Scorchio !!!

In England, I think the last day of school is tomorrow, 20 July, and they go back 7 Sept. I think in Scotland, they broke up a week or two sooner, and then go back a week or two sooner.

It means living North England / Southern Scotland, we used to fly from Glasgow on holiday when the Scottish kids were back at school and ours hadn't yet. Cheaper holiday and quieter airport

In the US we would call this a "year round" schedule, when the summer break is that short. Honestly it's better for the kids--less learning loss. But we are stuck with something of an agrarian calendar that's hard to shake in too many places. In my district, we were done mid-June and students go back last week of August. So it's not the three full months it used to be, but longer than yours.

When my kids were in school we visited Denver and the Rocky Mountains mid-August. Everyone there was already back in school (they're done late May). It was great...everything was quiet.
That's the embarrassing thing here, starts to get high twenties celsius some Brits flake out, into the high thirties, schools start closing and trains stop running. Then the same below zero.

It never used to be like this, it's as though society has now become soft.
When the heat gets over a certain temp the tracks start expanding and buckle. So its not safe to run trains on them.
Its just common sense.
Well you may think he is whining but we are being warned now that thousands of people may die next week because of the heat. We have no preparation for such heat and that comes down to the way our houses are made to the reality we have no air conditioning and apparently for many people, the old, those with heart problems and babies this could be a very dangerous time not least that because of how our homes are built and the lack of air conditioning and temps of over 25 degrees even at night, people's bodies apparently will get no rest from this. It is not as bad up in scotland as it is in parts of England and Wales and Wales had its hottest ever day yesterday. We are all breaking limits. Tommy was only reporting what he was told and if some of you people do not mind thousands of people possibly dying and think anyone going on about that is a twat then I think the problem lies with your lack of care for your fellow human beings. It is all of Europe.

More people die because of cold. Instead of repeating propaganda you should do some of your own research.
When the heat gets over a certain temp the tracks start expanding and buckle. So its not safe to run trains on them.
Its just common sense.

What a laugh. Amazing how they were ever able to make trains run in the deserts. How on Earth did they ever do it....

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

Bob makes more money than you do. Moron.
Taint: go play outside. Plenty of sunshine at noon. Get an early start. Run hard and fast and long. Carry heavy weights. From maybe 10 am to 2 pm. Work up a sweat.
How the fuck do I know ? Maybe they use different materials ? Is that just possible ?

Yeah, it is painfully obvious you don't know a damned thing. The British have never had a problem running railroads all over the world.

For almost 200 years the rails have traversed the continents, then, magically, they suddenly became ultra super weak.

Or maybe it is YOUR brains that are ultra super weak.

You sure can't think straight about anything.

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