Scott Walker calls abortion to save a woman's life a 'false choice'


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2015
Jesus, what the fuck.
Gov. Scott Walker says choosing between the life of a pregnant woman and her fetus is a "false choice," adding that he believes better options are always available.

Walker's statements in a television interview after Thursday's Republican presidential debate underscore how he has become increasingly vocal about his views against abortion now that he's running for president.

Abortion rights activists say that in some cases, the only option to protect a woman's life is to end her pregnancy.

"It's a false choice. There is always a better option out there," Walker told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Thursday night.

"I've said for years, medically there's always a better choice than choosing between the life of an unborn baby and the life of the mother," he added. "Medically that's just a nonissue."

Walker's comments echoed those he made earlier in the night during the debate when one of the moderators, Megyn Kelly, asked him, "Would you really let a mother die rather than have an abortion? And with 83% of the American public in favor of a life exception, are you too out of the mainstream on this issue to win the general election?"

Walker answered that he has a position on the issue "that's in line with everyday America."

"Well, I'm pro-life, I've always been pro-life, and I've got a position that I think is consistent with many Americans out there," Walker said to applause from the crowd at the GOP debate in Cleveland. "I believe that that is an unborn child that's in need of protection out there, and I've said many a time that that unborn child can be protected, and there are many other alternatives that can also protect the life of that mother. That's been consistently proven."

When asked what better medical options are available — and whether Walker believes there are no instances in which a family and doctors have to choose between the life of the pregnant woman and the life of her fetus — his campaign spokeswoman AshLee Strong repeated late Friday that he is "100% pro-life."

"He acknowledges what science says, and that is that an unborn child is that — a child, and deserving of protection," Strong said.

Jenni Dye, research director for the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, disputed Walker's comments.

"Absolutely there are situations where a woman's life is in danger if she continues a pregnancy," she said.

"We need someone with medical training making these decisions, not politicians," said Dye, who previously served as the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin. "If Governor Walker wants to make these decisions about women's pregnancies, he should pursue a medical degree and not the presidency."

Tanya Atkinson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, said conditions such as cancer, severe infections or heart disease might prompt health care providers to end a pregnancy to save a woman's life.

"No matter how we may personally feel about abortion, politicians should never come between a woman and the health care she and her doctor agree is necessary," Atkinson said in a statement.

Last month, Walker signed legislation making it a felony to perform abortions after 20 weeks, except when the life of the mother is in immediate danger. It does not include exemptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother.

Dye said the exemption is "so narrow" it still puts pregnant women in danger.

A federal court fight is possible over the measure.
Scott Walker calls abortion to save a woman s life a false choice
I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

Sad response by a sad man. What's your plan to end abortion, it's only been decreasing since it became legal by the way ;)
I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

Sad response by a sad man. What's your plan to end abortion, it's only been decreasing since it became legal by the way ;)

I don't want to end it. Decent human beings wouldn't dream of intentionally killing their children.

Self absorbed liberal parasites do.

It's a self correcting problem.

I'm disgusted by the savagery of it. I don't know how we can collectively look ourselves in the mirror as a society while this happens under protection of law and call ourselves civilized, but as long as it results in less liberals, I really can't get too worked up about it.

I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

Sad response by a sad man. What's your plan to end abortion, it's only been decreasing since it became legal by the way ;)

I don't want to end it. Decent human beings wouldn't dream of intentionally killing their children.

Self absorbed liberal parasites do.

It's a self correcting problem.

I'm disgusted by the savagery of it. I don't know how we can collectively look ourselves in the mirror as a society while this happens under protection of law and call ourselves civilized, but as long as it results in less liberals, I really can't get too worked up about it.

So you're outraged at abortion but don't have a plan to end it because you know you never can. LOL.
So you're outraged at abortion but don't have a plan to end it because you know you never can. LOL.

My God you're about as stupid as they come.

I don't need a plan dipshit.

You sociopaths eliminating your own offspring will end it.

My "plan" is to stay out of your way.

Oh BTW... bed wetter, I'm pretty sure I stated that I don't want to end it. Reading comprehension isn't your best skill, if it was you probably wouldn't be a marxist zealot.

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This is going to far...Scott is a extremist kook that doesn't even believe in saving the woman's life. You can always tell who's an extremist by who doesn't have common sense.
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I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

Socialist is an idiot. Amazingly, you're an even bigger one. Would you care to take a stab at unseating Franco?
This is going to far...Scott is a extremist kook that doesn't even believe in saving the woman's life. You can always tell who's a extremist by who doesn't have common sense.

You can always tell who is a mindless libtard who can't read the information posted above.
I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

Socialist is an idiot. Amazingly, you're an even bigger one. Would you care to take a stab at unseating Franco?
On what do you base that off of?
Socialist is an idiot. Amazingly, you're an even bigger one. Would you care to take a stab at unseating Franco?

Great "argument" douchebag, do you have anything of substance to add?

Let me guess, you're another one of jerk fakey's socks aren't you?
No, he's not, he's more intelligent then your stupid ass, at least he's a rational conservative, few around these days.

The only "rational conservative" in your perspective is one who lets you get away with all your bullshit.

He is still a bigger idiot than you, because he "thinks" he can reason with sociopaths like you.

I know better.

No, he's not, he's more intelligent then your stupid ass, at least he's a rational conservative, few around these days.

The only "rational conservative" in your perspective is one who lets you get away with all your bullshit.

He is still a bigger idiot than you, because he "thinks" he can reason with sociopaths like you.

I know better.
I rest my case.
Socialist is an idiot. Amazingly, you're an even bigger one. Would you care to take a stab at unseating Franco?

Great "argument" douchebag, do you have anything of substance to add?

Let me guess, you're another one of jerk fakey's socks aren't you?

Substance? Why yes, of course. I'd like to add some cotton candy, please. Quite substantive, compared to you.

As for be being Jake's sock, surely you don't believe anything so completely stupid, do you? I am too much in love with my own opinions, and the fact that I know that I'm right, to ever let myself be hidden or obscured by being a secret sock account. Besides, Jake is often foolish, but he's typically nice about it. I don't have the patience for that. Now, if housekeeping would be kind enough to remove the trash, I'd like to get some sleep.
Socialist is an idiot. Amazingly, you're an even bigger one. Would you care to take a stab at unseating Franco?

Great "argument" douchebag, do you have anything of substance to add?

Let me guess, you're another one of jerk fakey's socks aren't you?

Substance? Why yes, of course. I'd like to add some cotton candy, please. Quite substantive, compared to you.

As for be being Jake's sock, surely you don't believe anything so completely stupid, do you? I am too much in love with my own opinions, and the fact that I know that I'm right, to ever let myself be hidden or obscured by being a secret sock account. Besides, Jake is often foolish, but he's typically nice about it. I don't have the patience for that. Now, if housekeeping would be kind enough to remove the trash, I'd like to get some sleep.
House keeping here, I'll happily throw Pete into a Siberian gulag for 9000 years and force him to worship MURXISM.
I'm not surprised a fascist lemming would get a case of the vapors over Walker's defense of human life, specifically the unborn. They don't have the capacity to even consider how irrelevant the concept is regarding how an abortion would save the life of a mother.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement saying: "Abortions are necessary in a number of circumstances to save the life of a woman or to preserve her health. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not a risk-free life event."

OK... What's the number and what are the circumstances? None, It's bullshit.

The abortion procedure is not – ever – necessary to save the life of a mother. There are, however, maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the unfortunate, indirect, and unintentional death of an unborn child. For instance, in life-threatening ectopic pregnancies that require removal of a Fallopian tube, the pregnancy (including the unborn child) will be removed along with the Fallopian tube. The intention in this procedure is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child.

This is not an abortion. Furthermore, a true abortion – in which the direct intention is to end the life of a human being – is not a treatment for any type of maternal health risk. The death of a baby never saves his or her mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death save the life of the mother.

The Association of Pro-Life Physicians, whose mission is to practice pro-life medical ethics as the only legitimate means of living out the do no harm clause of the Hippocratic Oath, clarified the subject with the following statement, which can be found within its broader context here:

Since socialist are notorious for the mass extermination of "surplus populations" and for promoting eugenics I'm not surprised this bed wetter wasted his time attacking Scott Walker, but just for the record I am all for and totally encourage liberals to abort or swallow all their genetic garbage before it gestates into another parasite on the species.

You must be a doctor. Then why do you live in a double wide?
Socialist is an idiot. Amazingly, you're an even bigger one. Would you care to take a stab at unseating Franco?

Great "argument" douchebag, do you have anything of substance to add?

Let me guess, you're another one of jerk fakey's socks aren't you?

Substance? Why yes, of course. I'd like to add some cotton candy, please. Quite substantive, compared to you.

As for be being Jake's sock, surely you don't believe anything so completely stupid, do you? I am too much in love with my own opinions, and the fact that I know that I'm right, to ever let myself be hidden or obscured by being a secret sock account. Besides, Jake is often foolish, but he's typically nice about it. I don't have the patience for that. Now, if housekeeping would be kind enough to remove the trash, I'd like to get some sleep.
I believe it was Socrates who said I know so much, because I know there is so much that I don't know. Meaning when you feel the way you claim to do, and love your opinions so much, you stop thinking.
Of course it is a false choice. Killing the baby to save the life of the mother, is almost NEVER medically necessary.

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