Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

Actually, you should be worried about ANY ONE OF THEM.
That ship has already sailed. I'm hoping that Walker, Cruz, Rubio, or Paul get the nomination but I doubt the GOP is THAT stupid.

Sorry, guy, if the Unions couldn't beat Walker in Wisconsin, they aren't going to beat him nationally.
It's hard to unseat an incumbent. He has no incumbency to prop him up this go-round. Easy pickings.

Most people see union workers as lazy, entitled and frankly, not particularly ethical. Unions have not done a good job selling themselves.

Unions have done a terrible job selling themselves. That is 100% true.

As for union workers being seen one way or the other...well, I'll take your word for it in your own experience. We all have our own experiences. I would challenge most here to do the job of a UPS driver for a week and see if they could keep up. How union workers are seen is one thing...the truth is that many would trade their jobs for a higher paying, supposedly more secure union job in a heartbeat. Being anti-union simply isn't going to play well in union states; of which Walker and the GOP desperately needs.

I think you'll see the 2016 results re-enforce this.

Also you have to remember that a lot of kids who are politically active now who may not belong to a union themselves have mothers and fathers living on union know; the ones that Walker wants to eliminate. It's going to be an impossible sell regardless of union membership.
That's crap. The demonization of unions has been so comprehensive that even people like you have fallen for it.

The demonization of unions happens because unions do so pretty awful things.

Joey, you APPROVE of those things, you fucking hypocrite!

Unions have done a piss-poor job of selling themselves. I always tell the story of when I graduated HS way back in the day, I had recruiters from colleges putting their business cards in my hand. I'm not bragging when I say that...they were doing it (must have been hard up I suppose). At the same time, there were recruiters from trade schools, the Navy, Army and Air Force doing the same thing. My church was in the line too wanting me to become a missionary. You know who wasn't there...the AFL CIO. They relied on their name brand and now their name is dirt.

Additionally, the strong-arm tactics don't play well. It's the same bullying the GOP tries when it is in power in a State except they do things like make Women get invasive procedures that we wouldn't do on prisoners of war in the name of "health care".

Both the GOP and the unions are unpopular for good reason...nobody likes bullies.
Walker has zero chance in the east and only marginal chances out west. You do not have to belong to a Union household to admire what the union (supposedly) stands for which is workers' rights. When you declare yourself an opponent of those rights; it casts a broad shadow over your chances.

The only candidate from the right I fear is Jeb Bush or Chris Christie if CPAC is any indication of Hillary's opponents.

Actually, you should be worried about ANY ONE OF THEM.
That ship has already sailed. I'm hoping that Walker, Cruz, Rubio, or Paul get the nomination but I doubt the GOP is THAT stupid.

Sorry, guy, if the Unions couldn't beat Walker in Wisconsin, they aren't going to beat him nationally.
It's hard to unseat an incumbent. He has no incumbency to prop him up this go-round. Easy pickings.

Most people see union workers as lazy, entitled and frankly, not particularly ethical. Unions have not done a good job selling themselves.

Unions have done a terrible job selling themselves. That is 100% true.

As for union workers being seen one way or the other...well, I'll take your word for it in your own experience. We all have our own experiences. I would challenge most here to do the job of a UPS driver for a week and see if they could keep up. How union workers are seen is one thing...the truth is that many would trade their jobs for a higher paying, supposedly more secure union job in a heartbeat. Being anti-union simply isn't going to play well in union states; of which Walker and the GOP desperately needs.

I think you'll see the 2016 results re-enforce this.

Also you have to remember that a lot of kids who are politically active now who may not belong to a union themselves have mothers and fathers living on union know; the ones that Walker wants to eliminate. It's going to be an impossible sell regardless of union membership.
Please post where Walker wants to eliminate pensions for current retirees.
Oh yeah, youre just posting ignornat shit again.
That's crap. The demonization of unions has been so comprehensive that even people like you have fallen for it.

The demonization of unions happens because unions do so pretty awful things.

Joey, you APPROVE of those things, you fucking hypocrite!

I approve of some things they do. I don't approve of others, ditchweed.

I don't approve of the teacher who molests a kid and then gets his union to wrangle 10 years of salary out of the school district.
Union membership peaked in the '60's. We now have half a century of unions in decline.

What's gotten better for that part of America that used to work in union jobs, aka, the working class?

Seriously, where and how are things any better now?
That's crap. The demonization of unions has been so comprehensive that even people like you have fallen for it.

The demonization of unions happens because unions do so pretty awful things.

Joey, you APPROVE of those things, you fucking hypocrite!

I approve of some things they do. I don't approve of others, ditchweed.

I don't approve of the teacher who molests a kid and then gets his union to wrangle 10 years of salary out of the school district.

If you condemn the many with anecdotes about the few, then we're all evil based on some group we're in where bad anecdotal examples can be found.
Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?

Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.

Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed

You blame unions for America corporations moving factories to places where they pay the labor a dollar an hour.

That's the union's fault? What should union workers do? Offer to work for 99 cents an hour?
Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?

Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.

Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed

You blame unions for America corporations moving factories to places where they pay the labor a dollar an hour.

That's the union's fault? What should union workers do? Offer to work for 99 cents an hour?

Nope- We fire you then find someone else willing to work for pay offered

Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?

Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.

Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed

You blame unions for America corporations moving factories to places where they pay the labor a dollar an hour.

That's the union's fault? What should union workers do? Offer to work for 99 cents an hour?

Nope- We fire you then find someone else willing to work for pay offered


Right. They find 1.00 an hour workers that no American can compete with, union or not. Why that makes you happy can only be explained by the well known fact that you're an imbecile.
That ship has already sailed. I'm hoping that Walker, Cruz, Rubio, or Paul get the nomination but I doubt the GOP is THAT stupid.

Nominating Cruz or Paul would be stupid. Rubio and Walker are formidable. The worst thing they can do is nominate Jeb, because that gives Hillary the only narrative that works for her - would you rather have Clinton or Bush? The Narrative where she running for Obama's third term is a sure-fire loser for her.

It's hard to unseat an incumbent. He has no incumbency to prop him up this go-round. Easy pickings.

Pat Quinn would dispute that. Pat Quinn was the boy of abusive unions, and he went down in flames, in Illinois.

If Illinois is in play in 2016, the Democrats are toast.

Unions have done a terrible job selling themselves. That is 100% true.

As for union workers being seen one way or the other...well, I'll take your word for it in your own experience. We all have our own experiences. I would challenge most here to do the job of a UPS driver for a week and see if they could keep up. How union workers are seen is one thing...the truth is that many would trade their jobs for a higher paying, supposedly more secure union job in a heartbeat. Being anti-union simply isn't going to play well in union states; of which Walker and the GOP desperately needs.

I think you'll see the 2016 results re-enforce this.

I would LOVE to have a union job. I am not thrilled with paying the tax rates to keep government union jobs and their billions in unfunded liabilities. so let's keep in mind what Walker did that was so offensive. He made them contribute to their own retirement and health insurance, just like the rest of us have to do. Oh, the horror! He said that they can't shake down non-members for union fees. and not suprisingly, a lot of people just stopped paying them. They voted with their wallets and their ballots.

But the biggest advantage that Walker has is that Obama gave Democrats their chance, and as of 2015, the economy is not where it should be. So the choice will be Hillary More of the Same or Scott Let's try something different.
Is that $5 million in purchase orders between you and the same 40 people you own a million dollar property in Wisconsin with that makes you a millionaire?

Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.

Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed

You blame unions for America corporations moving factories to places where they pay the labor a dollar an hour.

That's the union's fault? What should union workers do? Offer to work for 99 cents an hour?

Nope- We fire you then find someone else willing to work for pay offered


Right. They find 1.00 an hour workers that no American can compete with, union or not. Why that makes you happy can only be explained by the well known fact that you're an imbecile.

If a man is hungry, he'll work for whatever his sweat warrants. If he gets subsidies, he can afford to be 'picky' about the work performed

Also you have to remember that a lot of kids who are politically active now who may not belong to a union themselves have mothers and fathers living on union know; the ones that Walker wants to eliminate. It's going to be an impossible sell regardless of union membership.

If your a kid and your parents are retiring in their 50's on union pensions, something is seriously fucked up with that.
Double Wide, I realize that you probably think your little rinky print shop outside your trailer that you run is a bid deal because you employ cousins Scooter and Billy-Bob. Up here in the real industrialized part of the country, we live a bit differently.

Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed

You blame unions for America corporations moving factories to places where they pay the labor a dollar an hour.

That's the union's fault? What should union workers do? Offer to work for 99 cents an hour?

Nope- We fire you then find someone else willing to work for pay offered


Right. They find 1.00 an hour workers that no American can compete with, union or not. Why that makes you happy can only be explained by the well known fact that you're an imbecile.

If a man is hungry, he'll work for whatever his sweat warrants. If he gets subsidies, he can afford to be 'picky' about the work performed


Amazing. You WANT dollar an hour labor to come to the U.S. How will that make your life better?
Yes, you get unemployment because your union factories are closed

You blame unions for America corporations moving factories to places where they pay the labor a dollar an hour.

That's the union's fault? What should union workers do? Offer to work for 99 cents an hour?

Nope- We fire you then find someone else willing to work for pay offered


Right. They find 1.00 an hour workers that no American can compete with, union or not. Why that makes you happy can only be explained by the well known fact that you're an imbecile.

If a man is hungry, he'll work for whatever his sweat warrants. If he gets subsidies, he can afford to be 'picky' about the work performed


Amazing. You WANT dollar an hour labor to come to the U.S. How will that make your life better?

I never said I wanted $1/hr labor... you did.

Also you have to remember that a lot of kids who are politically active now who may not belong to a union themselves have mothers and fathers living on union know; the ones that Walker wants to eliminate. It's going to be an impossible sell regardless of union membership.

If your a kid and your parents are retiring in their 50's on union pensions, something is seriously fucked up with that.
but this is OK with you because you are essentially a "kiss up" to wealth and power...The abuses are not in labor but in management ...many or most of the early retirees are in Police and Fire Unions ...

Here is something "seriously fucked up"
Paying for Failure: The Costs of Firing America's Top CEOs ...

For example, when executives at Hewlett-Packard, Bank of New York Mellon, Burger King and Yahoo were asked to step down this year, they walked away with severance packages that cost shareholders a combined $60 million. For instance, when Léo Apotheker stepped down as CEO at Hewlett-Packard, he walked away with $13.2 million in cash and stock severance.

but this is OK with you because you are essentially a "kiss up" to wealth and power...The abuses are not in labor but in management ...many or most of the early retirees are in Police and Fire Unions ...

Here is something "seriously fucked up"
Paying for Failure: The Costs of Firing America's Top CEOs ...

For example, when executives at Hewlett-Packard, Bank of New York Mellon, Burger King and Yahoo were asked to step down this year, they walked away with severance packages that cost shareholders a combined $60 million. For instance, when Léo Apotheker stepped down as CEO at Hewlett-Packard, he walked away with $13.2 million in cash and stock severance.

Guy, I've been one of the loudest voices here about obscene CEO Compensations. Quite trying to change the subject.

It's absolutely insane that a union worker can retire in his 50's on a pension that the tax payers are paying for. Especially when many of them are more than capable of continuing to work (which a lot of them do.)

Now, if you accept that government is necessary for a civilized society, there is still an obligation to make sure the cost of that government is not onerous to the governed.

Last year, working two part time jobs and a full time job, I paid 25% of my income to property, state and federal taxes. That's not even counting sales taxes, fees, licenses, and so on. Probably spent closer to 30% if you factor those in.

Paying that for roads and defense and yes, even helping the elderly and poor, I have no problem with.

Paying it to someone perfectly capable of working because a union was able to intimidate government officials. Seriously, this is why guys like Walker and Snyder and Rauner are winning in blue states.

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