SCOTUS divided over SSM

Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?

You, sir, are one stupid asshole.
Tax deductions, exemptions, and credits result in higher tax rates and federal deficit spending (borrowing). Simple fact.
... Libertarian agenda so it has co-opted the religious right by duping them into believing that Jesus endorses greed and selfishness.

Every now and then I enjoy giving the Reader a demonstration of how easy it truly is to refute the Ideological Left's addled braying.

Dorito... I am hereby challenging you directly and in unambiguous terms to specify ANYTHING about American principle, which is to say that which is represented by what you would call "The Conservative Right" as 'greedy' and 'selfish'.

Now Reader, the highest probability is that the above cited would-be "contributor", having read the challenge, will shrink from it. And this because of its previous experiences in being so foolish as to having picked up a challenge set forth by an American.

BUT... in the unlikely event that it does... what you will find is that it presents no evidence of any kind that any American principle, as demonstrated by the behavior of Americans, OKA: Conservatives, is in any way, either greedy or selfish... and by the time the discussion is finally resolved, it will demonstrate that it is the evil, expressed in every facet of the Ideological Left, is INALTERABLY: Greedy AND Selfish.

Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?

You, sir, are one stupid asshole.
I see you are unable to refute it. You cannot justify why you demand government interference in your sex life.
Tax deductions, exemptions, and credits result in higher tax rates and federal deficit spending (borrowing). Simple fact.

Absolutely FALSE...

There is one thing and one thing ONLY... that results in deficits and that one thing is SPENDING.

That the Left needs to spend as a means to sustain itself... does NOT an obligation make, upon Americans.

Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?

You, sir, are one stupid asshole.
I see you are unable to refute it. You cannot justify why you demand government interference in your sex life.

Well is concessions go, THAT was a beauty!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?

You, sir, are one stupid asshole.
I see you are unable to refute it. You cannot justify government interference in your sex life.

Again, stupid asshole. I TOLD you the laws were enacted and you are to damned stupid to understand it. It's not worth my time to educate your dumb ass.
Dorito... I am hereby challenging you directly and in unambiguous terms to specify ANYTHING about American principle, which is to say that which is represented by what you would call "The Conservative Right" as 'greedy' and 'selfish'.

Demanding tax credits, exemptions, deductions and government behavioral control programs which come at the expense of every other taxpayer is as greedy and selfish as it gets.

I am glad you put "The Conservative Right" in quotes, because this kind of greed and selfishness is an example of the Faux Right of which I so frequently speak.

If we eliminated these annual $1.2 trillion of government gifts, the government could lower everyone's tax rates AND pay down the federal debt. And once the debt was paid off, the federal government could lower tax rates even further.
The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

Every tax deduction, credit, and exemption comes at the expense of federal ...

I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger.

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $12. Mr. G5000, I see you are a procreator, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $3.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Keys, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $9 for your cheeseburger.

Keys: But I cannot afford children!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

WhereAreMyKeys then discovers the cheeseburger restaurant has been giving away free cheeseburgers to poor people, and this pisses him off. A cheeseburger would only cost $4, but because so many are being given away, a cheeseburger costs the paying customers $6.

Keys succeeds in getting the restaurant from feeding the poor. The price of cheeseburgers drops to $4.

So the next time he and I have to eat, the following exchange takes place:

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $8. Mr. G5000, I see you are a procreator, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $1.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Keys, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $7 for your cheeseburger.

BRIPAT: But I cannot afford children!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

You forgot to mention what happens after the meal.

G5000 climbs into his limo and is driven home to his gated community.

Keys has to walk since he can't afford a cab. He ends up being mugged by the poor people who no longer have anything to eat because of him.
I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger....

We both go into a Restaurant and we both buy two cheeseburgers... The burgers cost $6/ea.

IF we're both Americans, I pay $6 for mine and you pay $6 for yours. If the service was quick and respectful we each leave a gratuity commensurate with our respective means.

Nothing complex about the exchanging of goods and services to the mutual profit of all parties.

See how that works?
Tax deductions, exemptions, and credits result in higher tax rates and federal deficit spending (borrowing). Simple fact.

Absolutely FALSE...

There is one thing and one thing ONLY... that results in deficits and that one thing is SPENDING.

Yep. And tax expenditures are SPENDING. That's why they are called expenditures.

A tax is not spending... a tax is confiscation; OKA: TAKING BY FORCE. Spending is FREELY GIVING.

What you're grouping together there scamp is called: Oxymoron.
Dorito... I am hereby challenging you directly and in unambiguous terms to specify ANYTHING about American principle, which is to say that which is represented by what you would call "The Conservative Right" as 'greedy' and 'selfish'.

Demanding tax credits, exemptions, deductions and government behavioral control programs which come at the expense of every other taxpayer is as greedy and selfish as it gets.

I am glad you put "The Conservative Right" in quotes, because this kind of greed and selfishness is an example of the Faux Right of which I so frequently speak.

If we eliminated these annual $1.2 trillion of government gifts, the government could lower everyone's tax rates AND pay down the federal debt. And once the debt was paid off, the federal government could lower tax rates even further.
Does anybody know what "GIFTS" he is talking about?
I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger....

We both go into a Restaurant and we both buy two cheeseburgers... The burgers cost $6/ea.

I we're both Americans, I pay $6 for mine and you pay $6 for yours.

If there were no deductions, that is exactly what would happen. Instead of me paying $3 (lower taxes due to deductions) and you paying $9 (higher taxes to make up for my deductions), we would both be paying identical amounts. Your tax rate would decrease.

My lower taxes come at your expense. The government took an extra $3 from you and gave it to me.
See? I told you you idiots were innumerate and I was wasting my time!
I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger....

We both go into a Restaurant and we both buy two cheeseburgers... The burgers cost $6/ea.

I we're both Americans, I pay $6 for mine and you pay $6 for yours.

If there were no deductions, that is exactly what would happen. Instead of me paying $3 (lower taxes due to deductions) and you paying $9 (higher taxes to make up for my deductions), we would both be paying identical amounts. Your tax rate would decrease.

My lower taxes come at your expense. The government took an extra $3 from you and gave it to me.

Let's go over it one more time...

We go into a restaurant... we both buy a cheeseburger. I pay for mine and you pay for yours.

Any taxes applicable are paid by the respective individual...

There's nothing complex about any of this. It just appears complex to you, due to your limited intellectual means. Which sadly, for you and happily for me, does not an obligation on my part... make.
Government Menu for Services:

Cheeseburger for parents: $3.00

Cheeseburger for single people: $9.00

The combined $12.00 pays the Government's costs. I "get to keep more of my money" at your expense. The government charges you more because they charge me less.

That is how a tax expenditure works.

We live in that kind of country. Two people earning identical incomes pay radically different tax bills. One is paying extra because the other one is receiving government gifts in the form of lower prices for the same services.

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