SCOTUS divided over SSM

The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.
The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

What the Demon wants you to NOT UNDERSTAND is that the government is ENCOURAGING sound, sustainable behavior, wherein you join with a person of the opposite gender, conceive children and raise them to become productive citizens, so that our CIVILIZATION is perpetuated.

This, being the opposite of laws which forbid unsustainable behavior such as engaging in sex with those of your same gender, which leads only to the spreading of disease and deviant, perverse reasoning, which is antithetical to the perpetuation of CIVILIZATION.

Simple civics... which, for the readers who went to school, prior to the 1990s... understand, as that was back when the study of sound practices upon which civilization rests, was routinely taught in school.

See how that works?
The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

Every tax deduction, credit, and exemption comes at the expense of federal borrowing and higher tax rates for everyone. Fact. If you had not already demonstrated your willful ignorance, I would make the effort to prove it once again, but you are clearly too innumerate to grasp the facts.

What the Demon wants you to NOT UNDERSTAND is that the government is ENCOURAGING sound, sustainable behavior, wherein you join with a person of the opposite gender, conceive children and raise them to become productive citizens, so that our CIVILIZATION is perpetuated.

I see. So you would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

Fascinating. And here everybody thought you were a right winger. But look at you demanding direct government intervention in society! Wow!

I guess the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in. Nobody was fucking and having kids.

This, being the opposite of laws which forbid unsustainable behavior such as engaging in sex with those of your same gender, which leads only to the spreading of disease and deviant, perverse reasoning, which is antithetical to the perpetuation of CIVILIZATION.

Simple civics... which, for the readers who went to school, prior to the 1990s... understand, as that was back when the study of sound practices upon which civilization rests, was routinely taught in school.

See how that works?

Please explain how two men filing a married tax return prevents you from being able to get it up.

Also, please explain how two men in a monogamous marriage spread disease.
The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

What the Demon wants you to NOT UNDERSTAND is that the government is ENCOURAGING sound, sustainable behavior, wherein you join with a person of the opposite gender, conceive children and raise them to become productive citizens, so that our CIVILIZATION is perpetuated.

This, being the opposite of laws which forbid unsustainable behavior such as engaging in sex with those of your same gender, which leads only to the spreading of disease and deviant, perverse reasoning, which is antithetical to the perpetuation of CIVILIZATION.

Simple civics... which, for the readers who went to school, prior to the 1990s... understand, as that was back when the study of sound practices upon which civilization rests, was routinely taught in school.

See how that works?

Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?
I would like to thank Randall and Keys for demonstrating my point about having been led far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths.

They are actually demanding federal government intervention and behavior control in our lives! Truly astonishing to see this coming from people who think they are right wingers, no?

I'm sorry, Martha. The whole reason we haven't had any kids is because I can't get it up without tax deductions.
I would like to thank Randall and Keys for demonstrating my point about having been led far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths.

They are actually demanding federal government intervention and behavior control in our lives! Truly astonishing to see this coming from people who think they are right wingers, no?

But to be fair we are not talking about significant rightwing intellects here.

They are just your common room temperature IQ rightwinger so their gullibility goes with the territory.
Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.

If it is choice it's not a civil rights issue and the choice belongs to the states to define.
Wrong. The federal government is tasked with securing our rights. The right to marry and the right to pursue happiness are choices we choose to pursue. Government, federal and state, cannot stand in the way of that for those who choose to pursue those rights.

You HAVE the right to marry. YOU ALWAYS have. Should YOU choose not to is not mine, nor the federal governments business. Your right to pursue happiness is not denied because YOU choose a different way to be HAPPY.

I contend that you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Marriage is a fundamental right in the pursuit of happiness. Marrying the person one chooses to marry cannot be denied by the government. Why on Earth would you deny anyone their fundamental rights?

I don't. You opt out of it.

The fundamental right is to marry anyone of opposite gender that you want.

It's available to 100% of the population.

Now, you want to shack up with same sex, let's create an institution for that also.

Same sex relationships are far different than opposite sex, just as a CDL license is far different than an airline pilot license.
I would like to thank Randall and Keys for demonstrating my point about having been led far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths.

They are actually demanding federal government intervention and behavior control in our lives! Truly astonishing to see this coming from people who think they are right wingers, no?
Don't know what to tell you.

This has been going on for at least the last 40 years: the sad, unintended consequence of the GOP's Faustian bargain with the social right and religious fundamentalist, who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the First Amendment, codify religious dogma into secular law, and increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty all in an effort to compel citizens to conform to their subjective, errant social agenda.

True conservatives need to somehow find the courage and determination to take back the GOP from the radical, extreme, and reactionary right, and return conservatives to participating again in responsible governance.
... who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the First Amendment...

There's nothing int he first amendment which precludes the merging of church and state... the first amendment merely prohibits the Congress from establishing a Federal Religion. Which in reality, thus in truth is what the Left has done through the default establishment of anti-theism as the Federal Religion.

Which, in case you've missed the more recent clues, has run its course and the pendulum is paused momentarily as it begins it return to center, in the natural and eternal struggle of good over evil.

You ladies should find a spot in the back of the closet, because it's starting to look like things are about to get ugly... and evil never comes through such very well.
I would like to thank Randall and Keys for demonstrating my point about having been led far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths.

They are actually demanding federal government intervention and behavior control in our lives! Truly astonishing to see this coming from people who think they are right wingers, no?
Don't know what to tell you.

This has been going on for at least the last 40 years: the sad, unintended consequence of the GOP's Faustian bargain with the social right and religious fundamentalist, who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the First Amendment, codify religious dogma into secular law, and increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty all in an effort to compel citizens to conform to their subjective, errant social agenda.

True conservatives need to somehow find the courage and determination to take back the GOP from the radical, extreme, and reactionary right, and return conservatives to participating again in responsible governance.

If the GOP rid itself of the religious right agenda it would attract far more moderates without losing much in the way of support IMO.

However the religious right has entrenched itself within the GOP political power hierachy with the only holdout being the establishment money. Unfortunately the GOP establishment money has it's own Libertarian agenda so it has co-opted the religious right by duping them into believing that Jesus endorses greed and selfishness.

So the few remaining true conservatives are literally orphans without a platform or a voice.
I would like to thank Randall and Keys for demonstrating my point about having been led far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths.

They are actually demanding federal government intervention and behavior control in our lives! Truly astonishing to see this coming from people who think they are right wingers, no?
Don't know what to tell you.

This has been going on for at least the last 40 years: the sad, unintended consequence of the GOP's Faustian bargain with the social right and religious fundamentalist, who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the First Amendment, codify religious dogma into secular law, and increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty all in an effort to compel citizens to conform to their subjective, errant social agenda.

True conservatives need to somehow find the courage and determination to take back the GOP from the radical, extreme, and reactionary right, and return conservatives to participating again in responsible governance.

If the GOP rid itself of the religious right agenda it would attract far more moderates...

The GOP stands steadfastly against moderates... because the GOP is about advancing the Principles that define America, thus that which sustain Americans. And moderates are Progressives... which is to say those who steadfastly OPPOSE those American Principles. The GOP is in the process of kicking the moderates to the curb... as the GOP is on the precipice of going to WAR with moderates and their more certain comrades of the Relativist cult.

So, its unlikely that we're going to be picking any up, except of course where we desie to body slam them, towards making our point inarguably CLEAR.
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The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

Every tax deduction, credit, and exemption comes at the expense of federal ...

I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger.

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $12. Mr. G5000, I see you are a procreator, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $3.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Keys, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $9 for your cheeseburger.

Keys: But I cannot afford children!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

WhereAreMyKeys then discovers the cheeseburger restaurant has been giving away free cheeseburgers to poor people, and this pisses him off. A cheeseburger would only cost $4, but because so many are being given away, a cheeseburger costs the paying customers $6.

Keys succeeds in getting the restaurant from feeding the poor. The price of cheeseburgers drops to $4.

So the next time he and I have to eat, the following exchange takes place:

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $8. Mr. G5000, I see you are a procreator, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $1.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Keys, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $7 for your cheeseburger.

BRIPAT: But I cannot afford children!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

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