SCOTUS Over Rules 5th. Circuit On Texas Abortion Law.

No, "The SCOTUS's conservative Justices are" not "following a Carl Rove/Dick Cheney play plan designed to enrage conservatives to hopefully vote republican in a couple weeks."

The conservative justices refused to hear the cases until they HAVE TO hear a case, which does not appear to going to happen anytime soon.

I dunno why the justices refused to hear the case. I'd guess that they are concerned with the implications of binding precedent in the issue. So they are allowing the lower courts to establish uniformity of law one circuit district at a time. But that's at best, an informed guess. At worst, pure speculation.
Wow, look at all these so-called "Right To Life" and so-called "Christians" dancing on the head of pin as they seek to justify their double speak. The law itself was and is overturned.

The law in and of itself CANNOT BE ENFORCED.

Life does not now, nor in past ever begin at conception. It begins at birth.

If you do not want "The Government Involved In Health Care", you cannot talk out the other side of you totally hypocritically challenged mouth and say Texas does have the right to deny a Woman a Medical Procedure, which is what Abortion is.
The Texas law defined the length, width, and height of an abortion clinic's rooms. I'd say that was definitely government intrusion.

The law also stated what qualifications an abortion doctor has to have. I'd say that was definitely government intrusion.

These, and other things like wanding women before an abortion, are hurting the pro-life cause. A super-majority of Americans are in favor of banning abortions beyond 20 weeks. If the extremist tards who write these bills would stop piling on stupid and punitive measures, the pro-life movement would make much more headway.
Texas won't be happy until Guvnuh Rick is in the pre-natal screening room showing the mothers pictures of abortions and aftermath.
Another thread proving that the far left hate women and do not want women to have hospital style conditions for their medical procedures.

Then again they might compare having an abortion as the same as going to see a dentist..
Texas won't be happy until Guvnuh Rick is in the pre-natal screening room showing the mothers pictures of abortions and aftermath.

Laughing...he'd probably just have them up on a monitor. He'd need his arms free for pumping those transvaginal wands.
Wow, look at all these so-called "Right To Life" and so-called "Christians" dancing on the head of pin as they seek to justify their double speak. The law itself was and is overturned.

The law in and of itself CANNOT BE ENFORCED.

Here's the actual wording of their brief:

(ORDER LIST: 574 U.S.)
The application to vacate stay of final judgment pending
appeal presented to Justice Scalia and by him referred to the
court is granted in part and denied in part. The Court of
Appeals’ stay order with reference to the district court’s order
enjoining the admitting-privileges requirement as applied to the
McAllen and El Paso clinics is vacated. The Court of Appeals’
stay order with reference to the district court’s order enjoining
the ambulatory surgical center requirement is vacated. The
application is denied in all other respects.
Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, and Justice Alito would
deny the application in its entirety.

I don't know if that's a final ruling. But its at the very least some breathing room.
The Texas law defined the length, width, and height of an abortion clinic's rooms. I'd say that was definitely government intrusion.

The law also stated what qualifications an abortion doctor has to have. I'd say that was definitely government intrusion.

These, and other things like wanding women before an abortion, are hurting the pro-life cause. A super-majority of Americans are in favor of banning abortions beyond 20 weeks. If the extremist tards who write these bills would stop piling on stupid and punitive measures, the pro-life movement would make much more headway.

The tards believe they have the right to decide for others what should happen behind the door of the Doctor's Office or the Operating Room.

They are the first to rail against "Government Intrusion", yet demand at the same time that the same government they do not want in their private life, do exactly what they do not want it to do.

When the now convicted on bribery charges former Virginia Republican Bob McDonnell was all set to sign the highly invasive and medically unnecessary Transvaginal probe law, they were all about supporting it. Not seeing the fact that they were supporting the government engaging a medical procedure that they would have otherwise protested as an invasion of privacy.

The disconnect between their words and their actions remains a matter of record.
They are the first to rail against "Government Intrusion", yet demand at the same time that the same government they do not want in their private life, do exactly what they do not want it to do.

"Government Intrusion' means federal intrusion. Many conservatives want that power with the State. And once there, they want to put their dick all up in your business. Regulating religion, criminalizing abortion, regulating your sex life (but only the stuff they don't like. You can fuck your wife in the ass anytime she'll let you), regulate speech.

And don't get me started on Dominion Christianity. That's shit is scary.
They are the first to rail against "Government Intrusion", yet demand at the same time that the same government they do not want in their private life, do exactly what they do not want it to do.

"Government Intrusion' means federal intrusion. Many conservatives want that power with the State. And once there, they want to put their dick all up in your business. Regulating religion, criminalizing abortion, regulating your sex life (but only the stuff they don't like. You can fuck your wife in the ass anytime she'll let you), regulate speech.

And don't get me started on Dominion Christianity. That's shit is scary.

And those that far left drones that supported Obamacare did not understand the dangers of a law that most Americans did not want.

Obmacare paves the way!
And those that far left drones that supported Obamacare did not understand the dangers of a law that most Americans did not want.

Obmacare paves the way!

Obamacare didn't set any unnecessarily high standards for abortion clinics that forced them to close. That would be the inept Texas legislature. So incompetent that they ended up robbing the very women they claimed to serve of the safe, affordable and local services they had been using without significant incident for 30 years. Until Austin decided to 'help them' with a solution in search of a problem.

Ah, the law of unintended consequences. Predictably incompetent Big State government thought they knew better how to handle local issues and were going to 'improve' healthcare for poor women. The result? These idiots inadvertently shut down most of the clinics in the State.

Way to 'help women', morons. Thankfully, the USSC stepped in started helped clean up the mess made by Big State Government incompetence.
And those that far left drones that supported Obamacare did not understand the dangers of a law that most Americans did not want.

Obmacare paves the way!

Obamacare didn't set any unnecessarily high standards for abortion clinics that forced them to close. That would be the inept Texas legislature. So incompetent that they ended up robbing the very women they claimed to serve of the safe, affordable and local services they had been using without significant incident for 30 years. Until Austin decided to 'help them' with a solution in search of a problem.

Ah, the law of unintended consequences. Predictably incompetent Big State government thought they knew better how to handle local issues and were going to 'improve' healthcare for poor women. The result? These idiots inadvertently shut down most of the clinics in the State.

Way to 'help women', morons. Thankfully, the USSC stepped in started helped clean up the mess made by Big State Government incompetence.

Yes we know the far left truly hates women this thread makes it very clear.

Yet Obaamcare paves the way for such things and the far left complains..

Then again the far left continues to demonstrate how much they do not read anything beyond the programmed talking points..
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When the now convicted on bribery charges former Virginia Republican Bob McDonnell was all set to sign the highly invasive and medically unnecessary Transvaginal probe law, they were all about supporting it. Not seeing the fact that they were supporting the government engaging a medical procedure that they would have otherwise protested as an invasion of privacy.

The disconnect between their words and their actions remains a matter of record.

Many abortions do involve the use of the transvaginal ultrasound. So their use wasn't particularly egregious. Its a tool. The part that floored me is where old white guys decided that such transvaginial ultrasounds were MANDATORY, regardless of what the woman or her doctor thought were necessary.

These medical decisions should be left to a woman and her doctors. Old white republican dudes in a state legislature hall have no part it in it.
And those that far left drones that supported Obamacare did not understand the dangers of a law that most Americans did not want.

Obmacare paves the way!

Obamacare didn't set any unnecessarily high standards for abortion clinics that forced them to close. That would be the inept Texas legislature. So incompetent that they ended up robbing the very women they claimed to serve of the safe, affordable and local services they had been using without significant incident for 30 years. Until Austin decided to 'help them' with a solution in search of a problem.

Ah, the law of unintended consequences. Predictably incompetent Big State government thought they knew better how to handle local issues and were going to 'improve' healthcare for poor women. The result? These idiots inadvertently shut down most of the clinics in the State.

Way to 'help women', morons. Thankfully, the USSC stepped in started helped clean up the mess made by Big State Government incompetence.

Yes we know the far left truly hates women this thread makes it very clear.

Yet Obaamcare paves the way for such things and the far left complains..

Then again the far left continues to demonstrate how much they do not read anything beyond the programmed talking points..

Thank you for getting the msg. It is a much better post: still wrong, of course, but much better and to the OP.
They are the first to rail against "Government Intrusion", yet demand at the same time that the same government they do not want in their private life, do exactly what they do not want it to do.

"Government Intrusion' means federal intrusion. Many conservatives want that power with the State. And once there, they want to put their dick all up in your business. Regulating religion, criminalizing abortion, regulating your sex life (but only the stuff they don't like. You can fuck your wife in the ass anytime she'll let you), regulate speech.

And don't get me started on Dominion Christianity. That's shit is scary.
True, that most conservatives are inconsistent in this regard is infamous, they have no problem with the states violating the privacy rights, due process rights, voting rights, or equal protection rights of American citizens.
Murder is not a form of healthcare. It's a crime. The government should be involved in punishing and deterring crime as that is one of its few legitimate roles.

Abortion is in fact a medical procedure. You, as a ConJob believe that "The Government Should Be Involved In Health", unless you want "The Government" involved in Health Care.

Abortion is a MURDER procedure. The rest of your post makes no sense. I don't believe that the government should be involved in healthcare. I believe it should be involved in the criminal justice system and upholding the law, including laws that prohibit murder.

Just so you know, all you god fearing, mother loving, apple pie eating, girl you left knocked up back home christians.

IF you supported the War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq then you do not support the non-existent "Right To Life" Surely you would know that the U.S. Military Actions in those countries killed many "Unborn".

IF you support Capital Punishment, you do not support the "Right To Life". Capital Punishment is nothing more and nothing less than State Sanctioned First Degree Murder.

Our missions in Afghanistan and Iraq weren't murdering unborn children. When a criminal commits a crime that is punished with a death sentence, he is willfully voiding his own right to life. Choosing to throw away your own rights doesn't change the fact that killing babies, born or not, is MURDER.

Now stop trying to change the topic you lying liberal scumbag.
We do nuot have time for nonsense like "Abortion is a MURDER procedure."

It is a medical procedure, now run along.
Murder is not a form of healthcare. It's a crime. The government should be involved in punishing and deterring crime as that is one of its few legitimate roles.

Abortion is in fact a medical procedure. You, as a ConJob believe that "The Government Should Be Involved In Health", unless you want "The Government" involved in Health Care.
You have an opinion. Most people think abortion should be legal. Just not subsidized by taxpayers and certainly not as a means of birth control or convenience.
Just so you know, all you god fearing, mother loving, apple pie eating, girl you left knocked up back home christians.

IF you supported the War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq then you do not support the non-existent "Right To Life" Surely you would know that the U.S. Military Actions in those countries killed many "Unborn".

IF you support Capital Punishment, you do not support the "Right To Life". Capital Punishment is nothing more and nothing less than State Sanctioned First Degree Murder.
Calm down, you bed wetter.
BTW, the ruling will have zero effect on the situation. There is always permitting and zoning hurdles which any municipality can make as high as they want.
Ain't freedom and self determination wonderful.
All of the court decisions imaginable cannot end one important thing. Contemporary community standards.
For example. In a town not far from here, liquor by the drink has been legal for about ten years. Yet, not one single tavern has been opened nor has anyone applied for a permit.
Why? Because while the vote was in favor of the referendum, the town government has placed so many hurdles in the way, it's just not worth the effort.
Simply put, the decisions of courts only go as far as the public's willingness to comply.

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