Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

Eh, not really. Market demand would still exist. If Walmart was not in the picture, other companies would eventually fill the void.

He's unbelievably stupid. Where did he buy toilet paper before Walmart built a 24-hour Super Store in his town?
That's absolutely not true because if Walmart didn't exist there would be other retailers in its place hiring just as many people.


Why does everyone, on all sides of the issues, insist on making silly arguments with imagined facts?

Studies have shown that "big box" retailers like Walmart actually have a negative impact on overall employment. They typically drive smaller businesses out, and hire fewer people than the sum total of displaced small businesses. This should be a prime talking point for your position. The fact that you don't know it, and that you make claims directly contradictory to it, just goes to show that your entire position is devoid of factual knowledge.
and how much is that? is it the same in New york city as in Fargo ND? is it the same for a single person and a person with 4 kids? How much is required to "give someone a chance" in all the different places and all the different family situations? like most liberals, you never think things through, you just react emotionally.

They're paying fast food workers 15 bucks an hour in North Dakota, because of demand for labor,

and yet those same companies are STILL making money...

I can believe that. NoDak is hurting for people because the Bakken Shale is in a mega-boom and Williston is not exactly a big town. Housing shortage there, too. People just driving trucks are making close to $100K.
That pretty well shoots your argument about greedy employers. Do you think employers in ND are less greedy than in MA because they're willing to pay more?

Employers don't have a choice in ND.

What argument it shoots down is that places like MacDonald's can't afford to pay employees more if they have to.

I would bet that McDonalds prices are higher in ND than in other places, because of the higher pay to workers.

I would bet that the McDonald's had to raise their wages because of the high paying union jobs that came to town for the oil industry. Scarce labor raises the cost of labor. I also will bet that the owners of every business in the area, regardless of what they had to pay their labor, have more profits right now than they have ever seen in their lives.

You union haters do understand that the oil industry uses union labor. Right? You union haters understand that?
And the oil and gas industries are not failing. Which you union haters (like rabbit), says that unions destroy business. Bullshit of course, but that's what they say.
Ask these dumbasses how Costco manages to make a profit and also pay workers $15+ per hour.

Simple: They sell drugs.

Walmart does too and pays $7.25/hour.
Walmart competes with everybody. Costco has little to no competition with their model. They sell mega sized packages with a limited variety for members. Mom and pop either offered specialized goods or they went belly up because the people voted with their pocketbooks.
I would bet that the McDonald's had to raise their wages because of the high paying union jobs that came to town for the oil industry. Scarce labor raises the cost of labor.

Ah. Glad to see you admit that people actively engaging in an open labor market will produce far better results than raising the minimum wage.
the consequences of NOT paying anyone a living wage for working 8 hours a day.
You mean, "the consequences of a worker trying to support himself (and possibly a family) by doing only work that does not create the revenue it takes to pay for it", don't you?

Blaming the victim does not resolve the problem.

Corporate Welfare is the problem.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees. Your desire for a cheap Big Mac is not a sound fiscal reason.
The problem you have is that you don't know who the victim is.

Here is a hint. It is NOT the employee.

Still crickets from the right when it comes to answering this question.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees.
You post a fallacious talking point and then expect people to take it seriously enough to actually try to respond?

It is like trying to answer the question, "When did you stop beating your wife" when in fact, you never have beat your wife.

Now, lets see you prove that an employee is chained to a job and is unable to improve their earnings by going to another job and the employer is forcing them "By any kind of threat" to work for minimum wage which then facilitates the need for subsidies from the government?

Give it a shot.

That you cannot defend Corporate Welfare in the form of taxpayer subsidized employees is duly noted.

Your attempted deflection was pathetic.

The above is par for the course when it comes to your responses.

You simply lack the cognitive ability to deal with the reality that is Corporate Welfare as it pertains to the current economy.

Have a nice day.
The biggest fallacy about focusing on the Minimum Wage is ignoring the consequences of NOT paying anyone a living wage for working 8 hours a day.

As taxpayers we subsidize the housing and healthcare of those making minimum wages. That is Corporate Welfare.

No business deserves to have the benefit of taxpayer subsidized employees.

So until we stop blaming the victims and look at this as what it really is in reality, Corporate Welfare, we will never resolve the problem.
Total nonsense. The corporations are not running the government and making them hand over subsidies. Liberals are the culprit for voting in candidates that push social policies. I know it hard for you and those like you but if you could slow down a hair and think...if a company needs a body around they will have to pay them enough to keep them around. If employees can get subsidized by do gooders then corporations don't need to pay as much. You have it exactly ass backwards.

Explain why any corporation deserves to have the benefit of the taxpayers subsidizing their payroll?
the consequences of NOT paying anyone a living wage for working 8 hours a day.
You mean, "the consequences of a worker trying to support himself (and possibly a family) by doing only work that does not create the revenue it takes to pay for it", don't you?

Blaming the victim does not resolve the problem.

Corporate Welfare is the problem.

Give me sound fiscal reasons why any corporation is entitled to the benefits of subsidized employees. Your desire for a cheap Big Mac is not a sound fiscal reason.
Corporate welfare is a problem.

The fact that many American "workers" do not have skills that can compete in the marketplace with Third World workers is a bigger problem.

How do other nations deal with the latter problem?
Ask these dumbasses how Costco manages to make a profit and also pay workers $15+ per hour.

Simple: They sell drugs.

Walmart does too and pays $7.25/hour.
Walmart competes with everybody. Costco has little to no competition with their model. They sell mega sized packages with a limited variety for members. Mom and pop either offered specialized goods or they went belly up because the people voted with their pocketbooks.

Walmart does not compete with everybody. "Everybody" in small town America used to be around the downtown square where people would shop. Downtowns in the heartland are devoid of retail now.

In the meantime, Walmart has had a lot of empty shelves in the past year, which they are slow to correct this year:
The Trouble Lurking on Walmart 8217 s Empty Shelves

You rightwing idiots shoot from the hip and never read past what you want to believe.

Taxpayers should not be supporting someone because their skill level is low and they can't make it because of what skills they offer.

So they should just become criminals instead and rob you so that they can feed their family?

Is that your alternative?
I would bet that the McDonald's had to raise their wages because of the high paying union jobs that came to town for the oil industry. Scarce labor raises the cost of labor.

Ah. Glad to see you admit that people actively engaging in an open labor market will produce far better results than raising the minimum wage.

That's not what he's saying. Williston, ND is an anomaly like Houston was back in the 1970s. I don't think you have a clue as to what is happening in the Bakken Shale that has made the local economy go to extremes.

If you reverse an isolated mega-boom into a bust, there are no jobs. Now, that's STILL an open labor market, right? That's what happened to Houston in 1986.
I doubt anyone that works for minimum wages would say that the minimum wage serves no purpose.

Anyone that makes more than minimum wage is in no position to suggest what purpose MW has on the worker that depends on minimum wage.

As someone who has owned three businesses, two of them hired people at minimum wage, here is what minimum wage does and does not do.

It does make us decide faster if someone is worth it and if they are not get rid of them quickly. If the minimum wage was not there, they would get more chances and possibly the option to work longer range for less rather than lose their job entirely.

It does not make us pay someone not worth minimum wage the minimum wage.

It is the inevitable conclusion of the shear arrogance of you making the decision for someone else what they can and cannot work for. How do you get your head through doorways?
Walmart will be hauling out the plastic bins in the next couple of weeks, and installing them in the employee areas to gather up donations for those fellow "Associates" who are needy....Their own employees.

They are a shining example of how a free market without any kind of laws to protect laborers works for THEM. The Waltons hold 4 positions in the top 10 wealthiest Americans: Christy Walton, Jim Walton, Alice Walton and S. Robson Walton:
The Richest People in America - Forbes

Doubtless you'd rather see all those associates on the welfare line.

You dumbass, they are! Scroll back up to my post about how Walmart costs taxpayers $6.2 BILLION a year in welfare for their employees.
Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

If Walmart paid their employees that $6.2 billion that would be $6.2 LESS that taxpayers would have to pay.

Why should corporations like Walmart and McDonalds enjoy the benefits of taxpayer subsidized payrolls?
He's being under attack for saying stuff that is completely true.

Scott Walker says he doesn t believe minimum wage serves a purpose - JSOnline

Does the min. wage serve a purpose or should companies be allowed to pay what the market dictates?
Walker makes a lot of sense.......if you don't require a minimum wage, employers will pay two or three times that out of the goodness of their heart
Do you think workers will work for nothing out the goodness of their own hearts?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.
Even with a minimum wage, an employer can decide to not employ someone because they're not worth it, they can just make do with what they have.

Exactly. But I wonder why some people think that's preferable to a low wage.

Preferable? In most cases neither is preferable. I'm not in favor of a large minimum wage, but one that at least gives workers a chance.

But only the workers who are able to convince an employer they're worth it, right? Those who can't lose their 'chance'.
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Ask these dumbasses how Costco manages to make a profit and also pay workers $15+ per hour.

Simple: They sell drugs.

Walmart does too and pays $7.25/hour.
Walmart competes with everybody. Costco has little to no competition with their model. They sell mega sized packages with a limited variety for members. Mom and pop either offered specialized goods or they went belly up because the people voted with their pocketbooks.

Walmart does not compete with everybody. "Everybody" in small town America used to be around the downtown square where people would shop. Downtowns in the heartland are devoid of retail now.

In the meantime, Walmart has had a lot of empty shelves in the past year, which they are slow to correct this year:
The Trouble Lurking on Walmart 8217 s Empty Shelves

You rightwing idiots shoot from the hip and never read past what you want to believe.

Empty shelves means that the products that were there were sold out. So , I don;t see why that is a problem. I am sure that they will find way re-stock the shelves.

Why should corporations like Walmart and McDonalds enjoy the benefits of taxpayer subsidized payrolls?

This is a logical fallacy called a "false dilemma."

Those aren't the choices. In reality, if you raise minimum wage dramatically, walmart will fire most of them and hire better workers, which they can do since you are making them pay more. They will also automate more and cut staff. And all the people not worth your minimum wage will be on the public dole entirely, not just partially as they are now. Liberals understand economics like dolphins understand forest fires.

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