Screwed up thinking of anti-gun crowd


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What's wrong with the thinking here? First, she says that the stand your ground laws are disproportionely enforced. Who actually enforces laws? The cops. They think people will only defend themselves against minority attackers? Seriously? Oh, wait, the guy coming toward my bed at 3:00 a.m. is white so I'll let him rape or murder me. Apparently, that is what liberals are suggesting here. It's not that people only defend themselves against minorities, it's that the odds of being a victim of a minority criminal is greater. That is a fact. I don't make up statistics. They are what they are. Liberals are careful to obey the politcal correctness rule rather than actually take an honest look at the problem. It's more policially beneficial to ignore the root of the problem and simply use the disastrous results to their advantage, namely their quest to disarm the people as a necessary step towards the liberal utopia known as socialism/communism.

Next she says that only cops should have weapons. If you awake in the middle of the night to find a rapist or murderer coming toward your bed, well, it just sucks to be you. The police will be there eventually, along with the guy whose job it is to draw chalk lines around the body and take pictures of the crime scene. Too late for you, but they'll investigate. Liberals won't mourn for you because innocent people dying in their own homes at the hands of deranged criminals is a good thing. The only thing that makes liberals sad is perpetrators dying too young just because society failed them and they rob/rape/kill people as a result. You shouldn't be able to defend yourself or your children from intruders. Only criminals and police should have guns. This would really ease the overpopulated cities. Besides, armed, free thinking people are a bitch to control.

Another woman noted that Stand Your Ground laws needed to be changed because they're being "disproportionately enforced by racist people against people of color." Additionally, when asked by MRCTV if you should be able to use a firearm to defend yourself against someone who is putting your life in danger, the same woman said, "No...only a law enforcement officer should be allowed to use weapons."

Joseph pressed her, asking: "So, you're in the wrong place, you're screwed?"

Her response: "Yes."

NRA Protestors: 'Second Amendment, That's Baloney!' | CNS News
And these people vote. I won't check for skin color if some one comes at me, my 12ga doesn't discriminate.
As a former large city cop, let me just add......police have (supposedly) enforcing laws for decades with racist intent since they enforce laws disproportionately against minorities.

The stats don't lie. More street crimes are committed by minorities. Now, I add that poverty and culture has far more to do with it than race, since if you go to a dirt poor shithole trailor park full of white trash, you get the same high crime. But, more minorities are in poverty.

Facts and stats are just that. And yes, more crime is committed by minorities, so naturally ANY law will be enforced more on people who commit more crime.

That woman is an idiot.
As a former large city cop, let me just add......police have (supposedly) enforcing laws for decades with racist intent since they enforce laws disproportionately against minorities.

The stats don't lie. More street crimes are committed by minorities. Now, I add that poverty and culture has far more to do with it than race, since if you go to a dirt poor shithole trailor park full of white trash, you get the same high crime. But, more minorities are in poverty.

Facts and stats are just that. And yes, more crime is committed by minorities, so naturally ANY law will be enforced more on people who commit more crime.

That woman is an idiot.

I agree. It's important to understand why some cannot break from poverty. Too many single family households and no role models is another part of it.

If we don't address the root of it, beginning with dysfunctional parents, who came from dysfunctional families, and so on, and change that then the problem will continue to get worse. I have met kids from such families and they have no respect for authority and give you dirty looks if you want them to pay attention at school. I saw a lot of that when I volunteered at my kids' school. Those kids have no direction and the parents aren't doing their job at all. That means the kids usually band together, often forming gangs, and they get "educated" by other streetwise thugs. The thought of finishing school and doing things in a mainstream way is both foreign and unappealing to them. They'll end up on the street, using and/or selling drugs, stealing to get by and often committing acts of violence. The girls end up pregnant and alone with a grim future. Their children are at high risk of being the next generation of criminals. If we don't find a way to break the vicious cycle, we will continue to see children growing up in dysfunctional homes and they don't stand much of a chance of getting out of poverty or the life of crime often associated with it.

Meanwhile, we cannot allow ourselves to become victims of those who have taken the wrong path.

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