Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

I know you are a,lefty hater.......but sooooooo what? the kochs worked for their money....that jealousy is just going to eat you up....let it go.....the U of W isn't supposed to sit on money, they are supposed to educate people...and they are a state institution, not private business men...... The U of W, they are raping you guys and you are thanking them for it........

and Scot Walker has turned your economy around and lowered unemployment in your state.....
And he didn't raise your taxes to do it....but that's lefties don't want to keep your own actually want greedy, corrupt politicians to take your hard earned money from the work you do......and spend it on themselves and their politically connected long as they say they are doing it "for the little guy" they can abuse you all they want.....

you lefties are like battered long as the politicians say they love you after they beat will line up again and again.....
You upset brother man ?....
the U of W isn't supposed to sit on money, they are supposed to educate people...and they are a state institution, not private business men...... The U of W, they are raping you guys and you are thanking them for it........

and Scot Walker has turned your economy around and lowered unemployment in your state....."

Having lived in Wisconsin my whole life, I can attest to the fact that my taxes have gone up and the unemployment has not gone down. As far as the UW system, it does more for kids than any other higher education facility in the state. Getting an education prevents one from having to work for peanuts and be exploited by some miserable lousy shoddy business one's whole life. Where does this hatred of education come from?

and Scot Walker has turned your economy around and lowered unemployment in your state.....
Here are some facts ...Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia ...comparison of Economic Activity for the US for Minnesota and Wisconsin ...the Red line at bottom is Scott Walker...The US is in the upper middle and then Minnesota

More facts of course they have a liberal bias ...
Wisconsin falls to 44th in private-sector job creation

As the national employment recovery slowly has begun to brighten, Wisconsin struggles to keep pace, according to the latest available government jobs data deemed credible by economists.

Wisconsin ranked 44th out of the 50 states in private-sector job creation in the 12 months from September 2011 to September 2012. The state's position has deteriorated progressively from a revised rank of 41st in the previous 12-month period through June 2012; and from a rank of 37th in the 12 months through March 2012.

"Wisconsin is falling behind," said Abdur Chowdhury, an economics professor at Marquette University.

The data, released Thursday[article dated 3/28/13] by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, is called the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. It's based on a census of 96% of all American non-farm employers, public and private, which makes it the most exhaustive and credible information available on job creation. Because it is so complete, the quarterly data always comes with a half-year time lag.

Its publication Thursday coincided with other sobering economic news for Wisconsin, including estimates that the state's unemployment rate rose for a second consecutive month in February.


NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.

Government unions sure have done a lot more damage to America than ISIS has
Which is true?

Wisconsin s unemployment rate falls to five-year low of 5.9

With the track record of lies from liberals this report is likely the correct one.

Keeping in mind....he is a Republican governor in a blue state...with the masses just coming out of the haze of welfare dependence and union soon as they rub their eyes and see the sunshine.....they can actually take control of their lives.....they want to....they did vote for him 3 times in 4 years against an all out left wing democrat onslaught....

And. He. Kicked. Their. Asses..............

Let's not forget that......

And he passed concealed carry in that state..........
I don't care who Walker compared the unions to, the low life scum bag liberals tell us ISIS isn't a big deal, that the right is overreacting, yet now they are offended by unions being compared to ISIS? :lmao:

This is an election year, Hillary and Obama lied out their asses to try and to get elected.

If the left wing nut jobs can't take the heat? Who cares, I like their whining, pissing and moaning over crap like this, it just shows what pissy babies they are.

Actually, I don't have a problem with Walker and still think he's the strongest candidate the GOP has.

But this was still sort of a dumb thing to say.
This is encouraging --

Fifty years ago, nearly a third of U.S. workers belonged to a union. Today, it's one in 10. But the decline has not been the same for every state. Here is a map showing how union membership has changed across the country.

Not sure how working for less money and less protections and less certain retirement can be "encouraging" in your world, exactly.

Yes, the percentage of unionized workers has declined. So has the middle class. These two things are connected.
I don't care who Walker compared the unions to, the low life scum bag liberals tell us ISIS isn't a big deal, that the right is overreacting, yet now they are offended by unions being compared to ISIS? :lmao:

This is an election year, Hillary and Obama lied out their asses to try and to get elected.

If the left wing nut jobs can't take the heat? Who cares, I like their whining, pissing and moaning over crap like this, it just shows what pissy babies they are.

Actually, I don't have a problem with Walker and still think he's the strongest candidate the GOP has.

But this was still sort of a dumb thing to say. least he wasn't attacking the Americans who cling to their guns and bibles and turn racist because they lose their jobs......if this is the best they have on Walker....they are in trouble..........a lot of people like him...among the base......who really don't like jeb........
This is encouraging --

Fifty years ago, nearly a third of U.S. workers belonged to a union. Today, it's one in 10. But the decline has not been the same for every state. Here is a map showing how union membership has changed across the country.

Not sure how working for less money and less protections and less certain retirement can be "encouraging" in your world, exactly.

Yes, the percentage of unionized workers has declined. So has the middle class. These two things are connected.

If you were good, you'd stop obsessing on Union "protections" doublewide
I don't care who Walker compared the unions to, the low life scum bag liberals tell us ISIS isn't a big deal, that the right is overreacting, yet now they are offended by unions being compared to ISIS? :lmao:

This is an election year, Hillary and Obama lied out their asses to try and to get elected.

If the left wing nut jobs can't take the heat? Who cares, I like their whining, pissing and moaning over crap like this, it just shows what pissy babies they are.

Actually, I don't have a problem with Walker and still think he's the strongest candidate the GOP has.

But this was still sort of a dumb thing to say. least he wasn't attacking the Americans who cling to their guns and bibles and turn racist because they lose their jobs......if this is the best they have on Walker....they are in trouble..........a lot of people like him...among the base......who really don't like jeb........

The ad hominem focus now shows they know that too
Which is true?

Wisconsin s unemployment rate falls to five-year low of 5.9

With the track record of lies from liberals this report is likely the correct one.
Thank you Obama ....

Scott Walker s pro-business policies did not improve employment growth - JSOnline

Menzie Chinn, a professor of Public Affairs and Economics at UW-Madison, recentlylooked intowhether Governor Walker's pro-business policies spurred employment growth. As we all remember, Walker claimed that his tax cuts and his dismantling of public sector unions would lead to an employment boom for Wisconsin. But as Chinn's data shows, Walker's policies have done nothing to improve job growth. The rate of growth when Walker took office in 2011 was 1.3%, and now after three years of his policies being in effect, the rate is still at 1.3% and weaker than the country's growth as a whole.

In fact, when you look at the numbers across the US, the "pro-business" economic policies championed by conservatives often have a negative effect on employment growth. ALEC, the shadowy political organization that provides conservative legislators with prepackaged laws,ranks states according to how much they cut or eliminate taxes, enforce austerity, deregulate, etc. When you plot ALEC's rankings with employment growth,the data shows a negative correlation, which backs up a2012 studyby the Iowa Policy Project. In other words, the more economically conservative a state is, the more likely it has weaker job growth.

Now, it's important not to assume that the negative correlation means that conservative economic principles always result in weak employment growth. There are several examples of states with a high ALEC ranking and strong employment growth. What the data does show is that it's wrongheaded and overly simplistic to assume that a purely conservative economic model will work in every state. And more and more we are seeing evidence that the supply-side economic model being pushed by conservatives doesn't work for Wisconsin. least he wasn't attacking the Americans who cling to their guns and bibles and turn racist because they lose their jobs......if this is the best they have on Walker....they are in trouble..........a lot of people like him...among the base......who really don't like jeb........

except Obama never said what you claimed he said.


You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

What did Obama say there that wasn't spot on? Of course, this perfectly describes the plight of white industrial workers in the last three decades.

Now, what Walker said was kind of stupid on two fronts. First, engaging in a political disagreement with unions who are following the laws and not practicing violence to meet their ends is nowhere near how to deal with an international terrorist group who thinks they are all going to get to fuck virgins for all eternity if htey do a suicide bombing.

Secondly, comparing working people to terrorists was just kind of dumb.

Now, I'll state that I think that Walker was mostly in the right in his fight with the unions. The exhoribant benefits they had could not be carried by the workers and businesses of Wisconsin, and something had to give.

But this was kind of a dumb statement.
Meme's telling the TRUTH about the administration, in a satirical way.... JoeBJ won't appreciate this!

If you were good, you'd stop obsessing on Union "protections" doublewide

Double-Wide, get your own insult. Because obviously it stings you that I've outed you as a stupid redneck living in a trailer park, clinging to your gun and bible.

Second, when you have a system of "human resources" that devalues workers to the degree modern businesses has, a decline in the middle class is inevitable.

If you have a workplace of "anyone can be fired for any reason at any time", that's not sound. The unions support the other extreme, and that's a problem, which is why they are struggling. Neither is good.
If you were good, you'd stop obsessing on Union "protections" doublewide

Double-Wide, get your own insult. Because obviously it stings you that I've outed you as a stupid redneck living in a trailer park, clinging to your gun and bible.

Second, when you have a system of "human resources" that devalues workers to the degree modern businesses has, a decline in the middle class is inevitable.

If you have a workplace of "anyone can be fired for any reason at any time", that's not sound. The unions support the other extreme, and that's a problem, which is why they are struggling. Neither is good.

We're safer with our guns. Useful tool


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