Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

Ten minutes from my house little joey --


Ten minutes from your house --

Here's the bottom ten in growth in the US.

EVERY one of them is a Northern State

List of U.S. states by population growth rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

New Hampshire1,326,8131,316,470+0.79%42



Rhode Island1,055,1731,052,567+0.25%48


West Virginia1,850,3261,852,994−0.14%—

Except for West Virginia - which is not a Northern State - every one of those states has had population growth.
And the fact they paid me a "please don't sue us" package when I left tells me they KNEW what htey did was wrong.

You said it was a layoff, now they paid you not just a layoff package but a please don't sue us package, you can't even keep your own story straight.

And you fundamentally don't understand business. Business is not about "cost" it's about "profit." You don't fire people who are making you a lot of money. You fire ones who are under performing and affecting your other employees with their bad attitude. You know, you.
Ten minutes from my house little joey --


Honestly, those girls look like they are hookers. Who the fuck dresses like that who isn't selling it.

But let's see what the holy bible of Conservatism says...

The Richest And Poorest States In 2014 - Forbes

Washington, D.C. and New Jersey top the list of the richest states, tying for first place. The nation’s capital claims the highest per capita GDP and taxes in the country. Connecticut and Maryland tie for third place, with Maryland ranking first nationally in income. Massachusetts rounds out the top five. The state ranks sixth in taxes paid per capita, despite the reputation that earned the Bay State the nickname “Taxachusetts.”

At the other end of the spectrum, Mississippi ranks 51st, overall, and across all three metrics. West Virginia falls next, coming in 49th in income and 50th in taxes paid per capita. Alabama, South Carolina, and New Mexico round out the five poorest states.
You've obviously never been down here, what you think of the south is what you read in To Kill a Mocking Bird. Well, in your case actually from watching the movie...

There is one thing you'd like about the south, doublewide, it's a lot easier to find things cooked in lard...

Actually, I've been to Texas, Virginia, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas...

Really, very lttle has changed my mind that Southerners are piss-ignorant, racist and believe in sky fairies.

Bigots see what they want to see, Archie
You said it was a layoff, now they paid you not just a layoff package but a please don't sue us package, you can't even keep your own story straight.

again- reading comprehension thing. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, they knew they had no grounds to fire me (other than they had lost so much of their business at that point they had nothing for me to do) and that I had a pretty fucking good case to sue them for medical discrimination if they did. I wouldn't. That's not how I roll.

So their best hope was to lay me off, pay me a big enough settlement package to where I wouldn't sue and hope to God that I landed a new job and didn't notice some of their other scheming (like pretending to fire someone with much less seniority only to rehire her a few weeks later.)

And you fundamentally don't understand business. Business is not about "cost" it's about "profit." You don't fire people who are making you a lot of money. You fire ones who are under performing and affecting your other employees with their bad attitude. You know, you.

Actually, if they were going by that standard, they probably should have kept me, as I was the one who negotiated lower prices with vendors and built a lot of the solid relationships. In fact, the guy who let me go eventually took a job with one of the vendors I developed.

The thing is, i know that like most of the "kings of capitalism" you guys really all think you are business geniuses. Your not. Most of you only still have businesses because your employees carry you.

Words never spoken at a working class bar. "My Boss is a Genius. I do not know what we would do without his leadership."

Never heard that said at a bull-session after work, not once in 23 years since I left the military.

Really, very lttle has changed my mind that Southerners are piss-ignorant, racist and believe in sky fairies.

Bigots see what they want to see, Archie

And what is actually there. Frankly, nothing you've said has really impressed me that you are a decent human being, and I really honestly pity anyone who has the bad luck to work for you in Jesusland.

But I guess it's a better job than Possum Catcher.
Except for West Virginia - which is not a Northern State - every one of those states has had population growth.

Moron. West Virginia IS a Northern State. It split off from Virginia rather than secede. It's as Northern as northern gets.

You think there's no hill-jacks up North? :cuckoo: You're just stupid.

The dumbest fucking hilljacks I've ever met are from the Northern States -- Pennsylvania.... Idiots put french fries on their salads, drink Arn City Beer and say 'you'ns'

New York? The City produces the dumbest fucks on the planet. I'm serious. You get them outside their own environment and they're lost.

They start running their mouths, kinda like doing the 'dozens' and they punched out. And they don't understand it.

Ohio natives are most easily found in the Trailer Parks down here. Michigan people seldom make it this far.... They see a road sign that says "Clean Rest Rooms Ahead' and that's it for them.

Don't give me that shit.

Anyway..... Here's a pic of my people having fun... (right now, as I type, the temperature outside is 85 degrees and not a cloud in the sky..... suck on it


Here's a pic of 'your' people having fun


The North isn't completely dead, but it's the Terry Schiavo of the United States.

Time to take it off life support
Public employee unions are the Democratic party cash cow, that's how they fund their campaigns. Dem politicians raise taxes, give the money to the unions, the unions kick back part of the money to the Dem politicians. Sounds like a RICO organized crime case to me.

Sooo, you're saying that if union dues favored Conservatives - this union-busting shit wouldn't be happening? I agree! The reason union dues favor Democrats is because Democrats do much more to support labor - while Conservatives are on a Jihad to bust unions and reduce wages.

Get real lib, Democrats and public employee unions are corrupt as hell.
If American automakers hadn't been so ignorantly and willfully blind to the trends of foreign automakers - Detroit would likely still be booming today.
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Public employee unions are the Democratic party cash cow, that's how they fund their campaigns. Dem politicians raise taxes, give the money to the unions, the unions kick back part of the money to the Dem politicians. Sounds like a RICO organized crime case to me.

Sooo, you're saying that if union dues favored Conservatives - this union-busting shit wouldn't be happening? I agree! The reason union dues favor Democrats is because Democrats do much more to support labor - while Conservatives are on a Jihad to bust unions and reduce wages.

Get real lib, Democrats and public employee unions are corrupt as hell.

Why, because union dues favor Democrats over NaziCons?
Link to examples of such workers ...where are they who told you this ??? WTF are you talking about ? you are repeating talking points are you aware of that ?

Do you really want to put me into the position of showing how unions have gone too far? Here's one of my favorite examples. Teacher gets caught molesting kids, and gets paid for years to do no work.

The 4 NYC teachers banned from classrooms who rake in millions New York Post

Three of the city’s longest-running “rubber room” teachers have raked in more than $1 million each for a decade of not working in classrooms, and a fourth is paid a top salary — $100,049 a year — not to teach.

The Foul Four — who beat sexual-misconduct charges — can’t be fired by the Department of Education because they are entitled to job protections under state tenure laws, which require “due process.” Educators are entitled to a trial with an independent hearing officer who decides whether any misconduct warrants termination.

Meanwhile, the four have gotten automatic longevity raises and stand to get further raises — and back pay — under the $9 billion United Federation of Teachers union contract ratified last month.

Wow. That's seriously fucked up. But there's more.
Fix those things but Unions are necessary otherwise we become serfs ....
Public employee unions are the Democratic party cash cow, that's how they fund their campaigns. Dem politicians raise taxes, give the money to the unions, the unions kick back part of the money to the Dem politicians. Sounds like a RICO organized crime case to me.

Sooo, you're saying that if union dues favored Conservatives - this union-busting shit wouldn't be happening? I agree! The reason union dues favor Democrats is because Democrats do much more to support labor - while Conservatives are on a Jihad to bust unions and reduce wages.

Get real lib, Democrats and public employee unions are corrupt as hell.

Why, because union dues favor Democrats over NaziCons?

You still don't get it. I should just mock you for being an idiot liberal drone but I'll explain it to you. Both democrat and republican voters threw the corrupt democratic party politicians and their corrupt public employee union pals under the bus because both have screwed over the taxpayers one too many times. That's how Walker beat you dumb asses three times. So even democrat voters are saying fuck you to liberals and their never ending tax increases.
Public employee unions are the Democratic party cash cow, that's how they fund their campaigns. Dem politicians raise taxes, give the money to the unions, the unions kick back part of the money to the Dem politicians. Sounds like a RICO organized crime case to me.

Sooo, you're saying that if union dues favored Conservatives - this union-busting shit wouldn't be happening? I agree! The reason union dues favor Democrats is because Democrats do much more to support labor - while Conservatives are on a Jihad to bust unions and reduce wages.

Get real lib, Democrats and public employee unions are corrupt as hell.

Why, because union dues favor Democrats over NaziCons?

You still don't get it. I should just mock you for being an idiot liberal drone but I'll explain it to you. Both democrat and republican voters threw the corrupt democratic party politicians and their corrupt public employee union pals under the bus because both have screwed over the taxpayers one too many times. That's how Walker beat you dumb asses three times. So even democrat voters are saying fuck you to liberals and their never ending tax increases.

Can you cite any "credible" supporting proof during times OTHER than midterms? I suspect 2016 will be much different.
Fix those things but Unions are necessary otherwise we become serfs ....

Not necessarily.

YOu see, part of the reason why unions were needed because back in the oldy days, you lived in a town, you didn't have transportation, and frankly, if you couldn't get a job at the local factory, your job prospects were probably pretty limited. Today we have a global economy.

Unions have failed to keep up with the times and they generally see non-union workers as being more of an enemy than the companies that they work for. So they think putting and inflatable rat out in front of someone's workplace really impresses anyone.
Fix those things but Unions are necessary otherwise we become serfs ....

Not necessarily.

YOu see, part of the reason why unions were needed because back in the oldy days, you lived in a town, you didn't have transportation, and frankly, if you couldn't get a job at the local factory, your job prospects were probably pretty limited. Today we have a global economy.

Unions have failed to keep up with the times and they generally see non-union workers as being more of an enemy than the companies that they work for. So they think putting and inflatable rat out in front of someone's workplace really impresses anyone.
That is just your worry about Unions just a few years after Corporate honchos raped the Middle class for trillions ....and got clean away with the loot...
It's a good thing for Hillary that those who supposedly are "tired" of these government workers aren't going to be in many of the battlegound states. I supposed you're talking about public employee pensioners. A lot of people in Ohio like their pensions (union types).None of them are going to vote for Walker who is already pre-labeled as being anti-union. You can add Pennsylvania and Michigan to that. Then there is Virginia where there are lot of government employees who are counting on their pensions to be there in their retirement. Florida? he he he...much of the state is made up of those pensioners.

Except for PA, All of those states currently have Republican governors who ran on getting the union thugs under control, as is Wisconsin. Shit, Illinois we just elected a governor who promised to take on the Unions. He'll probably fail because the legislature won't have his back. But I think it shows how sick people are of these folks.

Walker could gain some ground in the West with CO, NM, NV, and possibly IA. Lets give him WI as well. That is what...30 electoral votes? The GOP needs 64 to flip. If you add Florida, he makes it but Bill is huge in Florida and Hillary got 300,000 more votes than Obama did in that primary; as strange as it was (they barely campaigned there).

Actually, Walker has a good chance of flipping VA, WI, MI, OH, CO, NV and NM.

The biggest problem you guys have is that Hillary is such an awful candidate. She was awful in 2008. She hasn't gotten any better. She's shrill and she has a bad habit of saying far stupider things than Walker does. "We were fat broke when we left the white house' and "I was under fire in Bosnia".


"Cover me, Chelsea!"

Union households only make up 11% of the electorate, and of those, 40% still vote Republican.

Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

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