SEALs shoot unarmed minority in his own home under Obamas orders!!!!!

Just sayin....Obama could've ordered he be taken...ALIVE...if at all possible.

He was unarmed.

He could've been taken alive.

Obama should answer to this. How much intel and propaganda did we lose out on by Obama ordering what happened?
you are playing STUPID today Bucs....

Osama captured would have made us UNSAFE....moreso than killing him.... this was the talk of the town when Bush first issued his DEAD OR ALIVE comment.... this saved lives....and it also showed that Allah, was incorrect and did not go out to save Osama, in the minds of others of like thinking re: Osama.

My instinct would have been to capture him alive, early on, where information would have been pertinent...but Bush and others convinced me that this would NOT be good for America and its citizens and Millitary's safety.

But he was unarmed. In a country we are not at war with. In his home. His status was because of what he orchestrated on US soil.

Having him alive would NOT have made more danger for us. Gitmo is there for a reason.

He ordered an unarmed man to be killed in his own home in a place we are not at war. This "Chief" should resign.
We've never been at war with a country regarding Osama, this has always been a "war on Terrorism"...ask President Bush....

This is a war on terrorism and President Bush himself said we will go where ever we feel necessary to fight terrorism and those who support terrorism..."you are either with us, or against us"....
Only two possible things happened:

1- Obama ordered this unarmed minority to be his own home...for acts on US soil without due process.


2- SEALS fucked up under stress (haha...yeah...not likely)

So....which happened?
Nobody gives a crap. Nobody cares. War does not require following your uneducated and misinformed opinions about legal and illegal methods of warfare. Everyone is happy he is dead and gone and satisfied his killing was legal and appropriate except for you and perhaps some of our disgruntled enemies in al Qaeda and their followers.
Osama Bin Laden Unarmed When Killed White House Says - ABC News

Wow. UNARMED minority was shot and killed inside his own home. Obama ordered this and used the worlds best trained close quarters marksmen.

This man was wanted for "crimes" committed on US soil. So he should've been arrested.

But...under Obamas leadership. ..they killed him and he was unarmed.

Why couldnt they have tazed him or shot his knee??

Libs...why didnt you demand this "Chief" resign.????

It was a 1st degree conspiratorial murder. I agree. People should be charged including the President. So obviously illegal in fact those SEALs had to resign from the Navy before they could be contracted out by CIA for the mission. Woulda been illegal to do it on active duty (the things we choose to care about.) that true? Havent heard that before.

Not shedding any tears for him understand, but if only because it makes us look like the bad guy the ObL shoulda resulted in criminal prosecutions for US politicians and personnel.

"David Scheffer, director of the Northwestern University School of Law Center for International Human Rights, said the fact that bin Laden had previously been indicted in 1998 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for conspiracy to attack U.S. defense installations was a complicating factor. "Normally when an individual is under indictment the purpose is to capture that person in order to bring him to court to try him ... The object is not to literally summarily execute him if he's under indictment."[192] Scheffer and another expert opined that it was important to determine whether the mission was to capture bin Laden or to kill him. If the Navy SEALs were instructed to kill bin Laden without trying first to capture him, it "may have violated American ideals if not international law.""
Death of Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Reason the SEALs had to resign frist was US military personnel invading Pakistan and murdering someone is an act of war. Civilian CIA contractors doing it isn't.
Osama Bin Laden Unarmed When Killed White House Says - ABC News

Wow. UNARMED minority was shot and killed inside his own home. Obama ordered this and used the worlds best trained close quarters marksmen.

This man was wanted for "crimes" committed on US soil. So he should've been arrested.

But...under Obamas leadership. ..they killed him and he was unarmed.

Why couldnt they have tazed him or shot his knee??

Libs...why didnt you demand this "Chief" resign.????
Buc this is old news....cant do anything about this now....its history.....what do you want someone to say or do?....
He believes that capturing and transporting a belligerent in a hostile territory is some how close to police work in apprehending subjects in the USA.....
bucs90, the OP is always there to defend cops who shoot unarmed, uncharged or indicted Americans is whining about a terrorist shot in an act of war.
Well...I see the liberals responded like retards as usual. Not a single logical response.

Why couldnt SEALs shoot him in the knee and take him alive? Did Obama not want the intel?
bucs90, the OP is always there to defend cops who shoot unarmed, uncharged or indicted Americans is whining about a terrorist shot in an act of war.

We were never at war with Pakistan. Try again....
Osama Bin Laden Unarmed When Killed White House Says - ABC News

Wow. UNARMED minority was shot and killed inside his own home. Obama ordered this and used the worlds best trained close quarters marksmen.

This man was wanted for "crimes" committed on US soil. So he should've been arrested.

But...under Obamas leadership. ..they killed him and he was unarmed.

Why couldnt they have tazed him or shot his knee??

Libs...why didnt you demand this "Chief" resign.????
Youre wrong on numerous counts. For one white people are the minority where Osama lived. For two Osama was the person that actually attacked the US instead of the embarrassment Bush provided this country by getting distracted and attacking the wrong country either due to stupidity or ineptitude.
Osama Bin Laden Unarmed When Killed White House Says - ABC News

Wow. UNARMED minority was shot and killed inside his own home. Obama ordered this and used the worlds best trained close quarters marksmen.

This man was wanted for "crimes" committed on US soil. So he should've been arrested.

But...under Obamas leadership. ..they killed him and he was unarmed.

Why couldnt they have tazed him or shot his knee??

Libs...why didnt you demand this "Chief" resign.????
Buc this is old news....cant do anything about this now....its history.....what do you want someone to say or do?....
He believes that capturing and transporting a belligerent in a hostile territory is some how close to police work in apprehending subjects in the USA.....

No I didnt. But its clearly possible. We caught Saddam. And Gitmo is full of them.

Why didnt they shoot Osama in the knee oe taze him and put him in Gitmo? Obama ordered an unarmed man shot in his own home...on soil we arent at war with.

Libs are ok with this? Hmmm.
Well...I see the liberals responded like retards as usual. Not a single logical response.

Why couldnt SEALs shoot him in the knee and take him alive? Did Obama not want the intel?
Why don't police shot people in the ass instead of the back? Why do they empty their weapon into a suspect instead of wounding him? Why do you question the Navy SEALS version of events? Answer is obvious. You are both a hypocrite and a deranged Obama hater.
Osama Bin Laden Unarmed When Killed White House Says - ABC News

Wow. UNARMED minority was shot and killed inside his own home. Obama ordered this and used the worlds best trained close quarters marksmen.

This man was wanted for "crimes" committed on US soil. So he should've been arrested.

But...under Obamas leadership. ..they killed him and he was unarmed.

Why couldnt they have tazed him or shot his knee??

Libs...why didnt you demand this "Chief" resign.????
Buc this is old news....cant do anything about this now....its history.....what do you want someone to say or do?....
He believes that capturing and transporting a belligerent in a hostile territory is some how close to police work in apprehending subjects in the USA.....

No I didnt. But its clearly possible. We caught Saddam. And Gitmo is full of them.

Why didnt they shoot Osama in the knee oe taze him and put him in Gitmo? Obama ordered an unarmed man shot in his own home...on soil we arent at war with.

Libs are ok with this? Hmmm.
You should ask the POTUS why or if he ordered Osama killed instead of brought to face trial. I'm ok with it. I dont speak for all Libs though.
Well...I see the liberals responded like retards as usual. Not a single logical response.

Why couldnt SEALs shoot him in the knee and take him alive? Did Obama not want the intel?
Why don't police shot people in the ass instead of the back? Why do they empty their weapon into a suspect instead of wounding him? Why do you question the Navy SEALS version of events? Answer is obvious. You are both a hypocrite and a deranged Obama hater.

Good points. So which is it? Did Obama order them not to take him alive? They easily could have.
I see liberals detest "militarized" men going after evil doers here inside America. ....but are more than happy to support Obama sending elite militarized units into other people's land...who we arent at war kill unarmed men.

Hmmm....thats very imperialist of you libs.
bucs90, the OP is always there to defend cops who shoot unarmed, uncharged or indicted Americans is whining about a terrorist shot in an act of war.

We were never at war with Pakistan. Try again....
ummm, we were never at war with Afghanistan either... we are in a war against terrorism....

We have terrorists at home. Are we at war here?
We were never in a war against the Country of, are all the deaths there not legitimate deaths, made by our military?

And didn't the Seals say his rifle was within reach hanging on the wall next to Osama?
bucs90, the OP is always there to defend cops who shoot unarmed, uncharged or indicted Americans is whining about a terrorist shot in an act of war.

We were never at war with Pakistan. Try again....
ummm, we were never at war with Afghanistan either... we are in a war against terrorism....

We have terrorists at home. Are we at war here?
We were never in a war against the Country of, are all the deaths there not legitimate deaths, made by our military?

And didn't the Seals say his rifle was within reach hanging on the wall next to Osama?

Maybe they werent.

It was within reach. But he didnt have it. He was unarmed. Why didnt Obama say shoot his knee or taze him? Huge intel we could get. We took Saddam alive. We filled Gitmo. We easily could have.

Chief Obama doest teach non lethal ways to take prisoners I suppose. He should resign.

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