Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

Can you show some documentation that supports this rather global statement "They are going bankrupt because they are paying for a unionized work force that makes twice what the civilian workforce makes and retires much earlier."

Okay, here you go..

Why Illinois is Going Bankrupt

Before I respond I am not opposed to reform of abuses ...I am opposed to simplistic and categorical attacks on the Unions as the sole and most important cause of all this ...the Pension funds invest in the Stock Market ...the Stock market nearly crashed ...did that affect anything ??

What happened? Pension funds were worth around $27 trillion in 2007 just before the crisis. Total world GDP at the time was $55 trillion according to the World Bank. Around half the funds’ investments were in the property market and corporate bonds and deposits. After rising steadily for the previous five years, stock markets collapsed in 2008, as did property markets, and the value of pension fund assets fell by $3.5 trillion. Not all values suffered. With stock markets panicking and fears that the whole system could implode, dull but dependable government bonds started to look like an attractive proposition. The world government bond index increased by around 7% over 2008. The overall figure for pension funds’ losses hides significant variations from one country and one fund to another, depending on the contents of their portfolios. Ireland, with a loss of nearly 38%, and Australia, with 27%, showed the worst investment performance in 2008. The United States, which accounts for around a half of all private-pension assets in OECD countries, showed the third largest decline: around 26%
A Common-Sense Strategy for Fixing State Pension Problems in Tough Economic Times Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Restoring underfunded state and local workers’ pension programs to full fiscal health is a long-term goal for state policymakers that should be accomplished with moderate, common-sense steps, rather than drastic measures that could imperil states’ economic recoveries.

Today’s pension shortfalls were caused in substantial part by the 2001 recession and the recent Great Recession. Those recessions reduced the value of assets in pension trust funds and made it difficult for some jurisdictions to find sufficient revenues to make required deposits into the trust funds. As a result, the average state pension fund is considered “underfunded,” meaning that there are not enough assets in the fund to pay 100 percent of the future retirement benefits that current state employees have earned, even taking into account the future investment earnings on those assets.
They are people who's entire existence is off the backs of taxes paid by the private sector. Know your fucking place government worker.

Apparently you take "public SERVANT" very literally.
I do. I pay your wages with my hard earned income. You're a fucking servant and better act like one. Government workers, welfare recipients all you fuckers that just take money for no honest production need to be treated like the bottom feeders you are.

What would your life be like if ALL public service ended?
Pretty peaceful actually. And I would be able to keep more of my money. Maybe they would even begin to act like they are public servants and not the asshole that controls your very existence and you somehow owe them respect. All public sector unions need eliminated and if someone on that payroll bitches they need eliminated as well. I'm willing to pay a fair wage for them but they better know their fucking place in society.

So, you'd build and maintain your own roads, etc.?

Government is Good - A Day in Your Life
LOL.....Government workers don't build them either. They're contracted out to companies that know how to do that kind of thing.
Government workers don't build them either. They're contracted out to companies that know how to do that kind of thing.

Oh, you mean the government created jobs in the private sector.
I thought people like you said the government doesn't create jobs?
What happened? Wrong again eh? You should be getting used to that. Being wrong.
Government workers don't build them either. They're contracted out to companies that know how to do that kind of thing.

Oh, you mean the government created jobs in the private sector.
I thought people like you said the government doesn't create jobs?
What happened? Wrong again eh? You should be getting used to that. Being wrong.
The government does not create jobs.

Try this experiment.

Hook an alternator to a tire on a car....the alternator feeds electricity back into the battery to run the engine. That is its only purpose.

Start the car and start driving.

According to your theory of 'government is an engine to economic activity, the very fact that government is spending money must mean it is creating jobs.

However, like your alternator/battery experiment, the battery eventually runs out of energy and the car stops. That is because there is a loss of energy in the system.

The same thing applies to government. They are taxing the contractors to pay the contractors so they can tax the contractors....etc., etc., etc.....Each time, the amount to the negative gets larger and the amount to the positive gets smaller....

Now, that same company/contractor, doing work for a private entity is taking earned money, applying it to labor, which in turn spends it in the market...There is no negative growth in that system....This system will create jobs....eventually, the government system will put the contractor out of business.
Teachers aren't isis. It's disgusting to see anyone say that teachers are the same as isis.

Teachers don't invade a nation, kill all those who aren't the same religion as the teachers and sell people to other muslims.

walker is disgusting. He has no respect for America or our people.

walker should go back to Wisconsin and take care of the mess he's created in his state.

By the way, where are those 250 thousand jobs he promised to create in 2010?

The Mafia/Unions have probably murdered more people than ISIS. Unions have a long history of violence and terrorism.
Also you have to remember that a lot of kids who are politically active now who may not belong to a union themselves have mothers and fathers living on union know; the ones that Walker wants to eliminate. It's going to be an impossible sell regardless of union membership.

If your a kid and your parents are retiring in their 50's on union pensions, something is seriously fucked up with that.

Come on Joe...I said "politicallly active"meaning over 18 and voting. I also never said that people are retiring in their 50's although I can see if you start at a job when you're 18, work for 35-40 years, I don't see what would be so grotesque about retiring after 3-4 decades on the job.
States are not going bankrupt because of CEO's or Generals.

They are going bankrupt because they are paying for a unionized work force that makes twice what the civilian workforce makes and retires much earlier.


Can you show some documentation that supports this rather global statement "They are going bankrupt because they are paying for a unionized work force that makes twice what the civilian workforce makes and retires much earlier."

States have experienced tremendous fiscal stress over the last 7 - 8 years related to the Wall Street crimes that melted down the economy. YOU BLAME the UNIONs .. I focus on the greed of the Big Dogs not the crumbs going to the Unions which represent under 10 percent of workers

Greed? There are 1106 former state of Oregon employees making over $100,000 on retirement. Many of their salaries were less than what they are receiving from their pension plans. There is several that make triple what they made in an annual salary.

In the 90's the state of Oregon asked the union to have Oregon employees contribute 3% to their retirement and the state workers blew gaskets over the idea. These former employees are making well above the average taxpayer in the state.

Top 2013 Oregon PERS beneficiaries - The Oregonian
That ship has already sailed. I'm hoping that Walker, Cruz, Rubio, or Paul get the nomination but I doubt the GOP is THAT stupid.

Nominating Cruz or Paul would be stupid. Rubio and Walker are formidable. The worst thing they can do is nominate Jeb, because that gives Hillary the only narrative that works for her - would you rather have Clinton or Bush? The Narrative where she running for Obama's third term is a sure-fire loser for her.
DId you actually call Rubio formidable and do so with a straight face? Remind me never to play poker with you if you can say that without smirking.

Bush will be on the ballot in 2016 much like Obama was "on the ballot" in 2014. It will be that way until there is another Republican President to wash away the poor taste of W. A lot of Republicans had a bad taste left in their mouths from Bush 41...that didn't seem to hurt W's campaign so much. As I recall he won both the nomination and the White House. I see your point but if the worst thing you can say about someone's heritage is that there are two former Presidents in it...I don't think that is such an albatross.

It's hard to unseat an incumbent. He has no incumbency to prop him up this go-round. Easy pickings.

Pat Quinn would dispute that. Pat Quinn was the boy of abusive unions, and he went down in flames, in Illinois.

If Illinois is in play in 2016, the Democrats are toast.
That doesn't exactly foretell a wonderful end for Walker; now does it?

Unions have done a terrible job selling themselves. That is 100% true.

As for union workers being seen one way or the other...well, I'll take your word for it in your own experience. We all have our own experiences. I would challenge most here to do the job of a UPS driver for a week and see if they could keep up. How union workers are seen is one thing...the truth is that many would trade their jobs for a higher paying, supposedly more secure union job in a heartbeat. Being anti-union simply isn't going to play well in union states; of which Walker and the GOP desperately needs.

I think you'll see the 2016 results re-enforce this.

I would LOVE to have a union job. I am not thrilled with paying the tax rates to keep government union jobs and their billions in unfunded liabilities. so let's keep in mind what Walker did that was so offensive. He made them contribute to their own retirement and health insurance, just like the rest of us have to do. Oh, the horror! He said that they can't shake down non-members for union fees. and not suprisingly, a lot of people just stopped paying them. They voted with their wallets and their ballots.
Don't forget the other thing; an end to collectively bargain. The collective (being pretty much what the union is all about) being removed from the equation is more problematic for Walker than what you mentioned above.

But the biggest advantage that Walker has is that Obama gave Democrats their chance, and as of 2015, the economy is not where it should be. So the choice will be Hillary More of the Same or Scott Let's try something different.

And that difference would be what exactly? More tax cuts for the wealthy....less pay for government workers....getting rid of the postal employees union....? Where's the beef?
Government workers don't build them either. They're contracted out to companies that know how to do that kind of thing.

Oh, you mean the government created jobs in the private sector.
I thought people like you said the government doesn't create jobs?
What happened? Wrong again eh? You should be getting used to that. Being wrong.

Now, that same company/contractor, doing work for a private entity is taking earned money, applying it to labor, which in turn spends it in the market...There is no negative growth in that system....This system will create jobs....eventually, the government system will put the contractor out of business.

Makes you wonder why Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, GE, Northrup, etc... all continue to bid for government contracts...they should probably listen to you and stop...right?

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.
I knew this was a left wing nutjob hit piece the moment the phrase "Undermining labor unions" was uttered. Walker of course, did no such thing. He did his job and stood up for ALL taxpayers in Wisconsin. The rest of it is just more of the same kind of poor writting found at the HuffPo.

Watch the video and judge for yourself.

That statement alone should disqualify Walker. He's got the Koch money, though.
Here's a Wisconsin terrorist that makes UnCensored shit his pants:


You are under arrest for wearing socks with sandals, terrorist!
Teachers aren't isis. It's disgusting to see anyone say that teachers are the same as isis.

Teachers don't invade a nation, kill all those who aren't the same religion as the teachers and sell people to other muslims.

walker is disgusting. He has no respect for America or our people.

walker should go back to Wisconsin and take care of the mess he's created in his state.

By the way, where are those 250 thousand jobs he promised to create in 2010?

The Mafia/Unions have probably murdered more people than ISIS. Unions have a long history of violence and terrorism.
ISIS and Scott Walker have hatred and hostility towards Unions...

Guess What Scott Walker and ISIS Have in Common
Zaid Jilani / AlterNet
ISIS Vs. Iraq's Unions

Iraq's labor unions have spent years under siege by a variety of actors. First, they faced off with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who undercut their bargaining rights by classifying most workers as civil servants, which prohibited them from directly forming unions. Many of these laws persisted after Hussein's fall, and the unions were particularly incensed by the waves of privatization that occurred in occupied Iraq.

The latest assault on Iraq's unions comes not from the Baath government or foreign occupiers but rather the extreme ISIS militants. The AFL-CIO's Solidarity Center—which documents and agitates against labor abuses abroad—has the rundown on attacks on labor unionists since June 2014, when ISIS rapidly expanded in Northern Iraq. The group notes:

Iraqi workers and their families have faced unemployment, violence, displacement—and sometimes murder. Many businesses and work sites have closed due to violent clashes between ISIS and military forces, especially in cities such as Mosul, Tikrit, Ramadi and some parts of Diyala
The Mafia/Unions have probably murdered more people than ISIS. Unions have a long history of violence and terrorism.

exactly why Republicans want unions to build Keystone ^^^^^^^^
Walker is taking his cues from Bill O'Reilly. A protest counts as "combat experience".
Did Scott Walker do a "Sara Palin" on his Governorship ??..refers to his being Governor as in the past ? ...WTF


Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI)
As Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker keeps talking in preparation for a 2016 presidential run, we're learning that his major foreign policy belief is that the way for a president or governor to demonstrate resolve against foreign enemies is by attacking American workers.

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