Scorchio !!!

I want you to remember this when the deny the increased heat from climate change.
Pssst. It’s called “weather.” Studies have repeatedly shown that it gets warmer in spring to hotter in summer followed by cooler in autumn and colder in winter.

This post should get peer reviewed.
The earth is always and has always set record highs and lows... that will never change... the thing that does change are the doomsday predictions of the global warming nuts... we still have islands none have been flooded like they said and we still have icebergs and polar bears....
You have already had people who had to move because the sea came into their house. The main reason that things are relatively alright is because you have sufficient money to reinforce things but that will not last for ever. Here are some pictures of flooded islands.

climate change islands flooding - Bing images
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent [sic] used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent [sic] running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.

Is there a point to that post, other than to call out just what worthless pussies you British are? I assume you mean that the temperature is 41° Celsius? And for that, you shut down your trains, your schools, and other essential functions, bringing your country to a shutdown? 41°C is only about 105°F. In some parts of the country, American workers routinely work in hotter temperatures that that. That's around where some of the highs have been hitting here in Sacramento, lately. Some of my colleagues have even been working on the rooftop on my project, where temperatures easily get around 10° to 20° warming than on the ground. So far, I haven't yet had to do that on this project, but I've done similarly on some other projects in the past.

Not that you'd know about that, being a self-inflicted one-legged cripple, who probably rarely ever did an honest days' work even before you stupidly crippled yourself.
Well you may think he is whining but we are being warned now that thousands of people may die next week because of the heat. We have no preparation for such heat and that comes down to the way our houses are made to the reality we have no air conditioning and apparently for many people, the old, those with heart problems and babies this could be a very dangerous time not least that because of how our homes are built and the lack of air conditioning and temps of over 25 degrees even at night, people's bodies apparently will get no rest from this. It is not as bad up in scotland as it is in parts of England and Wales and Wales had its hottest ever day yesterday. We are all breaking limits. Tommy was only reporting what he was told and if some of you people do not mind thousands of people possibly dying and think anyone going on about that is a twat then I think the problem lies with your lack of care for your fellow human beings. It is all of Europe.
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.
I wonder if so many people will be having such a go at 'insulate britain' now. I am assuming it works both ways. That is to keep too much heat out as well as the cold.
Record temps in the UK today as 41 is recorded in some places.I know my American friends will chuckle but we arent used to this sort of thing.

Schools are closing and trains arent running. The country has come to a standstill.
Now we are out of the EU we can use our British grit and channel our Dunkirk spirit.

We can come through this. Stronger and more tanned.

Pray for us.


I blame cordobas
Guess you shouldn't have worn all that tweed ...


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