Scott Walker Suddenly not toast

They are dipshit scared of Walker. He's successful in a VERY liberal state. Eliminating the deficit and creating a surplus, cutting taxes, and the absolutely unheard of thing... wanting to give the tax money back to the citizens!

They had to throw everything including the kitchen sink at him.
In terms of Presidential Politics, it's pass the butter; he's toast.

Not at all. He's one of the favourites.

Which is why he's toast. As soon as people find out he's a college drop out; he's history in terms of presidential aspirations.

Are you still peddling that BS. He's competent and did what he was elected to do. Washington DC is full of college grads who can't build a web site with over half a Billion dollars.
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Not at all. He's one of the favourites.

Which is why he's toast. As soon as people find out he's a college drop out; he's history in terms of presidential aspirations.

Are you still peddling that BS. He's competent and did what he was elected to do. Washington DC is full of college grads who can't build a web site with over half a million dollars.

It's a barrier to entry. Pretending the dumb and aloof are the best equipped will ease your pain as you are one of them but in terms of Presidential politics...pass the butter.
Which is why he's toast. As soon as people find out he's a college drop out; he's history in terms of presidential aspirations.

Are you still peddling that BS. He's competent and did what he was elected to do. Washington DC is full of college grads who can't build a web site with over half a million dollars.

It's a barrier to entry. Pretending the dumb and aloof are the best equipped will ease your pain as you are one of them but in terms of Presidential politics...pass the butter.

I'd vote for Walker who gets it done. You're argument of "I'm smart and you're not" might work on naive college kids. I'm from the real world where results matter, not arrogant claptrap.
Are you still peddling that BS. He's competent and did what he was elected to do. Washington DC is full of college grads who can't build a web site with over half a million dollars.

It's a barrier to entry. Pretending the dumb and aloof are the best equipped will ease your pain as you are one of them but in terms of Presidential politics...pass the butter.

I'd vote for Walker who gets it done. You're argument of "I'm smart and you're not" might work on naive college kids. I'm from the real world where results matter, not arrogant claptrap.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics...Walker isn't a factor. Vote for whomever you like in the primaries. You can write him in in November 2016. Best of luck.
In terms of Presidential Politics, it's pass the butter; he's toast.

Not at all. He's one of the favourites.

Which is why he's toast. As soon as people find out he's a college drop out; he's history in terms of presidential aspirations.

Yeah that's because all the Presidents who have graduated college have done such a bang up job given there collective record being college drop out could be a plus. In fact you need to look no farther than the current and last college graduates to become President to confirm this.
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If people all caught up in "college graduates" were to suddenly abandon their computers because of the dropouts who came up with their software then it'd be nice and peaceful here.

But they won't.
Not at all. He's one of the favourites.

Which is why he's toast. As soon as people find out he's a college drop out; he's history in terms of presidential aspirations.

Yeah that's because all the Presidents who have graduated college have done such a bang up job given there collective record being college drop out could be a plus. In fact you need to look no farther than the current and last college graduates to become President to confirm this.

We are the world's only superpower, greatest civilization ever fielded, #1 economy in the world, and we're damn nice people to boot. And we don't jail folks for bitching about how "bad" the nation is...

Looks like the college kids who ascended to the Presidency (from all parties) have done pretty well to me. Of course, I love America. Your mileage my vary.
If people all caught up in "college graduates" were to suddenly abandon their computers because of the dropouts who came up with their software then it'd be nice and peaceful here.

But they won't.

Hey, if you want to put Bill Gates in as President...feel free. It would be interesting to say the least but I don't think you'd be very happy...not that you are or ever were.
It's a barrier to entry. Pretending the dumb and aloof are the best equipped will ease your pain as you are one of them but in terms of Presidential politics...pass the butter.

I'd vote for Walker who gets it done. You're argument of "I'm smart and you're not" might work on naive college kids. I'm from the real world where results matter, not arrogant claptrap.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics...Walker isn't a factor. Vote for whomever you like in the primaries. You can write him in in November 2016. Best of luck.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics

Considering the performance of our recent Ivy League presidents, maybe we need a change?
It's a barrier to entry. Pretending the dumb and aloof are the best equipped will ease your pain as you are one of them but in terms of Presidential politics...pass the butter.

I'd vote for Walker who gets it done. You're argument of "I'm smart and you're not" might work on naive college kids. I'm from the real world where results matter, not arrogant claptrap.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics...Walker isn't a factor. Vote for whomever you like in the primaries. You can write him in in November 2016. Best of luck.

I love the way Democrats are always picking our candidates for us.
I'd vote for Walker who gets it done. You're argument of "I'm smart and you're not" might work on naive college kids. I'm from the real world where results matter, not arrogant claptrap.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics...Walker isn't a factor. Vote for whomever you like in the primaries. You can write him in in November 2016. Best of luck.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics

Considering the performance of our recent Ivy League presidents, maybe we need a change?

There may be some truth to that; a guy who went to school at the University of Utah or Pennsylvania, extensive experience in diplomacy, experience as a former governor, and level headed enough to reject BS when he see's it would be a good fit in the Oval Office. Too bad you guys shot down Jon Huntsman.

When you're asked to vote for someone to lead your nation and your kid is intellectually superior to them by several years of study...well you probably don't vote for that guy.
I'd vote for Walker who gets it done. You're argument of "I'm smart and you're not" might work on naive college kids. I'm from the real world where results matter, not arrogant claptrap.

Presidential politics is the graduate school of politics...Walker isn't a factor. Vote for whomever you like in the primaries. You can write him in in November 2016. Best of luck.

I love the way Democrats are always picking our candidates for us.

You guys picked John McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008 then turned around and picked Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in 2012. You could use some help; you also could use some advice on picking candidates.

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