SCOTUS finds voter ID laws constitutional

I agree with the idea of ID laws for voting. I always have.

Some jurisdictions (PA and OH?) had made the process so onerous that obviously that legitimate voters were being unreasonably denied the right.

You do agree that the process should not be so onerous.
Voter ID: State Requirements

All voters must provide to election officials at the polling place on the day of an election proof of the voter's identity. Also applies to voters requesting and voting an absentee ballot.

Current and valid photo identification, defined as a document that shows the individual’s name and current address, includes a photograph, includes an expiration date that has not passed, and was issued by the U.S. government or the state of Ohio
Current utility bill
Current bank statement
Current government check, paycheck or other government document

A voter who has but declines to provide identification may cast a provisional ballot upon providing a social security number or the last four digits of a social security number. A voter who has neither identification nor a social security number may execute an affidavit to that effect and vote a provisional ballot. A voter who declines to sign the affidavit may still vote a provisional ballot.

Voters who cast a provisional ballot because they did not provide acceptable proof of identity must appear in person at the board of elections to provide such proof within the 10 days immediately following Election Day. (see the Ohio Secretary of State's FAQ on provisional voting)​
Not at all onerous.

Each elector who appears to vote and desires to vote shall present proof of identification.

Identification must satisfy the following:
Shows the name of the individual, which must substantially conform to the individual's name on the precinct register
Show a photograph of the individual to whom it was issued
Be issued by the U.S. government, Commonwealth of PA, a municipality of the Commonwealth to an employee of the municipality, an accredited PA private or public institution of higher learning or a PA care facility
Include an expiration date and not be expired (exception for a military ID with an indication that it has an indefinite expiration date or a PA driver's license or non-driver ID card that is not more than 12 months past the expiration date)

A voter who is indigent an unable to obtain ID without any payment or fee, or who is otherwise unable to obtain ID, may vote a provisional ballot.
A voter who casts a provisional ballot because he or she is unable to provide proof of identification must execute an affirmation that he or she is the same person who appeared to vote on election day and do one of the following within six calendar days after the election:
Appear in person at the county board of elections to complete the affirmation and present proof of identification;
Submit an electronic, facsimile or paper copy of the affirmation and the proof of identification.​
A voter who is indigent and unable to obtain proof of identification without payment of a fee must submit an affirmation that he or she is the same person who appeared to vote on election day and that he or she is indigent in the same time frame and manner as described above.​
Again, not at all onerous.

There really can be no valid objection to voter ID laws -- unless you want votes cast by people unable to vote legally.

That's all there is to it.

That is the court's business to decide, and it did.
Indeed. And it's not onerous, as you mistakenly claimed.

You were wrong. Period. As are all your fellow lefties with their specious claims about voter ID requirements disenfranchising poor people.

Of course, all you all care about is Democrat voters getting disenfranchised. None of you give a damn about other people getting disenfranchised by the illegal voters you don't want to do anything about.
We are not going relitigate what the courts decided.

I am glad you agree that obtaining ID should be easy.

That's all that counts.

Good, but you said that OH and PA made is difficult to get an ID. Dave proved you wrong. Are you ready to admit that you either lied about that or made it up?

Dave did not. Dave showed what those states did after they were ordered do it, and you know it, and you are lying.
Y'know, boy, your little "I don't like what you say so you're lying!!" temper tantrums are getting old.
That defeats the purpose of Voter ID.

"Free and easy to get"? Gee, that's whats wrong with people, wanting everything free and easy.

Because voting is a right and should not be onerous. Because a fee can be a poll tax for the poor. Because, as usual, you have no idea of what you are saying.

show me one state that will not waive the fee for an ID if someone cannot afford it.
As I showed in the earlier link, many states waive the ID requirement entirely, or will accept a utility bill or piece of mail from a government agency.

The left has no valid reason to object to voter ID laws.

Therefore, it stands to reason that they oppose them because they acknowledge they benefit from illegal votes.
Yeah, you lied, and all know it. It's what you do when you can't carry an argument. That was proven early on.

Just because Jake claims it doesn't make it so. Reader beware. :eusa_whistle:

OH, I am well aware of that. snake jockey makes a fool of himself daily. I pay him no heed, but he is fun to destroy with facts and logical thought---two things that liberals never have on their side

Yeah, I knew you were. just warning those that don't. :razz:
Dave did not. Dave showed what those states did after they were ordered do it, and you know it, and you are lying.

sorry, snake. But you lost this one early on. nothing I said was a lie, but almost everything you said was.

Yeah, you lied, and all know it. It's what you do when you can't carry an argument. That was proven early on.

No, boy. YOU know it.

Everybody else knows you're full of crap.
SCOTUS finds voter ID laws constitutional
No really, did anyone actually believe SCOTUS would find voter ID laws unconstitutional?
Voter ID's will disenfranchise dead Democrats everywhere.

Please...won't someone think of the dead Democrats?!

If a state is stupid enough to want Voter ID, go right ahead. But they need to provide evidence it won't disenfranchise voters.

Last year, before the election, Pennsylvania enacted a voter ID law which would have disenfranchised voters. And it was a Republican judge who had the incredible courage to reverse himself which stopped that law from being enacted. The judge had the integrity to go back and actually examine whether or not the law would disenfranchise people, and he found it would. So he reversed his previous ruling.

That Voter ID law did not allow enough time for everyone who did not have an ID to get one in time for the November election.

And that is why you heard the bullshit whining about entire voting precincts in Philly voting for Obama, as if some kind of fraud was going on. This was the faux right wingers attempts to cover up the embarrassment of being proven wrong about Voter ID laws. But gee, an entire black neighborhood chose not to vote for a party which clearly hates them, and tried to stop them from being able to vote. Who would have guessed?

Voter ID is a hugely stupid idea. It solves NOTHING, but does put one more hurdle between you and your constitutional rights.

then I guess you think driver ID is equally stupid? how about passport ID? why don't we just trust everyone who says they can drive and let everyone who claims to be a citizen travel without identifying themselves.

your arguments are pig drivel.

Your argument is one big logical fallacy.

A lot of noise to conceal the fact that no one has ever provided a case of real voter fraud that could only be prevented by Voter ID.

Then what the hell are you worried about? I think we can all agree that you pretty much have to have some sort of valid ID. With the Texas version it appears you can use pretty much any gov issued photo ID. So whats the problem with displaying it to vote?
Isnt that what a photo ID is for? To prove who you are?
If a state is stupid enough to want Voter ID, go right ahead. But they need to provide evidence it won't disenfranchise voters.

Last year, before the election, Pennsylvania enacted a voter ID law which would have disenfranchised voters. And it was a Republican judge who had the incredible courage to reverse himself which stopped that law from being enacted. The judge had the integrity to go back and actually examine whether or not the law would disenfranchise people, and he found it would. So he reversed his previous ruling.

That Voter ID law did not allow enough time for everyone who did not have an ID to get one in time for the November election.

And that is why you heard the bullshit whining about entire voting precincts in Philly voting for Obama, as if some kind of fraud was going on. This was the faux right wingers attempts to cover up the embarrassment of being proven wrong about Voter ID laws. But gee, an entire black neighborhood chose not to vote for a party which clearly hates them, and tried to stop them from being able to vote. Who would have guessed?

Voter ID is a hugely stupid idea. It solves NOTHING, but does put one more hurdle between you and your constitutional rights.

then I guess you think driver ID is equally stupid? how about passport ID? why don't we just trust everyone who says they can drive and let everyone who claims to be a citizen travel without identifying themselves.

your arguments are pig drivel.

Your argument is one big logical fallacy.

A lot of noise to conceal the fact that no one has ever provided a case of real voter fraud that could only be prevented by Voter ID.

So this wouldnt have been stopped?
Ohio Woman Who Voted 6 Times For Obama Convicted Of Felony Voter Fraud « Pat Dollard
The right to vote cannot be meaningfully exercised unless the state can ascertain that the person casting a ballot is indeed the person he claims to be - the meaningful exercise of the right to vote hinges on this.

As such, the state has a compelling interest in making the determination that the person casting a ballot is indeed the person he claims to be, regardless of any demonstrable evidence of voter fraud in this regard.

A photo ID is the both most effective and least restrictive means to this end.

The fact is that no real and problematic matter of fraud voting exists.

The fact is that voter ID does make sense.

As long as having ID is easily obtainable and cost-free, then no one can logically oppose it.
The fact is that no real and problematic matter of fraud voting exists.

The fact is that voter ID does make sense.

As long as having ID is easily obtainable and cost-free, then no one can logically oppose it.

then why do you keep arguing against it? Do you support the fraudulent voting documented to have been done by Acorn? Do you support the refusal to count military absentee ballots in Fla in 08?

I think deep down inside you are on the right side of this issue, but your liberal mindset prevents you from admitting it.
Redfish, I am not arguing against voter ID, don't you get that?

None of you have made a case that there is wide spread pattern of voter fraud, though, to require it.

Require it to further ensure that no such pattern ever develops.

And the GOP should never hold itself open to attacks that our urge for Voter ID is actually a cover for voter suppression as has been alleged.
Redfish, I am not arguing against voter ID, don't you get that?

None of you have made a case that there is wide spread pattern of voter fraud, though, to require it.

Require it to further ensure that no such pattern ever develops.

And the GOP should never hold itself open to attacks that our urge for Voter ID is actually a cover for voter suppression as has been alleged.

those allegations have never been proven, however, voter fraud has been proven. Acorn only existed to create fraudulent votes.

Lets face it, democrats do not want voter ID because they want undocumented people to be able to vote, dead people to be able to vote, and people to be able to cast multiple votes, stuffing the ballot boxes has been a democrat strategy for years.
Redfish, I am not arguing against voter ID, don't you get that?

None of you have made a case that there is wide spread pattern of voter fraud, though, to require it.

Require it to further ensure that no such pattern ever develops.

And the GOP should never hold itself open to attacks that our urge for Voter ID is actually a cover for voter suppression as has been alleged.

those allegations have never been proven, however, voter fraud has been proven. Acorn only existed to create fraudulent votes.

Let's face it, yes, those voter suppression charges were proven in several court cases last year.

No significant pattern of voter fraud has been proven; to say so otherwise is unfounded propaganda.
Redfish, I am not arguing against voter ID, don't you get that?

None of you have made a case that there is wide spread pattern of voter fraud, though, to require it.

Require it to further ensure that no such pattern ever develops.

And the GOP should never hold itself open to attacks that our urge for Voter ID is actually a cover for voter suppression as has been alleged.

those allegations have never been proven, however, voter fraud has been proven. Acorn only existed to create fraudulent votes.

Let's face it, yes, those voter suppression charges were proven in several court cases last year.

No significant pattern of voter fraud has been proven; to say so otherwise is unfounded propaganda.

Acorn was convicted of voter fraud, what planet are you on?
those allegations have never been proven, however, voter fraud has been proven. Acorn only existed to create fraudulent votes.

Let's face it, yes, those voter suppression charges were proven in several court cases last year.

No significant pattern of voter fraud has been proven; to say so otherwise is unfounded propaganda.

Acorn was convicted of voter fraud, what planet are you on?

Scattered and isolated Acorn cases are not patterns of massive voter fraud, and I like how you ducked the charges of Voter Suppression against our GOP.

Voter ID is the right way to go, but not because there is massive Dem voter fraud. Doesn't exist.

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