SCOTUS divided over SSM

... same sex marriage ...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

There's virtually no chance that the court will find that a gay marriage performed in one state can't be recognized another. Making gay marriage defacto legal everywhere come June.

of the 37 how many are by legislative action, and how many by judicial fiat? Because if the SC rules that you can't force a State to change it's marriage contract, then some of those go back into the "no gay marriage" column.
... same sex marriage ...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

There's virtually no chance that the court will find that a gay marriage performed in one state can't be recognized another. Making gay marriage defacto legal everywhere come June.

of the 37 how many are by legislative action, and how many by judicial fiat? Because if the SC rules that you can't force a State to change it's marriage contract, then some of those go back into the "no gay marriage" column.

My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government. Unfortunately, the damned federal government, when something is done that THEY don't approve of, intervene and tell the state to go suck eggs. It is NOT their purview to do that. Never has been never will be. Unfortunately, we have a Tyranny at the federal level.
They can. What truth are you planning to bring to light? And why didn't you share that truth with the lawyers arguing in front of SCOTUS yesterday.

Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.

If it is choice it's not a civil rights issue and the choice belongs to the states to define.
Wrong. The federal government is tasked with securing our rights. The right to marry and the right to pursue happiness are choices we choose to pursue. Government, federal and state, cannot stand in the way of that for those who choose to pursue those rights.

You HAVE the right to marry. YOU ALWAYS have. Should YOU choose not to is not mine, nor the federal governments business. Your right to pursue happiness is not denied because YOU choose a different way to be HAPPY.

I contend that you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Marriage is a fundamental right in the pursuit of happiness. Marrying the person one chooses to marry cannot be denied by the government. Why on Earth would you deny anyone their fundamental rights?
Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.

If it is choice it's not a civil rights issue and the choice belongs to the states to define.
Wrong. The federal government is tasked with securing our rights. The right to marry and the right to pursue happiness are choices we choose to pursue. Government, federal and state, cannot stand in the way of that for those who choose to pursue those rights.

You HAVE the right to marry. YOU ALWAYS have. Should YOU choose not to is not mine, nor the federal governments business. Your right to pursue happiness is not denied because YOU choose a different way to be HAPPY.

I contend that you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
[B[Marriage is a fundamental right in the pursuit of happiness.[/B] Marrying the person one chooses to marry cannot be denied by the government. Why on Earth would you deny anyone their fundamental rights?

Says who? Using your logic then, if, in order to "pursue MY happiness", I decide to marry 8 women and three men, I should be allowed to, right? So, again, using your logic, where does it end?

Marriage is, and has always been, since it's inception at the Catholic Church level - a means to collect taxes and count the population. Nothing more. It is a contractual agreement between two parties - NOT a pursuit of "happiness".

Should the individual states (as stated in both the 9th and 10th Amendment) choose to allow same sex marriage then good for them. Conversely, if a state decides NOT to allow same sex marriage, then so be it. It is NOT the responsibility of the federal government to interfere. PERIOD. End of story.
There Is no Appeal to Ignorance of the law. ...

There is no such thing as Supreme Law of the Land... unless and until the consent by those who are to be governed BY THAT LAW... is granted.

And for that to happen, "The Law" must be OBJECTIVE. Meaning that it serves ALL people, without undue and unjust discrimination.

Now, where is Law due? It is due to serve as the arbiter of what is and is NOT acceptable BEHAVIOR.

Which means behavior which serves the interest of ALL people...

Now... NO WHERE in the purview, range and scope of such behavior is there room for PERVERSE behavior. Which is to say such showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences. Behavior for example which is injurious to the individual, by virtue of the behavior itself... AND / OR behavior which is injurious to others...

So, where, for instance... a behavior is known as a fundamental means by which lethal viruses are contracted..., thus, which is known as a fundamental means by which such viruses are transmitted, or... 'spread', would therefore by OBJECTIVELY FORBIDDEN.


What's more... perverse reasoning which rationalizes that their need for such behavior stands superior to the interests and well beings of others... would thusly be forbidden, as well.

We refer to this 'mind set' as a disorder of the mind, OKA: Mental Disorder.

Sound cultures set people known to BE so afflicted separate from the general population, because that sort of SUBJECTIVE MINDSET is as contagious as it is CRIPPLING.

Now... I hope that helps, if only in some small measure.
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Read and learn. Your marketing of this so called "civil right" is a hoax. Bruce Jenner proved it's often a choice.
So what if it is a choice? A beautiful aspect of our rights, such as the right to pursue happiness, is our choice to pursue them. There is no legal excuse to allow the government to prevent that.

If it is choice it's not a civil rights issue and the choice belongs to the states to define.
Wrong. The federal government is tasked with securing our rights. The right to marry and the right to pursue happiness are choices we choose to pursue. Government, federal and state, cannot stand in the way of that for those who choose to pursue those rights.

You HAVE the right to marry. YOU ALWAYS have. Should YOU choose not to is not mine, nor the federal governments business. Your right to pursue happiness is not denied because YOU choose a different way to be HAPPY.

I contend that you are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Marriage is a fundamental right in the pursuit of happiness. ...

Oh! Ain't that the truth Nancy? And that being so, it is IMPERATIVE that we respect the natural standards that define marriage, wherein we find that MARRIAGE >IS< THE JOINING OF ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN!

Now... feel free to MARRY AWAY!
There Is no Appeal to Ignorance of the law. ...

There is no such thing as Supreme Law of the Land... unless and until the consent who are governed BY THAT LAW... is granted.

And for that to happen, "The Law" must be OBJECTIVE. Meaning that it serves ALL people, without undue and unjust discrimination.

Now, where is Law due? It is due to serve as the arbiter of what is and is NOT acceptable BEHAVIOR.

Which means behavior which serves the interest of ALL people...

Now... NO WHERE in the purview, range and scope of such behavior is there room for PERVERSE behavior. Which is to say such showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences. Behavior for example which is injurious to the individual, by virtue of the behavior itself... AND / OR behavior which is injurious to others...

So, where, for instance... a behavior is known as a fundamental means by which lethal viruses is contracted..., thus which is known as a fundamental means by which such viruses are spread, would therefore by OBJECTIVELY FORBIDDEN.


What's more... perverse reasoning which rationalizes that their need for such behavior stands superior to the interests and well beings of others... would thusly be forbidden, as well.

We refer to this 'mind set' as a disorder of the mind, OKA: Mental Disorder.

Sound cultures set people known to BE so afflicted separate from the general population, because that sort of SUBJECTIVE MINDSET is as contagious as it is CRIPPLING.

Now... I hope that helps, if only in some small measure.

Indeed. Most people are shocked to find that the SCOTUS appointed itself as the final arbiters of the Constitution - no one else. They are no more "constitutional" than a traffic light is.

-or- as Thomas Jefferson stated:

"To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.

Welcome to the Kingdom.....
My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.
My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.

There are no such gifts.

Living in denial is no way to go through life, son.

There's Social Security survivor benefits, for one.

Here's some more: Overview of Federal Benefits Granted to Married Couples
My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.

There are no such gifts.

Living in denial is no way to go through life, son.

There's Social Security survivor benefits, for one.

Here's some more: Overview of Federal Benefits Granted to Married Couples

OH! By gifts, you're referring to duly authorized deductions in the level of property confiscated from those who earned it?

The list is a lie folks. And the purveyors of that list knew it was a lie when they 'advised' you that it was the truth. There's not WORD of it that is truth. (That's why they always pass it off as a 'link', instead of breaking out examples...)


Adorable... Proving once again friends that YOU CAN'T HIDE A MARXIST!

... gifts.

My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.

There are no such gifts.

Living in denial is no way to go through life, son.

There's Social Security survivor benefits, for one.

Here's some more: Overview of Federal Benefits Granted to Married Couples

OH! By gifts, you're referring to duly authorized deductions in the level of confiscated property, which already belongs to those the government is facetiously giving it to...


Adorable... Proving once again friends that YOU CAN'T HIDE A MARXIST!

... gifts.

I have explained, using very small words even you can understand, many times on this forum how every government gift in the form of deductions, credits, and exemptions comes out of someone else's pocket.

And I have pointed out people like you who scream like welfare queens whenever anyone suggests those government gifts (to the tune of $1.2 trillion a year) should be eliminated.
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My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.

There are no such gifts.

Living in denial is no way to go through life, son.

There's Social Security survivor benefits, for one.

Here's some more: Overview of Federal Benefits Granted to Married Couples

Yeah, you're right. that big check your Wife gets when you die ($255) to bury your ass comes in quite handy when you get the bill for $20,000. As for the Social Security - the individual works all his/her life for that CONTRACT that was made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he signed the legislation into law. I WORKED for every penny I get from Social Security - it is MY money.
As long as everyone else can receive government gifts for being married, there is no rational reason why gays should not also receive those government gifts.

My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.

There are no such gifts.

Living in denial is no way to go through life, son.

There's Social Security survivor benefits, for one.

Here's some more: Overview of Federal Benefits Granted to Married Couples

Yeah, you're right. that big check your Wife gets when you die ($255) to bury your ass comes in quite handy when you get the bill for $20,000. As for the Social Security - the individual works all his/her life for that CONTRACT that was made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he signed the legislation into law. I WORKED for every penny I get from Social Security - it is MY money.
Clearly you did not see I was talking about survivor benefits. It isn't just a $225 check, you ignorant ass.
I have explained, using very small words even you can understand, many times on this forum how every government gift in the form of deductions, credits, and exemptions comes out of someone else's pocket.

I'm sure you have. And every single time you did so, you lied to whom ever it was ya explained it to.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
My stand has been the same, since day one, on these things. They are STATES decisions and NOT the federal government.


Most of the government gifts you get for being married are federal ones.

There are no such gifts.

Living in denial is no way to go through life, son.

There's Social Security survivor benefits, for one.

Here's some more: Overview of Federal Benefits Granted to Married Couples

Yeah, you're right. that big check your Wife gets when you die ($255) to bury your ass comes in quite handy when you get the bill for $20,000. As for the Social Security - the individual works all his/her life for that CONTRACT that was made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he signed the legislation into law. I WORKED for every penny I get from Social Security - it is MY money.
Clearly you did not see I was talking about survivor benefits. It isn't just a $225 check, you ignorant ass.

I know all about the "survivor benefits" you fool. I EARNED that damned money. It is not a "gift" to give my Wife half of what I am OWED. You ignorant ass.

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