SCOTUS divided over SSM

Looks like SCOTUS ruling in favor of SSM isn't the lock the homos led everyone to believe. Roberts nailed it. Kennedy is all over the map, he's obviously conflicted.

Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. suggested that Ms. Bonauto was asking the court to do something radical.

“You’re not seeking to join the institution,” he said. “You’re seeking to change what the institution is.”

Roberts is an intellectual coward and Kennedy loves to see himself adored by the media. With 4 lock leftist votes, the Constitution will again be re-written
Well I hope not... Because that will be a firm, inalterable demonstration that Relativism has infected the highest judicial body on earth, thus proving the certainty that there is nothing between Americans and enslavement except the war waged to defend from that assault.
Well I hope not... Because that will be a firm, inalterable demonstration that Relativism has infected the highest judicial body on earth, thus proving the certainty that there is nothing between Americans and enslavement except the war waged to defend from that assault.
With the unlimited social engineering power of the SCOTUS the days of:
"...Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
(Abraham Lincoln)
... are gone....
With the unlimited social engineering power of the SCOTUS the days of:
"...Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
(Abraham Lincoln)
... are gone....
And with it went 'The Consent to be Governed'
The far right has never extended the Constitution's right to all citizens, but that day is nearly over for them. Some could call the far right sub human, right, Keys?
Looks like SCOTUS ruling in favor of SSM isn't the lock the homos led everyone to believe. Roberts nailed it. Kennedy is all over the map, he's obviously conflicted.

Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. suggested that Ms. Bonauto was asking the court to do something radical.

“You’re not seeking to join the institution,” he said. “You’re seeking to change what the institution is.”
The far right has never extended the Constitution's right to all citizens, but that day is nearly over for them. Some could call the far right sub human, right, Keys?
of course; what with their inferior argument and all.
because no one has argued (to my knowledge) to the Supreme Court a problem with First Cousins and Age of Consent.

If you open Pandora's box on the whole "living constitution" crap, be careful what pops out.

Meh, not really. Maybe we need to stop making rulings based on 'What would the Founding Slave Rapists think?" and on "Hey, that makes a lot of sense in the here and now", we'd be a lot better off.

Of course, there are states that allow 14 year-olds to marry and there are states that allow first cousins to marry. And other states have to recognize the validity of those marriages.
Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?
I actually believe that marriage has always been a function of society and its laws and that no civilization in history has ever recognized a "right" to marry whoever one wants. I believe that because I'm intelligent and educated, unlike Leftists.
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.

Oh, it's another case of a homophobe describing gay sex in graphics terms.

That's like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
I am going to ask you again, since you did not answer the simple question:
Why is it homophobic not to suck on dicks with fecal matter on them? Explain that to me.

dude, you are just digging yourself in deeper... You really are. that you spend this much time thinking about the mechanics of gay sex (you do realize that straight people do Anal and Oral, too, right?) kind of makes you the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about Steak.
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.

Oh, it's another case of a homophobe describing gay sex in graphics terms.

That's like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
I am going to ask you again, since you did not answer the simple question:
Why is it homophobic not to suck on dicks with fecal matter on them? Explain that to me.

dude, you are just digging yourself in deeper... You really are. that you spend this much time thinking about the mechanics of gay sex (you do realize that straight people do Anal and Oral, too, right?) kind of makes you the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about Steak.
'Avoiding the answer, don't you? I simply wanted to know why do you label straight people homophobes? I do not fear you, I do not hate you, I disagree with you.
Seriously. Print out these pages, find a real economist. Show this to him or her.

And be ready to be schooled.
Find an economist? which school you prefer? Austrian or Keynesian? The outcome would be very, very different.
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.

Oh, it's another case of a homophobe describing gay sex in graphics terms.

That's like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
I am going to ask you again, since you did not answer the simple question:
Why is it homophobic not to suck on dicks with fecal matter on them? Explain that to me.

dude, you are just digging yourself in deeper... You really are. that you spend this much time thinking about the mechanics of gay sex (you do realize that straight people do Anal and Oral, too, right?) kind of makes you the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about Steak.
'Avoiding the answer, don't you? I simply wanted to know why do you label straight people homophobes? I do not fear you, I do not hate you, I disagree with you.

Nope. It's not the disagreement that makes you a's wanting to discriminate against gays that makes you a homophobe.

  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
Indeed. Those "laws" were actually passed to ENCOURAGE marriage between a man and a woman in order to populate and sustain the country. Funny, I don't understand how the hell they expect 2 women or 2 men to accomplish the same thing. Oh, hell, I forgot, they don't. They now expect the illegals to do it.
Another one!

You also would not be able to mate and have kids if you were not on the receiving end of government behavioral control?

And you actually believe the human race was near extinction before the government stepped in? Nobody was fucking and having kids?
I actually believe that marriage has always been a function of society and its laws and that no civilization in history has ever recognized a "right" to marry whoever one wants. I believe that because I'm intelligent and educated, unlike Leftists.

Our society isn't doing that so you can rest easy. We are recognizing that in order to deny something that has been declared a right, fundamental to our existence, you have to have a demonstrable harm in allowing it. Go!
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.

Oh, it's another case of a homophobe describing gay sex in graphics terms.

That's like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
I am going to ask you again, since you did not answer the simple question:
Why is it homophobic not to suck on dicks with fecal matter on them? Explain that to me.

dude, you are just digging yourself in deeper... You really are. that you spend this much time thinking about the mechanics of gay sex (you do realize that straight people do Anal and Oral, too, right?) kind of makes you the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about Steak.
'Avoiding the answer, don't you? I simply wanted to know why do you label straight people homophobes? I do not fear you, I do not hate you, I disagree with you.

Nope. It's not the disagreement that makes you a's wanting to discriminate against gays that makes you a homophobe.

  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed. The current usage of terms like "homophobic" and "homophobe" imply that all opposition to homosexuality is crazy. Actually there are many sociological, psychological and medical reasons that many logically-thinking people oppose homosexuality. People who abuse terms like "homophobia" are implying (whether they know it or not), that it's impossible to "love the sinner and hate the sin". No one talks about opposition to alcoholism in terms of hatred, because groups like Alcoholics Anonymous have popularized the view that drinking alcohol is addictive. The term homophobia, when it is applied to every criticism of homosexuality, implies that all such criticism is irrational (see phobia).
Homophobes? Why is it homophobe in your book that I do not take feces coated dick into my mouth?
Wipe the froth off your lips, quit mumbling and come up with something making sense.

Oh, it's another case of a homophobe describing gay sex in graphics terms.

That's like a vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
I am going to ask you again, since you did not answer the simple question:
Why is it homophobic not to suck on dicks with fecal matter on them? Explain that to me.

dude, you are just digging yourself in deeper... You really are. that you spend this much time thinking about the mechanics of gay sex (you do realize that straight people do Anal and Oral, too, right?) kind of makes you the "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about Steak.
'Avoiding the answer, don't you? I simply wanted to know why do you label straight people homophobes? I do not fear you, I do not hate you, I disagree with you.

Nope. It's not the disagreement that makes you a's wanting to discriminate against gays that makes you a homophobe.

  1. dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
Sweetheart, are you a dyke? If you are, please stay out of the conversation with faggots. I have no issue with you. You are sweet. They are disgusting sucking feces coated dicks.
Declared a right? so that's how we do it now huh?


gosh, we can come up with all kinds of things and "declare" them a right

the list could be endless

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