Scorchio !!!

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

In my younger days, I was a computer programmer/data analyst. It turns out, I like being a construction worker more.

I have no shortage of aptitude for either profession.

I wouldn't expect you to understand. You clearly do not have the intellectual aptitude for my earlier profession, nor are you nearly man enough for my current profession. In fact, do you really have any profession beyond sitting on your fat ass all day collecting government handouts?
The temp they were saying England might get was 43C. Due to the way people have responded I have assumed that they did not understand how high these C temps were. 43C in Fahrenheit is apparently 109.4

So what?

I've done harder work, in worse heat than that, than Tainted Tommy is likely to have ever done in the whole of his failed and worthless life, even under more comfortable conditions.
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How does that work ? They still have tp pay wages and they still have to lease their trains. Old fool.

Lease? If they don't own their rolling stock then they are doomed to fail.

In my younger days, I was a computer programmer/data analyst. It turns out, I like being a construction worker more.

I have no shortage of aptitude for either profession.

I wouldn't expect you to understand. You clearly do not have the intellectual aptitude for my earlier profession, nor are you nearly man enough for my current profession. In fact, do you really have any profession beyond sitting on your fat ass all day collecting government handouts?
You can be anything you want to be on the net Bob.
We're having similar problems here in Pennsylvania. When I wake up at 3 AM it's already 75 degrees outside, but I have to turn my AC off because my bedroom is freezing. Then when I get off work I have to have my AC on for at least 20 minutes before I feel comfortable.

I feel your pain. :(
incompetent caulk buckets.

A new standard insult. I've been doing a lot of fire caulking on my current project, and it occurred to me that when I refer out loud to the bucket that I use to carry caulk as a “caulk bucket”, it sounds very rude, like a terrible insult to call someone.

You can be anything you want to be on the net Bob.

It is easy enough to verify my past profession as having been in a scientific setting. This Google Search will bring up several hits on publications in which I am credited as “R. Blaylock” for my various contributions in connection with C. R. Greene and the company Greeneridge Sciences, for which I used to work, when I was much younger. Some of the hits mention, more specifically, my role as a data analyst.

And here, you can do a search on “Blaylock” and verify my current status as an Electrician Trainee. I'm less than a year away, now, from having enough hours to become a Journeyman Electrician.

And in between these two main professions, in and around many lesser jobs, I was a forklift operator at a Campbell's Soup factory.

So, Tainted Tommy, what is your profession? Do you do anything other than sit around on your fat ass and collect government handouts?

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