Scott Walker Suddenly not toast

Hey, if you want to put Bill Gates in as President...feel free. It would be interesting to say the least but I don't think you'd be very happy...not that you are or ever were.

Strange, then, since you so hate non-college grads that you're using that computer........after all, it was not the invention of a college grad so how can it be any good?

Oh wait, yours isn't!

When did I say I "hated" non-college grads? They simply aren't qualified to be President in this day and age. Feel free to vote for him in the primaries if he runs. You won't have the chance in the General.

Hell, Obama is an Ivy League grad, a supposed "Constitutional Scholar" and I would choose a High school grad with good life experience over him any day of the week. Obama has been the most overrated, underachieving, corrupt, dictatorial and secretive POTUS's we have ever had.
Strange, then, since you so hate non-college grads that you're using that computer........after all, it was not the invention of a college grad so how can it be any good?

Oh wait, yours isn't!

When did I say I "hated" non-college grads? They simply aren't qualified to be President in this day and age. Feel free to vote for him in the primaries if he runs. You won't have the chance in the General.

Hell, Obama is an Ivy League grad, a supposed "Constitutional Scholar" and I would choose a High school grad with good life experience over him any day of the week. Obama has been the most overrated, underachieving, corrupt, dictatorial and secretive POTUS's we have ever had.

You have to member that he ran on the far left slogan of hope and change.

He just did not specify what the change would be..
Maybe not innocent - just unindicted.

Funny. They report he wasn't even a target.

Basically, it looks like there may be evidence (circumstantial evidence at this point, at the least) that there was illegal coordination between Walker and outside groups. His email to Rove alluded to it, as did his conversation with the guy he thought was David Koch. That he's not specifically targeted just means that the investigators are still trying to collect hard evidence. And just the fact that investigators fought so hard to keep going on with the probe means they think there is likely something to it.

But until there are charges, it's all conjecture as to how guilty he is, or not guilty.
Maybe not innocent - just unindicted.

Funny. They report he wasn't even a target.

Basically, it looks like there may be evidence (circumstantial evidence at this point, at the least) that there was illegal coordination between Walker and outside groups. His email to Rove alluded to it, as did his conversation with the guy he thought was David Koch. That he's not specifically targeted just means that the investigators are still trying to collect hard evidence. And just the fact that investigators fought so hard to keep going on with the probe means they think there is likely something to it.

But until there are charges, it's all conjecture as to how guilty he is, or not guilty.

That's utter horseshit. This is is just an exercise in political intimidate, of Dimorats abusing their office to persecute their political opponents. It's IRS style sleaze.
Strange, then, since you so hate non-college grads that you're using that computer........after all, it was not the invention of a college grad so how can it be any good?

Oh wait, yours isn't!

When did I say I "hated" non-college grads? They simply aren't qualified to be President in this day and age. Feel free to vote for him in the primaries if he runs. You won't have the chance in the General.

Hell, Obama is an Ivy League grad, a supposed "Constitutional Scholar" and I would choose a High school grad with good life experience over him any day of the week. Obama has been the most overrated, underachieving, corrupt, dictatorial and secretive POTUS's we have ever had.

I don't give Obama much chance of winning in 2016; I give Walker even less.
The media's tricks are simply not working anymore. People are getting tired of it. You'll see the results of THAT in November.

You'll see the results of gerrymandering and the historical off-year surge of the minority party.

How often does the Senate change hands due to gerrymandering?

Never. Those are state-wide seats.
The off year elections always favor the party not in the oval or at least have as of late. There are also more Dem seats up for grabs.
You'll see the results of gerrymandering and the historical off-year surge of the minority party.

How often does the Senate change hands due to gerrymandering?

Never. Those are state-wide seats.
The off year elections always favor the party not in the oval or at least have as of late. There are also more Dem seats up for grabs.

The off year elections always favor the party not in the oval

Especially when the President is seen as a huge failure.
There may be some truth to that; a guy who went to school at the University of Utah or Pennsylvania, extensive experience in diplomacy, experience as a former governor, and level headed enough to reject BS when he see's it would be a good fit in the Oval Office. Too bad you guys shot down Jon Huntsman.

When you're asked to vote for someone to lead your nation and your kid is intellectually superior to them by several years of study...well you probably don't vote for that guy.

If your kid has a job and feeds his family without depending on some political machine or family money then he or she is already superior to Bush and Obama. Or are you still buying the bullshit line that Obama is some sort of Constitutional Scholar? Who holds the record for the most unanimous Supreme Court smackdowns? It ain't Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt, Hoover, etc...

You've been sold a bill of goods if you think anyone in elected office this millenium is actually a big thinker.

You're simply ignorant of the political realities. Don't get me wrong, Walker would get a lot of votes as any Republican would. Those not committed to one party or another will do what they always do and look at the qualifications. Game over for Walker.

I think successful terms as the chief executive of a state government is more relevant than a college degree. I'm not sure I'd vote for Walker, but that depends on his policies and the alternatives.
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