SCOTUS finds voter ID laws constitutional

Let's face it, yes, those voter suppression charges were proven in several court cases last year.

No significant pattern of voter fraud has been proven; to say so otherwise is unfounded propaganda.

Acorn was convicted of voter fraud, what planet are you on?

Scattered and isolated Acorn cases are not patterns of massive voter fraud, and I like how you ducked the charges of Voter Suppression against our GOP.

Voter ID is the right way to go, but not because there is massive Dem voter fraud. Doesn't exist.

actually the only real cases of voter suppression were those done by democrats in the south. That was real and documented. Remember southern politics was controlled by democrats during segregation. The KKK was run by democrats.

But the dems have been very good an hiding their history and as LBJ said "them ******* will be voting democrat for the next 200 years"
Another great assertion without evidence by you, Redfish, so we will give no credence.

Then you play the race card with a quote that was never made.

You really hate that minorities and women and immigrants determine their own paths, don't you?

And I know why: you know that the GOP will have to exclude the old reactionary nonsense to adopt to the changing demographics of an evolving America.

Stinks for those on the far right, I know.
No one has ever provided a real world example of voter fraud which ONLY Voter ID could have prevented.

Simple fact.

Most voter fraud can be fixed with existing methods. Proper maintenance of voter registration rolls, in particular. Key word: Proper.

It amazes me faux right wingers are screaming for more government interference in the exercising of their Constitutional rights!

Two questions. First, if it *can* be fixed with existing methods, why isn't it? Second, why are we excited about *most* when we should be focused on all?

Number of voter fraud cases which can only be solved by Voter ID: NONE.

And you ask a good question. If all the red tape we already have isn't eliminating all voter fraud, how is more government bureacracy going to do it?

Voter fraud is so minimal as to have ZERO effect on swinging elections.

As I keep saying, Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

If even one vote is cast fraudulently, it is an abomination and a horrible tragedy to those who gave their lives for our democracy.

Oh, please. I am a retired veteran. I know people who gave their lives. Don't be an asshole with the appeal to emotion card.

That occasional fraudulent vote? Voter ID is not necessary to stop it.

You only have to look at the election of Al Frankin to know just how full of crap you are.

TX gave people more than two years to get an ID and ass hat holder waited until 9 months before the election to challenge the law so TX could not get his ruling overturned in court before the election. Now the supremes have said Holder used unconstitutional discretionary powers so screw him.
Why all the bickering?

We get our Voter ID laws, the Republicans cannot voter suppress at all now without having super difficult registration process tossed out immediately on court filing, and the Dems can't fraudulently vote as it is claimed. :lol: Everybody wins.
then I guess you think driver ID is equally stupid? how about passport ID? why don't we just trust everyone who says they can drive and let everyone who claims to be a citizen travel without identifying themselves.

your arguments are pig drivel.

Your argument is one big logical fallacy.

A lot of noise to conceal the fact that no one has ever provided a case of real voter fraud that could only be prevented by Voter ID.

So this wouldnt have been stopped?
Ohio Woman Who Voted 6 Times For Obama Convicted Of Felony Voter Fraud « Pat Dollard
Liberal: Voter fraud never happens!! We don't need to do anything about it!!

Conservative: Yes, it does. Here's an example.

Liberal: Voter fraud almost never happens!! We don't need to do anything about it!!
Let's face it, yes, those voter suppression charges were proven in several court cases last year.

No significant pattern of voter fraud has been proven; to say so otherwise is unfounded propaganda.

Acorn was convicted of voter fraud, what planet are you on?

Scattered and isolated Acorn cases are not patterns of massive voter fraud, and I like how you ducked the charges of Voter Suppression against our GOP.

Voter ID is the right way to go, but not because there is massive Dem voter fraud. Doesn't exist.
And yet again, in his blind defense of liberalism, Fakey gets it wrong.
Two questions. First, if it *can* be fixed with existing methods, why isn't it? Second, why are we excited about *most* when we should be focused on all?

Number of voter fraud cases which can only be solved by Voter ID: NONE.

And you ask a good question. If all the red tape we already have isn't eliminating all voter fraud, how is more government bureacracy going to do it?

Voter fraud is so minimal as to have ZERO effect on swinging elections.

As I keep saying, Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

If even one vote is cast fraudulently, it is an abomination and a horrible tragedy to those who gave their lives for our democracy.

Oh, please. I am a retired veteran. I know people who gave their lives. Don't be an asshole with the appeal to emotion card.

That occasional fraudulent vote? Voter ID is not necessary to stop it.

You only have to look at the election of Al Frankin to know just how full of crap you are.

TX gave people more than two years to get an ID and ass hat holder waited until 9 months before the election to challenge the law so TX could not get his ruling overturned in court before the election. Now the supremes have said Holder used unconstitutional discretionary powers so screw him.
The Feds totally blew their case against Texas.

Read the thread. The DoJ's utter incompetence is hilarious. :lmao:
And yet again, in his blind defense of liberalism, Fakey gets it wrong.

Yet again, daveman daving along by giving us not the primary sources but a twisted secondary source by reactionaries pretending to be mainstream Americans.

Gotta do better than that, daveman.
Oh, eat shit. You'd never be convinced that your fellow Democrats ever did anything wrong anyway, boy.
And yet again, in his blind defense of liberalism, Fakey gets it wrong.

Yet again, daveman daving along by giving us not the primary sources but a twisted secondary source by reactionaries pretending to be mainstream Americans.

Gotta do better than that, daveman.
Oh, eat shit. You'd never be convinced that your fellow Democrats ever did anything wrong anyway, boy.

My fellow Republicans are intending to sever openly the ties with the far right reactionaries in the primaries and conventions next year. Christie will be leading the charge against the 'ignorant ones' while inviting with new openness women, minorities, and immigrants into the party.

While the Democrats do much wrong, our far right reactionaries who create a totalitarian state if they could, is my opinion.
Yet again, daveman daving along by giving us not the primary sources but a twisted secondary source by reactionaries pretending to be mainstream Americans.

Gotta do better than that, daveman.
Oh, eat shit. You'd never be convinced that your fellow Democrats ever did anything wrong anyway, boy.

My fellow Republicans are intending to sever openly the ties with the far right reactionaries in the primaries and conventions next year. Christie will be leading the charge against the 'ignorant ones' while inviting with new openness women, minorities, and immigrants into the party.

While the Democrats do much wrong, our far right reactionaries who create a totalitarian state if they could, is my opinion.
...says the guy who wants to execute without trial his political enemies.

Eat shit, you prog.
Oh, eat shit. You'd never be convinced that your fellow Democrats ever did anything wrong anyway, boy.

My fellow Republicans are intending to sever openly the ties with the far right reactionaries in the primaries and conventions next year. Christie will be leading the charge against the 'ignorant ones' while inviting with new openness women, minorities, and immigrants into the party.

While the Democrats do much wrong, our far right reactionaries who create a totalitarian state if they could, is my opinion.
...says the guy who wants to execute without trial his political enemies. Eat shit, you prog.

Says the man who wants to raise armed insurrection against We the People, the Constitution, and Old Glory, then claims, "but if we get caught, we want to be treated in a way we would certainly not treat you."
My fellow Republicans are intending to sever openly the ties with the far right reactionaries in the primaries and conventions next year. Christie will be leading the charge against the 'ignorant ones' while inviting with new openness women, minorities, and immigrants into the party.

While the Democrats do much wrong, our far right reactionaries who create a totalitarian state if they could, is my opinion.
...says the guy who wants to execute without trial his political enemies. Eat shit, you prog.

Says the man who wants to raise armed insurrection against We the People, the Constitution, and Old Glory, then claims, "but if we get caught, we want to be treated in a way we would certainly not treat you."
Where have I called for that, Comrade?

Oh, yes -- nowhere. You're just lying again. You simply can't help it.

The Guy You Want to Execute Without Trial for Being Your Political Enemy
...says the guy who wants to execute without trial his political enemies. Eat shit, you prog.

Says the man who wants to raise armed insurrection against We the People, the Constitution, and Old Glory, then claims, "but if we get caught, we want to be treated in a way we would certainly not treat you."
Where have I called for that, Comrade?

Oh, yes -- nowhere. You're just lying again. You simply can't help it.

alert: the man who wanted to raise insurrection against Old Glory is now only a political enemy, he says. Very smart of him.

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