Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

That is just your worry about Unions just a few years after Corporate honchos raped the Middle class for trillions ....and got clean away with the loot...

Yes, that was unfortunate. And frankly, everyone deserves the blame for that, including guys like Dodd and Frank who were joined at the hip with the Banksters.

it doesn't detract from my main point, that unions are out of touch, protecting perks that the rest of us can't afford to fund anymore.
Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

Actually, you should be worried about ANY ONE OF THEM.

Sorry, guy, if the Unions couldn't beat Walker in Wisconsin, they aren't going to beat him nationally.

Most people see union workers as lazy, entitled and frankly, not particularly ethical. Unions have not done a good job selling themselves.

But keep putting htose inflatable rats out, those are always impressive.
Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

Actually, you should be worried about ANY ONE OF THEM.

Sorry, guy, if the Unions couldn't beat Walker in Wisconsin, they aren't going to beat him nationally.

Most people see union workers as lazy, entitled and frankly, not particularly ethical. Unions have not done a good job selling themselves.

But keep putting htose inflatable rats out, those are always impressive.
they STILL aren't on par w/ Daesh
That is just your worry about Unions just a few years after Corporate honchos raped the Middle class for trillions ....and got clean away with the loot...

Yes, that was unfortunate. And frankly, everyone deserves the blame for that, including guys like Dodd and Frank who were joined at the hip with the Banksters.

it doesn't detract from my main point, that unions are out of touch, protecting perks that the rest of us can't afford to fund anymore.
Dodd and Frank OK who is missing here [Bush you are shameless ] Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh here it is ...I picked Fox to prevent whinning about "librul" site

  1. Bush Administration Ignored Warnings of Pending Financial ...
    Fox News Channel
    Dec 1, 2008 -It ignored remarkably prescient warningst hat foretold the financial meltdown, ... _Regulators proposed a cap on risky mortgages so a string of ...

  2. Bush Administration Ignored Warnings of Pending Financial Meltdown
    Published December 01, 2008
    Associated Press
    The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.

    "Expect fallout, expect foreclosures, expect horror stories," California mortgage lender Paris Welch wrote to U.S. regulators in January 2006, about one year before the housing implosion cost her a job.

    Bowing to aggressive lobbying — along with assurances from banks that the troubled mortgages were OK — regulators delayed action for nearly one year. By the time new rules were released late in 2006, the toughest of the proposed provisions were gone and the meltdown was under way.

    "These mortgages have been considered more safe and sound for portfolio lenders than many fixed rate mortgages," David Schneider, home loan president of Washington Mutual, told federal regulators in early 2006. Two years later, WaMu became the largest bank failure in U.S. history.
No, I'm the guy who issues 5 million in purchase orders a year and I've fired about 20 vendors who couldn't cut it

Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?
Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

Actually, you should be worried about ANY ONE OF THEM.

Sorry, guy, if the Unions couldn't beat Walker in Wisconsin, they aren't going to beat him nationally.

Most people see union workers as lazy, entitled and frankly, not particularly ethical. Unions have not done a good job selling themselves.

But keep putting htose inflatable rats out, those are always impressive.
How do you see the Wall Street see it with admiration and are a conservative Right winger
when you see tawdry politicians like sleazy Walker[a lot of his staff convicted he skates with lawyers ] claiming God has his back its time to understand he thinks you are stupid.....
Public employee unions are the Democratic party cash cow, that's how they fund their campaigns. Dem politicians raise taxes, give the money to the unions, the unions kick back part of the money to the Dem politicians. Sounds like a RICO organized crime case to me.

Sooo, you're saying that if union dues favored Conservatives - this union-busting shit wouldn't be happening? I agree! The reason union dues favor Democrats is because Democrats do much more to support labor - while Conservatives are on a Jihad to bust unions and reduce wages.

Get real lib, Democrats and public employee unions are corrupt as hell.

Why, because union dues favor Democrats over NaziCons?

You still don't get it. I should just mock you for being an idiot liberal drone but I'll explain it to you. Both democrat and republican voters threw the corrupt democratic party politicians and their corrupt public employee union pals under the bus because both have screwed over the taxpayers one too many times. That's how Walker beat you dumb asses three times. So even democrat voters are saying fuck you to liberals and their never ending tax increases.

Can you cite any "credible" supporting proof during times OTHER than midterms? I suspect 2016 will be much different.

Seriously? Wow you are monumentally uninformed. You had better start paying attention to state races because tax payers on BOTH sides of the isle are fed up with Democrat politicians and their public employee union pals. The never ending tax hikes have taken a toll.

As private sector union membership dwindled the Democrat politicians turned to public employee unions for campaign funding. So began the unholy practice of Democrat politicians raising taxes to funnel money to public employee unions in exchange for kick backs to fund their campaigns. So also began the practice of Democrat politicians who were supposed to be negotiating with public employee unions on behalf of taxpayers instead approving overly generous public employee union salaries, benefits, and pensions that were unsustainable in exchange for their votes.

This is how California now finds itself in a financial mess. Their public employee pension is underfunded by over $300 billion dollars and they have no way of paying for those promised benefits. That's how taxes in NJ, NY went through the roof. They drove the businesses away with the tax increases then turned full on vamp on the residents. In a panic they eventually implemented a tiered pension system whereby the newest workers get screwed so they can afford to pay for those fat tier 1 pension packages.

Its really hilarious to watch the Democratic party funding house of cards come crashing down around them.
IOW, unions are a victim of their own success. Everything they've fought for is now law, but they're acting like it's still 1952.
1952 is the year the Tea Party Aryans want to take the Nation back to.....when ni**ers had to walk around white men and women accepted being barefoot and pregnant

That's a remarkably stupid thing to believe.
Ask me what level of regard I have for your opinion...ask me and I will let you know in no uncertain terms...what is a remarkably stupid thing to believe is that either the Tea Party or the GOP are good for America...that is a catastrophically stupid thing to you wing nut

Oh, please do tell me what regard you have for my opinion. I'll be sure to check back some time in the middle to distant future because, well, it's just so important to me to know just what a juvenile who believes remarkably stupid things thinks about my opinion. And it's still a remarkably stupid thing to believe.
Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?

Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.
How do you see the Wall Street see it with admiration and are a conservative Right winger

Maybe you need to talk to Hillary about Wall Street Thieving.

But here’s the strange thing: Down on Wall Street they don’t believe it for a minute. While the finance industry does genuinely hate Warren, the big bankers love Clinton, and by and large they badly want her to be president. Many of the rich and powerful in the financial industry—among them, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman, Tom Nides, a powerful vice chairman at Morgan Stanley, and the heads of JPMorganChase and Bank of America—consider Clinton a pragmatic problem-solver not prone to populist rhetoric. To them, she’s someone who gets the idea that we all benefit if Wall Street and American business thrive. What about her forays into fiery rhetoric? They dismiss it quickly as political maneuvers. None of them think she really means her populism.

Read more: Why Wall Street Loves Hillary - William D. Cohan - POLITICO Magazine
I want Walker to run and win. That would piss Tyrone off for four years, he would cry and whine and to see him spew his hate and propaganda would be fun to watch. That would be priceless for the leftwing nutjob.
Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?

Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.

Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed
Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

Actually, you should be worried about ANY ONE OF THEM.
That ship has already sailed. I'm hoping that Walker, Cruz, Rubio, or Paul get the nomination but I doubt the GOP is THAT stupid.

Sorry, guy, if the Unions couldn't beat Walker in Wisconsin, they aren't going to beat him nationally.
It's hard to unseat an incumbent. He has no incumbency to prop him up this go-round. Easy pickings.

Most people see union workers as lazy, entitled and frankly, not particularly ethical. Unions have not done a good job selling themselves.

Unions have done a terrible job selling themselves. That is 100% true.

As for union workers being seen one way or the other...well, I'll take your word for it in your own experience. We all have our own experiences. I would challenge most here to do the job of a UPS driver for a week and see if they could keep up. How union workers are seen is one thing...the truth is that many would trade their jobs for a higher paying, supposedly more secure union job in a heartbeat. Being anti-union simply isn't going to play well in union states; of which Walker and the GOP desperately needs.

I think you'll see the 2016 results re-enforce this.

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