SCOTUS finds voter ID laws constitutional

No one has ever provided a real world example of voter fraud which ONLY Voter ID could have prevented.

Simple fact.

Most voter fraud can be fixed with existing methods. Proper maintenance of voter registration rolls, in particular. Key word: Proper.

It amazes me faux right wingers are screaming for more government interference in the exercising of their Constitutional rights!
The meaningful exercise of the right to vote hinges on the fact that you are the person you say you are when you cast your ballot; as such, regardless of any demonstrated fraud, the state has a compelling interest in making sure that is the case.

This can only happen when there is a way to positively identify you. A state-issued photo ID is both the most effective and least restrictive means to this end.

I have yet to hear from one liberal who can tell us who is prevented from voting by voter ID laws.

Who is our society today does not have some form of govt issued ID? No one.

They make a false objection because they want the dems to be able to continue to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes.
Whatever they argue, they are never able to answer this question:
How do you positively determine that the person asking for a ballot is the person he claims to be?
It's sure being a mixed bag of decisions..

There isn't anyone who is going to happy at all the rulings.

If a state is stupid enough to want Voter ID, go right ahead. But they need to provide evidence it won't disenfranchise voters.

Last year, before the election, Pennsylvania enacted a voter ID law which would have disenfranchised voters. And it was a Republican judge who had the incredible courage to reverse himself which stopped that law from being enacted. The judge had the integrity to go back and actually examine whether or not the law would disenfranchise people, and he found it would. So he reversed his previous ruling.

That Voter ID law did not allow enough time for everyone who did not have an ID to get one in time for the November election.

And that is why you heard the bullshit whining about entire voting precincts in Philly voting for Obama, as if some kind of fraud was going on. This was the faux right wingers attempts to cover up the embarrassment of being proven wrong about Voter ID laws. But gee, an entire black neighborhood chose not to vote for a party which clearly hates them, and tried to stop them from being able to vote. Who would have guessed?

Voter ID is a hugely stupid idea. It solves NOTHING, but does put one more hurdle between you and your constitutional rights.

then I guess you think driver ID is equally stupid? how about passport ID? why don't we just trust everyone who says they can drive and let everyone who claims to be a citizen travel without identifying themselves.

your arguments are pig drivel.

Your argument is one big logical fallacy.

A lot of noise to conceal the fact that no one has ever provided a case of real voter fraud that could only be prevented by Voter ID.
No one has ever provided a real world example of voter fraud which ONLY Voter ID could have prevented.

Simple fact.

Most voter fraud can be fixed with existing methods. Proper maintenance of voter registration rolls, in particular. Key word: Proper.

It amazes me faux right wingers are screaming for more government interference in the exercising of their Constitutional rights!

Two questions. First, if it *can* be fixed with existing methods, why isn't it? Second, why are we excited about *most* when we should be focused on all?

Number of voter fraud cases which can only be solved by Voter ID: NONE.

And you ask a good question. If all the red tape we already have isn't eliminating all voter fraud, how is more government bureacracy going to do it?

Voter fraud is so minimal as to have ZERO effect on swinging elections.

As I keep saying, Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

If even one vote is cast fraudulently, it is an abomination and a horrible tragedy to those who gave their lives for our democracy.

Oh, please. I am a retired veteran. I know people who gave their lives. Don't be an asshole with the appeal to emotion card.

That occasional fraudulent vote? Voter ID is not necessary to stop it.
No one has ever provided a real world example of voter fraud which ONLY Voter ID could have prevented.

Simple fact.

Most voter fraud can be fixed with existing methods. Proper maintenance of voter registration rolls, in particular. Key word: Proper.

It amazes me faux right wingers are screaming for more government interference in the exercising of their Constitutional rights!
The meaningful exercise of the right to vote hinges on the fact that you are the person you say you are when you cast your ballot; as such, regardless of any demonstrated fraud, the state has a compelling interest in making sure that is the case.

This can only happen when there is a way to positively identify you. A state-issued photo ID is both the most effective and least restrictive means to this end.

I have yet to hear from one liberal who can tell us who is prevented from voting by voter ID laws.

Why do you assume only liberals are opposed to voter ID? I am a lifelong conservative.

And your response is typical of big government lovers. You have no evidence of a need for more regulation and control over our Constitutional rights, so you instead demand proof there is NO need. Ironic.

You have never seen evidence? That's because you never looked for it. It would interfere with your belief system.

Well, here you go: Judge halts Pennsylvania voter ID law

A REPUBLICAN judge found Voter ID prevented some people from voting.

Who is our society today does not have some form of govt issued ID? No one.

A false premise on your part, upon which an entirely false belief system is built.

They make a false objection because they want the dems to be able to continue to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes.

My, my, my. You are chock full of logical fallacies today.
No one has ever provided a real world example of voter fraud which ONLY Voter ID could have prevented.

Simple fact.

Most voter fraud can be fixed with existing methods. Proper maintenance of voter registration rolls, in particular. Key word: Proper.

It amazes me faux right wingers are screaming for more government interference in the exercising of their Constitutional rights!

Two questions. First, if it *can* be fixed with existing methods, why isn't it? Second, why are we excited about *most* when we should be focused on all?

If even one vote is cast fraudulently, it is an abomination and a horrible tragedy to those who gave their lives for our democracy.

voter ID laws would prevent organizations like Acorn from finding ways to have people vote multiple times, for dead people to vote, and for people to vote in the name of Mickey Mouse. In other words, voter ID laws would prevent liberal voter fraud and the liberals count on fraud to win elections.

Thats why they object to voter ID.

A dead person can only vote if the voter registration rolls have not been properly managed. So once again, Voter ID is not necessary to prevent that.

Mickey Mouse is not on the voter registration list. You just revealed you are completely ignorant of how the voting process works.
Two questions. First, if it *can* be fixed with existing methods, why isn't it? Second, why are we excited about *most* when we should be focused on all?

If even one vote is cast fraudulently, it is an abomination and a horrible tragedy to those who gave their lives for our democracy.

voter ID laws would prevent organizations like Acorn from finding ways to have people vote multiple times, for dead people to vote, and for people to vote in the name of Mickey Mouse. In other words, voter ID laws would prevent liberal voter fraud and the liberals count on fraud to win elections.

Thats why they object to voter ID.

A dead person can only vote if the voter registration rolls have not been properly managed. So once again, Voter ID is not necessary to prevent that.

Mickey Mouse is not on the voter registration list. You just revealed you are completely ignorant of how the voting process works.

fraudulent votes were documented in 08 and 12. Acorn helped many people cast multiple votes and vote in the name of dead people. You on the left raised hell when Fla tried to purge the voter rolls of dead and illegal people, now you claim to want the rolls purged:confused:

If no ID is required to register or to vote than Mickey could register and vote in every state and every precinct. Mickey could theoretically cast hundreds of votes, the only limitation would be the travel time between precincts.

But again, who is prevented from voting by voter ID laws? How many american voters would not be able to vote if they had to prove who they were before voting?

And, if its not a big deal, why do you object to it so strongly?
If a state is stupid enough to want Voter ID, go right ahead. But they need to provide evidence it won't disenfranchise voters.

Last year, before the election, Pennsylvania enacted a voter ID law which would have disenfranchised voters. And it was a Republican judge who had the incredible courage to reverse himself which stopped that law from being enacted. The judge had the integrity to go back and actually examine whether or not the law would disenfranchise people, and he found it would. So he reversed his previous ruling.

That Voter ID law did not allow enough time for everyone who did not have an ID to get one in time for the November election.

And that is why you heard the bullshit whining about entire voting precincts in Philly voting for Obama, as if some kind of fraud was going on. This was the faux right wingers attempts to cover up the embarrassment of being proven wrong about Voter ID laws. But gee, an entire black neighborhood chose not to vote for a party which clearly hates them, and tried to stop them from being able to vote. Who would have guessed?

Voter ID is a hugely stupid idea. It solves NOTHING, but does put one more hurdle between you and your constitutional rights.

then I guess you think driver ID is equally stupid? how about passport ID? why don't we just trust everyone who says they can drive and let everyone who claims to be a citizen travel without identifying themselves.

your arguments are pig drivel.

Your argument is one big logical fallacy.

A lot of noise to conceal the fact that no one has ever provided a case of real voter fraud that could only be prevented by Voter ID.

then exactly why do you object to proving your identity before voting? what is your real issue on this?
The meaningful exercise of the right to vote hinges on the fact that you are the person you say you are when you cast your ballot; as such, regardless of any demonstrated fraud, the state has a compelling interest in making sure that is the case.

This can only happen when there is a way to positively identify you. A state-issued photo ID is both the most effective and least restrictive means to this end.

I have yet to hear from one liberal who can tell us who is prevented from voting by voter ID laws.

Why do you assume only liberals are opposed to voter ID? I am a lifelong conservative.

And your response is typical of big government lovers. You have no evidence of a need for more regulation and control over our Constitutional rights, so you instead demand proof there is NO need. Ironic.

You have never seen evidence? That's because you never looked for it. It would interfere with your belief system.

Well, here you go: Judge halts Pennsylvania voter ID law

A REPUBLICAN judge found Voter ID prevented some people from voting.

Who is our society today does not have some form of govt issued ID? No one.

A false premise on your part, upon which an entirely false belief system is built.

They make a false objection because they want the dems to be able to continue to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes.

My, my, my. You are chock full of logical fallacies today.

Sorry... must have missed your response:

The meaningful exercise of the right to vote hinges on the fact that you are the person you say you are when you cast your ballot; as such, regardless of any demonstrated fraud, the state has a compelling interest in making sure that is the case.

This can only happen when there is a way to positively identify you. A state-issued photo ID is both the most effective and least restrictive means to this end.
How do you positively determine that the person asking for a ballot is the person he claims to be?
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I have yet to hear from one liberal who can tell us who is prevented from voting by voter ID laws.

Why do you assume only liberals are opposed to voter ID? I am a lifelong conservative.

And your response is typical of big government lovers. You have no evidence of a need for more regulation and control over our Constitutional rights, so you instead demand proof there is NO need. Ironic.

You have never seen evidence? That's because you never looked for it. It would interfere with your belief system.

Well, here you go: Judge halts Pennsylvania voter ID law

A REPUBLICAN judge found Voter ID prevented some people from voting.

A false premise on your part, upon which an entirely false belief system is built.

They make a false objection because they want the dems to be able to continue to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes.

My, my, my. You are chock full of logical fallacies today.

Sorry... must have missed your response:

The meaningful exercise of the right to vote hinges on the fact that you are the person you say you are when you cast your ballot; as such, regardless of any demonstrated fraud, the state has a compelling interest in making sure that is the case.

This can only happen when there is a way to positively identify you. A state-issued photo ID is both the most effective and least restrictive means to this end.
How do you positively determine that the person asking for a ballot is the person he claims to be?

ever notice how liberals run from a thead when their positons are destroyed by facts and logic?

but if any of you libs are still awake, please tell us who is disenfranchised by having to prove who they are at the polling place.
Thank God - now the dead which have been voting predominately democratic will be disenfranchised. Tuff shit.
States have every right to create voter ID laws, but such laws cannot unduly limit the enfranchisement of voters through stupid requirements.

SCOTUS was saying "you can do it but don't be stupid or we will get you."
States have every right to create voter ID laws, but such laws cannot unduly limit the enfranchisement of voters through stupid requirements.

SCOTUS was saying "you can do it but don't be stupid or we will get you."

Right, so how about telling us which voters are disenfranchised by having to prove who they are when they show up to vote?

Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID? everyone who drives has one, everyone on welfare has one, every student has one, everyone on unemployment has one. So whose votes are the dems and libs trying to get? illegals? dead people? fake people? people who vote multiple times?

I think we all know the answer.
You never see blacks or Hispanics at the airport because they can't produce ID, amiright?
States have every right to create voter ID laws, but such laws cannot unduly limit the enfranchisement of voters through stupid requirements.

SCOTUS was saying "you can do it but don't be stupid or we will get you."

Right, so how about telling us which voters are disenfranchised by having to prove who they are when they show up to vote?

Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID? everyone who drives has one, everyone on welfare has one, every student has one, everyone on unemployment has one. So whose votes are the dems and libs trying to get? illegals? dead people? fake people? people who vote multiple times?

I think we all know the answer.

We all know you are not telling the full story. When you do we can talk. Until you do we will laugh at you.
States have every right to create voter ID laws, but such laws cannot unduly limit the enfranchisement of voters through stupid requirements.

SCOTUS was saying "you can do it but don't be stupid or we will get you."

Right, so how about telling us which voters are disenfranchised by having to prove who they are when they show up to vote?

Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID? everyone who drives has one, everyone on welfare has one, every student has one, everyone on unemployment has one. So whose votes are the dems and libs trying to get? illegals? dead people? fake people? people who vote multiple times?

I think we all know the answer.

We all know you are not telling the full story. When you do we can talk. Until you do we will laugh at you.

what full story did you give? the broad "you can't be stupid" story, which includes no facts or scenarios?


States have every right to create voter ID laws, but such laws cannot unduly limit the enfranchisement of voters through stupid requirements.

SCOTUS was saying "you can do it but don't be stupid or we will get you."

Right, so how about telling us which voters are disenfranchised by having to prove who they are when they show up to vote?

Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID? everyone who drives has one, everyone on welfare has one, every student has one, everyone on unemployment has one. So whose votes are the dems and libs trying to get? illegals? dead people? fake people? people who vote multiple times?

I think we all know the answer.

We all know you are not telling the full story. When you do we can talk. Until you do we will laugh at you.

then tell it. lets hear your answers.

simple questions: Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID?

are you claiming that some american citizens are being prohibited from obtaining a govt issued ID? if so, who? and while you are working on that, tell us why the dems in Fla did not want to count the absentee military ballots in 2008 and 2012.
Right, so how about telling us which voters are disenfranchised by having to prove who they are when they show up to vote?

Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID? everyone who drives has one, everyone on welfare has one, every student has one, everyone on unemployment has one. So whose votes are the dems and libs trying to get? illegals? dead people? fake people? people who vote multiple times?

I think we all know the answer.

We all know you are not telling the full story. When you do we can talk. Until you do we will laugh at you.

then tell it. lets hear your answers.

simple questions: Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID?

are you claiming that some american citizens are being prohibited from obtaining a govt issued ID? if so, who? and while you are working on that, tell us why the dems in Fla did not want to count the absentee military ballots in 2008 and 2012.

I agree with the idea of ID laws for voting. I always have.

Some jurisdictions (PA and OH?) had made the process so onerous that obviously that legitimate voters were being unreasonably denied the right.

You do agree that the process should not be so onerous.
We all know you are not telling the full story. When you do we can talk. Until you do we will laugh at you.

then tell it. lets hear your answers.

simple questions: Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID?

are you claiming that some american citizens are being prohibited from obtaining a govt issued ID? if so, who? and while you are working on that, tell us why the dems in Fla did not want to count the absentee military ballots in 2008 and 2012.

I agree with the idea of ID laws for voting. I always have.

Some jurisdictions (PA and OH?) had made the process so onerous that obviously that legitimate voters were being unreasonably denied the right.

You do agree that the process should not be so onerous.

Yes, of course, obtaining an ID should be easy for everyone. who in PA or OH was denied easy access to obtaining an ID?
We all know you are not telling the full story. When you do we can talk. Until you do we will laugh at you.

then tell it. lets hear your answers.

simple questions: Why do dems and libs object to a common sense action that would help ensure the honesty of our voting system? Who in today's society does not have some form of govt issued ID?

are you claiming that some american citizens are being prohibited from obtaining a govt issued ID? if so, who? and while you are working on that, tell us why the dems in Fla did not want to count the absentee military ballots in 2008 and 2012.

I agree with the idea of ID laws for voting. I always have.

Some jurisdictions (PA and OH?) had made the process so onerous that obviously that legitimate voters were being unreasonably denied the right.

You do agree that the process should not be so onerous.

I see.

Should it be as onerous as traveling a commercial airline or entering a Federal building?

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