saying she can stop hurricanes?

Everyone can read English, cultist. Hence, we know you're just in panic mode now, saying totally crazy things so you don't have to admit messing up.

What you talking about Willis? You and the others need to either learn to read or learn what implied means.,

We all know what happened here.

You're a cult parrot, so you breathlessly parrot whatever big ol' lie that your cult feeds you. You don't even consider looking at the evidence yourself, because facts and evidence are stupid liberal things, and your masters say you're not allowed to look at them.

So, you brainlessly repeated the lie, got called on it, and were totally flustered. At that point, you had a choice.

You could have simply admitted you messed up, or just said nothing.

Or, you could have doubled down on the lie. You could have absolutely refused to admit any error, no matter how crazy, dishonest, gutless and stupid it made you look.

You chose the latter route.

Next time, just admit you made a mistake. Things always turn out better that way. Here in the reality-based community, we're required to admit errors, because that's part of what makes us the reality-based community.

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