SCOTUS divided over SSM

See? I told you you idiots were innumerate and I was wasting my time!

Oh its worse than that... you're trying to debate a person who possesses vastly higher intelligence than do you and who, due to the spirit of God, is fully versed in the truth.

ROFLMNAO! You've got NO CHANCE demon. This debate was lost to you before you were a born.
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There Is no Appeal to Ignorance of the law. ...

There is no such thing as Supreme Law of the Land... unless and until the consent by those who are to be governed BY THAT LAW... is granted.

And for that to happen, "The Law" must be OBJECTIVE. Meaning that it serves ALL people, without undue and unjust discrimination.

Now, where is Law due? It is due to serve as the arbiter of what is and is NOT acceptable BEHAVIOR.

Which means behavior which serves the interest of ALL people...

Now... NO WHERE in the purview, range and scope of such behavior is there room for PERVERSE behavior. Which is to say such showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences. Behavior for example which is injurious to the individual, by virtue of the behavior itself... AND / OR behavior which is injurious to others...

So, where, for instance... a behavior is known as a fundamental means by which lethal viruses are contracted..., thus, which is known as a fundamental means by which such viruses are transmitted, or... 'spread', would therefore by OBJECTIVELY FORBIDDEN.


What's more... perverse reasoning which rationalizes that their need for such behavior stands superior to the interests and well beings of others... would thusly be forbidden, as well.

We refer to this 'mind set' as a disorder of the mind, OKA: Mental Disorder.

Sound cultures set people known to BE so afflicted separate from the general population, because that sort of SUBJECTIVE MINDSET is as contagious as it is CRIPPLING.

Now... I hope that helps, if only in some small measure.
The subjective value of morals is just that; there is no moral absolute for "original sinners"
Government Menu for Services:

Cheeseburger for parents: $3.00

Cheeseburger for single people: $9.00

The combined $12.00 pays the Government's costs. I "get to keep more of my money" at your expense. The government charges you more because they charge me less.

That is how a tax expenditure works.

We live in that kind of country. Two people earning identical incomes pay radically different tax bills. One is paying extra because the other one is receiving government gifts in the form of lower prices for the same services.

Oh... you want to eat at a SUBJECTIVE DINER!

No thanks. I'm only eat at objective facilities. I tried the Subjective Diners, but they went out of business before they got me my food. So... it's a choice for me and I choose not to waste my time.
A tax revolution occurs whereby the government agrees to charge single people less for their cheeseburgers. So now the menu looks like this:
Cheeseburger for parents: $3.00

Cheeseburger for single people: $7.00

The government now receives $10.00 and so it has to borrow $2.00 to cover its costs.

And that is how deficit spending happens, boys and girls.

The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

Every tax deduction, credit, and exemption comes at the expense of federal ...

Geeeee>>>>>>He is an idiot demagogue.
Take these last few pages where we discussed tax expenditures to anyone with a degree in economics.

Go ahead. I dare you.

You innumerate morons will get schooled.
The subjective value of morals ...


LOL! Thank you for that...

The Reader should know that Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this, perversion of reason, wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And that is why cultures which rest upon a Relativist foundation MUST die fiery deaths... as Madison pointed out in Federalist 10, 250 years ago.

And because this is an immutable natural principle... that hasn't changed and it will not change.
And that is how deficit spending happens, boys and girls.
Deficit happens when the government spends more than confiscates.
Yes. Exactly.

But as I demonstrated quite thoroughly, you can lower spending and tax expenditures still transfer wealth from one group to another. This is the part innumerates fail to grasp.
You cannot justify why you demand government interference in your sex life.
Very lame spin. Nobody interferes with you despicable sex life. What is the issue here that you want to change the institution of marriage.
Seriously. Print out these pages, find a real economist. Show this to him or her.

And be ready to be schooled.
I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger....

We both go into a Restaurant and we both buy two cheeseburgers... The burgers cost $6/ea.

I we're both Americans, I pay $6 for mine and you pay $6 for yours.

If there were no deductions, that is exactly what would happen. Instead of me paying $3 (lower taxes due to deductions) and you paying $9 (higher taxes to make up for my deductions), we would both be paying identical amounts. Your tax rate would decrease.

My lower taxes come at your expense. The government took an extra $3 from you and gave it to me.

Let's go over it one more time...

We go into a restaurant... we both buy a cheeseburger. I pay for mine and you pay for yours.

Any taxes applicable are paid by the respective individual...

There's nothing complex about any of this. It just appears complex to you, due to your limited intellectual means. Which sadly, for you and happily for me, does not an obligation on my part... make.
..and they vote... hopefully they don't breed...
A tax revolution occurs whereby the government agrees to charge single people less for their cheeseburgers. So now the menu looks like this:
Cheeseburger for parents: $3.00

Cheeseburger for single people: $7.00

The government now receives $10.00 and so it has to borrow $2.00 to cover its costs.

And that is how deficit spending happens, boys and girls.

Single people pay the EXACT SAME RATE AS MARRIED PEOPLE... that's not even a debatable point. There is no place in the US Federal Tax Code, which provides a 'rate for married people' and a separate and distinct rate for single people.

To even SUGGEST such proves in certain terms that you're an imbecile.
I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger....

We both go into a Restaurant and we both buy two cheeseburgers... The burgers cost $6/ea.

I we're both Americans, I pay $6 for mine and you pay $6 for yours.

If there were no deductions, that is exactly what would happen. Instead of me paying $3 (lower taxes due to deductions) and you paying $9 (higher taxes to make up for my deductions), we would both be paying identical amounts. Your tax rate would decrease.

My lower taxes come at your expense. The government took an extra $3 from you and gave it to me.

Let's go over it one more time...

We go into a restaurant... we both buy a cheeseburger. I pay for mine and you pay for yours.

Any taxes applicable are paid by the respective individual...

There's nothing complex about any of this. It just appears complex to you, due to your limited intellectual means. Which sadly, for you and happily for me, does not an obligation on my part... make.
..and they vote... hopefully they don't breed...

Well Homosexuality is nature's way of thinning the herd. Culling from such the intellectually less fortunate, along with THE HIV... which is like a genetic poison BOOSTER.

Naturally, being the product of Evil... The Ideological Left demands that such needs to be NORMALIZED, as if Nature will stop because 'the straights are doing it too!'
The government now receives $10.00 and so it has to borrow $2.00 to cover its costs.
Geeee, You are stupider than an amoeba. Well... sorry to insult the amoeba but you have less brains.
Spend less, especially less on keeping half of the population on some form of welfare program.
The Reader should recognize that Dorito has yet to pick up that challenge. And for obvious reasons.
The elimination of tax deductions, credits, and exemptions is a right wing one, retards. You have been led so far off the Conservative reservation by psychopaths you don't recognize a genuine right wing principle when you see one.

Again.. not a 'gift' in the bunch.

Every tax deduction, credit, and exemption comes at the expense of federal ...

I know I am wasting my time since you are probably innumerate, but here goes.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same $6.00 deluxe cheeseburger.

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $12. Mr. G5000, I see you are a procreator, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $3.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Keys, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $9 for your cheeseburger.

Keys: But I cannot afford children!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

WhereAreMyKeys then discovers the cheeseburger restaurant has been giving away free cheeseburgers to poor people, and this pisses him off. A cheeseburger would only cost $4, but because so many are being given away, a cheeseburger costs the paying customers $6.

Keys succeeds in getting the restaurant from feeding the poor. The price of cheeseburgers drops to $4.

So the next time he and I have to eat, the following exchange takes place:

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $8. Mr. G5000, I see you are a procreator, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $1.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Keys, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $7 for your cheeseburger.

BRIPAT: But I cannot afford children!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

Funny, without the procreator there are no farmer to raise the cow, there is no butcher to make the ground beef, no baker to make the bun, no truck driver to bring the product, no health inspector to make sure the burger doesn't kill you, no cook to prepare the meal, no waiter to deliver the meal.

Strange how that extra $3 bucks looks like a friggin bargin.
The government now receives $10.00 and so it has to borrow $2.00 to cover its costs.
Geeee, You are stupider than an amoeba. Well... sorry to insult the amoeba but you have less brains.
Spend less, especially less on keeping half of the population on some form of welfare program.

LOL! Right?

It's like it has absolutely NO MEANS to understand that IF the Government has to borrow money to cover its cost, that the government is no longer VIABLE... because IT COST MORE THAN IT CAN BRNG IN.

We're talking IDIOCY on an EPIC SCALE!
The subjective value of morals ...


LOL! Thank you for that...

The Reader should know that Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this, perversion of reason, wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And that is why cultures which rest upon a Relativist foundation MUST die fiery deaths... as Madison pointed out in Federalist 10, 250 years ago.

And because this is an immutable natural principle... that hasn't changed and it will not change.
Yes, it is the Right that is that cognitively dissonant to the moral absolutism of our supreme law of the land.

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