SCOTUS: "God save the United States and this Honorable Court!"

Town meetings in some small upstate town in NY commence with a prayer.

Does this ESTABLISH an official religion? Honest answer: nope.

Does it prohibit any people from freely exercising their own respective religions? honest answer again: nope.

There ya go. That's all the SCOTUS needs to do to properly and correctly answer the "question" before them.

First Amendment not violated. End of story.
No way should prayer be forced on anyone - especially in a meating for the goverment.

Why is that such a dificult concept to understand?

Whose forcing anyone to pray?

If some guy says a prayer before a town meeting in Greece, NY, then EVERYONE is being forced to pray!

And accept that religion.

Or else.

At gunpoint.

This is why the Founders and the Framers wisely built a high wall of separation 'tween church and state.

Oh wait. That's not exactly what they did.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .

Actually if you read the first amendment correctly it says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion............ there is no such thing as separation of church and state. There is no law against praying on public grounds or in schools. If we did have that and was the intent we would not have a Congressional Chaplain, and congress does not apply to any other political entity state government, City council, county commissioners.
Whose forcing anyone to pray?

If some guy says a prayer before a town meeting in Greece, NY, then EVERYONE is being forced to pray!

And accept that religion.

Or else.

At gunpoint.

This is why the Founders and the Framers wisely built a high wall of separation 'tween church and state.

Oh wait. That's not exactly what they did.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .

Actually if you read the first amendment correctly it says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion............ there is no such thing as separation of church and state. There is no law against praying on public grounds or in schools. If we did have that and was the intent we would not have a Congressional Chaplain, and congress does not apply to any other political entity state government, City council, county commissioners.

"Actually?" Not only have I read it, I quoted it.

And the point of my prior post was to mock the contention that there is any Constitutional provision establishing or requiring any "wall" of "separation" between church and state. Jefferson's somewhat offhand characterization is not the same thing as the First Amendment.
If some guy says a prayer before a town meeting in Greece, NY, then EVERYONE is being forced to pray!

And accept that religion.

Or else.

At gunpoint.

This is why the Founders and the Framers wisely built a high wall of separation 'tween church and state.

Oh wait. That's not exactly what they did.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .

Actually if you read the first amendment correctly it says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion............ there is no such thing as separation of church and state. There is no law against praying on public grounds or in schools. If we did have that and was the intent we would not have a Congressional Chaplain, and congress does not apply to any other political entity state government, City council, county commissioners.

"Actually?" Not only have I read it, I quoted it.

And the point of my prior post was to mock the contention that there is any Constitutional provision establishing or requiring any "wall" of "separation" between church and state. Jefferson's somewhat offhand characterization is not the same thing as the First Amendment.

The post I made is a cut and paste I have made for religion debates. It's not directed at you just a few points I wanted to address.
This Town Hall meeting of Greece New York shall now come to order.

All rise.

Bow your heads. ALL of you stand and BOW your heads!

Accept Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, as your personal Savior.

Step forward and get baptized.

{pause in proceedings for compliance}

Confess your worthlessness before the Almighty and Everliving God.

By the rules and bylaws, any who refuse to do as now commanded shall be taken out and shot at dawn. So say us all.

We now Pray:

Dear God, Thank you for permitting us to meet here, today, to address the business of the town in this free land. Bless our endeavors. Protect us all. Preserve our Union. Keep Holy our Constitution, well, except for that First Amendment stuff. Let us not permit anyone to work in town government who fails to accept your one true religion.


Ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated. The clerk shall now call the roll. Silence while the town hall meeting is ongoing, except for those actually authorized to speak (and unless the Holy Spirit moves you to bear Witness for the Lord).

^ Actual liberal "view" of a simple invocation prayer at a town hall meeting. :lol:

No. Really. THIS is the kind of shit that worries the libs. No joke.
Oh, so that's who the Founders were Referring to...



They were vague enough to allow that interpretation, yes.

An interpretation by the way, that goes perfectly with your argument against gay marriage.

So you get your inalienable right from your parents?

Then why the bedtime, the curfew and all those other pesky "rules of the house" stuff?

Kinda difficult to invoke my right to the pursuit of happiness as an 8 year old with an imposed bedtime of 8 pm.

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