SCOTUS gives Trump the proverbial Middle Finger.

A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.

It's downright scary. They don't know they are in a cult.
There needs to be an intervention.
Then they all need to go to some recovery center and detox.

A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.
That is an untrue statement.....we just know how easy it is to fake leftyflu mailin ballots
How easy is it? Walk me through how you would cast a fake vote

A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.
That is an untrue statement.....we just know how easy it is to fake leftyflu mailin ballots
How easy is it? Walk me through how you would cast a fake vote
cute. as if you don't know. :)

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.
Trump is now 0-1 at the SCOTUS and 1-51 in all courts

View attachment 426708

There is zero chance of Trump winning in the SCOTUS.

Because these lawsuits are a joke.



A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.
That is an untrue statement.....we just know how easy it is to fake leftyflu mailin ballots
How easy is it? Walk me through how you would cast a fake vote
Sure.....mark it all Dem or just for Biden and scribble a signature, even a verifying signature.....about 20 seconds per fake ballot. These should take at least 2 minutes per to verify know, looking at a real voter signature on file to the one on the that would bee 260,000 minutes or 4333 hours. Seems like a bit of a daunting task unless you had about 1000 or so people verifying.
Not really. I think anyone who was leading a state race by 130,000 votes at midnight and woke up at say 6 to see he was behind would question the results.....especially when it happened in multiple states and all the libbers only vote by leftyflu mailin.

Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Even this friggin guy knows that Trumpers have been scammed and conned:
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers
Yes, conned. Made a fool of.
Running total of those who realize the Trumpsters have been conned:
  1. Trump-appointed judges
  2. Republican Governors
  3. State Supreme Courts
  4. The SCOTUS, as of today
  5. And pretty fucking much everyone else
Conned? You just elected a dementia patient who wears two diapers

And you voted for a former reality TV game show host...twice!!
And you're still enabling him...and opening your wallets for him as well.

Sorry, what does that say about your side? :)

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