Scott Walker: "Min. wage serves no purpose"

If you don't like the service Walmart is offering, don't shop there.
Do you think workers will work for nothing out the goodness of their own hearts?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

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He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.
Governments pass laws.
That's the only way.
Aren't you humiliated enough already?
Actually WalMart subsidizies the government many more billions because if they didnt employ those people they would be wholly dependent on the government. Dipshit.

Eh, not really. Market demand would still exist. If Walmart was not in the picture, other companies would eventually fill the void.
But not if they had to pay $10/hr or whatever to their help. At that point the WM business would be unprofitable.

That's exactly why Walmart is so successful. They filled that void.
WM is successful because they correctly perceived that people, esp in smaller cities and towns, like to save money and have a bigger variety of goods under one roof. They cut costs in different ways and then used the savings to sell stuff very cheaply.
WM has saved the average American shopper over 3000/yr, and that's even if the shopper never sets foot in WM.

Wal-Mart does not save families $3,100 a year

Wal-Mart does not save families 3 100 a year
No, the cost would just be passed along to the consumers. People will still need toilet paper and soap and everything else they get from Walmart. Let's not fantasize here. Walmart can pay it's workers alot more. The reason they don't is because they don't have to.

They don't pay more because they don't need better workers, they dumb down the job for the ones they hire now. If you force businesses to pay more, we will hire better workers because we can get better workers for more money. Wal mart will reduce hiring, automate and raise expectations for the better workers. They are not going to pay the low skill workers more either way.

Let's say you're perfectly happy with a $20 toaster. You just need toast. The extra features of the better toaster aren't worth the extra money to you. However, suppose government passes a law that toasters can't be sold for less than $50. For $50 you can get a fangled one that broils and does other things you don't particularly need and didn't want to lay out the extra for. However, since you have to pay $50, are you going to buy the $20 one that just toasts? Or are you going to buy one with the gadgets of the $50 that you didn't feel was worth the extra money to you?

If you grasp this, you will change sides on the argument. It's EXACTLY what businesses do. People worth $5 now are just shut out of jobs. No one is hiring them and paying them $7.25. The reality of what you are arguing is more people being unemployable. Businesses aren't going to implement your Marxist social policy no matter how much you want us to. There is always a way around your stupid rules, and we always find it. And the ones you harm are the ones you tried to protect, they don't find ways around the rules.
No, the cost would just be passed along to the consumers. People will still need toilet paper and soap and everything else they get from Walmart. Let's not fantasize here. Walmart can pay it's workers alot more. The reason they don't is because they don't have to.

They don't pay more because they don't need better workers, they dumb down the job for the ones they hire now. If you force businesses to pay more, we will hire better workers because we can get better workers for more money. Wal mart will reduce hiring, automate and raise expectations for the better workers. They are not going to pay the low skill workers more either way.

Let's say you're perfectly happy with a $20 toaster. You just want toast. Government passes a law that toasters can't be sold for less than $50. For $50 you can get a fangled one that broils and does other things you don't particularly need and didn't want to lay out the extra for. However, since you have to pay $50, are you going to buy the $20 one that just toasts? Or are you going to buy one with the gadgets of the $50 that you didn't feel was worth the extra money to you?

If you grasp this, you will change sides on the argument. It's EXACTLY what businesses do. People worth $5 now are just shut out of jobs. No one is hiring them and paying them $7.25. The reality of what you are arguing is more people being unemployable. Businesses aren't going to implement your Marxist social policy no matter how much you want us to. There is always a way around your stupid rules, and we always find it. And the ones you harm are the ones you tried to protect, they don't find ways around the rules.
Excellent post.
Too bad the idiots here won't get it and will claim toasters arent people or some shit like that.
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Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.

Monopolies form when government uses force to restrict the market to one producer. What is the relevance of the question?
So you think prices do not influence buying decisions.
OK, whatever.

I never said that. You're taking a baseball bat to a heart surgery. That's the shit that plays into liberals' hands.

Walmart's primary offerings are necessity items. The majority of their business is from groceries. The vast majority of everything else they have are specific needs. Clothes, cookware, bedding, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, etc. People don't stop buying necessity items because they are necessities. Price may influence a consumer's choice of brand, but people are always going to need to eat, and they'll always need to shit afterward. For Walmart, the brand people buy is pretty irrelevant, as long as they buy.
If you don't like the service Walmart is offering, don't shop there.
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.
Governments pass laws.
That's the only way.
Aren't you humiliated enough already?

Nope. Wrong. Corporations break the laws, cheat their customers for big profits, and then pay their Congressmen so they can get away with it.

Feds Sue AT&T for Throttling Customers
Feds Sue AT T for Throttling Customers - The Daily Beast

The result of banking DEregulation:

Bank of America to Pay $16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis
Bank of America to Pay 16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis OPA Department of Justice
Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.

Monopolies form when government uses force to restrict the market to one producer. What is the relevance of the question?

Nope. Wrong. Corporations break the laws, cheat their customers for big profits, and then pay their Congressmen so they can get away with it.

Feds Sue AT&T for Throttling Customers
Feds Sue AT T for Throttling Customers - The Daily Beast

The result of banking DEregulation:
Bank of America to Pay $16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis
Bank of America to Pay 16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis OPA Department of Justice
So you think prices do not influence buying decisions.
OK, whatever.

I never said that. You're taking a baseball bat to a heart surgery. That's the shit that plays into liberals' hands.

Walmart's primary offerings are necessity items. The majority of their business is from groceries. The vast majority of everything else they have are specific needs. Clothes, cookware, bedding, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, etc. People don't stop buying necessity items because they are necessities. Price may influence a consumer's choice of brand, but people are always going to need to eat, and they'll always need to shit afterward. For Walmart, the brand people buy is pretty irrelevant, as long as they buy.
WM has been losing market share to the dollar stores, precisely because of price.
Your argument is simply wrong.
If you don't like the service Walmart is offering, don't shop there.
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.
Governments pass laws.
That's the only way.
Aren't you humiliated enough already?

Nope. Wrong. Corporations break the laws, cheat their customers for big profits, and then pay their Congressmen so they can get away with it.

Feds Sue AT&T for Throttling Customers
Feds Sue AT T for Throttling Customers - The Daily Beast

The result of banking DEregulation:

Bank of America to Pay $16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis
Bank of America to Pay 16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis OPA Department of Justice
That's like not even relevant.
If you don't like the service Walmart is offering, don't shop there.
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.
Governments pass laws.
That's the only way.
Aren't you humiliated enough already?

Nope. Wrong. Corporations break the laws, cheat their customers for big profits, and then pay their Congressmen so they can get away with it.

Feds Sue AT&T for Throttling Customers
Feds Sue AT T for Throttling Customers - The Daily Beast

The result of banking DEregulation:

Bank of America to Pay $16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis
Bank of America to Pay 16.65 Billion in Historic Justice Department Settlement for Financial Fraud Leading up to and During the Financial Crisis OPA Department of Justice

So by your logic, if we can find a few cases of welfare fraud, we can end welfare. You didn't think that one through.

The idea that if any corporations commit fraud means they all do is as stupid as it sounds.
If you don't like the service Walmart is offering, don't shop there.
Do you think workers will work for nothing out the goodness of their own hearts?
Do you even read the English language? Walker is claiming employers will pay HIGHER wages if we remove the minimum wage

Defend it
He's right. If you had bothered to take an Econ course you would understand that. Of course they don't offer Econ 101 in 4th grade, your last grade completed, so I can't blame you completely.
Splain it to us Rabbi
What economic force causes wages to go up if you drop minimum wage?

Market efficiency benefits everyone, skewed markets harm everyone, and only government can skew markets because only government can use force to make people chose an option not in their interest. I'd explain it in more detail, but let's be honest, you don't give a shit about how economics actually work.

OK, professor. Explain how monopolies form.

There are two types of monopolies

1- Coercive - allowed or mandate by governmental law
2- non-coercive - created by the marketplace , ie, Standard Oil of New Jersey
Liberals sure are willing to destroy a lot of people to prove their compassion, no price is too high...

No matter the price, it still won't prove compassion. Compassion isn't expressed by mandating other people be forced to support something another person believes in.

You know I was being sarcastic, right? The only one liberals care about is themselves. If they cared about others, they would be forced to deal with the reality of what their policies do to them.

I did. If Liberals cared, they would reach into their own pockets and voluntarily do what they demand others be forced to do. That's compassion. Seeing how much someone else can be forced to pay isn't.
So by your logic, if we can find a few cases of welfare fraud, we can end welfare.


I am a principled advocate for ending welfare for all but those in the most dire of need. Which would cut welfare spending by 98%.

BUT... toward helping you figure this out, I'll readily enter into a wager with you:

If an objective study of welfare spending was initiated and ONLY A FEW INSTANCES OF WELFARE FRAUD WERE FOUND.... I would immediately SWITCH my advocacy to demand that welfare spending by increased by an order of magnitude... and if NOT, that welfare spending be reduced to levels which serve ONLY those who present an OBJECTIVELY RECOGNIZED NEED: WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT THE INDIVIDUALS AT ISSUE ARE OTHERWISE INCAPABLE OF SURVIVING WITHOUT IT!

Now... you should know that I've offered that bet for well over a decade and NOT ONE person has ever accepted those terms. And for obvious reasons.
Yeah, Zeke. That's wrong. How would union membership increase by raising min wage? It wont.
Guess again. Or maybe go do some research.
The ONLY interest that a union has in minimum wage is as it relates to the prevailing wage laws in some states. Union wages based upon a percentage above minimum wage will rise automatically (without the expense of contract negotiations) as minimum wage rises.

Again, the unions only purpose is to get theirs and fuck everyone else.

You mean the unions act like the ultra wealthy? Fuck everyone else, I got mine. Yea I agree. Good for one group is good for another.

But what you assholes don't understand is that I support what the union does. If the union can pull wages up the scale like they used to be able to do, then I am all for that. Because the fucking CEOs that you assholes love sure as fuck are not interested in raising wages.
Yeah, Zeke. Unions have done so well they wrecked every industry they were involved in and saw their membership plummet.
Only a retard like you could applaud that as success.

You are such a fucking stupid rabbit.

Boeing, workers represented by the Machinists union. Go ahead and tell all how Boeing is "wrecked".

BF Goodrich Aerospace division. Represented by the machinists workers union. How wrecked is BF Goodrich?

GM workers represented by the UAW. How "wrecked" is GM right now.

Lord Industries. Doing great business. Represented by the Machinists union.

Want me to go on you stupid fuck?

We didn't even get to the building trades unions.

btw you stupid rabbit. Union membership fell because asshole employers got so greedy they had to take their business out of the country. So they could pay those workers sweat shop wages. You know, piss poor money like you make.

Ask these dumbasses how Costco manages to make a profit and also pay workers $15+ per hour.
Costco pays $11.50 an hour.
Costco Employees Happier With Pay Than Many In Silicon Valley
and how much is that? is it the same in New york city as in Fargo ND? is it the same for a single person and a person with 4 kids? How much is required to "give someone a chance" in all the different places and all the different family situations? like most liberals, you never think things through, you just react emotionally.

It should probably be different in different places. I think other places with minimum wage have certain tiers.

Should single people get the same a person with 4 kids? Yes.

How much is required? It doesn't need to be very scientific. Also I think with the minimum wage, things will equalize themselves over time anyway. You say it's just emotional. No, it isn't. I am not in a position to give a figure for minimum wage. In order to do that you'd actually need people who look at the information available to come up with a figure or figures that make sense.

I could tell you $3 an hour isn't enough. I could tell you that $20 an hour is too much.
I would ban all lobbying and political contributions from corporations, unions, PACS, and political organizations. Lobbying is legal bribery. we agree.

There should be some kind of way for politicians to be able to see what businesses need, and also a way to see what people want and need and be able to come to a decent decision. But yes, it shouldn't involve money of any kind.
Even with a minimum wage, an employer can decide to not employ someone because they're not worth it, they can just make do with what they have.

Exactly. But I wonder why some people think that's preferable to a low wage.

Preferable? In most cases neither is preferable. I'm not in favor of a large minimum wage, but one that at least gives workers a chance.

But only the workers who are able to convince an employer they're worth it, right? Those who can't lose their 'chance'.

I'm not sure what you understood by chance, but I meant that they'd be able to actually live. ie, buy food, have accommodation and such essentials.
To Liberals, the government should do that and ignore all the laws of supply/demand.

As with everything, if you let it go unchecked, it will explode. And with minimum wage, it's the same.

All people are saying is, the basic wage that someone can earn is at a level which doesn't kill them. If an employer doesn't want to hire someone for that money, then they don't have to. Supply and demand still stands/

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