SCOTUS gives Trump the proverbial Middle Finger.

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.

Do you realize that your hate of the President is hurting the forum, who here has a title that doesn't match with the forum rules on how to post a real headline of the article you posted?

This thread isn't likely to be tagged by the internet because it is YOUR own words, not the article headline.

By the way going through the legal system isn't in any way a coup attempt, that is your stupidity you push every day.
I don‘t hate Trump, I hate that Trump is attempting a coup against the USA especially with his attempts at strong arming Repub governors and legislators. And yes..SCOTUS gave a middle finger to Trump with its ruling no matter how that may hurt your overly sensitive feelings.
By the way going through the legal system isn't in any way a coup attempt
You have a point there. His corrupt attempts to influence elected officials and his thinly veiled signaling to his cult are the coup attempt.

He has failed to convince anyone of substance, all of it done in a legal manner and through the courts.

You need to drop this coup attempt idea completely since it was NEVER such a gambit from the start.

Trump has all along made legal pleas that gets rebuffed, there are no elements of coup attempt anywhere, that is YOUR delusion YOU are promoting.
Trumpers are the only morons that put their faith in known scammers and frauds. Now, the Texas AG that Trumpers are fawning over is under investigation for securities fraud. Paxton is so friggin corrupt is it any wonder he finds solidarity with fellow grifter Donald Trump.

Hey Trumpist, when this over there is a fort in San Antonio that the Texas AG will sell you.
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The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.

Do you realize that your hate of the President is hurting the forum, who here has a title that doesn't match with the forum rules on how to post a real headline of the article you posted?

This thread isn't likely to be tagged by the internet because it is YOUR own words, not the article headline.

By the way going through the legal system isn't in any way a coup attempt, that is your stupidity you push every day.
I don‘t hate Trump I hate that Trump is attempting a coup against the USA. And yes..SCOTUS gave a middle finger to Trump with its ruling no matter how that may hurt your overly sensitive feelings.

You leftists are getting stupider my the month, must be that corrosive hate you have for Trump to continually promote stupid conspiracies'

Encyclopedia Britannica

Coup d’état, also called coup, the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group. The chief prerequisite for a coup is control of all or part of the armed forces, the police, and other military elements. Unlike a revolution, which is usually achieved by large numbers of people working for basic social, economic, and political change, a coup is a change in power from the top that merely results in the abrupt replacement of leading government personnel........


No sign that he is using the Military, Police and the courts to overthrow a Presidency he still holds legally. He can't overthrow the Congress.....

He has lost a bucket load of court cases, how will that help your delusional claim that he is pursuing a coup?


A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.
SCOTUS will reject Texas's lawsuit, too.

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.

A one sentence refusal!
Turn out the lights and the party is over for Trump and his minions. Thank God!
The fat lady is singing to Trump!


The fat lady is singing to Pedo Joe Sniffer extraodinaire! Sorry but its the truth!

Trump will be your president for four more years. GOD BLESS HIM!

View attachment 426699
How does trump win? Please explain

A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.
the abundance of people who think everything 1 man says is a lie or attack on our constitution is frightening.

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.

Expect that so called suit brought by the Texas AG to be thrown out of the Supreme court too.

I would be surprised if they even agreed to hear the case.
Coup d’état, also called coup, the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.
Yes, exactly what Trump is fantasizing about when he makes a 46-minute Youtube speech right to his mouth-breathing "standby army". Sure, his "attempt" is as laughable and impotent as his entire presidency, but just because it is the best he can do does not make it any less an attempt on his part.

A one sentence refusal!
but they took on Texas vs. Sneaky States.

Hmmmm...maybe it's a better example.

No they didn't. That one was just filed today. I bet it lasts as long as the PA one did. A day. :)
The abundance of puppets that just believe everything Trump says is pretty unbelievable.
That is an untrue statement.....we just know how easy it is to fake leftyflu mailin ballots
The ride is almost over for Trump supporters. They'll scream loudly and continue to open their no avail.
Thanks for playing. Now go home!

Trump lost. Biden won. The people made their choice. The people decide elections. Not the courts.

Donnie’s personal treasure chest stilleth overfloweth ~ 300m to date. Soon that’ll be mostly as much as Dada left him. Bigly

SCOTUS slammed the brakes on Trump's attempted coup against the newly elected government of the United States of America and rejected his and the GOP's bid to reverse the Pennsylvania's election results.

Expect that so called suit brought by the Texas AG to be thrown out of the Supreme court too.

I would be surprised if they even agreed to hear the case.
Paxton’s lawsuit is dead in the water.

The SCOTUS rejects Trump's attempted coup against the United States of American and rejects the GOP bid to reverse Pennsylvania's election results.
Hard to overturn those fake leftyflu mailin ballots
Well if there was evidence that there were fake ballots then a court would take action. No evidence no action. All y’all got is empty words and accusations. Grow up
Give me a break. Trying to prove massive mailin fraud would be extremely difficult, almost a difficult as verifying some 130,000 mailins in just about 7 hours overnight by a handful of counters, all for Sleepy Joe.
If it can’t be proved then why is POTUS claiming that it happened like it’s fact. Rather irresponsible don’t you think?

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