Screw ebola, this is actually a thing!

If these people really believe someone is killing babies why are they sitting around banging away on a keyboard. Get out there and do something already! Man up!
Voters are stupid! That is the motto for every elected official in Washington.

This is the best example of why Washington believes the statement.

Republicans and Democrats will pretend to stand on separate sides of the aisle on the abortion debate, however, they both believe in population control, and what better way to achieve this than to have people legally kill other people.

You can argue that a fetus is not a person all you want, doesn't matter in this statement, a fetus will develop into a person, in most cases, thus, the politicians will continue to let idiotic Americans kill their own children, and do so legally.

Anyone who refuses to see the games politicians play, and have played for decades, will continue to be the most gullible people on the planet, and will believe whatever their party tells them to believe. Washington loves it, when people use a hive brain. Far right and left wingers are controllable puppets, and deserve whatever they get.

Let's be real. Those 765,651 souls would most likely be liberals if they were going to be political at all. Let's say 700,000 survived to adulthood. And 70% would grow up to be politically inclined by their mothers who were liberal.

That's 11,718,000 possible Democratic votes these women killed off when they reach the age of majority. So there!
Mark Zuckerberg Puts Up 25 Million to Fight Ebola TG Daily

The money Zuckerman is donating will go to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As the Hollywood Reporter tells us, Zuckerman is upping the ante from Paul Allen, who gave $9 million to fight the disease.
Read more at Mark Zuckerberg Puts Up 25 Million to Fight Ebola TG Daily

It's Zuckerberg but $25 million is substantial enough to make a difference.

Screwing Ebola isn't an option. I don't know what gets into some of the posters here.
"In 2010, 765,651 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2010 was 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years and the abortion ratio was 228 abortions per 1,000 live births."
CDC - Data and Statistics - Reproductive Health

765,651 dead babies in 1 year in the US.

thanks for your ". opinion" if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

now stay out of women's business.

Roe v. Wade LII Legal Information Institute
"In 2010, 765,651 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2010 was 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years and the abortion ratio was 228 abortions per 1,000 live births."
CDC - Data and Statistics - Reproductive Health

765,651 dead babies in 1 year in the US.

Had the abortions not occured, there would likely be an additional million or so (the new children and impoverished parents) added to welfare roles, unemployment lines, and future prisons.

Why in the world do you encourage rampent reproduction in a world that is already overpopulated? Do you have a societal death wish?

Population control is absolutely essential.
I had an abortion once. It was perhaps one of the best choices of my life.

Not so much for the other party involved in your decision though

there was no "party" involved. there was a group of cells. again, if you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

How do you know what was involved since it was not your abortion? we are all "groups of cells"

yokie dokie...
"In 2010, 765,651 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2010 was 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years and the abortion ratio was 228 abortions per 1,000 live births."
CDC - Data and Statistics - Reproductive Health

765,651 dead babies in 1 year in the US.

Had the abortions not occured, there would likely be an additional million or so (the new children and impoverished parents) added to welfare roles, unemployment lines, and future prisons.

Why in the world do you encourage rampent reproduction in a world that is already overpopulated? Do you have a societal death wish?

Population control is absolutely essential.

If we had those people here today, maybe we wouldn't need the slave labor from Mexico.
I wonder if anyone who is so against abortions ever faced the choice. When you need to choose between having a baby that you don't want and can't have, between being ready for crucial changes in your body, mind and time for the next three years minimum... and an abortion, actually?
There's no right choice here, sorry. And it's private matter, and the state can't be involved in it.

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