Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

They're paying fast food workers 15 bucks an hour in North Dakota, because of demand for labor,

and yet those same companies are STILL making money...

Do you know an eight letter synonym for "demand for labor"? Leverage. Leverage the circumstances in your favor, and you can get better pay. However, one must apply the leverage.

unless you have something to offer, you have no leverage.
You really are a silly fucking rabbit.

SO go ahead rabbit, why do unions push for higher minimum wage?
Maybe they want to expand the numbers of union members. I wish they could. I wish we had the same amount of union representation that we had in the 50ties and 60ties. Back when the middle class was succeeding, growing, prospering and driving the consumer economy.

Of course, you being the white piece of trash you are have never enjoyed prosperity at any level. You a bankrupt fuck. If not actually, certainly morally.
Yeah, Zeke. That's wrong. How would union membership increase by raising min wage? It wont.
Guess again. Or maybe go do some research.
The ONLY interest that a union has in minimum wage is as it relates to the prevailing wage laws in some states. Union wages based upon a percentage above minimum wage will rise automatically (without the expense of contract negotiations) as minimum wage rises.

Again, the unions only purpose is to get theirs and fuck everyone else.

You mean the unions act like the ultra wealthy? Fuck everyone else, I got mine. Yea I agree. Good for one group is good for another.

But what you assholes don't understand is that I support what the union does. If the union can pull wages up the scale like they used to be able to do, then I am all for that. Because the fucking CEOs that you assholes love sure as fuck are not interested in raising wages.
Yeah, Zeke. Unions have done so well they wrecked every industry they were involved in and saw their membership plummet.
Only a retard like you could applaud that as success.

You are such a fucking stupid rabbit.

Boeing, workers represented by the Machinists union. Go ahead and tell all how Boeing is "wrecked".

BF Goodrich Aerospace division. Represented by the machinists workers union. How wrecked is BF Goodrich?

GM workers represented by the UAW. How "wrecked" is GM right now.

Lord Industries. Doing great business. Represented by the Machinists union.

Want me to go on you stupid fuck?

We didn't even get to the building trades unions.

btw you stupid rabbit. Union membership fell because asshole employers got so greedy they had to take their business out of the country. So they could pay those workers sweat shop wages. You know, piss poor money like you make.

Ask these dumbasses how Costco manages to make a profit and also pay workers $15+ per hour.
Yeah, Zeke. That's wrong. How would union membership increase by raising min wage? It wont.
Guess again. Or maybe go do some research.
The ONLY interest that a union has in minimum wage is as it relates to the prevailing wage laws in some states. Union wages based upon a percentage above minimum wage will rise automatically (without the expense of contract negotiations) as minimum wage rises.

Again, the unions only purpose is to get theirs and fuck everyone else.

You mean the unions act like the ultra wealthy? Fuck everyone else, I got mine. Yea I agree. Good for one group is good for another.

But what you assholes don't understand is that I support what the union does. If the union can pull wages up the scale like they used to be able to do, then I am all for that. Because the fucking CEOs that you assholes love sure as fuck are not interested in raising wages.
Yeah, Zeke. Unions have done so well they wrecked every industry they were involved in and saw their membership plummet.
Only a retard like you could applaud that as success.

You are such a fucking stupid rabbit.

Boeing, workers represented by the Machinists union. Go ahead and tell all how Boeing is "wrecked".

BF Goodrich Aerospace division. Represented by the machinists workers union. How wrecked is BF Goodrich?

GM workers represented by the UAW. How "wrecked" is GM right now.

Lord Industries. Doing great business. Represented by the Machinists union.

Want me to go on you stupid fuck?

We didn't even get to the building trades unions.

btw you stupid rabbit. Union membership fell because asshole employers got so greedy they had to take their business out of the country. So they could pay those workers sweat shop wages. You know, piss poor money like you make.

The UAW destroyed the US auto industry, the textile workers union destroyed the US textile industry. The shipbuilders unions destroyed commercial shipbuilding in the US. the steel workers unions destroyed the US steel industry.

oh, and it wasn't just the unions, US tax policies also helped destroy those industries.
The biggest culprit were workman's comp laws.
Walmart will be hauling out the plastic bins in the next couple of weeks, and installing them in the employee areas to gather up donations for those fellow "Associates" who are needy....Their own employees.

They are a shining example of how a free market without any kind of laws to protect laborers works for THEM. The Waltons hold 4 positions in the top 10 wealthiest Americans: Christy Walton, Jim Walton, Alice Walton and S. Robson Walton:
The Richest People in America - Forbes

Doubtless you'd rather see all those associates on the welfare line.

You dumbass, they are! Scroll back up to my post about how Walmart costs taxpayers $6.2 BILLION a year in welfare for their employees.
Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

That's absolutely not true because if Walmart didn't exist there would be other retailers in its place hiring just as many people.
Preferable? In most cases neither is preferable. I'm not in favor of a large minimum wage, but one that at least gives workers a chance.

and how much is that? is it the same in New york city as in Fargo ND? is it the same for a single person and a person with 4 kids? How much is required to "give someone a chance" in all the different places and all the different family situations? like most liberals, you never think things through, you just react emotionally.

They're paying fast food workers 15 bucks an hour in North Dakota, because of demand for labor,

and yet those same companies are STILL making money...

I can believe that. NoDak is hurting for people because the Bakken Shale is in a mega-boom and Williston is not exactly a big town. Housing shortage there, too. People just driving trucks are making close to $100K.
That pretty well shoots your argument about greedy employers. Do you think employers in ND are less greedy than in MA because they're willing to pay more?

Employers don't have a choice in ND.

What argument it shoots down is that places like MacDonald's can't afford to pay employees more if they have to.
So you're saying that where employers can pick and choose from many candidates for a job they will tend to pick the ones that cost least to hire?
I agree!
So what the fuck are you arguing about??
Walmart will be hauling out the plastic bins in the next couple of weeks, and installing them in the employee areas to gather up donations for those fellow "Associates" who are needy....Their own employees.

They are a shining example of how a free market without any kind of laws to protect laborers works for THEM. The Waltons hold 4 positions in the top 10 wealthiest Americans: Christy Walton, Jim Walton, Alice Walton and S. Robson Walton:
The Richest People in America - Forbes

Doubtless you'd rather see all those associates on the welfare line.

You dumbass, they are! Scroll back up to my post about how Walmart costs taxpayers $6.2 BILLION a year in welfare for their employees.
Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

That's absolutely not true because if Walmart didn't exist there would be other retailers in its place hiring just as many people.
No there wouldn't. That is absurd.
Yeah, Zeke. That's wrong. How would union membership increase by raising min wage? It wont.
Guess again. Or maybe go do some research.
The ONLY interest that a union has in minimum wage is as it relates to the prevailing wage laws in some states. Union wages based upon a percentage above minimum wage will rise automatically (without the expense of contract negotiations) as minimum wage rises.

Again, the unions only purpose is to get theirs and fuck everyone else.

You mean the unions act like the ultra wealthy? Fuck everyone else, I got mine. Yea I agree. Good for one group is good for another.

But what you assholes don't understand is that I support what the union does. If the union can pull wages up the scale like they used to be able to do, then I am all for that. Because the fucking CEOs that you assholes love sure as fuck are not interested in raising wages.
Yeah, Zeke. Unions have done so well they wrecked every industry they were involved in and saw their membership plummet.
Only a retard like you could applaud that as success.

You are such a fucking stupid rabbit.

Boeing, workers represented by the Machinists union. Go ahead and tell all how Boeing is "wrecked".

BF Goodrich Aerospace division. Represented by the machinists workers union. How wrecked is BF Goodrich?

GM workers represented by the UAW. How "wrecked" is GM right now.

Lord Industries. Doing great business. Represented by the Machinists union.

Want me to go on you stupid fuck?

We didn't even get to the building trades unions.

btw you stupid rabbit. Union membership fell because asshole employers got so greedy they had to take their business out of the country. So they could pay those workers sweat shop wages. You know, piss poor money like you make.

Ask these dumbasses how Costco manages to make a profit and also pay workers $15+ per hour.
And dumbfucks like you can't figure out that Costco has a completely different business model.
Preferable? In most cases neither is preferable. I'm not in favor of a large minimum wage, but one that at least gives workers a chance.

and how much is that? is it the same in New york city as in Fargo ND? is it the same for a single person and a person with 4 kids? How much is required to "give someone a chance" in all the different places and all the different family situations? like most liberals, you never think things through, you just react emotionally.

They're paying fast food workers 15 bucks an hour in North Dakota, because of demand for labor,

and yet those same companies are STILL making money...

I can believe that. NoDak is hurting for people because the Bakken Shale is in a mega-boom and Williston is not exactly a big town. Housing shortage there, too. People just driving trucks are making close to $100K.
That pretty well shoots your argument about greedy employers. Do you think employers in ND are less greedy than in MA because they're willing to pay more?

Employers don't have a choice in ND.

What argument it shoots down is that places like MacDonald's can't afford to pay employees more if they have to.

I would bet that McDonalds prices are higher in ND than in other places, because of the higher pay to workers.
Did Walmart put those public assistance laws on the books? Why is it Walmart's fault when congress passes stupid laws?

I agree with you, People who are working should not get public assistance.

Yeah, why is it Walmart's fault when Congress is so open eared when lots of money is thrown at them? In other countries this would be called a bribe, not in the USA.....
Yeah, Zeke. That's wrong. How would union membership increase by raising min wage? It wont.
Guess again. Or maybe go do some research.
The ONLY interest that a union has in minimum wage is as it relates to the prevailing wage laws in some states. Union wages based upon a percentage above minimum wage will rise automatically (without the expense of contract negotiations) as minimum wage rises.

Again, the unions only purpose is to get theirs and fuck everyone else.

You mean the unions act like the ultra wealthy? Fuck everyone else, I got mine. Yea I agree. Good for one group is good for another.

But what you assholes don't understand is that I support what the union does. If the union can pull wages up the scale like they used to be able to do, then I am all for that. Because the fucking CEOs that you assholes love sure as fuck are not interested in raising wages.
Yeah, Zeke. Unions have done so well they wrecked every industry they were involved in and saw their membership plummet.
Only a retard like you could applaud that as success.

You are such a fucking stupid rabbit.

Boeing, workers represented by the Machinists union. Go ahead and tell all how Boeing is "wrecked".

BF Goodrich Aerospace division. Represented by the machinists workers union. How wrecked is BF Goodrich?

GM workers represented by the UAW. How "wrecked" is GM right now.

Lord Industries. Doing great business. Represented by the Machinists union.

Want me to go on you stupid fuck?

We didn't even get to the building trades unions.

btw you stupid rabbit. Union membership fell because asshole employers got so greedy they had to take their business out of the country. So they could pay those workers sweat shop wages. You know, piss poor money like you make.

The UAW destroyed the US auto industry, the textile workers union destroyed the US textile industry. The shipbuilders unions destroyed commercial shipbuilding in the US. the steel workers unions destroyed the US steel industry.

oh, and it wasn't just the unions, US tax policies also helped destroy those industries.

What should American workers be willing to work for to get the textile industry back?
Did Walmart put those public assistance laws on the books? Why is it Walmart's fault when congress passes stupid laws?

I agree with you, People who are working should not get public assistance.

Yeah, why is it Walmart's fault when Congress is so open eared when lots of money is thrown at them? In other countries this would be called a bribe, not in the USA.....

I would ban all lobbying and political contributions from corporations, unions, PACS, and political organizations. Lobbying is legal bribery. we agree.
The ONLY interest that a union has in minimum wage is as it relates to the prevailing wage laws in some states. Union wages based upon a percentage above minimum wage will rise automatically (without the expense of contract negotiations) as minimum wage rises.

Again, the unions only purpose is to get theirs and fuck everyone else.

You mean the unions act like the ultra wealthy? Fuck everyone else, I got mine. Yea I agree. Good for one group is good for another.

But what you assholes don't understand is that I support what the union does. If the union can pull wages up the scale like they used to be able to do, then I am all for that. Because the fucking CEOs that you assholes love sure as fuck are not interested in raising wages.
Yeah, Zeke. Unions have done so well they wrecked every industry they were involved in and saw their membership plummet.
Only a retard like you could applaud that as success.

You are such a fucking stupid rabbit.

Boeing, workers represented by the Machinists union. Go ahead and tell all how Boeing is "wrecked".

BF Goodrich Aerospace division. Represented by the machinists workers union. How wrecked is BF Goodrich?

GM workers represented by the UAW. How "wrecked" is GM right now.

Lord Industries. Doing great business. Represented by the Machinists union.

Want me to go on you stupid fuck?

We didn't even get to the building trades unions.

btw you stupid rabbit. Union membership fell because asshole employers got so greedy they had to take their business out of the country. So they could pay those workers sweat shop wages. You know, piss poor money like you make.

The UAW destroyed the US auto industry, the textile workers union destroyed the US textile industry. The shipbuilders unions destroyed commercial shipbuilding in the US. the steel workers unions destroyed the US steel industry.

oh, and it wasn't just the unions, US tax policies also helped destroy those industries.

What should American workers be willing to work for to get the textile industry back?

that has already been established by the textile unions. thats why your Fruit of the Loom is now made in Costa Rica.
have you tried negotiating pay in a real job?

:lol: You are sounding more and more like a liberal with every post. Every job is a real job. I don't care if you're 15 years old and working at the corner gas station. This is the problem nowadays, too many people aren't willing to take their jobs seriously. They convince themselves that being a good employee and working hard isn't important because this isn't a "real" job. I was firing lifeguards when I was 17 because they didn't think it was a "real" job. There's a reason why it was me.

Do you have any special talents or education that gives you a negotiating advantage? I hope you do, because if you try to negotiate your pay with nothing to offer, you will fail.

Clearly, you have no negotiation skills. You don't understand negotiation in the slightest. Hiring managers love applicants like you. You just assume whatever initial offer is put out on the table is the end all and be all, unless you sweeten the pot first. :lol:

Here's a pro tip for you: If someone is offering you a job you have already demonstrated value to the company above all other candidates. The fact that they want to hire you is your first piece of leverage. Your first reaction should be to begin negotiating for a higher pay than what they are offering.
The laws of supply and demand determine that.

Sure they do. But if there is 25% unemployment, should people really work for almost nothing? Especially when it's not enough to actually live off?

Employers get it easy in recessions, if they can sell their stuff, they can make people work longer hours, they can do all kinds of things. How do you make sure it's not like 100 years ago or more when people could be paid less than they could live off?

All that will happen is people will choose welfare, or crime. Often they have to revert to things like food stamps etc, which as someone else has pointed out, cost the govt a lot of money. So Walmart make a lot of profit out of it, the govt picks up part of the wages. Oh.... freaking great.

Maybe it would be better to have a minimum wage and get rid of all the other stuff so companies aren't getting benefits from the govt.
Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

i would beg to differ

for one

it gives the unions a platform to raise its members wages

Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

Eh, not really. Market demand would still exist. If Walmart was not in the picture, other companies would eventually fill the void.
Preferable? In most cases neither is preferable. I'm not in favor of a large minimum wage, but one that at least gives workers a chance.

and how much is that? is it the same in New york city as in Fargo ND? is it the same for a single person and a person with 4 kids? How much is required to "give someone a chance" in all the different places and all the different family situations? like most liberals, you never think things through, you just react emotionally.

They're paying fast food workers 15 bucks an hour in North Dakota, because of demand for labor,

and yet those same companies are STILL making money...

I can believe that. NoDak is hurting for people because the Bakken Shale is in a mega-boom and Williston is not exactly a big town. Housing shortage there, too. People just driving trucks are making close to $100K.
That pretty well shoots your argument about greedy employers. Do you think employers in ND are less greedy than in MA because they're willing to pay more?

Employers don't have a choice in ND.

What argument it shoots down is that places like MacDonald's can't afford to pay employees more if they have to.
Walmart will be hauling out the plastic bins in the next couple of weeks, and installing them in the employee areas to gather up donations for those fellow "Associates" who are needy....Their own employees.

They are a shining example of how a free market without any kind of laws to protect laborers works for THEM. The Waltons hold 4 positions in the top 10 wealthiest Americans: Christy Walton, Jim Walton, Alice Walton and S. Robson Walton:
The Richest People in America - Forbes

Doubtless you'd rather see all those associates on the welfare line.

You dumbass, they are! Scroll back up to my post about how Walmart costs taxpayers $6.2 BILLION a year in welfare for their employees.

Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

That's absolutely not true because if Walmart didn't exist there would be other retailers in its place hiring just as many people.

Just like the downtown retailers that were there BEFORE Walmart.

Walmart ran Mom and Pop out of business, not the other way around.

RabbiT is a fucking idiot. Absolutely the stupidest person on this board next to BLOWfish.


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