SEALs shoot unarmed minority in his own home under Obamas orders!!!!!

Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

Link? And don't bother with some horseshit from mediamutters or Salon, etc.
Sure. Here is a link to you claiming to be a marine.

Fright night smashing pumpkins Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

First off, we Marines are nothing like your comic book or huffypo version of us.....Whe the light goes green we're it? That's what they pay us to be....period. So step off your high horse and judge somebody who has some respect for your opinion.....I have none.

And? You've lost this never won a single battle....continuing to stalk me flouting your loses is no longer's mental. Maybe Barry can get you a shrink.....I've advise hanging yourself.
"Reagan's hero"? You progs just invent shit....little wonder our enemies rely on you to be 5th column for them.

If anyone is to blame it's Jimmy Carter. He's the one who started arming the Mujahideen

One of their favorites is that Reagan armed bin Laden. Most of them don't know that Afghans aren't ARABS and that not a dime of money ever went to ARAB mooj. When you're as fact-averse as a prog, just make it up as they go along and ignore those who correct them....Then the next day they tell the same never ends.
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

So? Jimmuh was the one who started arming them. may go now
But not OBL, Reagan owns that.

Uhm, OBL joined the Mujahideen in 1979, the same time Carter started arming them. Best you study up and then comment. You look like a Reagan hating fool

And? You've lost this never won a single battle....continuing to stalk me flouting your loses is no longer's mental. Maybe Barry can get you a shrink.....I've advise hanging yourself.
And? You claimed you were a marine then lied and said you never said it. You dont find it odd that we all laugh at your attempts to be taken seriously after we caught you in such a huge lie? You steal valor and think its nothing? I am outraged you punk.
And? You claimed you were a marine then lied and said you never said it. You dont find it odd that we all laugh at your attempts to be taken seriously after we caught you in such a huge lie?

Read the "USMC" posts, that how I post? :lol:

hint for wigger: satire is cartoon characters....have a genuine white person explain that to ya.
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

Link? And don't bother with some horseshit from mediamutters or Salon, etc.
Rohrabacker represents Orange County and here is the local paper's report on their Rep:

Dr. Frankenbacher OC Weekly

It was called the Reagan Doctrine. In the eyes of Reagan officials bent on rolling back the Reds everywhere, Afghanistan exemplified the phrase "communist domination." By the time the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, the U.S government had lavished $3 billion in arms on the rebels, who, during the bloodiest days of the war, were downing an average of one Russian helicopter gunship per day.

"These weren't American weapons," said Rohrabacher. "By and large, it was done with Russian equipment bought from Egypt or one of the other states that was once allied with Russia but was now friendly to us. About the only American weapons they had were the Stinger missiles."

Roughly half the weapons the CIA supplied went to fundamentalist Afghan leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar—"one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders," according to Mary Ann Weaver's May 1996 article in The Atlantic Monthly. Another arms customer was the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, later convicted of involvement in the 1993 botched bombing of the World Trade Center.

Oh, and Osama bin Laden, the man whom George W. Bush says was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.

That fact bothers Rohrabacher considerably, and he tries to brush it off. "Bin Laden's people were funded by the Saudis themselves," he told the Weekly.

But he's wrong. During the Afghan war, the Saudis were, as they are today, doing America's bidding on the world stage. The CIA—at the behest of a White House, Congress and American media completely united in helping the Afghan rebels—was calling the shots. It is a fact Rohrabacher himself has acknowledged in the recent past.

"I witnessed this in the White House when U.S. officials in charge of the military aid program to the mujahideen permitted a large percentage of our assistance to be channeled to the most anti-Western, nondemocratic elements of the mujahideen," said Rohrabacher in an April 14, 1999, official statement on U.S. policy toward Afghanistan.

Rohrabacher saw firsthand evidence to support his claim. In November 1988, having just been elected to Congress, Rohrabacher took off on his first trip to Afghanistan. The anti-Soviet war was still raging as Rohrabacher set off on a five-day hike with an armed mujahideen patrol from Pakistan into eastern Afghanistan.

"We at one point in that march came across a camp of tents," Rohrabacher said of his visit to Jalalabad, then under siege by the Afghan rebels. "I was told at that point I must not speak English for at least another three hours because the people in those tents were Saudi Arabians under a crazy commander named bin Laden and that bin Laden was so crazy that he wanted to kill Americans as much as he wanted to kill Russians."
And? You claimed you were a marine then lied and said you never said it. You dont find it odd that we all laugh at your attempts to be taken seriously after we caught you in such a huge lie?

Read the USMC posts, that how I post? :lol:
I did read them. You claimed to be a marine. Then you lied and said you never made such a claim. Face it. You are a liar and petty thief of valor. Youre like a sack of shit with a mouth, fingers and a keyboard..
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

Link? And don't bother with some horseshit from mediamutters or Salon, etc.
Rohrabacker represents Orange County and here is the local paper's report on their Rep:

Dr. Frankenbacher OC Weekly

It was called the Reagan Doctrine. In the eyes of Reagan officials bent on rolling back the Reds everywhere, Afghanistan exemplified the phrase "communist domination." By the time the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, the U.S government had lavished $3 billion in arms on the rebels, who, during the bloodiest days of the war, were downing an average of one Russian helicopter gunship per day.

"These weren't American weapons," said Rohrabacher. "By and large, it was done with Russian equipment bought from Egypt or one of the other states that was once allied with Russia but was now friendly to us. About the only American weapons they had were the Stinger missiles."

Roughly half the weapons the CIA supplied went to fundamentalist Afghan leader Gulbeddin Hekmatyar—"one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders," according to Mary Ann Weaver's May 1996 article in The Atlantic Monthly. Another arms customer was the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman, later convicted of involvement in the 1993 botched bombing of the World Trade Center.

Oh, and Osama bin Laden, the man whom George W. Bush says was behind the Sept. 11 attacks.

That fact bothers Rohrabacher considerably, and he tries to brush it off. "Bin Laden's people were funded by the Saudis themselves," he told the Weekly.

But he's wrong. During the Afghan war, the Saudis were, as they are today, doing America's bidding on the world stage. The CIA—at the behest of a White House, Congress and American media completely united in helping the Afghan rebels—was calling the shots. It is a fact Rohrabacher himself has acknowledged in the recent past.

"I witnessed this in the White House when U.S. officials in charge of the military aid program to the mujahideen permitted a large percentage of our assistance to be channeled to the most anti-Western, nondemocratic elements of the mujahideen," said Rohrabacher in an April 14, 1999, official statement on U.S. policy toward Afghanistan.

Rohrabacher saw firsthand evidence to support his claim. In November 1988, having just been elected to Congress, Rohrabacher took off on his first trip to Afghanistan. The anti-Soviet war was still raging as Rohrabacher set off on a five-day hike with an armed mujahideen patrol from Pakistan into eastern Afghanistan.

"We at one point in that march came across a camp of tents," Rohrabacher said of his visit to Jalalabad, then under siege by the Afghan rebels. "I was told at that point I must not speak English for at least another three hours because the people in those tents were Saudi Arabians under a crazy commander named bin Laden and that bin Laden was so crazy that he wanted to kill Americans as much as he wanted to kill Russians."

You can post until you are blue in the face. I know it started under Carter and it was to the Mujahideen. I'll let you in on something, the USN helped think father was career USN. Get it now? You cannot win this
Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen prior to and during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, from 1979 to 1989. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favoured by neighbouring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Marxist-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan regime since before the Soviet intervention[citation needed]. Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken;[1] funding began with $20–$30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per year in 1987.[2] Funding continued after 1989 as the mujahideen battled the forces of Mohammad Najibullah's PDPA during the civil war in Afghanistan (1989–1992).[3]
Is it possible AFGHAN mooj gave some of the russian-made weapons we supplied to them to OBL's ARAB mooj....possible but unlikely as OBL had enough of daddy's money to buy his own on the arms market. The only American weapons supplied were Stinger shoulder-fired missiles and they soon became as useless as the duds Ollie sold to the Iranians. :badgrin:
If anyone is to blame it's Jimmy Carter. He's the one who started arming the Mujahideen

One of their favorites is that Reagan armed bin Laden. Most of them don't know that Afghans aren't ARABS and that not a dime of money ever went to ARAB mooj. When you're as fact-averse as a prog, just make it up as they go along and ignore those who correct them....Then the next day they tell the same never ends.
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

So? Jimmuh was the one who started arming them. may go now
But not OBL, Reagan owns that.

Uhm, OBL joined the Mujahideen in 1979, the same time Carter started arming them. Best you study up and then comment. You look like a Reagan hating fool
How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden News One

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly and CIA Paramilitary Officers played a big role in training, arming and sometimes even leading mujahideen forces.

The CIA trained the mujahideen in many of the tactics Al Qaeda is known for today, such as car bombs, assassinations and other acts that would be considered terrorism today.

The U.S.A. would fund Gulbuddin Hekmatyar a mujahideen leader and alleged heroin dealer who worked closely with Bin Laden. Hekmaytyar and his political party/paramilitary group would receive more than $600 million from the USA. Author, Alfred McCoy, would claim that the CIA supported Hekmatyar in his illicit heroin trade to allow him to fund the mujahideen.Like Bin Laden, Hekmatyar has also become an enemy of the U.S., waging a war against coalition forces in Afghanistan after 2001.
One of their favorites is that Reagan armed bin Laden. Most of them don't know that Afghans aren't ARABS and that not a dime of money ever went to ARAB mooj. When you're as fact-averse as a prog, just make it up as they go along and ignore those who correct them....Then the next day they tell the same never ends.
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

So? Jimmuh was the one who started arming them. may go now
But not OBL, Reagan owns that.

Uhm, OBL joined the Mujahideen in 1979, the same time Carter started arming them. Best you study up and then comment. You look like a Reagan hating fool
How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden News One

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly and CIA Paramilitary Officers played a big role in training, arming and sometimes even leading mujahideen forces.

The CIA trained the mujahideen in many of the tactics Al Qaeda is known for today, such as car bombs, assassinations and other acts that would be considered terrorism today.

The U.S.A. would fund Gulbuddin Hekmatyar a mujahideen leader and alleged heroin dealer who worked closely with Bin Laden. Hekmaytyar and his political party/paramilitary group would receive more than $600 million from the USA. Author, Alfred McCoy, would claim that the CIA supported Hekmatyar in his illicit heroin trade to allow him to fund the mujahideen.Like Bin Laden, Hekmatyar has also become an enemy of the U.S., waging a war against coalition forces in Afghanistan after 2001.

For the last fucking time, Carter started it in 1979, my father was there, he told me all about it. Your own link tells you AFTER Reagan was elected funding increased. Didn't you read your own article? I highlighted it for you
Blah blah blah...from your link:

:badgrin: Rohrabacher met with Ahmed Shah Massoud of the Northern Alliance, not OBL and he was not a Reagan admin just got BUSTED ya lying sack of shit.
The part of the Rohrabacker confession link you ignored:

In November 1988, having just been elected to Congress, Rohrabacher took off on his first trip to Afghanistan. The anti-Soviet war was still raging as Rohrabacher set off on a five-day hike with an armed mujahideen patrol from Pakistan into eastern Afghanistan.

"We at one point in that march came across a camp of tents," Rohrabacher said of his visit to Jalalabad, then under siege by the Afghan rebels. "I was told at that point I must not speak English for at least another three hours because the people in those tents were Saudi Arabians under a crazy commander named bin Laden and that bin Laden was so crazy that he wanted to kill Americans as much as he wanted to kill Russians."
I just wanted liberals to clarify when its ok to shoot an unarmed man. Their Savior ordered it...possibly in an illegal operation at that. Just wonder if they're ok with that.
Dana Tyrone Rohrabacher (R-CA), St Ronnie's missile envoy to the "Freedom Fighters" brags about meeting OBL during one of his missile supply runs.

So? Jimmuh was the one who started arming them. may go now
But not OBL, Reagan owns that.

Uhm, OBL joined the Mujahideen in 1979, the same time Carter started arming them. Best you study up and then comment. You look like a Reagan hating fool
How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden News One

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly and CIA Paramilitary Officers played a big role in training, arming and sometimes even leading mujahideen forces.

The CIA trained the mujahideen in many of the tactics Al Qaeda is known for today, such as car bombs, assassinations and other acts that would be considered terrorism today.

The U.S.A. would fund Gulbuddin Hekmatyar a mujahideen leader and alleged heroin dealer who worked closely with Bin Laden. Hekmaytyar and his political party/paramilitary group would receive more than $600 million from the USA. Author, Alfred McCoy, would claim that the CIA supported Hekmatyar in his illicit heroin trade to allow him to fund the mujahideen.Like Bin Laden, Hekmatyar has also become an enemy of the U.S., waging a war against coalition forces in Afghanistan after 2001.

For the last fucking time, Carter started it in 1979, my father was there, he told me all about it. Your own link tells you AFTER Reagan was elected funding increased. Didn't you read your own article? I highlighted it for you
I never denied the funding started under Carter, I maintain that the bulk of support to OBL came from Reagan and continued even after Rohrabacker reported that OBL wanted to kill Americans as much as Russians.
The part of the Rohrabacker confession link you ignored:

"ignored"? There was nothing to it if it ever happened...the Congressman didn't represent the Reagan administration and OBL never got a DIME from us....not that the truth matters to you....Maybe you'd like to tell us why Clinton refused to take bin-Laden into custody TWICE from Sudan when he had the chances?
I never denied the funding started under Carter, I maintain that the bulk of support to OBL came from Reagan and continued even after Rohrabacker reported that OBL wanted to kill Americans as much as Russians.

Do you know the difference between an arab and a pashtun?
The part of the Rohrabacker confession link you ignored:

"ignored"? There was nothing to it if it ever happened...the Congressman didn't represent the Reagan administration and OBL never got a DIME from us....not that the truth matters to you...
Here's more you ignored from the same link before you desperately tried to deflect:

That fact bothers Rohrabacher considerably, and he tries to brush it off. "Bin Laden's people were funded by the Saudis themselves," he told the Weekly.

But he's wrong. During the Afghan war, the Saudis were, as they are today, doing America's bidding on the world stage. The CIA—at the behest of a White House, Congress and American media completely united in helping the Afghan rebels—was calling the shots. It is a fact Rohrabacher himself has acknowledged in the recent past.

"I witnessed this in the White House when U.S. officials in charge of the military aid program to the mujahideen permitted a large percentage of our assistance to be channeled to the most anti-Western, nondemocratic elements of the mujahideen," said Rohrabacher in an April 14, 1999, official statement on U.S. policy toward Afghanistan.

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